It's Just Hallie | Daughter o...

By RadicalBadical

95.1K 3.1K 440

Hallie, a 14 year old girl who is happy and healthy. She lives in foster care system but has two parents who... More

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1.6K 58 5
By RadicalBadical

{ Hallie pov }

After the photoshoot, it was soft and awkward, I didn't go up on the Ellen show but Ellen asked a lot of questions about me. Me and Demi are sitting at a restaurant down the street of our house and grandmas house, it was just me and demi, we dropped Harper off at her friend Fiona's house, and Bomba had to go to another meeting because he is starting a new line of boxer stuff.

We didn't talk at all, demi was pisses I didn't give in to her, and that I cussed. I was mad I didn't care, my body and I'll do what I want. I stood up "ready to go?" I asked, "yes." We had decided to walk home, Demi had paid for our lunch and we began walking. "Oh! I need some Advil, let's go inside and get some."

I rolled my eyes "I don't want to. I'll meet you at home." I said, people pushed passed us. "Your not walking home alone." Demi threatened. "Watch me." I turned on my heels and began walking home. "Hallie!" Demi called out, then I began running. I didn't want to go home, I was sick of the place. So I turned the right corner and ran to nonnas house.

I ran up the steps and knocked on the door. "Hallie?" nonna opened the door "what are you doing here are you okay?" She asked pulling me inside. "Me and mom got into a huge fight and I said the worst things! I never meant any of them-I couldn't face her!" I began to cry and she grabbed me into a hug, "come inside," she put her hand on my back, and guided me inside. "We got into a fight, and I-I just feel horrible, I would of never said any of those things!" I cried to nonna, she held my tight "why don't you spend the night and tomorrow your mom can come get you?" She suggests.

I nodded "if that's okay."

She smiled and kissed my forehead "of course it is sweetie, Madison is upstairs just barrow some of her pjs and sleep in my room, grandpa is out of town." She kissed the side of my head.

{ Demi pov }

"Hallie!" I yelled entering my house, I got no response so ran upstairs and opened her door "HALLIE!" I yelled louder. Oh god, my heart began racing. I ran downstairs and ran outside "Hallie!" I yelled louder. Panic began to race through me, I pulled out my phone and began to ring her. I ran inside and I hear her phone ringing on the closet floor. Fuck!

I called Bomba and told him Hallie was missing, then I called Harper and asked if she had heard anything from her. Sitting on my couch crying, my phone goes off and I answer it.

Demi: hello?

Dianna: are you crying?

Demi: well Hallie- i-i can't find her and I'm freaking so yeah I'm crying! My daughter mom!

Dianna: baby, she's with me.

Demi: WHAT!? You didn't think to call me 45 minutes ago!

Dianna: I'm sorry she came here crying telling me y'all go in a fight and I wanted to give her time to calm down. She's going to sleep here and you can get her tomorrow okay?

Demi: she is safe? Is she okay?

Dianna: she's safe and she will be. Come by tomorrow morning.

Demi: okay, thanks mom I love you.

Dianna: I love you baby girl.

I hung up and sighed dropping my phone as Bomba walked in.

{ Hallie pov }

It was the next day and I missed Demi, thankfully she was coming to get me. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited, the bedroom door opened and it was demi. I shot up from the bed and hugged her and she hugged me tightly "I'm so so so sorry momma. I didn't mean any of those things, I was just mad for no reason. I should of listened to you and taken off my makeup, I didn't mean to make you cry and I never want you to cry!" I cried and I talked uncontrollably, Demi squatted down to my height "baby girl, I accept your apology but you can't do that to me. I was scared shitless I thought you were kidnapped or something."

She rubbed my back and picked me up, she hugged me and I took her scent of vanilla and my worrys went away. "Do you still love me?" I asked, she chuckled and brought my face to face hers, "I'll always love you baby, even when I'm mad at you." She giggled, "now we need to go school shopping, remember you start school on Monday." Demi smiled, it was Saturday and I was ready. Tomorrow I had gymnastics and I'm so excited.

We thanked Nonna and Nonno for letting me stay over and helping us out. We shortly arrived home and bomba and Harper were home, "Hallie! Have a waffle grandma told me you didn't have breakfast." Demi called out before I could go upstairs. I sighed "can I have something healthier?" I asked.

I just like eating healthy that's all, no catch.

"Just eat it, ill cut up some strawberries okay?" She reasoned, then I nodded "sounds good."

I finished my food and I put my dishes in the sink, "Go tell Harper we are going shopping." Demi instructed and I nodded "should I see if she wants to come?" I asked, Demi giggled "she probably won't but go for it."

I ran up the stairs "Harper?" I called out knocking on her door. I got no response so I opened her door and I gasped at what I saw. I saw broken razors on the floor along with bloodied paper towels, "HARPER!" I yelled louder, I left her room shutting the door going to the bathroom and I heard gagging. "Harper open the door!" I banged on it, "h-hold on!" She coughed, I continued to knock on the door until she opened it.

I pushed her in and shut the door and locked it and I grabbed her wrists and lifted up her sleeves. She gasped and I stayed silent. I looked at all of the scars and fresh cuts. "Why?" I asked softly, I looked up at her and tears rolled down her cheeks. She shrugged and stayed silent "bull!" I snapped at her, "you know what happened to mom! Why would you do this!"

"Because! I'm not enough! I hate myself!" She sobbed back at me. "Don't tell mom, I'll-I'll stop I promise!"

I knew I needed to tell mom, "don't make a promise you can't keep." I sighed and I exited the bathroom. "Mom! She didn't want to go, she has a head ache." I lied. The guilt was going to haunt me I can already tell.


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Kik- xoxoaviaxoxo

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