Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]

By SevenWho

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You and Jimin? Not on very good terms. Terrible terms, actually. But life brings it so that he needs your hel... More

Chapter 1- Write Them A Song
Chapter 2- Teenage Love Stories
Chapter 3- Stupid Essay
Chapter 4- And It Had To Rain, Didn't It?
Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked
Chapter 6- Sleepover Vol1
Chapter 7- Sleepover Vol2
Chapter 8- Sleepover Vol3
Chapter 9- Where's da damn chocolate? (Sleepover vol4)
Chapter 10- He's Scared?
Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay
Chapter 12- Go To Sleep
Chapter 13- Freak Out
Chapter 14- Dance Studio
Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There
Chapter 16- Revenge
Chapter 17- Backfire
Chapter 18- Ex?
Chapter 19- Let's just go.
Chapter 20- He Wants Ice Cream.
Chapter 21-Bad Luck
Chapter 22- The Word Is Out
Chapter 23- Do It Or Not Do It
Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup
Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep
Chapter 26- Cancel
Chapter 27- The Dress
Chapter 28- Get Out.
Chapter 29- The Party Vol1
Chapter 30- The Party Vol2
Chapter 31- The Party Vol3
Chapter 32- Balance
Chapter 33- Take Advantage Of Him?
Chapter 34- Sleep talking
Chapter 35- Bathrobe
Chapter 36- Phone
Chapter 37- Omma
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Elevator
Chapter 40- New Decisions?
Chapter 41- New Deal
Chapter 42- Bring Her Clothes
Chapter 43- Airport
Chapter 44- Pair Of Brown Eyes
Chapter 45- Karma's A Bitch
Chapter 47- Misunderstood
Chapter 48- The Truth
Chapter 49- I'm Not A Piranha
Chapter 50- Interrupted
Chapter 51- Locked Door
Chapter 52- About Time
Chapter 53- Come Back To Me
54- Let's Stop Fighting
Chapter 55- I'll Race You
Chapter 56- What To Do?
Chapter 57- Worst Moment
Chapter 58- Talking Tree, Seagull And Horse
Chapter 59- Pack Your Bags
Chapter 60- Proud Father Jungkook
Chapter 61- Gift?
Chapter 62- I'll Call Lions On You
Chapter 63- Younger Brother
Chapter 64- Childhood Friend
Chapter 65- Suspicious?
Chapter 66- Dear Mom
Chapter 67- Your Love Life Is Dead
Chapter 68- The Mind Went There
Chapter 69- Backstory
Chapter 70- Corner Of The Sick
Chapter 71- Text Her Back
Chapter 72- Unknown Caller
Chapter 73- She Might Come
Chapter 74- Guests
Chapter 75- They Were Right
Chapter 76- Dying Of Laughter
Chapter 77- Sentimental
Chapter 78- Fireworks
Chapter 79- She's A Flirt
Chapter 80- Facebook Live
Chapter 81- Screenshots
Chapter 82- It's Over.
Chapter 83- Small Car
Chapter 84- Returning
Chapter 85- Friends...?
Chapter 86- Hair
Chapter 87- EunBi Is Gone
Chapter 88- Amusing Embarassment
Chapter 89- Hanging Out And Having Dinner
Chapter 90- Mr. Isleepshirtless
Chapter 91- Mornin'
Chapter 92- Have Mercy
Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice
Chapter 94- He's Overthinking
Chapter 95- What?

Chapter 46- Pink Dance Master

5.7K 279 81
By SevenWho

"You have got to be kidding me,"  you mutter to yourself as you rest your head on one of the cold walls of the elevator. 

You close your eyes and take deep breaths in order to find strength to handle all your unlucky events today. 

Seriously, what is this? Did I break a mirror or something? 

After you manage to gather some strength you search with your hands for the small gap between the doors try to open them on your own, just like Yoongi did when he got Jimin out.

Once you find them you pull each door to the opposite direction for each. 

Thankfully, it doesn't need a lot of pressure and the doors open. 

However, there is a problem. 

A huge problem. 

The elevator has stopped in front of a wall. 

Not even the tiniest gap exists for you to be able to see where you have stopped or even have some light pass through. 

Oh no... What am I gonna do now? 

You instantly reach for your phone in hopes to call Eunbi and tell her the situation. 

The moment you let go of the doors they return to their original position crashing on each other, making a loud sound that startles you, just enough so as to have you jump like a scared cat. 

The moment you open your screen your phone decides to notify you that you have five percent of battery. 

No wonder, you haven't charged your phone in twenty-four hours, how long do you think the battery of a smartphone can last? 

"I hate everything," you cuss under your breath trying to keep yourself under a leash so that you don't start panicking. 

You press 'Okay'  on the notification and then hurry to find Eunbi's number and press 'dial' nearly as fast as the speed of light (not really tho). 

Before you bring your phone near your ear, your eyes go wide as you realize that in most elevators there is no signal. Your eyes shift towards the screen internally praying that there is signal. 

You heart races like a ferrari, but thankfully it calms down once you see that you have four bars. 

Thank goodness, something good!! 

You take a few deep breaths to help yourself calm down once again, repeating over and over again in your head that Eunbi is going to answer the phone and she'll somehow get you out of here. 

"The number you have dialed is out of reach at the moment," the woman with that annoying, nerve-wracking, robotic voice says and you clench your jaw trying to contain your screams.


Keep calm. 

You're not going to be left here to rot, Y/N. 

Someone will search for you at some point. 

Let's hope that you won't be just bones and dust once they find you. 

As you think of this you immediately mentally slap yourself as you shake your head, knowing that you are talking nonsense. 

Well... If I die here I might as well just hunt the building... 

You chuckle as you imagine the many ways you can scare Eunbi as a spirit that haunts this place. 

And not only Eunbi... But the boys who came to visit too.

You train of weird and supernatural thoughts is stopped by your phone vibrating. You lift your hand up, in hopes that Eunbi has texted you, but you are disappointed once again as it's only your phone informing you that the percentage of the battery has dropped to four. 

Oh come on!! It was five just two minutes ago!! 

You try calling Eunbi once again, however the same thing is repeated. 

Once you hear that woman's voice you feel like throwing that phone of yours against the metal wall of the elevator and let it break, however your that device is your only savior at the moment and you need it for as long as possible. 

Now, since Eunbi isn't answering her phone, you think it's a good idea to call someone else and have them notify Eunbi. 

Even if they don't manage to notify Eunbi, at least they'll know where you are and will come straight there for your corpse. (joking, joking, of course, you ain't dying there) 

You turn your phone on again, and open your contact list. 

First name you see in your contacts is 'Alien Tae' of course meaning Kim Taehyung by this. 

Even if he says he dislikes being called Alien, he lets you save his contact with this nickname, only because you have allowed him to use as your contact name the embarrassing nickname he came up with, in his phone. 

Just bellow him, you see Cody's contact and hatred grows towards that number. 

Stupid jerk. 

Go away, I don't want you anywhere near me. 

You think as you hurry to press delete on that specific contact. 

Just as Cody's contact number disappears from your screen, a small window appears notifying you that you now have three percent of battery left. 

"Oh come ooon!! Not that fast!" you whine in despair. 

Deciding not to lose any more time on the search of a contact, you press Taehyung's number and bring your phone near your ear. 

Thankfully, the phone starts ringing meaning that you have a chance of Taehyung answering the phone. 

After nearly five rings the phone finally seems to be picked up. Not giving the person,  on the other side of the phone, the time to greet you, you start blurting out your issue. 

"Taehyung-ah! I need you! Please, please, find a way to notify Eunbi that I'm stuck in the elevator and I can't get out because,  it has stopped on a wall! She's not answering when I'm calling her and my phone's battery is going dead soon," you say all of this with one breath and as you stop to fill your lungs with some air, you hear a chuckling coming from the other side of the phone. 

"Tae, why are you laughing?" you ask, wondering if you are going to stand unlucky once again. 

"First, I'm not Tae. He's dead asleep, the alcohol hit him hard lady night," You hear a familiar, very familiar voice say. 

That voice belongs to the person who got stuck in the exact elevator a few hours ago. 


You voice dissappears once you realize it's him. 

You get a huge mixture of feelings that begin to punch the insides of your stomach one by one, such as embarrassment for the words you said about him, while pretending to be the protective girlfriend. Yes, he and you, both know that it's all fake however, it doesn't make it much easier, for you at least. 

You realize that you might be doomed, because let's not forget that when Jimin was in your position you left him hanging, even if you had your reasons for doing so, you left and he probably won't be  forgetting it. So, why should he be willing to help you? 

And also there's the deal both of you made which included not helping each other. 

It hasn't even been twelve hours since you agreed to it. 

"Now, you seem pretty desperate, tell me your name, Pink Dance Master," Jimin says, the will to laugh, obvious is his voice, as he pronounces the name of your contact in Taehyung's phone. 

The story behind this is simple. 

Tae was over at your apartment one night after a date with Eunbi. 

All three of you were feeling super bored so Eunbi thought it would make things interesting if you played truth or dare. 

Let me tell you, this Alien has the worst of dares. 

Being aware of your awful dancing skills and that pink isn't one of the colors you like to wear the most, Taehyung dared you to dance to 'Nae Nae' by silento, while wearing Eunbi's pink-lion-onesy. 

Cutting to the chase, you agreed to it thinking it'd be fun, and since then the nickname stuck. Taehyung also has pictures and videos of that night and he's is keeping them for blackmail, hence no one knows about them. 

For now. 

At the moment, you find yourself at question, whether Jimin knows it's you he's talking to,  or, if really doesn't recognize you. 

Your voice isn't exactly the same when talking through the phone. Plus you and Jimin have never talked through the phone; you don't even have each other's numbers. 

But you can recognize his voice at any place, it's distinctive. 

Nevertheless, you don't know what to do, should you just sass him? Or should you just tell him your name and suffer the humiliation? 

Your phone vibrates once again signaling that your battery is dropping again, to two percent. 

This means that you don't have time to be stubborn with Jimin so you just have to go with his waters this time. 

"Y/N," you say with a monotonous voice, to give away that you are not alerted or anxious at all. 

Jimin finds himself surprised that you gave away your identity to him that easily. He knew from the very beginning that it was you. 

On your contact Taehyung has put a picture of you with that pink outfit of Eunbi's. When Jimin saw that and the picture laughed his heart out, that why it took him so long to answer. 

"Hmm," he hums thinking, not aware of how he should respond. 

You, not having the patience or the time to wait for him to answer, straight up tell him with a serious voice, "Listen, you-"  you begin saying but the line gets cut. 

You bring your phone to your view, you see the screen is black, you press the on/off switch but nothing happens. 

Now you're left in total darkness, with nothing to occupy yourself until someone finds you. 

Maybe if I scream and bang on the doors someone will hear me...

You come up with this, and turn your idea into action, you start banging on the doors and yelling for someone to hear you and help you get out of there. 

However, you don't try for long as you are tired from the entire day, hence you don't have much strength, plus all the sounds that are echoing in that small elevator make your head hurt, so you stop. 


You think as you let for phone slip away from your hands and crash of the floor, you lean with your back against the wall and slide down on the cold corner of the elevator. 

I'm doomed. 

Park is definitely going to let me rot in here. I'll be very surprised if he actually informs anyone. 

These are your last thoughts as finally you surrender your mind and body to the tiredness and you fall asleep.  There's nothing better to do anyways. So sleep it is. This way time will pass without you even realizing and you'll get some sleep as well. 

A few hours later you can hear the door of the elevator squeaking open, the rays of the sun hit your face so you do not dare to open your eyes. 
You're not in a state that can be called awake, but you're not dead asleep either. 

Just, your senses are a bit more sensitive at the moment. 

"She fainted?" you hear a female voice say. 

"No, she's asleep," a male voice says. 

"Let's take her upstairs," another male voice says, and soon you feel yourself being lifted into the air by a pair of strong arms. 

You can feel your head hanging back in the air but you are too tired to move it and bring it to a more comfortable position. 

As that person tries to walk out of the elevator with you in their arms, they manage to make you hit your head on the frame. 

"Yaah! Jimin!" The female voice says scolding the one holding you. 

"Sorry," he mutters under his breath. 

You being cold out again, do not even react to the pain you feel on your head. 

To you, even the slightest of forced movement seems like it needs tons of motivation and energy to make you do it so your subconscious choses to not give order for a move at all. 

"Wow... She's really heavy sleeper," Mark comments as Jimin manages to get you out without making you hit your head or any part of your body again.

"No, she's not" Eun-bi, the female who wondered of had fainted, says pursing her lips,  "She usually wakes up to loud sounds or movements, she must be really drained to not even react to that hit," 

"She hasn't slept because of the party, right?" Mark asks, thinking that you probably are a party animal, taking advantage of the entire night when you go at parties. 

Jimin purses his lips as he knows he is the main reason you lost your so loving sleep last night,

"What now?" he asks trying to change the subject. 

"We take her upstairs," Eunbi says nodding towards the stairs. 

Mark and Jimin turn to look at the direction Eunbi nodded towards and they see the stairs. 

Jimin's eyes go wide as he realizes he will have to carry you all the way to your apartment. 

"Hell no," he mutters and shifts his gaze towards Mark, who as well has a shocked look on his face. 

"Isn't the elevator fixed? I mean.. The specialist had to fix it in order to send Y/N down to the first floor," Mark points out and on perfect timing the specialist shows up eliminating his hope. 

"I'm sorry, kids, but the elevator is put out of order, it needs some serious fixing," he says fixing his belt, from which a few tools are hanging and the two boys sigh in defeat. 

"Listen, we'll swap on each floor, okay?" Mark suggests and Jimin finds himself nodding. 

"Okay, you begin, Hyung," Jimin says and Mark nods, while trying to bring you over his shoulder. 

With a few careful moments, you are brought over Mark's shoulders, he's holding you from your legs and your head in on the same level with his waist/butt. 

Mark takes a deep but short breath and he begins going up those stairs with a quick pace. However he soon becomes tired and picks up a slower pace. 

Eunbi follows right behind him with Jimin, and she can't help but snicker at the way your head waves around a little bit, going back and forth with same pace Mark is going up each stair. 

After they reach the first floor, Jimin takes you on his shoulders and he now feels like regretting for coming over to help you. 

"Hyung," Jimin says as he gets a wave of dizziness pass through him.

"What?" Mark asks alerted that something is wrong. 

"I'm still not over my hangover...," Jimin says apologetically smiling at his Hyung who has an irritated yet shocked expression on his face. 

"I can't take her up there on my own!" Mark says in a defensive manner. 

"No, both of you listen I figured it out!" Eun-bi says and they both turn their attention to her as she explains a new way of taking you up those stairs so that both of them do not become too tired or lose their balance and take you down with them. 

"I cannot believe she still hasn't woken up after all of this," Eunbi comments in an as they finally reach the apartment's door. 

"It happens," Mark says as he finally takes the last step and rests his head against the wall for support. 

The plan Eunbi suggested obviously did not work,(which practically included Mark holding you by your arms and Jimin by your legs, but due to the two's horrible synchronization you managed to get a few bruises on several parts of your body). 

So, they settled with their first idea taking you up those stairs, one floor each of them. 

Right, now you're on Mark's back and it looks like he's giving you a piggy back ride. 

A very, very tiring ride. 

Eunbi rushes to open the door and until then Jimin takes you in his arms,  bridal style and he follows Eunbi to the living room, without taking his shoes off as his arms are begging to get rid of the extra weight as soon as possible, so he can't lose time. 

He carefully lets you lie on the couch, and afterwards spreads himself in the middle of the carpet really freaking tired. 

Soon, Mark follows and he too sprawls out on the floor. 

"That was... A Hell of a work out," Mark says heaving. 

"Yup," Jimin responds. 

Now, Jimin, being Jimin, set you on the couch in an uncomfortable,  to you, manner and also too close to the edge of it. 

So to make yourself more comfortable you muster up the energy and turn around. 

However, there's no more couch to lie on. 

There's air. 

And then there's the floor, to which you fall on, of course after banging your hand on the coffee table. 

"ooowww," you whine in pain, but still being in the sleeping zone. 

Mark's and Jimin's head shoot up to see what happened to you and they see you cold out on the floor, but dearly holding to that spot in your hand you hit on the coffee table. 

This girl, I swear... 

Jimin thinks as he sighs again. 


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