InuYasha X Kagome : Fanfictio...

By KillSwiTcH05

9.6K 324 149

Previously, InuYasha and Kagome had battled and defeated the demon, Hotaru, who had captured Kuniome, InuYash... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

726 26 11
By KillSwiTcH05

Kagome's eyes fluttered open as the gentle rocking brought her out of consciousness. InuYasha noticed her awake since her arms tightened around his neck.

"You're finally awake," InuYasha spoke. "You've been alseep all morning."

"I'm sorry," she replied, tightening her arms around InuYasha ang leaning in to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Sesshomaru is here to help with the situation, by the way," InuYasha added.

"Great, the greater our chance of winning," She replied. "You must be tired, InuYasha, you can put me down now."

"I can hold on for a little longer," he spoke. "It's not all the time I get to carry you like this, with your arms around me."

She held on tight and gave him a hug. It was only when InuYasha stopped on his tracks when she let go of him and looked up why he did.

Sango, Miroku, Jaken and Sesshomaru stood there watching both of them. They must have heard their conversation since she noticed Sango's flushed cheeks.

"I never could have figured you, Master InuYasha, the romantic type," Myōga muttered, still on InuYasha's shoulder. He should have just stayed quiet but no, now he earned a smack from InuYasha. "I apologize."

"Get going!" InuYasha exclaimed. "Nothing to see here."

"Let's take a short rest and have lunch," Kagome suggested and everyone agreed. They stopped at a clearing with a narrow river, just outside a forest their supposed to go through. Kagome and InuYasha started to catch some fish while Jaken started the fire with his staff. Sesshomaru sat down on a stump of a tree which he just cut down for the wood. Sango was cleaning her weapon and Miroku beside her having a conversation.

"What do you suppose Kuniome is doing right now?" Kagome asked InuYasha.

"Beats me," He replied. "That dirty wolf better not let anything harm her."

"Relax, InuYasha, Kōga can be trusted," Kagome replied. "Plus he has his whole wolf pack guarding the village, Kuniome should be safe."

"She better be, or that wolfs getting his head pummeled to the ground."

"Speaking of head pummeling to the ground, do you not get tired of it? The beads around your neck, I mean." Kagome asked. "The word of subjugation stuff."

"Well, it's painful, but I'm not saying I'm tired of it. It's just that, I wish someday you would bring yourself to trust me," he replied, looking down at the water.

"I do trust you, InuYasha, I wouldn't have married you if I didn't. Sometimes you get a little bit too carried away, you know. And somehow I feel like if I remove the beads, you would go off on your own and leave me, its like the beads are the only thing forcing you to stay."

"No, Kagome, you're wrong, I stayed because I love you and only you. I don't care about anyone else, and if I did go off on my own, what could I do? Absolutely nothing. Don't you understand? You are who is keeping my life exciting. I can't leave you, and I won't, heck I don't even know if I'll still survive without you." He spoke, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I sure do hope all of that is true," She replied. "We better get back, the others must be starving." She walked away towards the others, InuYasha in pursuit.

After lunch, they all continued their journey to find the demon Yakunan, although there is one thing they all forgot about, a thing that could cost them their lives.

"Where is Yakunan's lair?" InuYasha asked Sesshomaru. They've been walking for hours now, they could have rode on kirara but the journey would be far and they didn't want to waste her energy, instead they settled on walking. "You said you knew where it is."

"I do know where it is, however it is far," Sesshomaru replied and pointed at a distance. "See that mountain? We have to go over that to the other side, and cross another river to another mountain."

"And that mountain is where her lair is?" InuYasha added.

"Correct. It might take us 2 days to get there in this pace."

"Kagome, hop on my back," InuYasha spoke. "We're done with walking."

"That is what I wanted to hear." Sesshomaru muttered.

Miroku and Sango rode on Kirara, Kagome on InuYasha and Sesshomaru on his flying cloud with Jaken. But after hours of traveling, they still aren't that much closer to the lair, although they've managed to go over the mountain and reach the river beyond it.

"What's wrong, InuYasha?" Kagome asked, getting off of him quickly and seeing him pant like a dog left outside under the scortching heat of the sun. He was sweating hard,
she could have sworn he'd collapse on the ground if they'd went any further.

"I'm...okay...," InuYasha panted. "Just...a little... tired."

"You don't get tired that easily," Kagome replied. She felt guilty, InuYasha had to carry her on his back for hours. She was causing him pain. "I'm sorry, InuYasha."

"No, something is wrong," He panted. Myōga hoped on Kagome's shoulder, and the others gathered around the panting hanyou.

"Oh, God," Myōga spoke. "It seems we might have missed a crucial detail about this journey. Bad timing too."

"What is going on here?" Sesshomaru asked the tiny flea.

"Tonight is the night," Myōga replied. "The moonless night. The night when Lord InuYasha turns human."

"We've forgot about that," Sango spoke. "And we didn't know tonight was going to be moonless."

"We can't keep going in this condition," Kagome added. "It's getting dark, we should camp here for the night and continue tomorrow when InuYasha changes back."

"Might as well," Sesshomaru mumbled.

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