Ohio Isn't Forever

Por r0cknr0llchick

1K 95 74

Ohio isn't forever. That's what seventeen year old Heather Whimes keeps telling herself, but she's really not... Más

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t h i r t e e n

35 4 0
Por r0cknr0llchick

Ironically, since George had told us not to touch anything in his house, he was actually leaving us in it to go to work. I was surprised that he trusted two teenagers like us to watch over the place while he was gone, but he said something about Rob made him seem trustworthy, and nothing like his father. As for me, I was just kind of there, and only trusted because I'd arrived with him. It was weird that George would say Rob was nothing like his father when he had done similar things in his past, but I guess people could change.

Throughout that entire time, me and Rob hadn't had time to discuss just what we were, nor what we wanted to be to each other. I believed he liked me, but there just seemed to never be any time I got to have with him to talk about that, especially now that we were on the run.

Eventually Rob told me we'd have to leave this state, and get even farther away. "But why? I thought we'd deciding on staying with George?" I asked him.

"You're kidding right? Eventually they're going to get closer to finding us, or someone's gonna recognize us Heather. Besides, George seems like a really great guy to stay with and all, but nobody can actually be trusted. He might not even be at work right now. He could be ratting us out for all we know." Rob explained. I had been so sure that he trusted George more than anybody, especially since he found out the truth about why his dad hated him.

"So we're just going to keep state hopping with no vehicle? Come on, not everyone's gonna be as willing to drive us around as that trucker was. In fact, that trucker was a little too willing. He could have ratted us out."

"That's why we find a different trucker Heather, duh!"

"They're not all the same dipshit." I said, rolling my eyes. He was really not seeing the bigger picture on just how difficult this was about to get without a car. Sure, there was stealing George's, but I wasn't taking that risk. He could easily shoot us dead, and besides, I didn't think Rob would have wanted to break his trust.

"We'll find a way. Be positive, after all, this was mostly your idea." Rob said.

Did I regret it? I couldn't answer that question. I was glad to be away from Ohio, but I didn't realize just how much it took to not get dragged back there. Not to mention that if we kept leaving places, we'd eventually end up with nobody. At least Rob knew George. He was family, and that made things less difficult.

There was a knock at the door, and we both jumped. Rob placed a finger to his lips, and ordered silently for me not to make a sound, or a movement to get the door.

I was frozen in place on the living room couch, and I doubted I'd make a move to do anything but run if that was someone who was after us.

Rob moved to the window, and peaked out, trying to see who was outside. George's door didn't have the peephole thing that some did, so we had to use that window to our advantage.

"It's some guy. He looks around our age." Rob whispered, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't ask me. You know we don't know anyone here but George." I said.

Rob took a deep breath, then moved to the front door, just as the guy knocked again. "When I open this door, if he tries anything crazy, make a run for it."

I nodded. George didn't give us any specific rules about not answering the door for anyone, but I'm sure he'd be pretty pissed to find that we had. After all, he didn't want anyone on his property, and we were lucky to even be on it.

Rob opened the door, and a tall guy who wore khakis and a short sleeve polo looked back at us. He had short, wavy black hair, and he wore a Nike hat. He looked so out of place compared to all the other country Kentucky citizens we had previously seen.

"Yo, I'm here to cut George's yard." he said, smacking annoyingly on a piece of gum.

"Nice try," Rob smirked. "George doesn't like people being on his property, so I highly doubt he'd actually have someone cutting his grass for him. Especially when he's not here."

The boy snorted. "Hey, my bad dude. I didn't know the old man wasn't here. He actually does pay me to cut his grass though, but it's cool, I'll just leave." He made eye contact with me, who was still frozen in place on the couch. He studied me, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Your girl's really pretty bro." was his next response.

Rob opened his mouth, then closed it, unable to say anything, so I spoke for him.


"Wait so you're not his girlfriend?" the guy smirked. "In that case-" he stepped forward, but Rob placed a hand on the guy's chest, shoving him back.

"Watch it buddy. She is mine, so get lost."

The guy threw his hands up in fake defeat, then walked away as Rob shut the door. I finally let out the breath I had been holding in. I also realized I had been sweating to the extreme during that exchange.

"So I'm your girl?" I finally managed to get out.

"Look, Heather-"

"You know, you haven't even really sat down and talked with me about what we are, right?" I asked, cutting him off. I had to get this out right now, while we had time alone. I'd never get up the courage to blurt any of it out again. I just knew it.

Too late to turn back now.

"I like you Heather. In fact, I might just be in love with you." Rob said. He took a seat next to me, and my breath caught in my throat.

"In love with me? But you act so-"

"Different sometimes? Yeah, well, so do you. I just don't know if you realized it lately."

I scoffed. "Whatever Rob. Don't try to pin this all on me. We both need to figure out our feeling for each other. I'm tired of not knowing what I mean to you."

"I just told you"

"But you don't show it. What about the time you kissed me, and then just ignored me for days afterwards. You just used the excuse-"

I was cut off by Rob kissing me. It felt really nice, except he didn't stop this time. He picked me up, and started carrying me to what I guess was the room that George had assigned to us. I don't know, my eyes were closed. I was still kissing him, and my care for other things had gone out the window in that moment. Rob closed the door, and I felt my back hit the bed softly, but roughly. He crawled on top of me, pinning me down to the bed.

I had said I didn't want my first time being in some stranger's house, but it happened anyways.

After we were finished Rob turned to me. "Does that mean anything to you? I actually proved that I loved you, and I didn't make any excuses."

"That's because I didn't really give you a choice to prove that you do in that moment." I teased, kissing him on the nose.

Rob rolled his eyes. "Whatever, it's been a long time since a girl rocked my world like that."

I blushed, suddenly I wanted to curl into a little ball and disappear. He was making this extremely embarrassing. I got up from the bed, and began putting my clothes back on.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Uh, I just need some fresh air." I lied.

"I'll come with you."

"No, I'll be fine."

Rob got up from the bed. "So you're telling me Heather Whimes is brave enough to just go outside on her own after running away from home with the possible threat that someone could recognize her?" he questioned.

I blushed again, and turned away. "Fine, I'll just go into the other room."

"What is this really about? You're as red as a tomato right now. You can't possibly be embarrassed can you?"

I swallowed hard. "No."

Rob smirked. "Sure."

I huffed, and walked towards the door, but two strong arms pulled me towards their body.

"You're not leaving. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I know you've never been with anyone but me in that way, but I'm going to show you that you don't have to run from me. Please, don't let what happened make you view me differently." Rob said.

I closed my eyes and let him hold me. "So what are we Rob? Am I really just your fuckbuddy?"

"No, I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?"


"Okay then, that's solved." he said. I turned to face him. A huge grin was on his face, and it was pretty rare that Rob would grin that hugely. I was happy to be the cause of it.

He kissed my lips softly, and I kissed him back. "Do you think they'll find us?" I asked him.

"Not if we're being smart enough."

"Staying here is our best option. I'm telling you, the more on the move we are, the more people will recognize us."

"You must have forgotten we don't exactly have a choice." Rob said. "George told us that he couldn't make any promises that we could stay here after a week."

"Fucking hell." was my only response.

"Exactly, so we might as well start planning even though it's only the first day." Rob said.

George came back later that day, and we told him about the boy who came by claiming to cut his grass.

George laughed. "You mean Bobby? Hell, I didn't think the kid would actually take me seriously. He pestered me so goddamn much about it in the grocery store one day, that I actually let him come by, but only once. I didn't expect him to actually come back again. I was as much of an asshole as I could possibly be, and I'm sure you two know how much of an ass I am."

I wanted to nod, but I decided not to. I wanted to be as nice to George as possible. We'd need him for the plan after our week long stay was up.

We ate Kentucky fried chicken for dinner. George had bought us some from work, and I realized just how much I'd been starving. I probably looked like a pig in front of Rob consuming on the greasy food so quickly, but he only laughed, and that only made me blush.

There was something in the back of my mind that bothered me though, and I just couldn't get it out. That night when we went to sleep, Rob rolled over and wrapped his arms around me, and I started to cry.

Keep in mind, I rarely ever cried.

"Baby, what is it? Are you hurt?" Rob asked, sitting up immediately, and pulling me closer.

"No." I managed to choke out between sobs.

"What's wrong?"

"Am I better?" I asked him.

"Better?" Rob asked.

"Than the girls you used to sleep with. Don't lie to me. Be honest."

Rob was quiet, then he said, "Is this really how you feel baby? You're the best. Of course you're better than them.

"But it was my first time, not yours. Don't you love the girl who took your virginity, not me?"

"Hell no, babe, don't even compare yourself. I don't ever want to hear that again. You're the best there is, and it doesn't get any better than you."

I had stopped crying, but I was filled with jealousy that burned throughout every part of me. I knew it was childish, but I felt like it wasn't fair that I wasn't the first.

"Fine." I said.

Rob tightened his grip on me. "Since you're mad, how about round 2?"

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