Her sons best friend (Aka Cou...

بواسطة DezertFlower

1.9M 31.3K 3.1K

Text copyright © Dezertflower ™ 2013, 2014 All rights reserved WARNING! ADULT CONTENT. ONLY SUITABLE FOR TH... المزيد

Chapter 1. Pontiac Firebird -68
Chapter 2. Easy on the beer
Chapter 3. All of that in reverse order
Chapter 4. Opportunity on a silver plate
Chapter 5. That would probably turn some heads.
Chapter 6. Dressed to kill
Chapter 7. Stockings and garters?
Chapter 8. Oh heavenly chaos!
Chapter 9. You want the list?
Chapter 10. Patience is a virtue
Chapter 11. What every man wants
Chapter 12. Cars, motorcycles and girls.
Chapter 13. Kissable? Oh certainly yes!
Chapter 14. Oh Please ground, swallow me up!
Chapter 15. Stop the bloody echo!
Chapter 16. You are MINE. You hear me? MINE!
Chapter 17. Some sort of magical remedy
Chapter 18. To meet in secrecy
Chapter 19. It's just a button.
Chapter 20. Screw mom's supper.
Chapter 21. High on speed.
Chapter 22. Sense of serenity.
Chapter 23. You can thank me later.
Chapter 24. Some god forsaken bad excuse
Chapter 25. Any day, any night, any time. . .
Chapter 26. Necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg
Chapter 27. Contrary to expectation
Chapter 28. I just had a realization.
Chapter 29. A perfectly awesome bitch.
Chapter 31. Caught up in your web.
Chapter 32. The least desirable place to be.
Chapter 33. Game on, baby! (The end)
Chapter 34. Cougartown Wattpad Trailer

Chapter 30. A void of cold darkness.

26.1K 729 95
بواسطة DezertFlower

Another update!  This chapter might be a little intense, so this is a little warning  just in case. Anyway, I hope you all will be on pins and needles when reading this chapter, and as always I hope you will drop a vote and a comment to let me know what you think. . .

 "Marla !" she exclaimed, her eyes widened with fear as she saw Neal press the gun to Marla's temple. My god, there was no ending for what Neal could or would do to the girl.

Laura saw tears stream down her cheeks and she could also see a small shiner on her left cheek. Had the bastard actually hit her?

From deep within her, anger started to boil. Damn that fuckin' cop. Damn that poor excuse of a man.

"Welcome Laura!" he snarled at her and motioned for her to close the door behind her, " GET INSIDE!"

Clenching her teeth hard together, Laura closed the door with her foot and moved inside the room slowly.

"Neal. . " she said, her voice low and condemning. She watched him as he with the nasty grin still on his face, waved for her to come closer.

Now this situation really called for her to be as alert as never before. It wasn't just her now. . .the damn bastard had been crazy enough to mix Marla into the equation as well. Laura bit her lower lip hard. She had to be strong and keep cool for Marla's sake.

With a quick move, Neal lowered the gun from Marla's head and instead he strode over to Laura with the gun pointed steadily at her.

"Sit down." he ordered and pointed with his free hand to the bed.

Laura gulped.

"NOW!" he growled.

Slowly Laura moved over to the bed and sat down.

"I'm just going to tie you up a little, " Neal said as it was completely natural, " I don't want you to get any ideas of running from me. AND don't you try anything now, or I will hit you soo hard you won't believe it." he glared at her as he knelt down in front of her, his eyes giving her a silent warning.

Laura saw him produce a rope from under the bed, and then she felt him tie her ankles together. A sudden pain flashed from her feet inside the boots and she bulged her eyes. What was that?

Then she suddenly remembered. It must be the knife she had in one of her boots. It chafed against her instep.

Oh my god!  What if Neal would discover it? She would definitely be dead meat.

She pursed her lips into a thin line and endured the pain it caused during the time it took him to tie her feet together.

"Done!" he stood up and admired his own handiwork. Then he reached for another rope. "Your arms, please!" he hissed and glared at her again, his tone all but friendly.

Like in a daze, Laura stretched her arms out to him. What could she do? She knew that he was physically much too strong for her, and if she would try something, it would only take a second before he would be all over her. She sighed heavily.

A minute later, her arms were also tied together at the wrists.

In the background Laura could hear Marla sob silently as she sat tied up in the chair. Laura gazed nervously at her and met her tearstained eyes. The poor thing looked completely petrified with horror, and she herself was in no position to comfort her at all.

Suddenly she was hauled up from the bed, and into the rough arms of Neal.

With an iron grip he caged her in and grinned at her with a sinister look, his hands snaking their way all around her waist, keeping her close.

Laura closed her eyes for a brief second and shuddered as he moved in and nuzzled her neck and sniffed her hair.

"There you go. . ." he groaned as he sniffed his way down to her lips, "Now you are all ready for me."

Suddenly he drew back, just before reaching her lips, and he gave her a sly smile that did not reach his eyes.

"This. ." he said and motioned at her wrists and ankles, ". . is all for your pleasure baby. . .I don't want you to think otherwise."

Laura's eyes almost bulged at his words. That idiot actually believed what he said. Jesus Christ!

She stared in pure bewilderment at him, shaking her head barely visible. This HAD to be a fuckin' joke!

She started to get really angry.

"You're disgusting!" she hissed at him, "you're nothing but a vile creature, with a void of cold darkness where your heart should be!"

Neal stared down on her, suddenly he appeared to be larger than life as he moved in closer yet again. She thought he was going to slap her as his hand reached for her. Instead he grabbed a fist full of her hair and brought his face down to hers, sniffing her once more before giving her a hard violent kiss.

Laura felt her stomach rise into her mouth, she struggled to pull herself away from him but couldn't, not tied the way she was, so she did the next best thing she could . . .she bit his lower lip as hard as she could until she felt the taste of his blood . . .

~       ~        ~   

Cody emptied his second beer and his mood had changed from good to bad since he had seen Laura disappear to god knows where, and it was now taking an even deeper steep into the abyss of  uncertainty and anger.

Now where the hell was she?

He gazed at his wristwatch and pursed his lips hard with dislike. She had been gone more than thirty minutes, and that was twenty-nine too many for his liking.

Beside him at the table, he could hear Phil and Lance discuss, but he could not concentrate on listening to them. He was too worked up now, and a feeling of unease was starting to bothering him like shit.

"Hey, Cody! Wake up. . . we are talking to you. . " Phil said and nudged him a little at his shoulder.

Cody snapped his head to his friend.

"What?" he said, his voice sounding harder than he wanted it to.

Phil did not seem to notice, or maybe it was the music in the bar that simply made him oblivious to the tone of Cody's voice. He was thankful for that, because he honestly did not want his own bad temper to fall back on his two best buddies.

"I just wondered if old man Brady said anything to you about Marla today. . "Phil took a swig from the beer glass, trying to look as unconcerned as possible. But Cody was not fooled.

He saw the anxiety eat at Phil from the inside.

"Haven't you talked to her?" Cody asked the question even though he knew the answer just by looking at Phil.

"No. . ." Phil almost whined, "She has not answered her phone at all today. . ."

Cody tried to recall the day's events in his head, but nowhere down the line could he remember such a conversation taking place with Marla's dad.

"No, he did not mention her at all." Cody said.

Phil exhaled a huge sigh as he looked at the huge clock that hanged on the wall behind the bar counter.

"She finished her job two hours ago. She should have been here a long time ago. ."

Well, as he himself had a huge problem dealing with Laura's absence from behind the bar counter, he could not muster the strength to try and give Phil some encouraging words.

"Are you two fighting?" he said quite bluntly looking Phil straight in the eyes.

"NO!" he exclaimed and threw his arms out, "Is that really the first thing that comes to your mind?"

Cody glared at Phil, then his eyes diverted to Lance, and he saw on him that he the question from Phil really was justified.

Clearing his throat, Cody shrugged his shoulders a little to make it a little less awkward than it already had become.

"No, I did not mean it like that. I'm sorry, Phil. Honestly." he bit back a snort of contempt at himself, and then he motioned towards the bar counter, "I guess both our women are ignoring us right now."

Both Phil and Lance looked at where he pointed. Their mother wasn't there, just her boss Burt, and he was working his ass off all alone.

"Laura has been gone over half an hour now, " Cody told them with a scowl on his face, " I saw her pick up the phone in the bar. . .and then when I looked back she was gone."

"Maybe she is just taking a break? " Phil offered.

Cody gave him an ironic smirk and tilted his head to the side.

"You know as well as I do, that she never takes any breaks when she is working. . "he then said and stood up, "I'm having a bad feeling about this,  and I am going to find out where she went."

In an instant both Lance and Phil stood up and joined him, all three of them walking purposefully towards the bar counter.

~        ~         ~

When she let go with a spittle, she could feel his blood trickle from her own lips.

Then she felt the hard slap, it hit her across her ear. The ringing in her ear was mixed with the roar of anger from Neal.

"YOU HELLCAT !!" he bellowed and took a hard and steady grip of her hair making her head jerk back," With you I'm going have a REALLY good time, I tell you!" he hissed and nuzzled her neck, "I'm going make you beg for more !" he laughed as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

Laura looked at their captor with disgust. He was obviously a fully-fledged mad man, and she swallowed and closed her eyes, as she realized she was about to be raped.

She glanced over at Marla, and their eyes met, she saw the poor girl shake with fear. Laura had to buy time, but how, she was not going let him do the same to Marla. Over her dead body.

 She let out the breath she had been holding, and gave him a stare.

"Are you sure you can handle me, big boy? " she huffed out, making him stop dead in his tracks.

She saw that he was taken aback, and she wondered if that really had been the wisest move for her to say it like that. Well, she couldn't take it back now, could she?  What's said is said.

 Neal smiled a mean, wicked smile at her and moved in close again.

"Why Laura! I always knew you wanted it rough . . .and that's how you are going to get it "

 Her eyes flashed with anger, as she instinctively leaned backwards away from him.

"You poor excuse of a man!" she spat out, now fiercely struggling to get her hands free, "Don't you EVER touch me . . .or her, for that matter." she said and gave Marla a nervous glance.

Laura tried to put her feelings aside, especially her fear, but it slowly took a steady grip of her heart.

Neal laughed at her, and licked his sore lip.

Then he made a sound deep in his throat that made Laura shudder with horror as he gave her a hungry, devouring look.

Marla sat still in the corner tied to the chair, petrified, as she saw Neal molest Laura . He was approaching her like a hungry predator, and she was tied up to her hands and feet, with nowhere to go.

Still she held her stance against him, but Marla noticed, it just triggered his lust even more. She got Laura's attention and shook her head at her . . . Nooooooo, don't, she thought and then she closed her eyes. It was too unbearable to watch.

Laura turned back at Neal and pursed her lips, her heart was pounding hard in her chest.

He leaned in and sniffed her again, then hissed in her ear: "I will make her watch us, if you don't do  exactly as I say! GET IT?"

He slowly put his hand behind her neck, and forcefully pulled her closer. As he kissed her hard and demanding, he suddenly with no warning tore her blouse off.

Marla screamed her lungs out, as she watched with horror at the scene in front of her.

Laura felt sick . . . the taste of that mad man's kiss made her want to throw up and now he had stripped her of her blouse. And to top that . . .  tears streamed down her beautiful face, so she turned away, not wanting to face Marla.

She had to stay strong for Marla's sake, but she had now been humiliated to the fullest . . . her blouse ripped in pieces, her naked skin exposed. To stay strong would be close to impossible.

In her own misery, she felt sorry for Marla, having to witness such outrage.

Neal threw what was left of the blouse on the floor, then he pushed Laura on her back down on the bed, as he started to rip her skirt off, not giving a second thought of Marla screaming with horror in the corner.

Then he produced a knife and cut the rope down at her ankles. He did not want to take her from behind, not at first, he would save that one for later. No, he desperately wanted to see her face when he was going to take her, so he needed for her to spread her legs for him. Just thinking about it made him even harder than he already was.

"I know you are going to like this . . . Laura! " he hissed as he made himself ready, unbuttoning his pants and freeing himself.

Laura closed her eyes. She just wanted to die. . .

"You see this?" he growled and slapped her across her cheek, and when she opened her eyes from the chock, he hovered above her with his manhood in a tight grip, "My best friend here is going to do wonders to you. He really, really wants you . . ."he groaned as he watched his own erection with an evil grin, his hand starting to pump up and down on it. "You are going to be begging for more of it when I have started, I just know it."

Laura swallowed hard. She was literally shaking, but it wasn't all from fear for what he was about to do. It was because he had almost ripped all her clothes off, so now she was only left with her panties and the boots on her feet, and she had no hopes of keeping her panties on for much longer.

Then he suddenly stopped pleasing himself and instead spread her legs apart with such force that the air in her lungs almost left her. Her eyes widened with fear, and she could hear Marla cry loudly now.

My god! That maniac was really going to rape her in front of Marla. The poor girl would be forced to watch . . .and to listen.

Neal knelt between her legs and hovered above her, he gazed at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes, like a predator does its prey. A silent hiss left his clenched teeth as he devoured her.

"I can see now, why that boy wants you all to himself," he drawled as he let his finger skim her thighs up and down. Laura shuddered at his touch.

"Such a fit body with beautiful breasts and a tight ass, " his breathing got hitched as he latched one of his fingers in her panties and pulled them a little to the side, exposing her. "Oh Fuck! That is one hell of a divine pussy. . .even better than I imagined."  he breathed hard, his eyes wide with liking.

Laura almost threw up as she saw the look in his eyes.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" she screamed as she tried to move his hand away by wriggling her body from side to side. Too late she saw the open hand coming her way, and it landed hard on her cheek, probably leaving a nasty red mark as it hit her.

"SHUT UP!" he growled and landed his hands on her shoulders holding her down as he came nose to nose with her. Laura could feel his hardness resting against her core and it made her panic like never before. If he would make one simple thrust right now, she would not stand a chance, even though she was dry as a desert down there.

Neal grinned at her as he saw the panic in her eyes.

"Ah, you can feel me, don't you?" he grunted and drew back a little, "Imagine how good you will feel when I get inside of you. . ."

Laura saw him positioning himself and she felt bile rise in her throat. Then suddenly a  thought hit her.

"Neal. . " she hissed through her teeth, and made a slight nod in Marla's direction, "Are you really going to let her watch? Please don't!"

For a moment Neal stopped in his tracks and looked at her, a wicked smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He then turned his head a little to look back at Marla.

The moment he did that, Laura seized the opportunity and she bent her leg a little, just so she could reach inside her boot-top with her tied hands, to grab hold of the knife.

When Neal turned back she was ready.

"Yeah, I think I will let her watch, " he drawled and gave Laura a smirk, " Maybe that will be a turn-on for. . . "

Without giving it too much thought, Laura cut him off in mid-sentence by forcing the knife up into his groin. HARD.

The sound that was made when the knife penetrated his body and the ferocious and loud roar that came from Neal, was forever going to be stuck in Laura's memory.

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