Accidentally fallen for you...

By thevelvetrose

181K 1.5K 242

*Going to edit* Lily is a girl with, let's face it, horrible luck. She has the strangest things happen to her... More

Accidentally fallen for you. oops. [Completed]
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (2)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (3)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (4)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (5)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (6)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (7)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (8)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (9)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (11)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (12)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (13)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (14)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (15)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (16)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (17)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (18)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (19)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (20)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (21)
Epilogue: Lily and Ben
Accidentally fallen for you. EXTRAS!
Accidentally fallen for you. EXTRAS! (2)

Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (10)

6.7K 74 4
By thevelvetrose


He continued to eat. Still in deep thought.

"So is that it? I cant go with you?"

The thought of not going with him burned. Tears started coming...

(Still Lily's POV)

I waited for his answer. It felt like hours. But it was only a minute.

"Of course not! You can come. But have you thought about your decision Lily?" He asked.

"But you don't want me there with you" I guessed.

"Stop twisting my words!" He nearly shouted.

The tears were going down my cheek then. I grabbed some more muffins and some juice from the little fridge and walked out of there.

"Lily.. Come on" Ben said.

I headed to the truck and sat on the hood. Eating my second breakfast. (Sort of)

He didn't come out yet. It must have been five minutes? I ate my banana nut muffin and continued to cry. Stupid Ben. I came all this way with him!

"I'm sorry Lily" Ben said. Coming out of no where.

"Ah!" I screamed. Falling off the hood and onto the concrete. Scraping my knee on the way.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that" Ben said quickly. Running over to me to help me up.

"Jerk. I'm going to put a bell on you like a cat" I muttered. Dusting myself off.

He chuckled.

"Aw. My juice" I pouted. My juice was all over the ground. "You owe me a juice"

"I'll get you one next stop"

"Next stop? So I'm allowed to come with you?" I asked slowly.

"I never said you couldn't. I just want you to think about what your getting yourself into"

I got in the truck with a purse full of goodies. And a scraped up knee.

_______________Hours later_________________

Something has been bothering me. I needed to ask Ben a question.


"Yeah?" He asked while driving.

"That guy Marco... How does he know you?" I asked. Staring out my window.

He was quiet for a while. Then he inhaled deeply and sighed.

"I was 15. One of the times I ran away, I went to that town. I was running low on cash and didn't know what to do. When I heard about an award for a Marco Lopez I thought. Why not. So I went around town. Searching for that man" He shook his head.

"What was he wanted for?" I asked.

"You name it. Vandalism. Stealing. But worst of all. He was suspected of murder. Twice" He was disgusted. With himself.

I winced. Twice? Murder suspect twice? My heart ached.

He went on. "So I finally found him and his hideout. But he saw me. And chased me for half a mile. I was shaken up then. But at least I knew his hideout. So I went to the police and told them everything. They went and got him. I was just leaving when the police heard from and Mr. and Mrs. Surrey"

He frowned. But went on. "They said. 'Benjamin Surrey. Your parents are coming to get you' and they put me in a cell. It was next to Marco. He knew I was the one who turned him in. he threatened me that when he gets out of there. He will find me and kill me"

My heart went into overtime.

"How come he isn't in prison?" I asked. Trying to keep my breathing even.

"He was. For a few years. He either escaped or wasn't proven guilty"

"You did the right thing for turning him in. but for the wrong reason" I told him. Finally looking at his face. He was tortured. His hands tight on the steering wheel.

"I know" He muttered.

"You know what might help?"


I grabbed a blueberry and banana nut muffin out of my purse.

"Which kind?" I asked.

"Banana nut" He muttered.

I unwrapped it for him and handed it to him.

"Eat. You'll feel better" I told him. Although that might be the reason of obesity. But hey. Less suicide.

"Don't only girls do this?" He asked with his mouth full.

"No. guys do too" I stuck my tongue out at him. While my mouth was full.

"Gross" He finally smiled.

"So... what time is it?"

"Um..." he looked at his watch. "8:34pm"

"Ugh. When are we stopping. I have to pee" I crossed my legs.

"We will stop at a rest stop. Like the one with the McDonalds"

I spotted a sign with 'Rest area' on it. And clapped my hands. Pointing at the sign.

"Turn mister" I ordered. Prepared to hop out of the truck and roll to the bathrooms.

He turned into the rest area and I jumped out before the truck stopped. I nearly fell onto a little 5 year old girl. She pointed at me and said "Bad girl" to her mom.

Okay. I did feel a little bad for nearly falling on her. But hey. A girl has to go!

-----Ben's POV-----

She ran into the bathroom. I watched her. Worried she would fall.

She was so sure of herself. Determined to stay with me. The bad influence.

I hate myself for taking her with me. And getting her hurt and angry with me. She must hate me..

I got the back of the truck ready to sleep. And I grabbed some clothes and soap for the shower I definitely needed.

I headed to the bathroom. Wait. I don't want a repeat of the other day. When I got lost in the woods.

I waited for Lily to get out of the bathroom. She was taking forever. I sat outside the bathrooms. Getting glares from old women and waves by younger.

"Hi. I'm Joan" A girl looking to be 16 said. She had above her shoulders blonde hair with a black streak in it. She must be making a statement. She was overly friendly.

"Hi" I said.

"What's your name?" She sat next to me in short shorts and a tank top.

"Ben" I muttered. Maybe I should have used a different name?

"Hi Ben" She smiled. She had heavy make up on her eyes. I couldn't help but compare her to Lily.

Sure she is pretty. But in a different way. To me. Lily is much more beautiful to me.

"Where are you from Ben?" She asked.

"New York" I lied.

"I love New York. Where in New York? Maybe I could see you sometime" She hinted.

"I don't tell strangers where I live" I told her wide eyed.

"Oh ok... so which car is yours?" She continued.

"The truck over there" I pointed.

"I'm here with my friend Josie. She has a boyfriend" She added.

"I'm here with my friend Lily" I told her.

"Is your friend around? Maybe I have seen her"

"She's in the bathroom. Brown hair, brown eyes. clumsy" Beautiful. I added in my head.

"Oh. I think I saw her in there. She's in one of the stalls" She smiled.

"Thanks" I muttered. She was still in the stall?

I waited for her to leave. But she just sat there.

"Um. Can you check and see if my friend is in there?" I asked.

"Oh. Um sure" She got up and peeked in. calling Lily.

Then she sat down next to me.

"She's in there"

What was taking Lily so long? It has to have been over 20 minutes!

"Can you please tell her I will be in the shower" I asked her again.

"Oh sure" She got up again and shouted in the bathroom.

"Thanks. I need to get my stuff and shower" I told her. Getting up from my spot and heading to the truck.

To my surprise. I was followed.

"Nice truck-" She started. But was silent when she saw a bed in the back.

I was going to tell her that, that was my resting spot. But why not let her be quiet and walk away?

She didn't walk away. She was quiet though.

"Well. I better shower. Thanks for the help" I told her and headed in the Men's room.

-----Lily's POV-----

I am not leaving this bathroom! My pants were red. Worst monthly thing ever. Worst yet I didn't pack anything for it. Nope. Not leaving. Nope. Not ever.

I was slightly relieved when a strange girl shouted 'Ben wanted me to tell you he's getting in the shower Lily' who was that girl? Probably an ex of Ben. I frowned.

"Excuse me. How long will you be in there?" A old woman asked. Inpatient.

"Until I find a jacket or something" I told her. Not caring about what I just said.

She huffed and walked away. Mean old woman.

"Can someone let me borrow a jacket or something?" I called. Feeling completely embarrassed.

"I have a towel" Someone said.

"May I borrow it?" I asked from the stall.

"You can have it" She told me.

"Thank you so much" I told her. Completely thankful. She handed me the towel through the top of the stall. I tied it around my waist like I just got out of the shower. And left the stall.

The woman who gave me the towel gave me an understanding look.

"Thanks so much ma'am" I said again.

"Its okay. I understand" She nodded. And went into the stall.

I ran to the truck and grabbed my clothes and soap.

"You must be Lily" Someone said behind me. Why now?

I turned around to see a girl. Maybe close to my age or younger?

"I'm Joan"

"Hi" I said slowly. Feeling awkward.

"Ben and I talked for a while. How long have you been friends?" She asked. Oh. She wanted to know if we dated I bet.

"A while" I told her. Smiling on the inside.

"He should be out of the shower soon. Do you mind if I wait?" She asked.

Yes I mind. I thought.

"Be my guest. I need a shower" I told her.

"Thanks" She sat on the tailgate and waited.

I headed to the bathroom again.

-----Ben's POV-----

I got out of the bathroom and headed to the truck. I saw some legs hanging out the back of the truck.

Lily is finally out! I smiled. I was going to tease her.

"Finally Lily. I was going to send-" I stopped when I noticed it wasn't her. Its was.. What's her name.

"Hi Ben" She smiled. Swinging her legs.

"Has Lily come out?" I asked.

She frowned.

"Yeah. She said she was going to take a shower"

"Oh. Ok" At least she is alive.

"What would you like to do?" She asked. Bored.

"I want to check on Lily" I muttered out loud.

"She's fine. She had a towel wrapped around her. She said I could hang out here"

Why would she have a towel wrapped around her?

-----Lily's POV-----

I got out of the shower. Feeling nice and clean. Ben must be wondering what's wrong with me right now. I have to face him.

I headed to the truck. I have to explain the most embarrassing thing ever. Well besides catching on fire because of a toaster.

Ben sat on the tailgate with that stupid girl. An ex?

"Hey. I was going to send a search party" Ben smiled an adoring smile. Aw.

"Joan! Come on honey. We are leaving" Someone called. A mom?

Joan's face went blank.

"Five minutes!" She yelled back.

"Come now Joan" The woman walked over to us.

Uh oh...

It was the same woman that handed me the towel! No!!!!!

She smiled at me.

"Come on honey. Your friend is waiting" She said to Joan. Then turned to me. "Did the towel help you?"

I blushed. Feeling like I should go run into the truck and lock myself in.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm Lorry. Joan's mom" She misunderstood my silence. I didn't blush because I didn't know her. I blushed because she said this in front of the clueless Ben.

"Hi. I'm Lily" I muttered. Trying to be nice.

They walked away. Joan was mad for leaving Ben.

"Why did she give you a towel?" Ben asked after a few minutes.

"Think Ben. Think" I muttered. He would guess.

"I'm still clueless"

"I'm a girl?" I hinted.

He still had a blank look.

"We have issues?"


"Um.. Let me see if I can give you a better hint" Was he playing dumb?

-----Ben's POV-----

After those hints I was still clueless.

"What do girls have that boys don't?" She asked.

I thought about. But nothing involves a towel.

"I have to go to the store Ben. For products"

Products? Wait. Products. Oh....

I gave her a look. Now I understood. I felt my eyes widen.

"So you are on your...." I'm a guy. I shouldn't say the word.

"Yes Ben. Come on" She said slowly. Her face redder then a tomato.

I drove to the nearest store. Which happens to be a walmart. She demanded that I stay here.

I tried to keep a straight face. Her being embarrassed was so funny.

She came back 20 minutes later. Glaring at me.

"Lets go" She told me putting her bags under her feet.

"Calm down" I muttered. I was so going to tease her for the next couple of days...

"What did you tell me?" She glared at me.

"Its okay! Its okay! Calm down!" I hid my laughter.

"Jerk face' She muttered. Crossing her arms.

She was so cute when angry. Her lip was pouted and her eye brows scrunched.

"Man. The hormones are really making you crazy Lily" I teased.

She looked like she was going to hit me. I chuckled.

"Sleep with one eye open" I thought I heard her mutter.

Maybe I should. I'm on dangerous ground right now.

-----Lily's POV-----

I was very emotional right now. Anger was strong right now.

How dare he tease me! I could just rip him in two! Wait. that's what he wants me to do...

"So I was thinking we need to do laundry. And there should be a laundry thing the next stop. We can get up early and go there" He told me. Pulling into the same spot we were in before at the rest area.

"How do you know?" I wondered.

"I've ran away a lot Lily. I know my way around"

"Where is the next stop?"


"Wow. We've gone that far?" I was shocked. So far from home...

"Yes ma'am"


"Its in Carlisle Kentucky. One of my favorite stops" He smiled.

I was so tired. Its been a long day. I crawled in the back of the van and waited for sleep to take me.

Ben shut the truck and opened the windows slightly. So we wouldn't die in here. I sighed and dozed into a colorful dream. Of Ben...


What do you think?

Hope you like it. There will be a shocker in the next one.

5 votes to continue ;)

-----The Velvet Rose-----

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