Our Love Is Torture

By sparkleVS

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"You may be one thousand miles away, or one hundred years away from me, but I know that you're still with me... More

Prologue & Cast
Chapter 1 - The Invitation
Chapter 2 - The Meetings & The Party
Chapter 3 - Fights & Regrets
Chapter 4 - A Million Sorry's
Chapter 5 - Starting Fresh
Chapter 6 - Go Away
Chapter 7 - The Sexy Bestfriend & The Shock Statement.
Chapter 8 ~ Back there again after 10years.
Chapter 9 ~ Broken Love
Chapter 10 ~ "You're lost and someone needs to fix that"
Chapter 12 ~ I kissed you goodbye.
Chapter 13 - Trouble & Regrets
Chapter 14 - Conflict & Sweet Kisses.
Chapter 15 - Confusing texts & Disloyality
Chapter 16 - It's NOW & NEW
A/N thank you!
Chapter 18 ~ Breakup's & Pain
Chapter 19 - "Shanyana is just a stupid little girl."
Chapter 20 - The Love, The Truth & The Goodbye Letter
Chapter 21- When His Eyes Made Her Heart Stop
Chapter 22 - You're My Best Notification
Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful
Chapter 24 - All You Do Is Walk Away
Chapter 25 *Part 1* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 25 *Part 2* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 26 - Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 27 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Chapter 28 - All That I'll Ever Need
A/N - What has happened? Theories, Character Talks, Sequel? etc.
Chapter 29 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 30 - My Heart Is So Tired
Chapter 31 - Kiss My Troubles Away
Chapter 32 - The Broken Prince
Chapter 33 - Home Is Where Heart Is
Chapter 34 - The Wrong One
Chapter 35 - You're Mine
Chapter 36 - Things You Said
Chapter 37 *Last* - Forever
Extended Epilogue *BONUS*

Chapter 17 - Circling back to deception

706 39 25
By sparkleVS

WARNING: 1. If your an extremely emotional person, or going through a bad time please do not read this chapter.
2. This chapter contains verbally mature language.

        If your all good then Enjoy!

"We had a deal Aisha!" Tina bawled, a high pitched shriek, through the speaker of the phone.

She heard a giggle coming from the other end, which made her more angry.

"It's not funny Aisha!" Tina roared, fuming breaths lifting her chest.

"I-I know, it's not" Aisha bit her lip on the other end, she was drunk and unstable. And we all now what happens to girls when there drunk, they just won't stop giggling.

"Then stop laughing!" Tina shouted. She heard a bunch of teenage type voices shouting her name, or lets get straight to the point, she heard all of Aisha's slutty friends calling out her name.

"Hold up I coming!" Aisha chuckled, she sounded like she was having the time of her life.

"Listen T, I gotto gooooo..." Aisha slurred, laughing like a manic.


Call ended. Tina huffed annoyingly, and went to change into her party clothes, she decided enough was enough, and wanted to stop Aisha's everyday routine which does not help her in anyway. She doesn't even get why Aisha does it, partying is fine, it's fun to hangout with your friends. But drinking alcohol and smoking, It's just sad, because two years ago Aisha was not like that. When they met, she was so shy and sweet but now she's not and Tina is the one who experience that change of growth in her, as time went on.

Tina's POV

I wore a one off shoulder blue dress which landed a few inches above my knees, mid thigh. It had a string surrounding my waist, which I liked, because it made my figure stand out even more, well atleast I hoped it did. My hair was just naturally straight, falling down the shoulders.

For makeup, I've applied eyeliner, mascara, filled in my eyebrows a bit of foundation and some blush on the cheeks, ending it with a nude shade color for lipstick.

I don't like being dressed up alot, especially for a stupid party filled with half naked guys and girls showing way too much skin. Normally when I dress up its either for a specially occasion, or a special meeting at my office.

But Aisha did told me it's her best buddy Drew's party. And Drew, well let's not get me started on him, I'll just say four words RICH, HANDSOME and a BIG ASSHOLE. I swear it's only his looks and money otherwise, nobody would have cared about him, Drew is a complete Casanova. He probably has aleast one girl every night for his desire, that asshole even tried to get me once, but me being well.... 'me' I was too intelligent to fall for his tricks. I don't even get what's so good about him, and why the hell is Aisha even friends with him.

I needed a invitation from him, so I had to try my best to dress all sexy. I don't know if I've achieved that goal or not but hey! aleast I've tried.


I decided to park my car near the corner of the street, so those crazy people inside don't do anything to my car. As I was walking up the street, my eyes caught it! Drew's house, it had to be.

As I said, it was CRAZY! There was a big ass pool at the backside, which I could see from the front of the house because people were legit everywhere. Girls in bikini's in the swimming pool, other's at the outside bar having drinks, Men taking off there shirts and making big splashes into the pool. Damn, Drew's house was so big. But wait! If this is only the outside part what would the inside be.

I shivered, a wave of fear taking over me. I could literally hear the music from outside, there people at the front section too, more of couples sticking tounges down eachother's throats, who knows, maybe they aren't even couples.

But I've never experienced stuff like this.... ok that's a big lie, maybe I have in the past, but it's all new to me now! Stop it Tina! It's not like this is your first party! This party is more mature, not a teenage one from your times.

Well, their are alot of teenagers around here but still.....

"Uff! Chup kar Tina" I groaned loudly, ordering my thoughts.

I took a deep breath before talking to myslef again.

"Ok, just go inside, find Aisha and get her back to the car, drive her home, speak to her about the job interview."
Yeah that's it, I walked towards the front porch, the door was already opened so I let myself in.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs felt mush. The bass thumped in time with my heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colourful. The floor added to the charm of the house. It was made completely of stone and was used mostly as a dance floor, although there was alot of bars here and there.

"Salut, chérie" A loud voice rang in my ears, making me jump and turn back. Ew... it was Drew.

"What do you want?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Toi." (You) He spoke. To be honest, I was kinda shocked he understood, most people here don't understand english.

I laughed bitterly "Je suis trop intelligent pour être impressionné par vous!" (I'm too intelligent to be impressed by you!) I uttered out, smirking.

"Eh bien, c'est pourquoi je t'aime." (Well that's why I like you.) Not gonna like, my heart kinda melted in awe, when he said that! It was kinda cute... right?


Wow, english people?

I heard loud voices of people shouting, at the huge bar which was set up on the side corner. Lots of people, lots of crowd, that means Aisha could be there too. I walked towards the bar, a huge huddle of people were chanting the words 'drink it' to only one person who was sitting on the bench of the bar.

.... It was Aisha, what the hell is she doing? Thank to god that I was tall so I could see her, she had tears in her eyes. What the actual hell! I have to get her out.

I pushed through the crowd to get to her, she was about to drink that shot. While I was trying to make my way up to her, pushing through the crowd I heard alot of 'no's and 'fuck off's'. I didn't care, I just want to help my messed up friend.

"Aisha STOP" I shouted, wacking the drink of shot out of her hand. It flew to the groud, a little amount of it spilling, the tiny glass shattering into pieces.

"T?" Aisha whispered, shocked, a few tears leaving her eyes. Aisha looked horrible and sick, her tears smudged up the dark, advance smokey eye makeup she had on. Her curls were all messed up and knotted. She was opening and closing her eyes, it was looking like she couldn't see properly or was about to pass out.

"Get up were leaving!" I spoke, the crowd was silent, the music stopped playing, I turned around to a see alot of people recording and taking pictures of us with there phones.

"Vous n'avez rien de mieux à faire dans votre vie, allez-vous-en!" (Don't you guys have anything better to do in your life's, go away!)
My inner irascibility was coming out, and I was not liking it, one bit.

I turned back to look at Aisha just staring down at the broken pieces of the glass.

"UP!" I ordered, glaring at her. She didn't move.... She didn't flinch, what is she? Frozen?

"You look good" Aisha mumbered, still peering down.

"Who do you think you are huh? Do you even know what they were trying to do to you, what was even in that drink?" I outraged, my eyesbrows furrowing.

"I don't know. Probably some weird drug thing." Aisha shrugged her shoulders, giggling. I lost it, I lost it on her.

"YOU" I grasped hold of her arm, pulling her down.

"Ouch, T" Aisha shrieked in agony, pulling her arm out of my hold and rubbing it.

"Listen to me, they mixed your alcohol with drugs! DO YOU WANT TO DIE AISHA! You never do that, that is so dangerous." I yelled at her.

"Oh well, I'm too dumb to know that." Aisha said, forming no expression at all. Her eyes starting watering again, everything was fine this morning, what has suddenly changed.

"Ugh.. baise ma vie." (ugh, fuck my life) I breathed out, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Let's go!"


"Give me that!" I yelled, trying to yank that beer bottle of her.

Aisha laughed out loud, she was really irritating me right now. She took a another big huge gulp, before taking a turn to the right, and running off at the wrong side of the street.

"No Aisha, stop!" I huffed, devastated. "I can't run more in these heels Aisha, please let's just go back to the car!" I screamed out loud, to get her attention.

But no, she kept walking on. Fine I'll give her what she wants. I took my heels off, quickly and started to jog towards her to catch up.

Aisha chuckled, as I walked beside her "You look like.... ----- took a sip ------ that you just ran a marathon!"

I laughed along with her, she didn't really look that drunk to me .... honestly speaking.

"Want to race?" I smiled, looking at her.

"You really think you could beat me?" Aisha asked, grinning, but her eyes still moist of all the crying. I knew, I wanted her to be in a happy mood before asking her what happened.

She took of her heels too. "Ready?" I turned my head, to look at her.

"Yes!" She answered, smiling looking straight ahead.

"1, 2, 3 GO"

We bolted down the concrete path like an Olympic champion at the start gun, our heels clutched tightly in our sweaty hands. I laughed, we looked absolutely ridiculous. It was like we were in a student of the year competition, the running thing they did. Abhi told me about it, I also watched him on the tv.

I quickened my speed to an all out sprint as I basically ran for life, leaving Aisha behind.....


"Aisha" I screamed out loud, with whatever I had inside of me. I probably shouted her name out more then 20 times, but again still no answer.

"Shit!" I groaned kicking the lambpost beside me. It's my fault, having a race was not a good idea especially at night. I was back up to were we started, and headed towards my car, groaning in frustration every now and then.

I started my car engine, and drove off. The streets were quite, no sound of anyone at all, the breeze blew my hair, causing it to fall backwards away from my shoulders. I didn't care, I was trying to look for Aisha.

As I kept driving, my car reached to the famous street nearby 'rue v'e veranne'. There were light's around, so it's not like I couldn't see properly.

                                                                         A long 7 minutes later.

I found her, she was sitting underneath a big tree, on the bench. She was not only sitting there...... Aisha was crying, I never seen her crying the way she was from the distance I could see.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car, walking up to her. Her knees was up to her chest, and her head down covered around her arms.

"Aisha?" I whispered softly, putting my hand on her back. "Please say something, what happened?" I pleaded, concerned.

She hesitated, before putting her head up to look at me.

"He's everywhere T, he's everywhere." Aisha croaked, her voice husky and low.

"Who's everywhere?" I asked, pursing my lips.

Her hand shot up, it was shaking, she pointed straight-upwards. I fully turned my body around from facing her to the direction where she was pointing at.

It was on the building monitor --- A huge picture of him titled ------- 'Le plus célèbre musiciens Rohan Nanda pour nous à Paris'

"Oh Aisha." I sighed lowly, hugging her. "It's fine." I spoke in a whisper.

Aisha stood up, yanking my arm of her "It's not fine T, it's NOT FINE." Her scream echoed all the way down the street. My eyes widened at her sudden outburst.

"Come look at this!" Aisha bawled, laughing sarcastically with tears still welled up in her eyes.

She started to walk to the closest store nearby, as I followed her quietly, not knowing what to say.

"Look at this." Aisha punched her hand on the glass door of the shop. I flinched, closing my eyes taking deep breaths.

"His posters are fucking everywhere!" She cried, ripping it off harshly, then stomping on it with her foot. Screaming all the while.

"Aisha please..." I pleaded, looking at her hand which was dripping blood, lots of blood. "Your hand is bleeding, listen to me!" I whined, trying to get her attention.

"A-and this." Aisha looked around the place before, walking towards the corner, at the magazine street shop.

All the newspapers and magazines stands were covered with sheets on top of it, they do it at night so nobody comes and steal it. And beacuse Paris is a genuinely nice place, it doesn't happen often.

She aggressively jerked of the sheet and snickered loudly. "Look at this, I told you." Her tears wouldn't stop, so didn't the blood...

It was the same thing, Rohan's Picture, the same caption, but this time on the magazine. "He's everywhere" She mumbered to herself, then shouted "HE'S EVERYWHERE." Aisha kicked the stand off causing it too fall making a loud 'thud' sound.

"Aisha stop, that's someone's shop!" I said, but no she kept kicking all the stands off, even the one's which didn't had his picture on it.

"Your insane, your going crazy!" I yelled at her immature behaviour, she was hurt.

"Yesssssss" Aisha chuckled. "I've gone crazy. Because this!" She picked up a newspaper article about him, and rubbed the blood that was streaming down her arm on his name.

"This fucking guy, just wouldn't leave me alone, why don't you just die!" She said, shouting out the 'die' part.

"I lost every inch of feeling I had inside of me because of YOU" Aisha said, now doing the same thing, she was destroying all the papers. "I lost my job because of YOU!"

"I lost my best friend BECAUSE OF YOU!"

I bit my lip hard, disappointed at myself, I was suppose to help, but I couldn't do anything.

"I spent 2 years of my life, regretting that one desicion I took all because of that letter, THAT YOU WROTE!"

Aisha took a deep breath before continuing "Now I have to live in guilt everyday, BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"I can't fall inlove with anyone else anymore, BECAUSE. OF. YOU." She holded up the magazine face to face. His picture in front of her, and her face infront of his picture.

Aisha sobbed, she sniffed, her never-ending angry tears weren't so angry anymore more. She cried ..... heartmelting tears.
"Tu sais pourquoi?" Her voice croaked, me just standing at the corner watching her do all these stuff.

"Parce que je t'aime telle zut ment." She cried, bursting into tears, closing her eyes, ....hugging that picture close to her to heart.

She said those few end words in french, but only I knew what it meant....



How was the chapter? Comment and tell me, did you liked it or not?

Do any of you have any idea what Aisha said in french at the last part? What do you think she said.... cause you'll never know 😂  As I mentioned last update, if your confused in some parts it's fine, I will include flashbacks if you want. And if your wondering where the hell is the 3 major characters in this book who suddenly disappeared don't worry we'll get them back. Just let this book progress.

Me being an extremely emotional person this might sound stupid, I actually ended in tears while writing this chapter. Guys don't judge haha 😀 I felt Aisha ok, I would have hated to be in her position.

QOTD: Were you satisfied with Aisha's behaviour in this chapter?

Make sure you VOTE AND COMMENT, love you all. Lots of hugs, kisses and blood, NO not blood 😂 just huges and kisses from Drew..... Xoxo bye! 

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