But You Already Know That (Bi...

By DeathToLurkers

80.6K 2.7K 1.6K

I never really published one of my billdip stories... Idk why I just didn't. So here. Take it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chatper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Or what would have been)

Chapter 17

2.2K 81 37
By DeathToLurkers

Cough, writers block, cough

Mabel's POV

"Argh, seriously though... Bill didn't I tell you not to yell in the morning?" Dipper groan groggily as he rubs his eye.

"Sorry PineTree..." Bill whimpers.

Suddenly Dippers eyes go wide open. "Wait.. He didn't hurt you did he Mabel?! You weren't fighting right?!" He asks desperately.

Bill looks at me, no expression on his face. I'm not sure if he is trying to make me shut up or curious whether I will tell the truth.

I wave my hands calmly "No no, haha! We were just arguing about cereal! Haha!" I lie smiling brightly, even though he can't see my smile.

"Oh thank god... As long as you didn't hurt each other." Dipper sighs, he walks over to pour himself some cereal.

"Hey Dipper, can I talk to you in your bedroom?" I ask quietly, out of Bills ear shot as I float over to him.

He nods quietly, and we walk to his room while Bill watches TV. As soon as we enter I start talking.

"What happens when Bill gets mad?"

"His eyes go red." Dipper answers almost instantly.

"Okayyyy but does his hair set on fire?!" I whisper yell.

"The fu- No! That's never happened before!" He says confusion in his tone.

"Well his freaking hair set on fire! And his eyes like, went red! And then, and then embers shot out from it! It was insane! " I explain.

"M-Maybe it's not when he is angry..." Dipper suggest.

"Maybe it's when he becomes the devil..."

"Maybe it's... When he becomes less like a human and more like..." Dipper starts, we turn our heads and look at Bill, who is staring at us from the couch.

"A demon..." Dipper whispers.

I nod my head, Dipper sighs and cups his mouth. "REMEMBER BILL STARING IS RUDE!" Dipper calls out, Bill whips his head to the TV in an instant.

"It's like you trained him." I chuckle, Dipper smiles.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd be the one controlling the demon." He says.

I notice Bill gets up and walks past us to get into his bedroom. He stares at me, almost sinisterly. I wait till I hear the satisfying 'click!' Of the lock before I start talking.

"I don't like him. Not one bit. He is a demon. He is trying to play the victim so you feel sorry for him." I express factually.

Dipper rubs his neck, not convinced. "Well, uh, I don't know... I don't like him of course and hate him and stuff, but what would he gain by playing innocent?"

I grumble and rub my head. "Can we make me visible now?"


"Here you are PineTree, this page describes the spell, the materials and what it does." Bill explains, passing me a sheet of paper.

"Where's the rest of it?" I ask curiously, tilting my head.

"The rest of what?" Bill replies confused.

"The book. What did you do with the book?" I ask leaning forward.

"I, well, I decided to recount some of my past spells and memories so I don't forget, I guess in your human eyes it could be called a journal.." Bill explains, rotating his wrist and looking around.

I nod silently, reading through the spell. "Hmm okay." I tap the paper and start whispering the spell.
"I think I have some candles in the bathroom... How about the replace chainsaw with knife? And.... Holy water?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

Bill grabs I cup of water and throws it at my face. "AHH! BILL!" I yell, glaring at him in frustration, still holding the cup he raises it up to my hair and catches the water as it drips off me.

"Holy water. Done." Bill whispers.

I push Bill away and groan. "What did I say about doing things without warning?" I ask. Crossing my arms.

"Not to do it..." Bill mumbles looking down.

"And what did you do?" I ask glaring.

"Didn't warn you..." Bill repeats slowly.

I grab the candles and make a star shape, then place the holy water on one edge, and a knife on another.

"MABEL! WE'RE READY!" I call, I watch her puppet float towards us, she stands in the middle and waits for our call.

"Alright..." I say, I hold the paper in front of me and start chanting, my eyes turning blue.

Spiritus wakenness!

Ghostious floatious!


Em erofeb raeppa!

The walls shake a bit, and I watch Mabel start to slowly become visible, she grins watching his hands come to colour.

"Thank god! Blue was soooo not my colour!" She says, turning and checking herself out.

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