The Life of the Sikla

By BlissMoon12

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This is a story set in the heart of Yellowstone, where a runt named Sage is born. Her pack doesn't show much... More

Authors Note (Please read)
Chapter 1:The Birth of a Runt
Chapter 2:Druid Pack Training
Chhapter 3:The Rouge Pack
A Sikla Among Rouges (2)
Chapter 5:Pranks and Disipline
Chapter 6:Oh Boy...
Chapter 7:Willpower
Chapter 8:Sage's biggest fear
Chapter 9:Alone and Powerless
Chapter 10: Sage's Not Having It
Chapter 11: Back home
Chapter 12: The Change
Chapter 13: Never Alone

Chapter 4:A Sikla Among Rouges

317 16 5
By BlissMoon12

:Authors Note:

Here ya go guys. Sage is hanging in there. If you have any suggestions, I might change up the first few chapters to make it longer and more detailed. Sorry for my horrible writing skills guys lol. I'm trying to improve.

:A Sikla Among Rouges:

My eyes blinked open as they adjusted to the dim light of the large den. I didn't stir too much but allowed my ears to lift. There wasn't much activity outside of the den from what I heard.

Inside the den, the two wolves were conversing with each other over me.

"She's too weak to stand up to us Malak" growled the one closest to me.

"She's strong minded, clever for a sikla like her to run off the way she did," snorted the one near the entrance. His tail flicked as his ears turned towards me. His head turned to face me and he smiled.

"She's awake."

The closest varg turned his head down at me and smirked, showing his sharp white canines. "Well hello there little one."

I kept my maw shut and shifted myself into a more comfortable yet submissive position. My tail curled around and under my belly while my eyes refused to meet theirs.

The roan varg, Malak, laughed at my submissive position change and snorted. "Seems she's given up on challenging us."

"No, not quite," the dark grey remarked.

I pulled my lips back baring my teeth. Malak chuckled and shook his head. His eyes piercing through my own.

"Still refusing to respect us huh?" He growled. He seemed to want to punish me for showing my teeth. The hatred he had towards me was almost steaming out of his nose.

"She's a feisty one." Purred the dark grey flicking his tail. Being closer to me than the varg who hated me, I felt a bit protected from him.

There seemed to be a commotion going on outside of the den as a distinct smell made my stomach growl a bit. A hunting party was back it sounded like. The elk meat was clear and noticeable.

A growl sounded just outside the den and Malak grunted as he lifted himself up and shook his pelt. Dry dirt flew at me so I closed my eyes until he was done. With a flick of his tail, he parted the den with the grey varg close behind.

My heart stopped and I have a small whine when the dragga entered. He had a small amount of meat in his jaws. His eyes sparkled with humor at my submissive position. He blocked what little light there was in the den. I eyed him with caution and fear.

He lowered his large head and gently set the liver down. His tail flicked and he sat down patiently. He watched me and chortled. "Eat up."

"No." I growled laying my ears back and looking away from the liver.

"I don't think you want me to force you to eat Sage." He yawned bored.

My head lowered down to my paws. His threats scared me and made me feel empty and alone. His voice was dark, his smirk was dark, everything about him was sinister.

"I understand you refused to eat before you came," he smirked. "Now that behavior just won't do, now will it? I'll excuse you this time, but now you WILL eat."

I leaned on the wall of the den and hoped it would engulf me and save me from this nightmare.

"Well, I can't have dead bait, and you need to eat."

"I'm not hungry..." I whined quietly.

"Like hell you're not," he barked.

He nudged the liver closer to me and offered a nip to my paw. I yelped and sat up quickly.

"I won't ask again..." He smirked. "So I suggest you take your smart mouth and eat the meat."

My tail quivered near my side and I folded my audits to my cranium. Reluctantly, I lowered my head and grabbed the liver. It wasn't that big, but the liver held a lot of protein, so I swallowed it whole.

He nodded, satisfied I did as I was told. I stood up and stretched in front of him. He blocked the entrance and tilted his head.

I looked down and pulled my ears forward towards the entrance. "Can I go outside?" I asked quietly and timidly. The den was large and all, but I wanted to be outside.

"We actually have a spot outside for you. The humans left a rope in the forest, and we will tie you up." He narrowed his eyes.

I contemplated this for a moment. There were benefits to being outside tied up, but I had more freedom in the den, but more importantly I had more chances of escaping.

"I'm not giving you a choice Sage."

"But why?" I asked indignantly. "you said it like you gave me permission.."


"so why can't I sit outside without being tied down?" I asked with a huff.

"Because I wan't you where everyone can see you." He laughed

Nodding my head, I stayed silent. I flicked my ears in slight agitation. It isn't fair, I thought. I may be weak, but i'm still varg like him. He shouldn't have the right to do this at all.

He seemed to see my feelings boil up and his smug expression told me he wanted me to feel this way. I bared my teeth at him and relaxed my tail. "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because you know what will happen if you don't."

"You're insane..." I growled at him

"Call me what you'd like sweetheart, but that's not going to get you anywhere." He chuckled coldly. "Either way, come with me. You are going to be moved outside where everyone can see you."

I raised my head, lifting my ears. My tail flicked upward but stayed at a medium height. "No." I said with as much force as I could.

"Oh?" He asked smirking. "You really have no choice."

My heart was beating fast. Standing up to the dragga goes against every ounce of my instincts. My ears fell back but my tail stayed where it was. I forced myself to look him in the eyes. I bared my teeth and growled once more.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Hun," he began. "You know you're only going to regret this." He flicked his tail and looked at me daring me to continue my rebellion. "As you wish..." He said.

He then walked closer to me as he raised his tail in dominance. My tail faltered slightly, but I remained still. He attempted to make a grab for my scruff, but I wouldn't allow it. I turned my head and nipped his muzzle. Snarling, he slammed me into the opposite den wall.

The breath was knocked out of me, but I regained my balance and stood back up, this time a bit shaky. He laughed and came towards me again. "Well it looks like you chose the hard way." He said as he knocked me over and bit down on my own muzzle. The pain caused me to lower my head in an attempt to rid myself of it. Soon I was all the way on the ground.

He let go of my muzzle and bit down on my scruff before I could react. I gave a small whine in pain as I felt a warm metallic smelling liquid run down both my snout and neck. He bit down harder as he lifted me off the ground. He took me into the light of afternoon as I blinked in an attempt to adjust my eyes.

Suddenly I felt a jerk as he threw me into the base of a tree. A yelp escaped my maw on impact as it caught me off guard. Malak, the varg guarding me from before, pinned me down despite my struggles. My eyes darted around attempting to find a way out, until I saw a rope. My struggling intensified and I attempted to bite Malak. Malik then grabbed a hold of my scruff and forced my head upward.

Letting out a dark and bellowing laugh, the dragga walked leisurely towards us. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that, but it's almost fun to watch you struggle only to be hurt." He said as he bit down on the rope and lifted it to my head.

I tried to turn my head, but Malak wouldn't budge. I snarled at the dragga and the rope. With my head upwards, he easily slipped the rope over my neck and tighten it. Malak let go of my scruff and stepped off of me as I attempted to bite the rope.

They stood there watching my futile attempts to turn and bite the rope. I placed my paws on the rope and tried to push it away only to experience a choking sensation. When I released, the sensation left. I walked closer to the base of the tree where the rope was placed and attempted to rub it loose to no prevail.

Finding no way to get the rope off, I turned to the males. "Let me go." I growled at them.

Malak stood there witha bored look on his features and the dragga stepped closer to me smirking. "Hmm, no." He said playfully as he checked the rope once more. "Seems like it will hold." he mumbled to himself.

My desperation increased as I nipped his shoulder causing the varg in the area to gasp. He then lounged at me and pinned me down again baring his teeth. He offered me a small but sharp bite to my tail causing me to jump forward into the base of the tree. I yelped and growled at him.

He stood there tall and proud with his tail up and teeth bared. The sick satisfaction to my pain in his eyes seemed to glow brighter with every drop of blood. "You're a coward." I said shakenly.

"Enlighten me and explain why," he said smoothly.

"That's for you to find out. One of these days, hurting the weak will jump up and bite you in the ass."

"You're not in the position to threaten me Sage," he laughed.

"I can say anything I want to you, and it won't matter. You'll still be a dick." I snarled.

His eyes were lighting up with every word I said. All of this was amusing him and I knew it. "That may be true, but I'll have gotten what I wanted in the end," he remarked.

"When you 'get' what you want, what will y-you do with me?" my voice betrayed my posture as it stuttered.

Walking towards me, he laughed and met my eyes. I looked back. "That depends on how much worth you are to us," He purred.

My tail faltered and dropped down by my legs. "And if I'm not?"

"Like the rest of the weak varg, you will be under our rule."

I bared my teeth again and snorted. "What if I don't?"

"The same thing we've been doing to you when you disobey," He rolled his eyes. "We won't kill you like we did to the siklas before you. You're too fun."

I could no longer look at him as my energy and instincts won. My heart was beating a thousand miles per minute and no doubt I was shaking. My eyes lowered as well as my ears. "Why would you not let me go?"

"Because you might just be too weak to die and too stubborn to live," he laughed. "You should be happy to serve a cause such as this. We are making the world pure,"

I growled at him and flicked my tail. He took another step towards me and sighed. "The more attitude you show towards me, the more you'll end up on the ground whining." He snorted

After a while, he looked me up and down and smirked. "In a few days, we will be traveling to your pack." He then turned around and walked away as he gave orders to the rest of his rouges, leaving me shaking and scared. My pack doesn't deserve to die and I wish I could help them.

The wolves around me began going about their day scouting and doing whatever jobs they had to do. Malak moved closer to me as he laid down by a tree close to mine. Being so close to him and already uncomfortably close with my own tree, I backed up and went as far from him as possible.

The rope didn't allow me much freedom, and I would consider the den as an alternative to being smirked and growled at. Best I could do was to try to get it off. Pulling at it only makes it tighter. The rope can't be moved further than what the drag originally tightened it as. It confused me and made me a bit annoyed. I bared my teeth and bit it trying to pull it with as minimum discomfort to myself.

Almost as soon as my teeth touched the rope, I was greeted by a snarling Malak. I looked down at the rope, then back at him with an innocent smile playing on my maw. "Yes?" I asked him.

"You know damn sure what I'm over here for sikla." He growled stepping closer to me.

"So?" I asked annoyed.

"So drop the rope." He rolled his eyes stepping closer.

"No," I said like it would be obvious I wouldn't

"No?" He asked with a slight annoyed laugh. "Well then let me help you with that," He said bending down and grabbing the rope. He backed up attempting to rip the rope out of my mouth. "Drop the rope Sage."

I kept a tight hold on it as he grew more annoyed. More rouges began to gather around at the scene in front of them. Some of them were laughing at us. "Come on Malak!!" yipped one of them. "She's a sikla, you should be able to take charge."

Malak in return growled at me and let go of his end causing me to stumble back a bit. I regained my composure and smirked at him. He bared his teeth and jumped at me giving me a sharp nip on my shoulder which resulted in me dropping the rope yelping.

"That'll teach you not to do that again," he snorted and began walking away. As he passed me, I backed up as far as I could in a non-submissive way. The rope came up from underneath Malak as he lost his balance and fell down with a small yelp.

Laughter came from around us as I saw a lot of varg gathered to watch my schemes. Malak found my prank highly offensive and jumped over to me snarling. My instincts took over and soon I was on my belly with my ears folded and tail tucked. I was smiling in an apologetic way.

One of the varg stepped forward and growled at Malak. "Stop." He said

"Why should I?" he asked with pure hatred in his eyes. "She's rude and disrespectful. Its time we put her in her place."

"Really Malak, she's just bored and desperate," He replied with an eye roll. I relaxed from underneath Malak and waited patiently until I could stand again. Hopefully this rouge, who seemed more dominate than Malak, would offer me slight freedom from the eyes of the surrounding pack.

Malak growled at my movement and nipped my scruff as he opened the wound given to me from the dragga. I flinched and held in a whine as I allowed the blood to drip once more, but I stayed underneath him.

"Malak, GO!" Snarled the rouge. His tail raised and he bared his teeth.

Malak flicked his tail and seemed to be weighing his options. Refuse an order from a higher ranking varg, or give me the punishment I deserved. Surely the varg standing up for me was a higher rank than Malak.

"Very soon, I will have you in my jaws begging for mercy soon enough little one." He snarled at me and then nipped my hindquarters before leaving. I didn't move until he was well enough away.

"Don't you all have stuff to do?" The vary who stood up for me scolded them all. I glared at them as they all left mumbling and lowering their heads. He then sighed and walked over to me with a calm posture. I felt safer in his presence, but still watched him wearily and got up into a sitting position. I turned my head to try and lick my neck would, but I was only able to clean some of the blood.

"You have some nerve you know." He said laughing in a casual way.

"How so?" I flicked my tail and began to try the rope again.

He watched me closely, in a responsible kind of way. He was here to make sure I didn't escape.

He laid down a few feet away from me and chortled. "You don't seem to want to give in." He said factually. "We can all tell you're frightened of us, but you are strong minded and seem to be willing your instincts to rebel."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew he was right. He turned his head towards the sun and closed his eyes. I watched him and laid down myself. I curled my tail around me and put my ears back in a calm position. I kept my head up and sighed.

He turned back towards me and smiled. "Bet you're scared of a lot of things aren't you?" It seemed like a small joke, but I still felt offended.

"You'd be scared too if you were in my paws." I hissed at him while baring my teeth.

"You don't want to cope an attitude with us kiddo." He said laughing. "You'll find yourself in highly painful and awkward situations"

:Authors Note:

Sorry I ended it early guys. I kinda ran out of ideas, but NEVER FEAR. I will write more and continue this chapter. Stay awesome Readers ^-^

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