Ohio Isn't Forever

By r0cknr0llchick

1K 95 74

Ohio isn't forever. That's what seventeen year old Heather Whimes keeps telling herself, but she's really not... More

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t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
e p i l o g u e

e l e v e n

35 3 1
By r0cknr0llchick

"Were you talking to that Ramona chick?" Rob asked when I returned back to our room.

I really didn't want to talk about what had just happened, but it was probably best that he knew about it.

"Abigail knows we left." I said. I watched Rob's face go from shock to anger.

"How the fuck-"

"Hell if I know. She claims she saw us leave while she was taking some stroll around the neighborhood, but who the fuck just walks around in the early hours of the morning. I know her way too well. She's just not that kind of person." I said.

Rob sighed. "Well is she gonna rat us out or what?"

"I hope not. Besides, even if she does, it's not like they'll think that Ramona is harboring us. For God's sake, they don't even know who she is."

Rob relaxed when I said this, then patted the spot next to him. "Well, are you going to join me or what? It's actually pretty comfy."

"Don't try anything Rob Miller, or else I'll slit your throat." my cheeks burned when he began to laugh.

I climbed into bed next to him, trying to put space between us. "You know you don't have to be so far from me, right? Look, I'm not the type of guy to just-"

"Okay, I got it. Don't make this anymore awkward." I said, moving close to him.

Rob wrapped an arm around me, and pulled me closer. I swallowed hard. What was he trying to do?

"Rob," I breathed. "Uh-"

But I was cut off by his lips landing on mine. This kiss was different from the last, and full of passion. In a way, I kind of wanted to rip his clothes off, but screwing around in some stranger's house was not the way I wanted to lose my virginity.

Not while they were home at least.

The kiss seemed like it was never going to end and I found myself gripping Rob's crotch. I wanted to see just how badly I could tease him. I had never been in this position before with a guy, and I figured it would be fun to play around with Rob.

He moaned my name and I blushed. His tongue somehow found its way inside my mouth. My heart raced. I couldn't let this get too out of hand.

I gripped again, and suddenly Rob was on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Did I want to stop now?

I probably should've, but I didn't.

He kissed me again, and I pulled away, biting his neck softly and kissing him.

When his hands came towards my pants, I knew we had to stop, but just before I could stop us myself, the door opened.

"Hey guys I figured you'd like some-"

It was Ramona coming in with a tray that had food on it, she dropped it when she saw us. "What the hell!?" she screeched. I really hoped the loud sound wouldn't wake up Mallorey.

Quickly, Rob moved from on top of me, and I rushed towards Ramona. "I'm so sorry. We-"

"I'm not stupid. I know exactly what you two were doing. Screwing around in my house. What is wrong with you? Weren't you just in an accident? I'm no expert-"

"It's not what you think." Rob cut in.

"Then what is it?" Ramona asked. Maybe I was being a little ridiculous, but I felt as though what we did wasn't her business, but after all, we were in her house.

"I-I-It's my fault." Rob stammered, trying to find the words. "She wasn't in the mood, but I just couldn't-"

"Look, I don't need to know the details, but if you want to stay here, there won't be any of this."

I could have sworn disappointment showed on Rob's face. "Yes ma'am."

Ramona ran her hands through her hair and let out an irritable sigh. She reached down to clean up the mess she had made from dropping the tray. I didn't even hear her in the kitchen getting anything when I had gone to the bathroom. I was really hoping she wasn't just somewhere eavesdropping on the conversation I had with Abigail.

She left without saying another word to us, and Rob and I only stared at each other. There was a knock at the front door.

"Coming!" Ramona yelled. The sound of footsteps running towards our room told us she was probably coming to tell us to hide.

"Okay, you'll go up into the basement and wait there until I say so." Ramona whispered once she came in. "Follow me."

We followed her into the hall, and she let down a ladder for us to climb up. The knock at the front door sounded again.

"Open up! It's the police!" a man's voice I recognized as the cop who pulled us over said.

"Just a minute!" Ramona yelled back.

When we got up into the basement, Ramona let up the ladder, shutting us inside the basement. We could hear only her footsteps and the sound of the door opening.

"Sorry, babies sure can be fussy in the mornings." Ramona said. It was clever of her to use Mallorey as an excuse.

"Ma'am, we have a few questions for you. We're looking for two teens who drove off when we pulled them over. They wrecked, and left the scene. Do you know anything about these two?" the cop asked, then he began to describe us.

"No," Ramona lied. "Why? Do you think they might have come this way?"

"Your home isn't very far from the incident Miss." the cop said in a suspicious tone.

Fuck, I hoped they weren't onto her.

"Well I haven't saw anybody like that come this way. I can assure you, but I'll let you know if I do."

There was a pause, but then the cop finally said:

"We'll take your word for it Miss. Enjoy the rest of your night."

"Same to you." Ramona said, shutting the door after they left.

It took a good couple of minutes before Ramona let us out of the basement. "The coast is clear." she whispered as though they might still be around.

After we climbed down she crossed her arms and studied both of us. "There's more to this, isn't there?"

"More to what?" I asked, playing clueless.

"This whole little situation you've gotten yourselves into. I'm not buying it anymore. Something is just off. Who are the two of you really?"

I was about to continue to convince her, but Rob cut in. "Look, if we told you the truth, how could we be sure you wouldn't just rat us out?"

"I just saved your asses from the cops. I deserve to know the truth."

"Fine, we're running away for other reasons." Rob confessed.


"We're sick of this town, and this state."

I bit my lip. There wasn't much to say with the truth out in the open now.

"Why didn't you just say that?"

I snorted. "You'd really have saved us if we told you the actual truth?"

Ramona rolled her eyes, ignoring my response. "What's this about a wreck. You claimed you got into one, and the cops said you ran from the scene. Do you know how dangerous that is? You need to get to a hospital."

"We're fine. A headache and a bruised side never hurt anybody." Rob said.

"A headache actually could-"

"Look, you worry about you, we'll worry about us. Got it?"

I was a bit taken aback by the way Rob spoke to her, but Ramona either didn't care, or chose to ignore it.

"Got it."

We returned to our room, and Rob began to grab our bags angrily.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"We're out of here."

"Are you crazy? This is the only safe haven we've got for right now!"

"It's driving me nuts being with someone else. We don't have any time alone, and we can't do what we want." Rob said.

I laughed, unable to comprehend how unbelievably stupid he was being. "You've got to be kidding me. She saved our ass from the cops. I think we need her for protection."

"Ask yourself this," Rob said. "Would you rather stay in one place all the time, or move forward and try to actually get somewhere."

He had a point there. This was wasting a lot of our time, but I was exhausted, and being in the same room as a bed wasn't helping. I wasn't about to leave without thanking Ramona though.

"Alright, I'll go talk to-"


"No what?" I asked.

"We're not telling her we're leaving." Rob said. "She'll only ask questions. Not to mention we can't trust her fully. She could easily go back to the cops and say she saw us leave."

I sighed. "Fine, at least let me leave a note."

"That's fine. Just don't tell her where we're headed."

"Rob, we don't even know where we're headed."

"Oh, right."

So I wrote a note to Ramona and left it in that room. We climbed out of the window, and started back on our journey. Without a car, we were definitely jailbait, but we had to keep moving. Maybe we could rent one, but there was no way we had enough money for that.

"So what do you suppose we do Rob? Walk out of this state?"

He rolled his eyes. "Our best option is to flag down a car and have someone drive us the rest of the way."

"And you think they'll be willing?" I asked him.

"It depends on the kind of person we flag. If we flag a trucker, I'm sure they wouldn't mind. After all, they do go everywhere all day and night."

"The roads aren't that busy." I pointed out.

"That's why we wait Heather." Rob smarted.

I huffed and crossed my arms. This was ridiculous in my opinion. It could take all night for someone to come, and when they did, there was no guarantee we'd actually be able to get them to drive us out of the state.

When I was about to lose hope, after the next few cars, an eighteen wheeler actually began driving towards our way. We ran, waving frantically. Rob was handy because he took out a flashlight and began to wave it around.

The truck slowly came to a stop, and we ran towards it. An older, greasy looking man looked out at us, but all the men in Ohio were mostly old and greasy.

"What're you kids doing out so late?" he asked us with a smile.

"Look, I know this is going to sound crazy, but we need you to drive us to Kentucky tonight." Rob screamed over the sound of the engine.

"Kentucky?" I asked. "Why there?"

"It's about as close as we can get to being out of here before someone realizes we're gone."

I rolled my eyes. "That's still far, and-"

"Get in." the old man said.

My head snapped up. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, get in."

We ran around and climbed in. I couldn't believe it was that easy. Rob and the trucker had a conversation, but I was too exhausted to say anything else. I dozed off, but at one point, I awoke. Rob had wrapped an arm around me, and I dozed off again. I'll never forget how easy it was to just get that trucker to drive us all the way to Kentucky. I'm not even sure we explained ourselves to him, but he obviously didn't need us to. There was a lot I could have been worried about, but instead, I was more worried about sleep in that moment.

What we would do when we got to Kentucky was completely a mystery to me. We hadn't planned a damn thing out like we should have.

I awoke to daylight and someone shaking my arm excitedly. "Heather, Heather baby! We're here." Rob's voice said.

"Huh?" I asked, sitting up. I winced when the pain in my head was back.

"We're in Kentucky." Rob said.

A/N: Well...how do you feel about that? :D

Do you think Rob and Heather's journey will last for long?

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