One With Gods [Loki]

By Kyamyi

582 51 0

Einn með Æsir - Book 2 Isabellianna is back but now she's living on Asgard. Dwelling with gods, she's finally... More

Sarcastic Remarks
Pleasant Company
Thanks Giving
Turning Page
Hate Me
Not Afraid
Chit Chat
My Never
Too Close
Back Again
Answered Questions
Trust Falls
Hang On
Devil's Lullaby
Angel's Dream
God's Awakening
Birth Day
Family Tree
Technical Terms
Lover Lost
Dark Wave
Growing Up
The Calm
The Plan
The Dark
The Storm
Clean Up

Little Talks

25 2 0
By Kyamyi


I walked out of the lounge completely and decided a hot shower could relieve my stress. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water for the abnormally large shower. I closed and locked the bathroom door before stripping out of my clothes. I opened the shower door and stepped in, the water spraying me from all angles. It wasn't just one shower head like most on Earth. At the top water rained directly on you and there were jets on the shower walls that sprayed your back with a massaging force. On the list of things that make me happy 'Asgard showers' are definitely top ten... Loki's secret room was up there too.

I finally undid my braid, letting my hair get drenched all the way through. I grabbed the shampoo bottle off the stone shelf and squeezed some in my hand. It smelled delicious, like mango and coconut. It was probably all natural, too, nothing synthetic like on Earth. I closed my eyes and began washing my hair, my thoughts drifting to Loki. Would he be able to take a shower? What were Asgardian dungeons like? I made a mental note to go visit him sooner or later to formally thank him. Could I bare to see him, though? Hear him talk, say my name...

"Isabellianna!" I jumped and my eyes shot open. There he was, in front of me, staring wide-eyed, liking what he was seeing. He was sitting in a chair holding a book. I wasn't in the shower anymore, there was no water raining down on me. I backed away and covered my naked body as best as I could.

"What did you do, Loki?!" I yelled at him, he was speechless, just staring at me. "Stop looking at me!"

His eyes met mine for a moment before he looked away. "Forgive me for staring, but I am not the reason you are here." He said huskily. "It seems you are a fast learner." He added.

I shook my head. "It can't be, I tried to project but it wasn't working!" I cried.

He stroked his chin, looking at his feet. "What were you doing before you arrived here?" He asked.

"Taking a shower..  and thinking of you." I said the last part quietly and blushed.

I saw the smirk pull at his lips. "Well there's your answer, you were focusing your thoughts on me so you appeared to me." He explained.

I groaned. "But I didn't want to appear to you." I bit my lip.

He quirked his eyebrow, still respecting my wish and keeping his eyes off of me. "Are you sure? Why were you thinking of me then?"

I scowled at him. "I was just thinking I should come and visit you to thank you in person for the room." I told him through clenched teeth.

"Well here I am, you can thank me now." He grinned and I growled. He put his hands up in defense. "I'm just trying to help you get back to your shower. Maybe if you do what you came here for you can stop projecting to me."

I sighed, it did make since, and it would be better to try than nothing. Doing it would put a major dent in my pride, though. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Loki, for the room. I absolutely adore it." I spoke and kept my eyes closed, waiting for the feeling of water to return.

It didn't. I opened my eyes and Loki was staring again. I frowned. His eyes met mine and he didn't cower once he was caught. "I'm glad you like it."

"Stop." I said quietly, uneasy under his stare. I was covering everything important but his eyes still made me uncomfortable.

"How does one stop staring at an artwork that inspires them?" He asked me. My eyes widened and I blushed. I looked down at my bare feet, hoping my wet curly hair would hide my hot face.

"Why am I still here?" I whined desperately.

"The only plausible reason is that you want to be here." Even though my head was bowed I still felt his eyes on me.

I turned around to try and keep myself hidden but stumbled back when I saw it was a clear window for all the other inmates to see. "Oh no! Can they see me?" I asked him hysterically, turning back to face him.

He shook his head. "No, it seems you have only projected yourself to me, a guard has walked by twice and looked in. He would have to be insane not to stop and gaze at your beauty."

I sighed in defeat. "I guess." I trailed my eyes over his room. It was well furnished for a dungeon. I guess it was a downsize from the grand hall he was living in before. My eyes caught a small space beside his bed. I went over and sat on the floor, I was out of his line of sight like this. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them, wrapping my arms around my legs. I could see him, watching me.

"Would it make you more comfortable if I were also naked?" He offered, starting to take off his jacket.

"No!" I stopped him quickly, the heat returning to my cheeks.

He fixed his jacket back on himself. "Well if you're going to be here for awhile why don't you tell me about your day?" He set the book he was holding on the small coffee table next to him and clasped his hands together in his lap. I guess I was more interesting than the story he was reading.

I looked into his emerald eyes, they caught the light magnificently, even from across the room. I bit my lip. I might as well join in on small talk. "Your sister gave me a rude awakening this morning." I smiled. "Illain has so much energy."

Loki chuckled. "That she does, she tells me she really enjoys spending time with you." His smile was genuine.

"She told you that? I'm glad. I like spending time with her too, she's like the little sister I always wanted but never had. All of your sisters are like the siblings I always wanted." I confessed.

Loki's eyebrows raised. "I'm glad you fit in so nicely."

I chuckled. "Me too." I looked up at the ceiling. "It seems I'm popular throughout Asgard, too. I woke up to find the lounge filled with gifts-"

Loki scoffed. "Just the lounge? They cheated you."

My eyebrows knit. "It's more than I've gotten in my life, so I'm not complaining." I shrugged.

"If you were..." He started but trailed off.

I looked over to him curiously. "If I were what?" I asked quietly.

His face was serious, his eyes were dark. "If you were mine I would shower you with gifts."


I blinked and I was back in the shower, in the bathroom in my hall, washing my hair. I put my arms down. Was that real? Did I really just project to him? What he said, was it true? Or was he trying to manipulate me? I groaned at the sudden migraine that rocked in my skull. I felt sick. I ran out of the shower and to the toilet to puke what was left of last nights feast and the snacks I had throughout the day.

When I was done retching I lay down on the cold stone floor. After awhile there was a knocking on the door, I was too weak to get up and unlock it.

A familiar voice spoke on the other side of it. "Isabellianna, dear, I'm coming in." There was a click and the door opened to reveal a frantic Frigga. She looked down at me worriedly. She grabbed a towel off of a stack and wrapped it around me as she knelt in front of me, pulling my head into her lap. "I hear you projected for the first time? Magic is a serious force. Curse Loki for starting you on such a strong spell." She stroked my hair out of my face and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "The good news is it only gets easier from here on in." She assured me.

I tried to speak but she just shushed me and told me to rest.

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