Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomli...

By autumn1324

319K 6.4K 1.7K

I apologize ahead of time for any cringiness, I wrote this when I was 14. Alyssa Hansel. Your everyday good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Important Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (part 1)
Chapter 57 (part 2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
New Fanfic

Chapter 19

5K 93 7
By autumn1324

Chapter song: Mr. Loverboy By: Little Mix ;)

*Louis' P.O.V.
"Sorry I can't, I'm supposed to be beating the crap outta you. So I'm going to punish you and not let you talk to her." She's say sticking her tongue out and walking up to her room.

I followed her up but she closed her door before I got a chance to walk in she closes the door. Good thing she wasn't smart enough to lock the door. I opened the door and walk in. "Lou? How did you get in?" Kenna sakes in confusion. "You left it unlock now leave." I demand. "You can't come into my room and tell me to leave." She argues, I really don't want to argue with her right now. I give her a look and she scurries off.

"Alyssa! I'm so sorry!" I say sitting down taking her hands in mine. She pulls away and sits up. "Don't touch me Lou."

"Babe, please I didn't mean to." I say as she begins to tear up. I pull her into my chest hugging her and lay down next to her rubbing her back. "Shhh baby, it's alright." I whisper in her ear and she grabs my shirt and sobs. "Shhh. It's alright." As pull her closer kissing the top of her head. "Hey, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to." She wipes her eyes. "It's alright Lou."

"No it's not alright, I made the girl I love cry!" I slipped out. I quickly hid my face in her neck. "What?"

"Hmm?" I say picking my head up. Maybe she didn't hear? Who am I kidding I just yelled it. "Lou, is it true?" I nod immediately knowing what she heard. "Yes. Alyssa Danielle Hansel I love you." I smile and she kisses me.

*Alyssa's P.O.V.
"Yes. Alyssa Danielle Hansel I love you." He smiles and i kiss him. "Hey, it's fine if you don't feel the same yet. I can wait." I nod. "Thank you." He intwines our fingers ( ) and we just lay there cuddling on Kenna's bed.

"You know you're the first guy to tell me that." I say cuddling into him. "Well I'm honored." He pecks my lips. It was a slow peck but it had everything a girl could dream about when being kissed. I can't even describe what it felt like. He pulls away and I snuggle into his chest and yawn. "Are you tired love?" I nod. "Yea just a little."

"Alright got to sleep I'll wake you up at 5 so you can get ready okay?" I nod and get comfortable. He kisses my head and fall asleep.

*Louis' P.O.V.
We were still in Kenna's room, she walked in and asked why I was on her bed then she saw Alyssa sleeping. "So I heard you say something to her earlier."

"Really? I don't remember telling her anything." She looked at me her face definitely saying 'really'.

"Lou cut the tough guy act. That's not you. Why are so scared to tell others that your in love with her?" I shrug. "I have a reputation to keep. I don't want people knowing I've gone soft."

"You're going to have pick one of these days."

"Whatever, I gotta wake her up. Can you leave?" I ask. She's really getting on my nerves right now. "Sure whatever." She walks out rolling her eyes.

"Hey you gotta get up." I say shaking her lightly. She stirs in her sleep. "Hey, you need to get ready." She nods and gets up. "Are you coming or not?" I nod. "Yeah." I take her hand and we head down to my room. "Didn't you have another boyfriend before me?" She nods. "Yeah, but it was a staged relationship, our parents set us up. Neither of us liked each other. He was to much of a brother to me." I nod. "Our parents wouldn't let us break up, so when he moved we took that as a chance to spilt up, we still keep in touch every now and then."

"So basically I'm your first everything?" I smirk. "If you think of it that way yes." I smile at the thought of being her first everything. "Hey Lou you can stay in here, but can you turn around so I can change?" I chuckle give her a kiss and turn around.

*1 hour later
*Alyssa's P.O.V.
We are on the way to my place. Louis has been trying to make it up to me after this morning. "Louis. Stop please." I say laughing at his crazy ideas. "You don't have to do anything, except be on your best behavior. " I scold him. "Alright mum."

When we get there I pull him out of the car and we walk in. "Hey mom I'm home."
She walks out of the kitchen smiling, but I fades as soon as she sees Lou. "Alright honey." We walked into the living room and turned on some random show. "Hey Alyssa! Can you help me?" My mother yells from the other room. "Sure!" I say back. "I'll be back." I say getting up to hep my mom.

"Honey what's he doing here?"

"I invited him."

"He's going to have to go home before your dad gets home."

"No he's not." I've never disobeyed my parents orders.

"Alyssa. He's just going to hurt you."

"Mom. No he's not, and he's my guest so he's staying." She was a little taken back by this. "Well then don't come crying to me when you get hurt."

A/N: So here the update!! I hope you enjoy it!! BTW my last authors note I'm sorry bout that I'm just going through a lot. I love you guys soooo much! Your are beautful!! Really sorry it short, I'm just sick and stuff.

I absolutely love reading your comments!!! Keep commenting, voting and reading!

Until next time

-Autumn <3

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