Ohio Isn't Forever

By r0cknr0llchick

1K 95 74

Ohio isn't forever. That's what seventeen year old Heather Whimes keeps telling herself, but she's really not... More

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43 4 3
By r0cknr0llchick

We needed a plan and fast if we wanted to get out of this situation. There was no way we could outrun the cop once he made it back inside his car, and I didn't think Rob or I, realized that as we sped down the road. The only sensible thing to do was something so stupid, I would probably regret it later on. I probably should've warned Rob first though.

I swerved and we spun smashing straight into a tree. Both Rob and my own screams filled the air as we did. I hit my head hard against the steering wheel, and sharp pains automatically pulsated throughout my head and shoulders. I looked over at Rob, who was moaning in pain and holding his side. He wasn't bleeding anywhere as far as I could tell.

"What the hell Heather? Were you trying to kill us both?" he snapped angrily.

"Come on," I said, moving to try to get out of the car. I regretted it when the pain worsened. "We have to go before he gets here."

Rob's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? I'm in severe pain right now!"

I didn't listen to his complainants, and just grabbed as much of our things as I possibly could. He could bitch about everything later, right now, he should be thanking me for creating a distraction. I managed to get Rob out, and we limped through the woods near where we had crashed, just as the police officer came up to the scene. I wanted so badly to stay and see what would happen, but I knew we had to get out of there. I made Rob grab the rest of our stuff.

"So where exactly are we supposed to be headed Miss Suicidal Maniac? Have you even thought everything through well enough?" Rob asked.

I rolled my eyes, then winced in pain. "Look, don't fucking bitch at me. We both knew the risks it took to try leaving this place."

"Well I didn't know we'd almost get ourselves fucking killed."

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we came upon a house. I had no idea whose it belonged to, but it was right there in the woods. It could have been abandoned, and maybe we could even just walk inside it.

"There, a house, maybe we can rest up for a bit and examine just how bad our injuries are." I suggested.

Rob snorted. "And you think that won't be the first fucking place the cops search for us? We wrecked right near this place. They have to have common sense to know which way we could've gone."

He had a point, but my head was throbbing. There was no way it was safe to just continue walking like this all night.

"Look, we have to see how bad our injuries from that accident are. We don't even know if anyone lives in that place, besides, even if they do, we could convince them not to turn us in."

"How?" Rob asked. "You really think some adults are just gonna side with two teenage kids on the run. That would get them into a lot of trouble, as well as us."

I was still convinced that going into the house was our best option right now. Besides, we didn't have a car to get very far. "Look, I'm going. You can stay here and bitch to someone else who cares, or you can come with me."

"Fine." Rob sighed. "You should totally keep bossing me around like you didn't almost kill me back there by the way."

We went up to the house and knocked. No one answered, and Rob made it a point to tell me that he was right about everything, and this was a bad idea, but after another minute, someone answered.

It was a young woman, who held her baby in her arms. It was crying and fussy.

Great, just what I needed to make my headache better. A loud screaming child.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her tone hinted a bit of annoyance, but it was understandable considering we were complete strangers showing up at her house in the early hours of the morning, and she had a screaming baby in her arms.

"Yeah, we just got into a horrible car accident." I said, making sure my voice had just the right amount of despair. "My boyfriend and I need a place to sleep for the night. There's no way we can make it back home."

Rob's head snapped up quick at my use of the word "boyfriend", but I ignored it. This was all a stunt anyways. It wasn't like I actually wanted Rob Miller to be my boyfriend.

Okay, maybe I was lying to myself again.

The lady gave us a strange but sympathetic look. "Of course, come in, but I just have one question. Why can't the two of you make it back home?"

Here was where I was really hoping my convincing skills would work. "You see, our families are very abusive. The cops were after us tonight for trying to run away from them, and that's why we wrecked. I would really appreciate it if you could, well, hide us in case they come to question you, and ask if you've seen us."

The woman gasped, then nodded her head vigorously, letting us inside."Of course, of course, come in you poor things. I'm sorry about Mallorey. She's just so fussing tonight." the woman said, referring to the screaming baby. "My name's Ramona."

"Pleased to meet you." Rob said with extremely forced sweetness.

Ramona smirked. "Are you two good with kids?"

"She is." Rob said, backing away. "Don't bring that kid near me. I won't have a clue what I'm doing."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I have a head injury, and I'm pretty sure I need to lie down."

"Actually, you're not supposed to sleep when you have a head injury." Rob pointed out.

"Fuck off."

Ramona gave us a strange look. "Are you sure you two are boyfriend and girlfriend?" The child had finally stopped crying.

"Uh, yeah." Rob said. "I love her, but she's a pain in my ass."

I blushed. Is that really what he would tell people if I actually was his girlfriend?

Ramona chuckled. "That's understandable. My ex husband used to be a pain in mine."

I shifted uncomfortably, not knowing what to say. "Uh, could you show us where we'll be sleeping?" I asked.

"Right, sorry! Come this way." Ramona said, and her and the child disappeared down a dimly lit hallway.

Me and Rob exchanged a look when she had gone. "Still think this is a bad idea?" I teased.

Rob rolled his eyes. "We haven't gotten settled in yet Heather. Just give it some time. I know this is."

I scoffed and followed where Ramona had gone. There were only four rooms on this hall, and one was the bathroom from what I could tell.

"This is your room." Ramona's voice said from the very last room, the fourth one, at the end of the hall. When we went inside, to my horror, there was only one bed.

"So how do you expect us to sleep in one bed?" I asked her.

She gave me a strange look. "You two are dating aren't you?"

I swallowed, not realizing I had almost blown our cover. "Uh, yeah. I just didn't expect this." I said awkwardly, trying to find the right words to say to get out of this.

Ramona luckily did not see right through me, and I felt bad for her, because we could have easily been psychopaths. "It's fine. Make yourselves at home. I have your backs."

We thanked her, and she left, shutting the door.

"Holy shit, that was too easy." Rob whispered excitedly.

"I thought this was a bad idea?" I smirked at him.

"Okay fine, maybe you had a point back there, but you could've warned me. That accident could've gone much, much worse than it did."

"But it didn't." I pointed out. "My head is fucking killing me though."

Rob moved towards me, wincing from his own pain in his side. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me close, placing a hand on my head. My breath caught in my throat as he examined it. "You've got a couple of pretty good size bruises on your forehead." he said.

I swallowed hard. "Mhm, I'm pretty sure of that."

"There's a mirror. Take a look." Rob said, turning me in the direction of the floor length mirror at the end of the room.

I walked towards it slowly, a little afraid of what I might see in it. As Rob said, I had humongous bruises on most of my forehead. They were ugly as hell too.

"Holy fucking shit." I mumbled, reached to run my hand across them. I winced in pain. That wasn't a very smart idea.

"Told you." Rob snickered. He placed our belongings beside the bed. "So looks like we're sleeping together."

He said the last words with such amusement my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Look, don't make this anymore awkward than it needs to be."

"I'm not." Rob said innocently. "It wouldn't be the first time I've slept in the same bed as a chick I'm not even with."

My stomach felt sick at those words. "Ha, very funny asshole."

"Come on, you know that's not really what I am to you. Besides, I don't do the same things I used to."

"Currently, yes you are an asshole."

Rob smirked, then flopped onto the bed. It would be a minute before I decided to do the same. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said, leaving the room before Rob could answer.

When I stepped out, I saw no sign of Ramona, which was good, because I didn't feel like talking to her again anytime soon. I just wanted this all to be over as quickly as it had happened.

The bathroom was luckily super clean and nice looking. Not like in those horror movies about people going into someone who lives in the woods' house, to find it was absolutely disgusting.

Everything in there had some type of floral pattern or design, and it smelled like vanilla.

Okay, maybe I was weird for describing how good some stranger's bathroom smelled.

There was better light there, which was awful, because then I could see the bruises much more clearly. I thought about just how me and Rob were supposed to actually accomplish getting away from here, and if it would all be worth it.

What if we did all this just fail again at some point?

Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. I checked my phone and realized I had several messages. Luckily, they weren't from my mother or father, but they were from Abigail and Maddie. Apparently Abigail had saw me and Rob leave.

Fuck, this couldn't be happening right now. She'd tell on us in a heartbeat, so I decided to call her.

"Hello?" she said when she finally answered.

"I swear to God if you tell anyone that we left-"

"Oh Heather, its you! So good to hear your voice?"

I closed my eyes and counted to three before answering. "How the hell did you even know we left, fucking stalker."

"What can I say? I was out walking, and I saw the two of you, so I ducked behind a bush to spy. You know how nosey I am Heather. Especially when you don't ever tell me anything. Why was I not let in on your little plans?"

"You know exactly why I never tell you shit Abigail. You're a fucking fake, petty bitch." I snapped.

"Is that so? I'd watch how you spoke to me Heather. After all, I know a lot that could ruin you." Abigail sneered.

"Like what? You only know what I allow you to."

"Sure, but I can definitely spice things up a bit. You of all people should know that."

"If you tell anyone, you'll regret it." I said.

"We'll see."

A/N: The return of the bitch Abigail!! :D How do you guys feel about that??

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