InuYasha X Kagome : Fanfictio...

By KillSwiTcH05

9.6K 324 149

Previously, InuYasha and Kagome had battled and defeated the demon, Hotaru, who had captured Kuniome, InuYash... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

1.5K 37 8
By KillSwiTcH05

"Kuniome, where are you?" It was InuYasha who spoke, he crept around the clearing near the village playing hide-and-seek with his daughter. He lifted his head up high and listened for even the slightest sound, breathing but not smelling. They agreed about InuYasha not using his heightened sense of smell to be fair, however he can still use his other senses to locate his daughter.

There was a light rustling of a bush and InuYasha slowly crept towards it. When he got close enough, he jumped out expecting to find his daughter, but instead finding no one and nothing.

"Daddy!" InuYasha looked up just in time to catch his daughter who just jumped from a tree to try to ambush him. He still has not gotten used to Kuniome calling him 'Daddy,' it was Kagome who influenced Kuniome to call him that, saying it was how children call their fathers in her era.

"You're getting old there, InuYasha," Kagome, who had been watching from the side spoke, slowly walking towards her husband and daughter. "Outsmarted by your own daughter."

"She got that from me, you know - her intelligence," InuYasha boasted, looping his free arm around Kagome's waist, carrying Kuniome with the other. "As for her beauty, hmm, well I don't know where she got that from," he joked.

Kagome elbowed him playfully on the ribs, "InuYasha!"

"I'm kidding," InuYasha added, his eyes now fixed on Kagome's. "She inherited them from her beautiful, beautiful mother," he leaned in for a kiss but stopped just when their faces were inches apart. InuYasha's head shot up, his ears erect, he took a whiff and suddenly turned serious.

"What's wrong, daddy?" Kuniome asked, her hands clutched on her father's kimono. InuYasha looked at his daughter, her face full of concern.

"It's nothing, Kuniome," he lied. "Listen, I'm going to give you to your mother, okay?"

"Okay," was her only reply before she let go of him and got passed down to Kagome.

"We have to get back to the village, something is wrong," InuYasha whispered to Kagome low enough for Kuniome not to hear. "The scent of blood is in the air, and some belonging to Kaede."

"Let's go," Kagome added and climbed unto InuYasha's back, Kuniome safely between both of them.

"What happened here?" InuYasha asked, Miroku stood just outside Lady Kaede's hut, looking depressed. The village destroyed, few huts still stood but not without having damages. Bodies lay on the ground, bloody and lifeless. Kagome covered Kuniome's eyes, preventing her from seeing the gruesome sight.

"There was an attack," Miroku replied, "The demon slaughtered half of the villagers. Lady Kaede, as old as she looks, tried to stop the demon, but to no avail."

"Watch Kuniome and let her not see any of this," InuYasha ordered as he and Kagome entered the hut.

Lady Kaede lay there on the futon, her chest bandaged and bloody. Sango sat beside her, desperately trying to clean Kaede's wounds.

"InuYasha, Kagome," Sango called. "I'm so glad you finally came."

"We heard about what happened," Kagome said. "Is she going to be okay?"

"I can't tell. She'd been unconscious ever since the demon clawed her," Sango replied.

"Where is Shippo?" asked Kagome.

"I sent him out to get some more medicine for Lady Kaede."

"Beware of the demon Yakunan!" Lady Kaede suddenly spoke, her eyes still shut. She was clearly talking unconsciously. "Beware of the demon Yakunan!"

"She's been mumbling that unconsciously a few times, but we do not know or even have heard of a demon named Yakunan," Sango added.

"That, my dear, is terrible news," a familiar tiny squeaky voice spoke. All three of them looked down on the floor to see Myōga the flea.

"Well, if it isn't Myōga," InuYasha said. "Why have you come here?"

"I was drawn here because of the scent of blood," The old flea replied.

"You know of this demon Yakunan?" Kagome asked.

"Yes," Myōga replied. "She is one of the great Lord Inu no Taishō's foes. Yakunan is a demon to be feared."

"We've battled and defeated a lot of demons in the past, why is she so different?" InuYasha asked.

"Because she has the ability to control anyone and any living creature. Even the terrible Naraku couldn't stand a chance."

"What would she want with villagers?" asked Kagome.

"She was not after the villagers. You see, during their feud between InuYasha's father and her. Inu no Taishō killed both the demon Yakunan's husband and her daughter, although he had no intention to do so. She swore revenge on Inu no Taishō by one day killing all his remaining kin - and that is you, master InuYasha, and your brother Lord Sesshomaru."

"Father has made a lot of enemies during his time, didn't he?" InuYasha mumbled. "Well, if that's the case, then Yakunan will not cease to search for us. It's best we find her before she finds us."

"But Lord InuYasha, your daughter..." Myōga spoke but was then cut off.

"Will not come with us," InuYasha said as final.

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