The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)

By nxrmalisboring

62.1K 1.7K 482

"I didn't get your name" "And you're not going to" Small town girl Demi Lovato meets Niall Horan of One Direc... More

The Coffee Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
read please
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 9

2.1K 68 9
By nxrmalisboring

AN: My third chapter in 3 days XD You're welcome :P

Picture of the beach they are at is on the side :)



*Demi's POV*

Walking out, we saw the five boys in swim trunks with tank tops and Mandy in a pull over, most likely a bikini under it.

"Everyone ready?" I asked

"YESSS!" Everyone yelled simultaneously.

We walked out of the suite, Liam locking the door on the way out and went back down the elevator, out of the hotel, into the car and on our way to the beach.

This will be the BEST vacation EVER!


*Demi's POV*

Walking out of the car, I looked at the beautiful beach in front of me. Taking in its beauty.

I was interrupted when Ariana jumped on my back. I held onto her legs and started to run to the ocean while she was laughing the whole time and trying to tell me to stop.

"Demz. Demz! Demi! Put me down! Hahahahahaha!" She screamed in between laughs.

I dropped to my knees and let her fall to the sand, both of us laughing the whole time. When we calmed down, we set up our blankets and took our cover ups off.

"You want to go and swim with me Demz?" Ariana questioned, looking at me hopefully.

"Of course I will! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled my toward the big blue ocean. Reaching the surface, a chill ran through my spine. The water was so warm! I loved warm oceans so much, I never got too many chances to go to the beach back in California so it's nice to finally go.

I heard a splash and turned around just in time to be lifted on someones shoulder. I screamed, laughed and demanded to be put down.

"Okay" Said what I thought was Zayn and was dropped into the water head first. Surfacing back up, I turned around to see Zayn, Harry and Louis laughing. I pouted and splashed them back, ending in a splash war.


*Niall's POV*

I was putting some suntan lotion on Mandy's back when my mind started to drift off to events that happened a few minutes ago. Ariana kept saying Demz, but the last time she said Demi.

So that's her name, it's nice, Demi. Demi Lovato. Her name has a nice ring to it. I wonder it Demi is her actual name or if it stands for something, either way, I really like it. Now I don't have to wonder all the time what her name is and when she will tell it to me. Ariana practically told me for her.


"Huh?" I looked over to see Mandy looking at me with an annoyed expression on her face.

"The suntan lotion. You stopped, and when I called your name, you didn't answer. Are you okay? You've been doing this a lot lately." She looked like she was actually concerned for me, it was nice.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking about what happened at the airport earlier. It tired me out some and I'm just tired, that's really it."

"Oh, okay. Well are you going to continue?"

"Sure" I replied, a smile forming on her face and I got back to what I was doing.

Finishing up, Mandy sat in between my legs and fell asleep, taking a small nap after the long plane ride we had. We all should be right now, it was a long ride.

I looked around to see Liam laying down on a blanket on the sand with sunglasses on his face, but with the steady rise and fall of his chest, it looked like he's sleeping.

I looked out in the ocean to see Demi and Ariana having a splash fight with Louis, Harry and Zayn. I really wish I could be with them right now, laughing and having fun. But Mandy wouldn't like it, and she wouldn't even come, she doesn't like the ocean.

We only just got here and I've already wished that Mandy didn't come along a couple of times. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Mandy is my girlfriend and that she came along. But she doesn't want to do a lot of things, most of the time she just wants to sit and talk. It's completely fine for me, but sometimes I don't want to talk. Sometimes I do want to go and have a splash fight with everybody else, go and laugh until my stomach starts to hurt.

But if I do, then Mandy complains and we end up in a fight, and Mandy starts to cry, saying that I don't 'care' about her. Which is completely false, I care a lot for her.

I decided against what Mandy wants for a change, I slid out from underneath her and stood up, making sure she's still asleep. I looked around the beach and saw not many others than us, mostly people in their late 20s. No fans, I love my fans, but just like any normal person, I do like my personal space and days that I like to chill out and not worry about anything. A day just to have fun.

Walking into the ocean, my just warm skin hitting the chilled water was a little cold, but I quickly got over it. I swam over to the others and immediately was greeted.

"Hey mate! Nice of you to join us! I thought you wouldn't come out because of Mandy" Louis announced.

"Mandy doesn't control me, I just don't like to fight with her at all. But you guys looked like you were having a lot of fun, so I decided to join everyone" I smiled, looking around at everyone.

"It is a lot of fun! But, NIALL'S ON OUR TEAM!" Ariana boldly spoke up, she has definitely changed a lot since she's woken up a little less than a week ago.

"NO!" Louis yelled, "NIALL'S ON OUR TEAM! HE'S PART OF OUR BAND!!!!!!"


"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" Demi screamed, shocking us all.

When she noticed everyone staring at her in shock, she looked down blushing while mumbling a 'sorry'

"Don't be sorry! That was AMAZING Demz!" Ariana congratulated, "So much better than a few months ago" She winked and they laughed while bumping hips. Girls, I'll never understand them.

"Well?" I spoke up

"Niall, you're on the girl's team, I'm only saying this because Demi spoke up when she seems like the shyest person ever. Wait, she IS the shyest person ever!"

"HEY!" Demi complained and stuck her bottom lip out. She looks so cute when she pouts.

We all started to laugh when Louis announced, "Okay, GAME TIME!"

I ran over to the girls and gave them a quick hug before we started the game.


*Demi's POV*

When the sun started to set some, we all got out of the water and headed back to the hotel, picking up some food on the way back.

Throughout those couple hours, Mandy stayed sleeping the whole time and Liam woke up and came into the water to hang out with us.

We stopped the splash war about a half hour after Niall came in and just talked. When Liam came out we started to play chicken fights and just laughed, having an amazing time all together.

When we got back to the suite, I checked my phone to see thirty four missed calls. All from the same number, Brad. He's a good guy, sometimes, but he is very clingy and at times, it really annoys me.

I excused myself from the living room where we were all watching a movie and went into the room Ariana and I shared. I dialled Brad's number and waited for him to pick up, he picked up on the first ring.

"WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING MY CALLS!? I CALLED THIRTY FOUR TIMES AND YOU JUST NOW CALL ME BACK! YOU BITCH! WHERE ARE YOU THAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAD TO BLOW OFF THIRTY FOUR OF MY CALLS?" I pulled my phone away from my ear waiting for his screaming to stop, when I was sure that he stopped yelling at me, I put the phone back to my ear.

"I'm sorry Brad, I was at the beach with some of my new friends and we were in the water all day. I'm sorry I didn't pick up your calls, I didn't know" I apologized, not wanting him to scream at me anymore.

I heard some deep breaths on the other side of the line before Brad spoke again, this time a lot more calm, "The beach? Why were you at the beach? You never go to the beach, and when you do, it's always with me! Who are these new friends? Are some of them boys? If they are I will beat the living shi-"

"BRAD!" I interrupted, "I'm on vacation with some of my friends, I'm aloud to talk to other people that aren't you!"

"YOU'RE ON VACATION!!!! WHY? WITHOUT ME? NOW I NEED TO KNOW WHO THESE FRIENDS ARE! YOU GO ON VACATION WITH PEOPLE YOU JUST MEET! WHERE DID YOU GET THE MONEY TO GO ON VACATION? YOU'RE JUST MAKING ENDS MEET WITH YOUR BILLS AND YOU TAKE OFF ON VACATION?" I flinched every time he started a new sentence, I am so in for it when I get back, I can't believe I forgot to tell him I was going. But then again, I'm glad I did. If I did tell him, then he wouldn't of let me go and there's a whole territory I don't want to get into.....EVER.

"JUST PLEASE STOP IT BRAD! IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! NONE OF THIS IS! I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF YOU! AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" I screamed, I was mad. I could not believe he has the nerve to do this, it's my life. NOT his.

"Demetria Devonne Lovato! Don't you dare push the limit right now! Where are you? Tell me." I was a little hesitant to tell him, who knows what he would do. "NOW!"

"You know what? NO! I'm not telling you! I have a life of my own and I'm aloud to do things without your permission! So NO! I'm not telling you!"

"You little bitch! Tell me where you are or we're over!" Wow. He's never threatened that, but then again I've never talked back to him before. Maybe breaking up with him will be best for me, I think I will.


"JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I took a deep breath and calmed down before I spoke again.

"Fine. If you wont do this, then I will. We're over, done. I never want to see you again."


"Yes! I can! I am allowed to do whatever I want to! It's MY life! And I'm breaking up with you!"

"You little BITCH! I will come and find you and make you regret ever doin-" I hung up my cellphone and sat down on my bed, taking in the fight and what I just did. I feel like the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders. It feels so nice and I'm glad I did that.

I got under my covers since I was already in pajamas, and shut my eyes, a wave of exhaustion instantly hitting me and I fell asleep into a deep, peaceful, dreamless sleep.


*Niall's POV*

The seven of us were sitting in the living room with the movie paused listening to Demi fight with someone named Brad. That girl has some lungs oh her when she wants to, or when she's mad at someone.

"Yes! I can! I am allowed to do whatever I want to! It's MY life! And I'm breaking up with you!" And that's all we heard before dead silence. I never knew she had a boyfriend, well, I don't know a lot of things about her but usually the subject that a person is in a relationship comes up in the first twenty four hours.

"I'll go and see if she's alright" Ariana announced and got up, walking into their shared bedroom.

"Niall, can we go in our room?" Mandy looked up at me with her cute eyes sparkling.

"Sure" We got up and walked into our room, I shut the door behind me and I sat down on a bed while she went in the bathroom.

A minute later she walked out of the bathroom, "Hey Niall?" I looked up at her to see her in her pajamas, like she was, but with a light pink silk robe over them.

"Yeah babe?" I stood up and gave her a light peck on the lips.

Pulling back, I stared in her eyes, waiting for a response, "Why did you go in the ocean before? You just....left me there. I was expecting to see you next to me when I woke up" She pulled away from me and walked to the other side of the room.

I knew this conversation was going to come up.

"I went in the water because you fell asleep on me. They all looked like they were having fun and I was getting bored just sitting there, I wasn't tired either. I'm sorry."

"Well, it upset me to know that my boyfriend doesn't care enough to wait for me to wake up. He just ditched me and doesn't pay attention to me. I could've gotten kidnapped and you wouldn't of noticed."

She has got to be kidding me, she's really being ridiculous right now, "What do you mean I don't care? OF COURSE I CARE! If I didn't care then you wouldn't have come on vacation with us! You'd be at home by yourself! And I was watching you! I would never let anything happen to you! And you know that!"

"You care more about that bitch Demi than me"

"What? What are you even talking about? Demi is just a friend that I just met, you're my girlfriend!"

"Then why do you always think about her? I know you're thinking about her when you daze off but you just give me some bullshit excuse! And I always see you staring at her and your eyes light up! Something that NEVER happens when you look at me! You do care about her more than me!"

"Again! You're my girlfriend! Why would I-" I was cut off when she turned around and stormed out of our bedroom door, "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"


*Mandy's POV*

"Again! You're my girlfriend! Why would I-" I cut him off by turning around and storming out of the bedroom, hearing, "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" from Niall.

I walked into the living room seeing the four boys watching the movie, now staring at me in confusion.

I need to get back at Demi somehow, all I could see was red everywhere. All I could think is, she's stealing my man.

I stomped into Demi's and Ariana's room, more furious than ever.

"Mandy? What are you doing in here?" I ignored Ariana and looked around the room for Demi. Seeing her laying in her bed, I walked over there and heard Niall come into the room and several footsteps behind him.

"Mandy? Why are you in here? Get out of here!" I chose to ignore him too and walked up to Demi's bed.

"Demi. Demi? Demi!" I said all nice and sweet.

She slowly became conscious again and looked my way in confusion.

"Mandy? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just came in here to see how you're doing" She looked at me in confusion. "Because of your fight with Brad" She nodded and realization came over her face.

"Oh, well I'm okay. But can you excuse me for a moment please" Ha! The innocent act....that little bitch.

"Sure" I stepped out of her way and she made her way to what I presumed to be the bathroom.

Suddenly, all I could see was red again and I ran up to her and turned her around. All I saw was confusion smeared across her face before I punched her straight across the face. I pushed her to the ground and got on top of her, punching the crap out of her face.

About twenty seconds later, I think everyone came out of their states of shock because I was being pulled off of Demi and out of the room.

The last thing I saw was Ariana comforting Demi while she cried.


*Demi's POV*

"Demi. Demi? Demi!" I heard a sweet familiar voice say. Wait. Was that just Mandy?

"Mandy? What are you doing here?" I questioned in confusion.

"Oh, I just came in here to see how you're doing, because of your fight with Brad" I nodded and finally understood. But why would she care about my fight with Brad.

"Oh, well I'm okay. But can you excuse me for a moment please." I had to go to the bathroom, I have to everytime when I wake up.

"Sure" I got up and passed Mandy, seeing everyone else staring at us in confusion and Niall with worry. I shot him a look of confusion before proceeding to the bathroom.

I was almost there when I felt someone tug on my shoulder really hard, so I turned around and I saw Mandy. Before I could react, I was punched across the face and pushed to the ground.

I felt weight on top of me before more punches and a lot of pain going through my face. It felt like an eternity before she was pulled off of me.

Ariana ran to my side while I broke out into tears.

I looked up to see Niall and Louis dragging out Mandy while she screamed things like, 'Let me go! That little bitch got what she deserved!' and 'I'm not done with her! She needs to die!'

After another five minutes of listening to her scream, it became silent and Liam, Harry and Zayn walked into the room.

All I could feel was pain, I swear the left half of my face is covered in bruises and I have two black eyes.

I looked over to Ariana who had worry written all over her face and she hugged me before looking me in the eye and saying;

"Are you okay?"


AN: I'm sorry! I know I made it really sad in the ending with Demi getting beat up and all. But it will all come together eventually. Don't worry. I don't like Mandy at all, and I'm the one who made the character!

Do you think it was a good decision for Demi to break up with Brad?



And maybe fan? - Love you guys <3

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