
By MsBangtanlee

111K 2.5K 297

Left in front of a hobbit hole as a baby, grown up as a proper maiden, transformed into a warrior ___________... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chaper Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
The Truth Untold
Chapter Forty
Final A/N

Chapter Fifteen

2K 54 0
By MsBangtanlee

"Guys wake up it is ur- Oh well this sight is very appealing." Someone groaned

Reann and Kili stirred opening their eyes. It took a while for them to actually comprehend what was happening, but once they did Reann squealed and covered herself Kili just looking at him smiling.

"Yes dear brother what ever do you need?" He asked

"To put your clothes back on we let you guys sleep in and there's an army outside full of elves, and angry men hurry please." Fili ushered eyes closed rushing out

Reann jumped out of bed along with Kili rushing their clothes out and running out by the others. Reann looked out and Fili was right there was an army full of elves, and fisherman.

"Hail Thorin son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." Bard exclaimed down below from boulder built wall

"Why do you come to the gates of the King Under the Mountain armed for war?" Thorin asked

"Why does the King Under the Mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole." Bard stated

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."

"My lord- We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Bard asked

Thorin nodded walking down and to the hole meeting Bard. While Fili looks at Reann's hair and gasps.

"You are courted Reann?" He said

That got all the dwarves attention they all looked her mouths open. Reann looked down blushing and nodded.

"Yep as of last night I am Reann Durin." She smiled grabbing Kili's hand who kissed hers

All the dwarves went to congratulate her Dwalin grabbing Kili and lifting him in the air.

"You hurt my daughter and I'll have new fur on me." He threatened

He nodded getting set back down. They all stopped smiling hearing Thorin shout

"Be gone, era arrow fly!"

"What are you doing!? You cannot go to war." Bilbo exclaimed who was more worried about the angry elves, and fisherman

"This does not concern you." Thorin told him

"Excuse me?! But just in case you haven't noticed, there is an army of elves out there. And not to mention several hundred angry fisherman. We-We are in fact outnumbered." Bilbo told Thorin

"Not for much longer." Thorin stated looking at Bilbo

"What do you mean?" Bilbo asked

"It means master Baggin's, you should never underestimate dwarves." He explained

"We have reclaimed Erebor- Now we defend it!" Thorin ordered the dwarves turing to them

Reann didn't like the sound of that but complied. She already had her weapons so she helped the others gather theirs so when the time does come there ready. Though she was trying to listen to Bilbo and Thorin's talk but could barely hear.

"My daughter I am happy for you Kili is a good lad I trust him to make you happy." My father said to me

"Thank you daddy I am truly happy with him and he does make me happy." I told him
Earlier the next day the dwarves were all ready for war. As the dwarves and elves were approaching Reann took this time to hug all of her kin apart from Thorin, whose dragon sickness has gotten worse and worse by each day.

"All I wanna say is that I love you guys each and every one of you and please be safe. I know that many people are going to die in this war so please just be prepared for the worst to happen, but please keep your behinds safe for me at least. Okay now I wish you all the best may Durin be with you." Reann said

Everyone nodded in their heavy armor and looked back at the opening where the army was now. Thorin takes a bow and arrow and shoots it aiming for Bard and Thranduil, landing right in front of them.

"I will put the next one between your eyes." Thorin threatened

He then drew another bow, and the dwarves on the other side cheered them on raising their weapons in the air. All but Reann who though this was totally bonkers. Thranduil looked at Thorin angry, and slightly tilted his head. As if on cue several rows on Elves in the front had their bows pulled out and aimed. The cheering stopped and the dwarves ducked under causing Reann to snort lightly to herself but stopped. Thankfully Thranduil held his hand up, and all the elves put their weapons away.

"We've come to tell you; payment of your debt has been offered....and accepted." Thranduil said

"What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing!" Thorin shouted

"We have this." Bard stated reaching into his robe and pulling out the Arkenstone

"They have the Arkenstone? Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the King!" Kili exclaimed

"And the king may have it- in our good will, but first he must honor his word." Bard said putting it back

"They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse, a filthy lie." Thorin stated


That's when Bilbo stepped out Reann looking at him curiously

"It- its no trick the stone is real. I gave it to them." He told Thorin

Reann gasped at her brother shocked along with the other dwarves.

"You..." Thorin started

"I took it as my fourteenth share." Bilbo said

"You would steal from me?" Thorin asked him

"Steal from you? No, no I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." Bilbo explained

"Against your claim!? Your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!" Thorin growled walking towards him

"I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but...." Bilbo tried to say

"But what, Thief!?"

"You are changed, Thorin! The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin." Bilbo shouted at Thorin

"Do not speak to me...of loyalty!!"

"Throw him off the rampant!!" Thorin ordered

Bilbo was shocked as were the dwarves conflicted as of wondering what to do. They all stepped away in confusion disobeying Thorin making him angry.

"DO YOU HEAR ME!?" He screamed

He grabbed Fili's arm who shrugged him off not sure what to do. Reann was too shocked she didn't know what to do at all, she was just frozen in shock and fear.

"I will do it myself." He growled

He went to grab Bilbo but struggled as the other dwarves leaped for him begging him to stop. He manages to get a hold of the hobbit and tries to push him over the rampant.

"Cursed be the Wizard that forced you on this company!!!" Thorin exclaimed

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BURGLAR!!..." A new voice screamed

"Then please don't damage him....Return him to me! You're not making a very splendidfigure as King Under the Mountain, are you? Thorin son of Thrain!!" The voice exclaimed which turned out to be Gandalf the Grey

"Never again will I have dealings with Wizards..." Thorin stated

Reann ran towards her brother along with Bofur. Reann hugging him before he goes over the wall.

"I love you Bilbo never forget." She whispered and let go

"Go." Bofur then gently pushed him

"Or shire rats!!" Thorin continued

Reann was in Kili's arms as she watched her brother climb down the hill thinking she may never see him again.

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what you promised. Give us your answer! Will you have peace or War?" Bard asked

Those last five words that frightened the dawrves. What will happen will Thorin choose peace or war.

"I will have war!!" Thorin answered

Reann flinched at that tone and closed her eyes but opened them as she heard a new voice. She opened her eyes to see an army of more dawrves.

"This can't be good." Reann thought to herself

"That's Dain Ironfood Thorins cousin." Fili informed her

"Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee problem, if you wouldn't giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider.....just sodding off all of you right now!!!" Dain exclaimed

"Come now, lord Dain." Gandalf said

"Gandalf the Grey tell this rabble to leave or I'll water the ground with their ground blood!!!" Dain told Gandalf

"There is no need for war between dwarves, men, and elves! A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down!" Gandalf commanded them

"I will not stand down before any elf!! Not least this faithless woodland spirte!!" Dain told him gesturing towards Thrandruil

"He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin- I'll split his head open! See if he's still smirking then." He continued

The Erebor dwarves start cheering all but Reann this is not going to end well. She was listening intensly gripping Kili's hand harder and harder each minute.

"Clearly he's mad, like his cousin." Thranduil stated

"You hear that lads!? Come on let's give these bastards a good hammering!!" Dain shouted rejoining is army

Dain shouted a command to his army and then they all charged towards them on their rams the Erebor dwarves cheering them on. Reann pulled away from Kili and the group.

"Do you guys really cheer this on? Did you not hear Gandalf there's an army of orcs and our kin and elves are fighting eachother pathetic!!" She exclaimed

They paid no notice to her they were too busy watching as the Ironhill dwarves finally made contact and they were fighting. Though it didn't last long because there was a rumbling causing both armies to stop fighting.

"Were-Worms!!" Gandalf shouted

Soon massive worms onehundred feet long and dozens of feet thick come out of the mountains. Suddenly retreating to the holes they have made. As the mist clears Azog is shown with his army commanding them. A flag goes up and a horn sounds, and orcs come running out of the were-worm holes.

"The holes of hell are upon us! To battle! To battle sons of Durin!" Dain shouts at his army soon getting into formation

"I'm going over the wall! Who's coming with me?" Fili asks

The other dwarves cheer and agree in their heavy armor Reann was ready for this she missed the black blood covering her sword.

"Stand down!' Thorin commanded

"What?" Reann asked shocked

"Are we to do nothing?" Fili questioned

"I said STAND DOWN!!" Thorin screamed

"No I will not stand down! You are not the same dwarf I met in Bag End! You are no king to me Thorin Oakenshield." Reann hissed at him

She ran past the dwarves and jumped off the wall landing perfectly, and unharmed.

"REANN!!" Kili screamed for her

He to was going to jump over the wall but was grabbed by Thorin and thrown into the dwarves. Meanwhile Reann ran past the army of men, and elves and next to Dain with the orcs approaching. She looked to see the elves doing nothing just staring. As the orcs were right in front of them the elves jumped over the dwarves slaying them.

"And who might you be?" Dain questioned Reann

"Oh sorry allow me to introduce myself I'm Reann daughter of Dwalin courted to Kili Durin." Reann said to him

"Well I hope your one hell of a fighter." He joked

"Hell of a fighter please I'm the daughter of Dwalin best fighter in all of Middle Earth." I snorted

"We'll put that to the test." Dain grunted killing a orc

I smirked and fought along side him. Though they had elves on their side it was no use there were to many. Reann was slicing orcs heads and saved Dain a couple of times as he did her headbutting orcs. Orcs got to his warpig though killing it making him fall.

"You buggers! Where's Thorin?! We need him where is he!?" Dain exclaimed

"I'm sorry to say Dain but he has terrible dragon sickness I fear he may not come down." Reann stated

The army of dwarves started retreating back to the gates of Erebor with surviving dwarves. Another signaling horn was heard and trolls started running in. There was another except it was no orc horn. Atop the building stood Bombour blowing it, and the stone gates of Erebor was broken by a golden statue. The Erebor dwarves hanging off of it like a bell but they were no longer in their heavy metal. Reann smiles to herself, while Dain started shouting commands to his army.


Reann runs passed Dain and to Kili. He was already on alert searching for his fiance scared. His eyes soon landed on her she stuck out the most killing orcs left and right smirking. He smiled and ran towards her stopping and grabbing her kissing her with all his might.

"I love you so much amralime I'm sorry it took me so long." He told her

"It's fine lets just kill these horrid creatures together." Reann told him stabbing an orc behind her

Kili smirked to himself at her he was a lucky one. The army all shouted and ran to their king killing all orcs from anger winning so far.

"Reann! Kili!" A voice was heard

They turned around to see another one of the dwarves contraptions with goats pulling it. On it was Fili, Balin, and Dwalin smiling at them.

"Hope on hurry." Fili ushered them

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