Dragon Descendants.

By Cj_Writes04

1.9M 81.9K 10.3K

Highest: #1 in Action! Elena lives in a world where dragons are well-known to man kind and tamed by... More

Character Profiles
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
EXTRA - Happy Valentines
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen - First Battle Day
Chapter Twenty!! - BATTLE DAY 2
Chapter Twenty-One - ASH VS BAILEY (Day 3)
Chapter 22 - ELENA BATTLE! Day 4
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
--Chapter 30--
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter **40**
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Sequel? Notes. - YES!

Chapter Sixteen

41.9K 2.1K 189
By Cj_Writes04

The window is strong, and rain is hard and heavy, I can't hear myself think. This is a bad idea, nothing is safe out here. The world is wet, slippery, and dangerous.

I run into the dragon stables, where every dragon seems to be stirred. I rush to Aries, she looks up at me.

"Sorry to do this to you girl, we have to go out," I tell her as I grab her saddle, she begins to stir.

"I know this isn't ideal, but Jackson is out there, so are his friends and dragon, we need to find them," I tell her, she stands up and we walk out.

I look and see Ashton standing with his dragon ready to fly.

"What are you doing!" I try to yell over the storm,

"I'm- we're coming too," he claims,


"Jackson is my best friend, I can't leave him, and I can't let you go out alone!" He says.

I don't feel like I have the right to tell him to stay, so I shut up and suck it up.

I hop on Aries.

"This is going to be a rough fly, stay with me," I say to Aries.

"Ready?!" I ask,

He nods, and we both fly outside.

The rain pours, and the wind blows making our takeoff rocky.

We fly to where we stopped and turned back,

"Spread out!" I tell him,

"3 kilometres!" he yells,

"Yeh!" I respond.

We both fly in the pouring rain. Something about this weather had me in a pickle, where did it come from?

Lightning struck and thunder followed, I can barely see anything.

"Jackson!" I called, "Jackson!"

Aries roars, It was a lot louder than me.

"Jackson!" I called, Aries helped by roaring.

I call out several times, nothing is heard back until the sound of a pain-filled roar catches my attention.

That has to be them.

I follow the sound, and I see Ashton on the way. We both hear it, we look down to see broken branches, dragons have fallen here. We swoop down to see Jackson's friends, half buried under trees, the other knocked out.

"Sam!" I help him up,

"Are you okay?"

We lift everyone up, Jackson is nowhere to be seen.

"He isn't here!" I tell Ashton,

"What! How is he not here!" Ashton responds. I look to my left to see more branches broken, and the ground looks like his whole dragon fell sideways, and slid.

I place 3 of Jackson's friends on Aries, the other two on Ashton's dragon.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asks as I send Aries off, without hopping on.

"I'm going to get Jackson, come get me after, just make sure the others get back!" I tell him.

"Elena!" Ashton says before I send his dragon off.

Now to find Jackson. I run.  Across the mud, almost falling over twice. I reach the end of the forest, where a large tree lies across a river.

"Argh!" I look to see Jackson hanging off the edge of the fallen tree.

"Jackson!" I yell as I run to the log and climb over it about 3 meters, where I grab his arm.

"Elena-" he says as he tries to hold onto my arm, I see he has injured his leg, and I am not strong enough.

"Don't worry, I'll get ya up here, I just need a rope or something-" I say as my eyes begin to water.


"Ashton!" I call out,

"Elena!" my brother stops me from calling out, and draw my focus to him. The log begins to crack, it was old and hollow, and the rain wasn't helping. "I'll make this quick. I need you to find someone you can trust with your life, someone that you'll keep close and will keep safe, tell them I said-"

"No! What are you doing stop! No last words!" I yell at him,

"Elena, we don't have time! Listen!" he says, "Find someone you care about, that'll keep you safe and protect you." We both begin to drop a little, we were going to fall, "The fairy tale book, In the fairy tale book, look in the book it will tell you everything you need to know," he says,

"Okay..." I say,

"Take this," He pulls from his pocket a polished black stone. "I love you, my sister, don't forget that, no matter what. I'm never gone." He says before he uses his last bit of strength to pull himself up a little to throw me off the part of the log that is going to break. The log breaks.

"No!" I scream as I watch Jackson fall backwards into flooding ravine. It's like the world disappeared, all I see is him, falling, then he is gone. I look in the water up and down, screaming, "Jackson! Jackson!" Please no, Oh god no!

The rain was now next to none, as I try to make my way back to where his Dragon should be, I need to get down there. I walk, my world is spinning and I slip and land on the ground, I sit on the floor. My hair everywhere. Ashton soon lands in front of me and races over,

"Elena, what happened...?" he asks,

I look up at him,

"He's..." I can't say it.

I lost... my last part of my family.

Ashton rides me back on his dragon.

I turn quickly to the sound of a loud, pain-filled, chilling roar. Could this be Dartreeus, my brother's dragon, mourning? 


There you go, another chapter to dragon's descendants.

Thanks for reading, this story is going GREAT on my end, with all the votes, and reads. Thanks! 

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50 - 1 vote.

Thanks again,

Lots Of love

<3 <3 <3

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