Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

530 30 12

High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)

57 4 2
By Mklng13

Many years ago.....

A brother and a sister fought against each other.

The black haired man, and a strong sister. Both powerful magic users, but on opposite sides.

Who clashed, the sister's eyes turning red and showing no mercy to her brother. She grabbed his neck and threw him on the ground, putting a foot on his chest. The brother bit his lip to control the pain. Usually this stuff is normal for the man, but it pained him even more when his sister did it. The sister, however, was on guard. Something was off...her brother is one of the greatest magic users of all time, he would never give up this easily...

.....unless he did it because he wanted to show mercy to his flesh and blood.

The sister was annoyed. This fight was going to happen sooner or later, but her brother choose to hold back instead of fight her. She hated him for it. She hated him for everything. Heck, she hated him for trying to stop her from becoming the infamous villain she is.

"You're holding back aren't you?" His sister hisses.

"I can't hurt my only family," the brother looked up. His mud brown eyes searching through her red ones.

"You won't find what you're looking for," the sister snaps, putting more weight on her foot. "I'm fed up with you not trying! You get on my nerves Ku!" The sister yells, looking angry.

"Well, that's how you know we're siblings," Ku smiled, covered in his own blood...and his sister's. She puts her hand on her brother's face and starts to mumble something. A spell that would hopefully get rid of him.

Ku also casts a spell, the sister's eyes widen. She jumps back, and looks even more angry. A dark aura surrounding her. "You didn't!" She screeched.

Ku gets up, feeling broken everywhere. "I'm sorry," Ku says sadly as he watches his sister. He reaches out to her, his other hand on his chest where his heart is. His outstretched hand falls, but the hand on his heart doesn't. Ku wipes away some blood. "I am sorry I sent you there..."

"She will be back...I must prepare..." Ku mumbled and limped away from the area.

The search leads Ku to a fairly small town, named Cepheus. An astronomy based town.

Which leads to one of the oldest high schools in Cepheus, Cepheus High. So original, but there has to be one high school that's named after the town.

A teenage boy with spikey red hair and freckles over his nose and his cheeks walks into this school and sighs. "Same old school, same old people...same old day," the boy mumbles to himself as he opens his locker. Pulling out his books, he dumps them into his drawstring bag and swings it over his shoulders. He shuts his locker door and heads to his first class, fixing the collar of his white, polo shirt. It's school uniform, along with navy blue pants or khakis. The teacher begins to take roll call, tapping the clipboard to signal silence.

"...and then, the man goes, "so YOU took me jelly!" " someone behind the red-head boy says. Everyone who heard the full joke, laughed.

"Alex, please stay silent during attendance," the teacher says, trying not to laugh themselves.

"Okay Mrs. Fume!" Alex smiles, his golden blond locks look just as bright as his smile. The red-head sulks into his desk.

"Reburn," the teacher goes.

"Here," the red-head answers.


"Here!" Alex answers, his freckles at his nose, smile just like him. At this point, everyone is in their assigned seats. Alex taps the red-head on his shoulder.

He turns around to look at the cheerful boy. "What is it?" The red-head asks, his tone neutral.

"It's nothing big, just the fact that my parents want me to walk home with you Brenton. That's all," Alex answers.

"That's cool," Brenton answers and turns back around to the front of the class.

"Yay!" Alex says to himself. His right brown eye and left blue eye glimmer with excitement. Making the golden specks pop out more.


The bell rings, signaling the end of a class. Brenton picks up his speed as he spots the group of students loitering.

They glance over at him and start snickering. Brenton takes a deep breath and continues walking, not missing their comments about the orphanage.

Brenton takes another deep breath and continues walking. Heading to his Social Studies class with Mr. Gale. Last period of the day.

"And then Mr. Dough goes, 'yer a little over the top there son'," a strawberry blonde-haired female laughs. The people around her also laugh, including Alex.

"Well, Alex and Ava, the Clown and the Joker, haven't failed to make another person laugh," Brenton mumbles to himself.

He always sees them on his way to Social Studies, letting the laughter lighten up his mood. Alex and Ava are the funniest people in the grade, they never fail to make anyone laugh. Ava's hazel brown eyes look like they smile. That's how perky and bubbly she is. According to Brenton anyway.

Brenton passes by Mrs. Valor's class. The highest level at this school for math.

"Well, I followed the steps of the class and got 36."

"Well, Mrs. Valor said my way is right and I got 45."

Brenton rolls his eyes as he recognized the voices. Everyone crowds around the classroom.

"This is getting good!" A random voice calls.

"I can't wait to see what happens," another voice says. Brenton already managed to get front row seats, for another source of entertainment in this school.

A black-haired girl with freckles on her nose and her cheeks, and ocean blue eyes. And a boy with a mix of brown and black hair, with one bang that covers his left eye that's in a ponytail, or man bun, and earth green brown eyes.

"Please calm down..." Mrs. Valor says, looking really worried. "You both got the right answer," she adds more quietly.

"I got the correct answer! I don't know what you're doing Owen," the girl says, standing up.

"Well I got the correct answer too. Maybe you should check your math Urana," Owen replies, also standing up.

The two are the same height. So they're looking at each other at eye level. They point an accusing finger at each other and their fists tighten. "Unless..." they both say at the same time and slowly turn their heads to Mrs. Valor.

"We both got the right answer?" They ask in unison.

"Yes!" Mrs. Valor cries. The two drop their accusing fingers and their fists relax, as their teacher lets out the breath she's been holding and slouches into her chair.

"Now all of you! Get out! Go to class!" Mrs. Valor yells. Brenton rushes out, not wanting to face her wrath. Mrs. Valor is scary to everyone, except Owen and Urana. She seems more afraid of them. It's hilarious to everyone in school, but everyone's too scared to say anything about it.

Brenton steps into class and the bell rings. Mr. Gale throws him a dirty look. Brenton sighs and takes his seat. Mr. Gale glares at anyone who's not in their seat when the bell rings. He's just that strict and Brenton hated it. At least he wasn't skipping like the other half of the class. (What an exaggeration). Also, how does he expect one to come from the other side of the school and be on time? Brenton rolls his eyes mentally.


Brenton takes out his phone. Just a few more minutes of this class and then it's out of school. He puts his phone away.

"And I'm sure some of you haven't been listening, Brenton, there's a test next week and I hope you all know to study for it," Mr. Gale glares at the amber-eyed kid.

Brenton mentally rolls his eyes again. A habit of his in this class. Mr. Gale's voice is so raspy that Brenton wants to choke some cough drops down his throat. It's not a violent thought, Brenton thinks to himself.

The smell of smoke catches Brenton's attention. He looks down and sees his hand...on fire! "Not now! Not now!" Brenton bites his lip. He covers it with his jacket, but it burns a hole through it.

"Is that smoke I smell?" Mr. Gale sniffs the air and comes closer to the students.

Just relax, and it'll go away, Brenton tells himself. Sure enough it does. The smoke smell clears up, leaving little puffs of gray near Brenton.

"I could've sworn I smelled smoke," Mr. Gale says.

I can't let him notice! Brenton thinks desperately. "You must be smelling things sir. Getting old really sucks huh?" Brenton says casually.

"I'm going to pretend you never said that," Mr. Gale replies.

"Oh, did I say something? Man, your ears are hearing things now. Getting old stinks, doesn't it?" Brenton smiles. He wipes it off right away, since Mr. Gale is looking at him. That was too far...get a hold of yourself Brenton!

Everyone erupts into laughter, as Mr. Gale turns red. "I'm going to excuse you today Brenton. But do not have that attitude tomorrow Mr. Reburn," he glares even harder. Brenton gulps, then nods.

He didn't get me in trouble...

Does he feel sorry for me?


It's the last period of the day, and Owen and Urana were sitting next to each other. Trying to carefully pour chemicals into a test tube. Urana has her hair tied back, to avoid it touching anything. Owen had a clip in his hair, to keep his bangs from interfering. The clip has a blue tint to it, due to the fact that Owen had to borrow it from Urana. It became a thing for Urana to carry around a clip for Owen to use, and for Owen to not have a clip at all.

"Be careful!" Owen reminds her.

"Don't you worry," Urana says dismissively. She slowly pours the red chemical, it mixes with the white and turns pink. Owen grabs another chemical and prepares to pour one drop of it.

"Now you be careful," Urana reminds him.

"Don't you worry," Owen matches her tone from before. He carefully adds a drop, and with a poof! the chemical turns into a vibrant pink and white and red.

"Honestly, it's not Valentines Day," Owen sighs.

"I know bright colors aren't your thing but chemicals are chemicals," Urana shrugs. The ground starts to shake lightly, the chemicals moving slightly.

"What's going on?" Urana questions, eyeing the test tube.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Owen's eyes dart all over the place.

"If you say so," Urana narrows her eyes. Her rubber gloves fill up with water.

Dashing from the table, Urana quickly takes off those gloves and throws them away. She grabs a new pair and slips them on. She walks back normally, as if nothing happened. She still received some strange looks from her peers and Owen.

"What was that all about?" Owen raises an eyebrow.

"I had a tear in my gloves," Urana answers calmly.

"Okay class! Time is almost up for today, so please dispose of your chemicals and clean up your area. We'll deal with the worksheets tomorrow," the teacher claps her hands together. She walks over to where Owen and Urana are. "Great job as usual you two. I take it you guys already understand what's going on?" She smiles. They both nod.

"Yeah, Mrs. Green."


Last period meant that Alex and Ava were both having English.

"Ughhhhh, I swear I can't understand any of this," Alex slumps onto his desk, his head face down.

"C'mon, we gotta try!" Ava looks determined.

Alex looks up. "You don't get any of this either," he points out.

Ava tries to keep on her determined face, but fails. "Yeah, you're right," she gives in. Alex looks at the paper again.

"Read the following poem and analyze it," he reads again. "The thing is, it's not the instructions but the analysis thing," he adds.

"You're right. How are you supposed to find out the author's purpose from a poem talking about apples?" Ava questions. "Wait. Gimme that," Ava looks at the poem.

"The apple symbolizes forbidden actions," Ava starts.

"And the poem states the different terrible things that people do nowadays as if they were biting the apple and mostly the author's disgust," Alex adds. They both look at each other.

"So the author's purpose is to show his opinion on the world of today!" They both exclaim.

"Nice you two," their teacher smiles.

"Thanks Mr. Furo!" Alex smiles.

"You were right about us working together," Ava adds.

"It seems as if that if you two actually want to figure something out, you'll do it. If you lose interest, you can't figure it out," Mr. Furo explains.

"Ohhhhh, that makes a lot of sense!" Ava smiles.

"Does it only work when we both work together?" Alex asks.

"I don't know that yet," Mr. Furo answers. "Well, keep up the good work. You'll figure out the next few questions too," he heads towards another group of students.

"Let's do this!" The both high-five each other.

A breeze flows through the classroom, but no one payed attention to it.

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