Game of Thrones - One Shots/I...

By laureniscrazy96

2.1M 38.3K 2.6K

Hey guys, thanks for choosing to read my book. I hope you enjoy it. I do not own any characters from the HBO... More

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Requests (limited time only)
Oberyn Martell X Greyjoy!Reader - Family (requested)
Willas Tyrell X Martell!Reader - Happy (requested)
Willas Tyrell X Martell!Reader - Happy: Part 2 (Requested)
Podrick Payne X Reader - Confident (Requested)
Ramsay Bolton X Reader - The hunt (Requested)
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Petyr Baelish X Bolton!Reader - Protector (Requested)
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Khal Drogo X Reader - Temper (Requested)
Oberyn Martell X Stark!Reader - Poison (Requested)
Loras Tyrell X Reader - Suggestion (Requested)
Rhaegar Targaryen X Reader - Second (Requested)
Oberyn Martell X Reader - Threat (Requested)
Jaime Lannister X Reader - Forget
Requests (again)
Jaqen H'ghar X Baratheon!Reader - Protector (Requested)
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Stannis Baratheon X Stark!Reader - Saviour (Requested)
Petyr Baelish/Robb Stark X Lannister!Reader - Journey (Requested)
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Gregor Clegane X Lannister!Reader - Innocent (Requested)
Jaime Lannister X Reader - Honour and respect (Requested)
Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Forever (Requested)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon!Reader - Jealous (Requested)
Oberyn Martell X Reader - Missing (Requested)
Robb Stark X Reader - The King Maker's Daughter (Requested)
Ramsay Bolton X Reader - Bastard's Bestfriend (Requested)
Robert Baratheon X Stark!Reader - Queen of Beauty and Grace (Requested)
Even more requests please!
Oberyn Martell X Glover!Reader - Winner (Requested)
Petyr Baelish X Stark!Reader - Lovers and Fighters (Requested)
Khal Drogo X Reader - A Father's Love (Requested)
Theon Greyjoy X Manderly!Reader - The last of her name (Requested)
Market Research?
Joffrey Baratheon X Reader - How to Offend a Woman in 5 Syllables or Less
Robb Stark X Reader - Impossible (Requested)
Eddard Stark X Baratheon!Reader - Sister (Requested)
Announcements and updates
Stannis Baratheon X Reader - Damsel (Requested)
Samwell Tarly X Forrester!Reader - Runner (Requested)
Bran Stark X Greyjoy!Reader - Little Lord (Requested)
Rhaegar Targaryen X Sister!Reader - Brother (Requested)
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Ramsay Bolton X Reader - Stronger (Requested)
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Petyr Baelish X Sister!Reader - Good (Requested)
I'm back
Tormund Giantsbane X Baratheon!Reader - Scars (requested)
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Melisandre X Reader - Sacrifice (Requested)
30,000 reads
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Robert Baratheon X Tully!Reader - Clumsy (Requested)
Jojen Reed X Stark!Reader - Wedding Nerves (requested)
Oberyn Martell/Jaime Lannister X Reader - Let Me Help You (Requested)
Gregor Clegane/Sandor Clegane X Reader - The Mountain and The Hound (Requested)
Update, please read.
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Young!Robert Baratheon X Stark!Reader - Crush (Requested)
Writers Bio
Jojen Reed X Stark!Reader - Bannerman (Requested)
Robb Stark X Reader - The Young Wolf (Requested)
Tyrion Lannister X Baratheon!Reader - Queen of Kindness (Requested)
Quarter year celebration!
Robb Stark X Reader - Greenseer (Requested)
Daenerys Targaryen X Male!Stark!Reader - Shared company (Requested)
Rickon Stark X Platonic!Reader - Wild Wolf (Requested)
Jojen Reed X Reader - Baby (Requested)
Robb Stark X Lannister!Reader - Hostage (Requested)
Lord Varys X Baratheon!Reader - Treason (Requested)
Bran Stark X Greyjoy!Reader - Soulmates (Requested)
Khal Drogo X Reader - Promiscuous (Requested)
Little message!
Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader - Trouble
Ramsay Bolton/Jon Snow X Reader - Smooth Talker (Requested)
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Tyrion Lannister X Baratheon!Reader - Lion's Den
Theon Greyjoy x Baratheon!Reader -
Theon Greyjoy x Baratheon!Reader (Part two)
Christmas Special 2016 - Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader
(Young) Robert Baratheon X Reader - Hostage
Gregor Clegane X Stark!Reader
Jon Snow/Robb Stark X Pregnant!Reader
Tyrion Lannister- Unsteady
Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Travelling Soldier: Part Two
Willas Tyrell X Umber!Reader - Hearts don't break around here
Social Media
Requests are open!
Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader- My Way
Jon Snow x Reader - Sweet goodbyes
Ramsay Bolton x Reader - Rumour has it.
Jojen Reed X Reader- Risk
Jon Snow X Reader - Pretty Little Thief.
Jaqen H'ghar X Stark!Reader- Different
Stannis Baratheon X Reader - Better
Khal Drogo X Lannister!Reader
Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader - Neon Brother
Robb Stark X Lannister!Reader X Ramsay Snow
Oberyn Martell X Tyrell!Reader
Rhaegar Targaryen X Baratheon!Reader
Jon Snow X Reader - Loyal
One year
The first anniversary special - Stannis Baratheon X Targaryen!Reader
Khal Drogo x Baratheon!Reader
Jojen Reed X Reader - Warrior woman.
Gregor Clegane X Greyjoy!Reader - Alive.
A big fucking number!
Oberyn Martell X Reader - Gifts
Bran Stark X Iron Islander!Reader- Snowfall
Bran Stark X Iron Islander!Reader - Snowfall (Part 2)
Jojen Reed X Reader - Silent Night
Jorah Mormont X Stark!Reader - Mistakes
Robb Stark X Baratheon!Reader - Moved on
Jaime Lannister X Stark!Reader - Angel Down
Beric Dondarrion X Reader- The Resistance
Sandor Clegane X reader- True love (Super short)
Jaime Lannister X Reader- Jealousy
Update (Why am I not posting?)
Edmure Tully X Frey Reader- Sinner's Prayer
Tyrion Lannister X Stark!Reader - People Like Us
Stark!Reader - Coming Home
Stark!Reader - Coming Home (Part Two)
Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader - Hate On Me
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Tywin Lannister X Reader- Don't call me baby.
Thank you.
Willas Tyrell X Baratheon!Reader - Power
Willas Tyrell X Baratheon!Reader - Power (Part Two)
Theon Greyjoy X Iron Islander!Reader - Young Volcanoes
Sandor Clegane X Baratheon!Reader - Zombie
Young!Robert Baratheon X Stark!Reader- Broken Hearted Girl
Stark!Reader - Never The Same
Robb Stark X Baratheon!Reader
Jorah Mormont X Targaryen!Reader - Just Like Fire
Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader - Little Light
Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Greyjoy!Reader - Believer
Half a Million
Jon Snow X Baratheon!Reader - Friends or fools?
Theon Greyjoy x Stark!Reader - Patience
Bolton!Reader - Praying
Edmure Tully X Reader - Beside You
Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Save Tonight
Petyr Baelish X Queen!Reader
The Final Post
One Million
Book Three!
Please Read
Happy anniversary!
Happy 5 years!
Two Million!

Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Travelling Soldier

6.3K 119 4
By laureniscrazy96

A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Travelling Soldier' by the Dixie Chicks. I hope you all enjoy it.

It had been a pretty normal afternoon before the stranger had made his way into the tavern you worked in. You had been scrubbing the floor behind the bar when you heard the door swing open and heavy footsteps approach you. You shot him a small smile as you quickly got to your feet, though no smile was returned.

"What can I get you?" you asked him, the smile falling from your face as you looked at his, gaunt and tired.

"Ale," he grunted out, not looking up at you as he picked at the dirt under his nails. He was coated in the stuff from head to toe. When he looked up at you, you quickly busied yourself with his order, hurrying to get him a cup.

As you slid it in front of him, collecting his coins,you gathered up all of your courage and began to speak. "I know it's not my business, but are you alright?" you asked, leaning your arms on the bar as you ducked to make eye contact with him.

The young man let out a grunt, halfway between a chuckle and a snort, as his eyes finally met your own. "You don't want to know," he told you gruffly, causing you to stand up straight and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I do, too," you huffed out causing him to breathe out a light laugh as your hands landed on your hips in annoyance. "My name's (Y/N), what should I call you?" you asked, reaching out for a handshake as he began to sit up straight on his stool.

"Theon Greyjoy," he told you, giving your outstretched hand a quick shake. "When do you get off?" he asked, a cheeky grin creeping onto his face.

You had to admit he was cute, with an aura of childish charm about him, though he was getting a little cocky. "What's it to you?" you asked with your eyebrows raised watching as he shrunk back a little, giving a light shrug. "I finish in about an hour, there's somewhere I want to take you," you told him before sweeping away to tend to some other customers.

Soon enough, your shift was over and you came to stand behind Theon, giving him a light tap on the shoulder. "Are you ready to go?" you asked and he nodded, getting up to follow you out the door.

He followed quietly for a while, only hesitating when you began to walk into the tree line of the forest. "Where are we going?" he asked, pausing mid-step as you pushed aside some branches.

"We're nearly there," you quickly called back, gesturing for him to go through the gap in the trees and letting out a small giggle when he didn't move forward. "You're not scared, are you Greyjoy?" you teased, watching as he puffed out his chest.

"I'm not scared," he spat back, causing you to laugh again as he quickly strode through the gap you had created. He stopped again once he saw where you had taken him. Just beyond the thick tree line lay a lake, as clear as the most perfect diamond to ever exist. The water was completely still, shining like glass in the beams of moonlight that crept through the thick leaves overhead.

"Do you like it?" you whispered as you came to stand behind him. He nodded silently in answer, still taking in the magnificent view. You decided it would be easier to lead by example as you headed down towards the water, kicking off your shoes to dip your toes into the water. A small ripple danced across the surface, stemming at your feet and dancing across the lake. You quickly recoiled from the water, wiping your foot dry on the skirt of your dress. "It's cold," you explained when Theon laughed at your movements.

"It can't be too bad," he chuckled, pulling his shirt over his head with a grin, before reaching for the laces on his breaches. He laughed again when he saw you shield your eyes, turning your back to him. It was only when you heard the splash of his body hitting the water, that you reopened your eyes.

"You're a madman," you yelled to him once he resurfaced, still holding your blushing cheeks as you watched him tread water, smiling back at you.

"It's not so bad, you'll get used to the cold," he shouted back, causing you to snort in disbelief.

You shook your head at his words. "If you think I'm coming in there you are a fool as well as a madman," you called to him and he grinned up at you.

"I promise not to look," he joked as he gestured to your body with one of his arms. "I'll keep my eyes, and my hands, to myself," he added and you laughed, rolling your eyes and shaking your head once more. "Please," he begged, and you felt your resolve fall away as you watched him paddling in the water.

"Fine," you huffed at him, watching as he began to smile. "But remember your promise, eyes and hands to yourself," you laughed, gesturing for him to turn away as you began to pull your dress off.

He quickly spun away as you struggled to get free of your clothing, throwing it onto the damp forest floor and wading into the water. Your teeth chattered as you shivered, finally getting your shoulders fully submersed in the icy lake.

"I can't believe you made me do this," you stuttered , hugging your arms around your shaking body as Theon turned to face you.

"I don't remember forcing you into the water," he chuckled whilst you glared. His chuckle was suddenly halted when a shock of cold water hit him in the face, leaving you laughing to yourself as he wiped his hair back out of his face.

You squealed in terror as he launched himself at you, attempting to splash you as he went and causing you to laugh even harder as he caused as huge wave to ripple across the lake. "Stop," you screeched through your laughter and he quickly did as he was told, letting a smile settle on his face.

You started to move slowly towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck when you got close enough. He seemed surprised when you pressed your lips gently to his, but soon his hands began to roam and you pushed on his chest to separate the two of you.

Once you moved away from him you saw his face fall, he looked as sad as he had when you first saw him. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" you asked gently, still treading water awkwardly beside him.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," he muttered quietly and you stared at him in confusion. "I'm fighting in Robb Stark's army," he added and you felt tears come to your eyes. Theon was likely going to die in the next few months, most likely at the hands of a Lannister. He had obviously grown uncomfortable at your silence, moving back to the banks and climbing from the water to get his clothes.

"Don't go Theon," you called, watching as he tensed, going still as he stood facing away from you. "Please stay, just a little longer," you added quietly and he nodded, covering himself with his clothes as he turned around to look at you.

He took in your tearful expression and gave you a small, sad smile as he made his way back towards the water. You covered your eyes again so that he could uncover himself. You only uncovered your eyes again when you felt his hands pulling your arms away. Theon pressed a soft kiss to your lips again, pulling you close to him as he did so. This time when you felt his hands begin to wander, you didn't stop him, you encouraged him, pulling his body closer to your own and wrapping your legs around his waist before pulling away from his lips.

"Make love to me," you whispered, giving him another kiss, which he didn't return. You looked back at him, concerned by his stillness.

"Are you sure?" he asked you, his eyes worried as he looked up into your eyes and you gave him a quick nod before he pulled you into a passionate kiss, knowing fully well that it could be one of his last.

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