But You Already Know That (Bi...

Oleh DeathToLurkers

81K 2.7K 1.6K

I never really published one of my billdip stories... Idk why I just didn't. So here. Take it. Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chatper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Or what would have been)

Chapter 15

2.4K 77 14
Oleh DeathToLurkers

Flash back.


Leave me alone.

What did I do? Is being myself a crime? Even Dipper, my awkward quiet brother fits in better than me.
I let my head fall onto my knees as I hid under my sweater.

In Gravity Falls I was sorta normal, but here I can't seem to fit in. I wish I'd let Dipper get what he wanted more, then I wouldn't be so selfish now. I just expected everyone to like me, I expected people to give me what I want when what they wanted was on the line. I wish Dipper wasn't as nice.... I wish...

"Wish. What a cruel word." I mumble glaring at nothing.

"It doesn't have to be." I look up slowly, to be met with a short figure with blue hair and silver eyes.

"Hello Mabel. I believe I can help you. You want to fit in, yes? You want to be... Normal yes?" The figure asked, a kind but hesitant smile on their lips.

"Yeah... How did you know?" I ask quietly.

"You see Mabel, I come from Gravity Falls too! And I'll tell you what, next time you are in Gravity Falls. Just call my name. You'll know what it is, and then. Bam! I'll make your wish come true! " He giggled playfully.

I smiled slightly. "You mean, you could make me feel normal, and fit in, but still be myself time to time?" I ask excitedly.

They frown slightly but then regain composure "Yes! Definitely! Absolutely! I wouldn't want you to stop being yourself would I!"

"Um no? But... If you are making a... Deal then what do you want in return?" I stand slowly. From past experiences deals can't be good.

Their expression falls into a grim smile. "The death of Bill Cipher."


Dipper's POV

"If you felt that bad, why didn't you hang out with me?" I ask sadly.

"I, I thought you would think differently of me...." Mabel says guiltily.

"I can't believe you wanted to kill me when you thought I was dead." Bill points out.

"I thought that too! I thought, I'd take the deal, tell him you are dead, then bam I get the only positive." Mabel explains.

Bill looks out the window whimsically. "His name is Wish. He can only go into a physical form once a decade. He must have been preparing to talk to you. He is pretty powerful, and always wanted to out do me. And become the ruler. I don't know why he wants me dead when he could just take over the nightmare realm. " Bill muses.

"Blergh. This demon stuff is frustrating." I groan tiredly.

"Well of course it is PineTree! Every empire has a system." Bill explains.

"So, um, can we get me a temporary body? I can't really, do much as a puppet." Mabel asks.

"I could always make a deal with a civilian, and get them to leave their body for a bit so you can have one." Bill suggests.

"No no no no!" Mabel and I say waving our hands, I quickly put them back on the wheel stopping myself from swerving.

Mabel taps her chin with her stringy hand, "Wait! Ohhh! What about a life size puppet!" She suggests. I wince at the idea just imagining it.



"No, that would be so creepy." I explain shutting down her idea.

"Why don't you use a spell to make her ghost body visible? She would still have to wear the puppet so she can move things but at least you could see her." Bill says gloomily.

My eyes light up, as I park the car and grab Bills shoulders excitedly. "Oh my gosh Bill! That could work! That could really work!" As I say the Bill smiles.

"R-Really? Well, I um, I could do that for you!" Bill smiles brightly.

"Ahem! I think you mean, do that for me." Mabel says, I can feel her smirk, I quickly take my hands off Bill and clear my throat, I get out of the car in a rush grabbing the books and letting Mabel out.

"So, what do we need for this spell?" I ask Bill, trying to act more formal.

"Well, I'd like to have a book so I can write the spell down... And we need candles..." He starts to list things, his words cut off quickly. "Wait- But... Is a chainsaw needed? I swear people add that for fun..." He mumbles walking off.

My face pales, Mabel's puppet looks at me with fear.

We decided to wait for tomorrow to preform the spell. The night ended with a flamboyant Bill and terrified twins.

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