The Boy Across The Lake (Boyx...

By Insane_MindRL

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Zack didn't really think of himself as somebody important. He lived in a small town with his best friend Core... More

Ooh just great!
Alone? Haha.... No
Popcorn and Pain
He'll be fine
Did You Really Have To Bring Him Into This?
Well sure you can!
The suns not shinning without you
wishing for the unwishable
I hate your lies
Pain is my motive
Lost and forgotten...
Cuddles and more
Shut up
You dropped your vagina (important authors note at end)
Nothing gold can stay
Sacred Land
Echoing Cries
One or Another (Semi-important Authors note)
Choices of the future

False hope

48 3 5
By Insane_MindRL

Corey's POV

"Hey Luke its me Corey I'm just wondering where you are as I need to leave soon and you have no clue were I live so just call me back please when you get a chance." I groaned clicking end and looking around from my position on the bench located in the Zoos garden. Stunning yellows, spectacular reds, and vibrant blues dotted the lawn as the asphalt path weaved though over hanging trees setting a beautiful, peaceful scene. My thoughts were running ramped as I glared at the rose bush boasting several large flowers.

"No need to hate the flowers" a posh, girly voice said.

"To late" I grumbled "they sit there looking innocent, inviting but as soon as you get to close your stabbed by bards you have to pull out by yourself one by one."

"Deep, innocent I like you" the voice said.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion "I'm not deep I just say the truth that no wants to hear or say the truth in ways no one has ever heard before."

"What ever let's you sleep at night honey, how would you like to come over my place?"

Scoffing I turned towards the voice "I'm not one for a 'one night stand'"

She smiled showing her perfectly white teeth "You need to be more than that to get down stairs."

"I can tell" I mumbled, everything about this women looked manufactured and fake all in all to perfect to be real. From the lack of any blemishes or marks on her slightly trianglure snapped face it was obvious she wore make up by the pounds.

"Just because I'm not letting you have it now doesn't mean you can't have it later" she smirked at me flashing perfect, white teeth.

I started back the path, "I'll find you!" she shouted after me causing my eyes to roll unconsciously. I had no interest in being connected with a person like that as not only is she the complete opposite from me, but she gave me the creeps.

Strolling down the path I let my thoughts wander from many different topics. I kept my eyes open for either of my friends so I could head home so I can make sure everyone's okay.

"Corey! I've been looking all over for you" l turned around to see Luke jogging over to me.

"Well how'd the fight go?""

"I chickened out..." he mumbled as he rubbed his neck sheepishly "I came up to him and yelled at him but no pounches where thrown."

I smirked up at him, "Even with all your muscles all you are is a big softie!"

"Shut up, where's Seirra?" he questioned noticing her absence.

"I'm not sure" I mumbled "she texted me a while ago that she went off with this guy Harry for smoothies and I haven't been able to get a hold of her sense."

"Ooh, smoothies sound good right now as I think I did three laps around this god for saken Zoo looking for you!" he smiled at me.

"Please I do double that daily so don't complain."

"Well aren't you Mr. athletic?" he joked.

I laughed out loud "please I'm less athletic then an old lady."

"Let's put that to the test" he challenged stopping at a large board showing the map of the Zoo "if you get there first" pointing a finger to the area labeled 'food' on the other side of the Zoo"I have to pay if I do though then you pay."

I opened my mouth to protest but he was already running down the path.


"Victory has deffinetly tasted better" I said spitting out a mouth full of the smoothie I got, "you'd think I would be smart enough to know what to and not to get after nearly a year here!"

"Your a liar" Luke huffed taking a huge sip from his smoothie.

"I never said I couldn't run" I laughed as I plopped down next to a tree.

"That's true but I would count running as an athletic activity" Luke answered sitting next to me.

"I wonder when Seirra will find us" I murmured as I plucked the grass around my currently shoed feet.

"Yeah" Luke said, "so whats up with you? Well besides the past few days and all."

"Well for starters my brothers coming home in a week or so, he's going to come pick me up and we're going to drive home together." I smiled at memory's, "While I'm there I'm going to help my uncle out on his farm and such but that's really it, you?"

Luke went to say something before rethinking it and taking an exaggerated sip from his smoothie looking around worriedly, "I'm-"

"Ooh thank god I found you guys!" Seirra said falling to her knees then face first into the grass.

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Luke who looks relieved at being interrupted, "and where were you off to?" he questioned.

"I meet this super cute boy, Harry and we talked and walked until I noticed that I kinda ditched you guys that's when I turned around and ran back" she said lifting her head up.

"Kinda? Kinda? You full on ditched us for some guy you barely know!" I stressed through fits of laughter.

"And you wouldn't do the same" she said glaring at me.

"Depends, but I would have called and let you know to not wait up!" I turned and stared at Luke who was sipping his smoothie smiling eyes filled with amusement.

"I sorta, kinda, not really did" she said "Never mind let's get out a here, I need a shower"

Zach's POV

I sighed in relief as I entered my house glad to not feel like that guy who was going to beat me up will come out of no where. I stopped in my tracks as I headed down the hall leading to the kitchen hearing voices.

"Niall stop! Louis Don't put that in your mouth" I smirked hearing Liam baby those two. My smirk feel though once a huge cloud of flour flew out of the room.

"What's going on?" I questioned speed walking into the room. I stifled a laugh coming into the room to see the three boys covered in flour along with my entire kitchen, "White really isn't your color guys."

"I'm not so sure about that" Louis said adjusting his hair in his reflection on the non flour covered oven, "I think I'm rocking this look, really emphasizes my eyes."

"What ever you say, any ways may I ask what you three where doing in MY kitchen and now covered it and your selves in floor?"

"Well, umm, Niall?" Liam said.

Scoffing Niall turned to him "this was your idea, now if you don't mind I'm going to clean myself off out side." With that he turned and left followed by Louis.

"I noticed you were kinda sad so I wanted to cook you some cookies to make you feel together, but those two idiots dropped the bag of flour onto the ground" Liam said looking down.

"Awe! thanks, that's so sweat of you" I cooed embracing him in a tight hug.

"Sorry that I sorta made a huge mess of the place" he mumbled.

"It's all good I guess, I'll clean up In here and you go clean up in the shower up stairs" I said going to grab the broom.

"Why don't you help me?" Liam said bitting his lip staring at me.

"Well I don't see why not!" I replied smiling following him upstairs.

Ooh my god I suck at being a writer! I mean seriously it's been forever sense I've updated, well it's not much help that I had state test like no tomorrow and it flooded at my grandparents meaning that not only were they staying with us but also we had to sort that place out. I promise that there who'll be more now that it's nearly summer a.k.a free time all day to write!


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