
By Megan-Nicole

3.7K 64 56

All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!

Miam Or Payzer?

116 3 1
By Megan-Nicole

Hey guys! So like I promised here's another chapter!! If you guys wanna give me a birthday present (since it is my birthday) then vote and comment! I would love you forever! ♥♡


Beep, beep, beep.

I sit up in bed.

"Mornin." Liam says, standing up.

"Why is it so bright?" I whine, squinting my eyes.

"That's usually what the sun does." He says chuckling. I hop out of bed and go to my closet. I pick out some other clothes and go to the bathroom. I change and go back.

"What time do you wanna leave?" I ask.

"Probably around eight-thirty." He replys.

"Okay." I go back to the bathroom and do my hair and put my makeup on, which isn't much. I go back in the room.

"So what do you wanna do? We have like an hour." I say.

"I don't know. Want some breakfast?" He asks.

"YES." I say, jumping up. He laughs, shaking his head. We walk out of my room and to the kitchen. I look for Stan and don't see him. We go in and look for food. I grab four eggs out of the fridge. I grab the ham and mayonnaise. I grab four pieces of bread and spread mayonnaise on them. I cook thee eggs and heat the ham up and put them on the bread to make a sandwich.

"What is that?" Liam asks coming up.

"Try it. It's heaven, that's what it is." I say. He looks at me and takes a bite.

"Wow. That's really good." He says after he swallows.

"See, told you." I say. We eat the sandwiches and just talk.

"So how's it like?" I ask randomly.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Being famous. Having all these girls fall on their knees for you." I state, laughing a bit.

"I mean, it's stressful at times. Like when management has us do something that just isn't us. I love the fans and everything, I just wish they gave us a little more privacy."

"Sometimes the paps go a little overboard with everything too." He explains.

"Yea. I bet it gets tiring sometimes too." I state.

"Yea. I wish we could just take a break sometimes." He says in thought. We sit in silence for a while.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" We both snap our heads towards the hallway.

Oh shit.

"Stan. Calm down." I stand up. He's practically steaming right now. If looks could kill both Liam and I would have been dead long ago.

"Megan. What. The. Fuck. Is he doing here?" He spits cholericly. I grab his arm and drag him out of the room harshly.

"I'll deal with you later." He points to Liam. I push him into the family room and scowl at him.

"What the hell is he doing here at eight in the morning? He stayed the night didn't he. I'm going to beat his fucking arse." He spits.

"Just stop! Oh my fucking god, just god damn stop Stan." I yell in frustration.

"Yea he stayed the night. We're. Just. Friends. We didn't fucking do anything!" I say.

"I don't wanna see him again. You're not to speak to him again." He says.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father. I don't have a damn father. And you sure as hell won't be. Just leave me alone." I scowl.

"I don't care." He spits.

"You know what, I don't really give a rats arse what you have to say either. So why don't you go fuck yourself. Everybody else is scared of you and will do whatever you say, but me? No, I go my own way. I don't listen to anyone." I say, walking away. I find Liam sitting uncomfortably in the kitchen.

"C'mon, let's go." I tell him.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yea." I say. I grab his hand and lead him to the front door.

"Don't you go out that door Megan." Stan growls. He comes storming towards Liam.

"You did this. She's changed since she met you. I want you to stay away from her." He says, raising his hand to hit him. I tug Liam behind me as his hand comes down. Instead of hitting Liam he hits my shoulder, and damn that kid has a strong punch. I grab my shoulder in pain.

"Megan, I'm sorry." His voice softens.

"I haven't changed. You just don't know me. You changed, you're acting like dad." I say, walking out the door with Liam. He gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat. We pull out of the driveway and go to his flat, none of the boys are here, they already left to the train station. We go inside and to his room to get his bag.

"I'm just gonna use the bathroom." I say and he nods. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it. I turn and look in the mirror. I pull my sleeve down off my shoulder. I see a big purple and blue bruise, its really sore. I know he didn't mean to hit me, but he's not going to hurt Liam. I won't let him.

I open the door and pull my sleeve down. I walk over to the stairs. I'm not looking where I step, and me being me, I lose balance and fall. I expect to go tumbling down the stairs but I end up in strong arms.

"How come we always end up like this?" Liam asks, looking down at me.

"I don't know." I say. He holds me in his arms, just looking at me.

"What?" I ask curious.

"Nothing. You're just-" He cuts himself off.

"Just what?"

"Really beautiful." He says. He glances down at my lips a few times. I glance down at his and he leans in a bit.

Wait, woah. Is this right? I mean, I like him I guess. I just don't know. But, one kiss can't hurt. Right?

He glances up for reassurance. I lean in a bit more and he takes it as a yes. He crashes his lips into mine. Fireworks explode inside me. Fireworks? No, more like grenades on steroids.

Our lips move in sync. They mold together perfectly, like a broken pot, put back together. His hands creep to hold my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the hair hanging lose by his neck. We both pull away and just look at each other.

"I-I'm sorry." He says, letting go of my waist. My heart drops at his words.

"No. It's-uh-it's fine." I stutter, removing my arms from around his neck.

"Should we-uh-go?" He asks, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Yea. We don't wanna keep the boys waiting." I say, walking down the stairs. We go out to his car. I get in the passenger seat.

"You can stay here until we get back if you want. Nobody's gonna be here so you have the whole place to yourself. Here's an extra key. And do you mind driving my car back? I can't really leave it anywhere." He says.

"Thanks, and yea no problem." I say, taking the key. We drive in silence for a while.

"Look. I know you really didn't mean that kiss and probably wish it never happened. I promise I won't tell anyone so you don't get in trouble. We can just forget it ever happened." I spit out in one breath. I just couldn't take it any longer.

"You think I regretted that?" He asks, looking at me shocked. I just nod slightly. He pulls over and turns to me.

"Megan. I don't regret anything. Especially that kiss. That little kiss meant everything. You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that. When I saw you on the bridge that night, I knew I found you for a reason. If you weren't gonna jump, I could've stood there watching you for hours, with the wind blowing through your hair. You looked absolutely gorgeous. You still do. When I saw your face for the first time, the first thing I thought was, this gorgeous angel-like girl was really going to kill herself? I couldn't believe that a beautiful girl like you would do that. Everything about you is perfect. You have the best personality ever, you're the funniest person I've ever met, you can be caring and loving, you can be demanding when you need to be, you're beautiful, you're just perfect. So now tell me that I regret that kiss." He says, leaving me with a few tears rolling down my cheeks. He wipes them away and cups my cheek in his hand. I lean into his hand closing my eyes.

"I just don't see how you think any of that. You're famous and can get probably any girl out there twenty times as 'perfect' as me. But you choose a suicidal, ugly, fat, weird, unsocial girl like me." I say, insulting myself.

"For one, I don't want to date a model, or anyone else, they try to be too perfect. I like the laid back girls like you. And second, your not suicidal, that was just one time and we're going to get through it. Don't ever call yourself ugly or fat because neither one is true. And so what if you're weird. Unweird people aren't fun. Their just normal, and normal is boring. You think you're unsocial? How else would you have met Harry?" He says. I just smile at him. He continues to drive and finally, we get to the train station. We get out and he grabs his bag. We go through the doors and there's a big crowd with cameras. I freeze in my spot, my breath getting hitched in my throat.

"Megan? Megan, calm down. It's okay. Here, put this on." He assures, giving me his hoodie. I put it on and cover my face with the hood. He grabs my hand and guides me through the crowd. My breathing becomes rapid as my claustrophobia starts to kick in.

"It's okay. We're out now. They're gone." He calms me down. I nod and we walk to where the other boys are.

"Megsy-poo!" Harry yells  running towards me with his arms open.

"Hazzy-poo!" I mimic him, running to him. I jump in his arms and he spins me around, hugging me. He puts me down and we laugh. I stand next to Liam and he grabs my hand in his. Zayn glances down, raising an eyebrow then winking. I just roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"Well, we should probably go before we're late." Liam says.

"Yea. You guys go. I'll see you in a week and a half." I say, giving a sad smile. They all give me a hug and say bye. When Liam gives me a hug he kisses my cheek.

"Buy guys! You better call!" I wave as they leave.

"Bye Meg! We promise we will!" They yell back, waving. Oh crap. I forgot to give Liam his hoodie back. Oh well, I'll give it back when he gets back.


We board the train. There's nobody in the cart with us so we have privacy.

"Hey man. What was the whole, hand holding, cheek kissing back there?" Harry asks curiously.

"Uhm nothing." I say.

"Awe! Look at lil Liam blushing!" He says, squishing my cheeks.

"Okay! Okay! I guess I kinda fancy her." I say. Okay I don't 'kinda' fancy her. I definitely fancy her a lot.

"Kinda? Mate, by the looks if it, that's not a kinda." He says. He's right, I really like her a lot. I don't know why, there's just something about her. Maybe its her hilarious personality, or how heart-warming and caring she is. Or maybe it's her love of food. That she doesn't care how weird she is. She lives for the moment. Maybe it's because she's a mixture of all the boys and they're my family and I love them.

"We can all see how much you fancy her. Why don't you just go for it?" He asks.

"Well, I kind of-did." I say.

"What? So you guys are like, together?" He asks.

"No. I just kissed her. I don't think she fancies me." I say truthfully.

"Mate. Trust me she does." He says. We talk about random things on the way there and when we get to the stop I see someone I didn't expect to see. Dani.


I drive to their flat and park his car and go in. Maybe I should tell Delaney about them. Yea. I'll call her now.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey I'm gonna send you an address and come over here. Mkay?"

"Oh-Okay." She says confused. I hang up and send her the address. I go into the kitchen and grab some crisps. Maybe now I can take the time to adventure around the flat. I walk up the stairs and down the hall. I open the first door on the right and guessing by the looks this is Nialls' room. It's green, of course, and has Irish emblems all over the place. There's a couple posters of the Beatles and N'Sync. I even see a Nandos poster. That boy. I go into the room across the hall, which is Liams'. Its a casual boys room. A couple posters on the wall and a few football jerseys hanging. Its a beige color. Simple but nice. Its cozy. I go through the next rooms. Harry's has a few posters of girls in bikinis, of course. Louis' has posters of football teams and jerseys all over his room. His is the messiest out of them all by far. He has footballs all over the room, clothes thrown all over the floor, and it smells like something died in here. I feel like the shirt on the floor in front of me might jump up and eat me alive. Maybe I should clean up a bit. Just as I pick up the first shirt I hear a knock on the door. I walk back down and open the door. Laney stands there looking confused.

"Why did you make me come to a random flat?" She asks.

"It's not a random flat. It's my home for the next week and a half. I was just about to clean up Lo-The loo, upstairs." I say catching myself. That was a close one.

"Oh. Who's place is it?" She asks.

"Uhm. A friends." I state.

"Who?" She implores.

"Uh. Okay. Dont freak out okay?" I say.

"Okay?" She says cautiously. I walk into the family room. I grab a picture of the boys at Simons house during the X Factor. I hand it to her.

"Why is there a picture of-" She cuts herself off.

"Wait. No way." She says.

"Yep. This is their place." I say.

"No way. You're lying." She says. I walk up the stairs and stop in the hallway.

"That's Liams' room, Nialls', the guest room, Zayns', Harrys', and Louis' room." I say pointing to each of the doors. She goes and opens them, looking inside.

"Oh. My. God." She says.

"We are in One Directions home!" She screams, jumping around.

"I told you not to freak out." I groan.

"Sorry. How did you get in here?" She asks.

"Liam gave me a key." I say.

"Wait. You know Liam? First Harry, now Liam!" She says.

"Yea actually I kinda met them the same day." I say.

"Remember yesterday when I was acting weird when there was someone at the door?" I ask. She just nods.

"Well, Liam was in the closet, I mean, in the closet I was leaning on. He's not gay. I wasn't sure if I could tell you. And that girl he was carrying here that night, that was me." I say.

"That's why you were so freaked out about that article! Ohh!" She says in realization.

"Yea. So yea, this is my home for a week and a half. If you wanna stay here you can too." I offer.

"Nah. I'm good." She says, taking me by surprise.

"What? You, Delaney Harding, do not want to sleep at One Directions flat for a whole week and a half with free food and xbox?" I ask shocked.

"Nope. I'm actually gonna be gone with my family. We're going to Germany to visit some family." She says. Yea, Laney's German. She visits Germany almost once a year. Oh yea, did I mention that Ian Harding is her cousin? Yep, the Ian Harding. The totally hot, 27 year old, Ian Harding.

"Alright but you're meeting them when you get back." I state.

"Alright. I'm gonna go pack. Were leaving first thing in the morning." She says, heading to the door.

"Bye." I hug her.

"Bye. Love you." She says, going to her car.

"Love you too!" I call after her. I go back in and to the couch. I sit down and turn the tele on, eventually falling asleep.


*A week and a half later*

I'm here at the train station waiting for them. I'm debating whether to give Liam a kiss or not. Did he tell the boys? Is it a secret? I just don't know. Maybe I shouldn't. God, I just don't know!

I see Harry up ahead. He spots me and drops his bags. He runs up to me and grabs me, hugging me tight like in the sappy romance movies.

"Hey Harry." I groan.

"We missed you!" He says. He sets me down and I look at the rest of them. My mouth drops when I see Liam. He's holding hands and standing next to the person I never expected to see. Danielle. I'm guessing that's a no on the kiss?


So there ya go...I might do a double update, and put another chapter up later. anyways I gotta get back to driving...that's right! I can drive now! I passed my drivers test! Woop woop! :D

Megan xxx

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