Honey {Completed}

By jaeeeebaeeeee

29.8K 907 118

Can Jaden forget what happened and move on?? Her whole life she felt was so sour, that was until she found a... More

Epilogue - Before The Honey


263 11 3
By jaeeeebaeeeee

One week later...
Jaden's POV
I was laying in Nicki's guest bed surrounded by used tissues and pillows. I heard a soft knock at the bedroom door before it opened, Nicki's silhouette blocking the source of outside light.

"Babe, hungry?" She asked, holding a plate of food. I shook my head 'no' and laid back down.
"I need you to eat and get dressed. And if you don't eat I'll force you." She said before setting the plate down and walking out.

I sighed loudly before eating the food. She made me some waffles with fruit and orange juice. When I was done I dragged myself out of bed to do my daily duties. When I was done in the shower I put on some sweats and a sports bra, leaving my hair natural.

I walked downstairs with my dirty dish and decided to clean my room. I went to the room to make the bed, organize my clothes and clean up all the snack wrappers. As I walked down the stairs with the garbage bag I over heard Nicki's conversation with whoever she was on the phone with.

"Look, she's hurt and confused. I personally think she pushed Bey away because she felt she cheated...."
"I don't think being raped should count as cheating though...."
"I mean, it's Chris. Bey's best friend, that's like you raping my girl..."
"Okay, Wayne..."
"Yes, I'll tell her know you need her in the studio..."
"Okay, bye brother..."
"Love you." She said before hanging up.

"Nick I cleaned my room so I'm going to go out." I told her.
"Really!? Where!?" She asked, pretending to be shocked.
"Haha!" I laughed sarcastically before grabbing my keys.
"Bitch! You're really leaving!?" She laughed.
"Yes." Was all I said before walking out the front door.

The crisp, afternoon breeze hit my face a car drove by. Not thinking about the fact that literally anybody could be in there, I closed my eyes letting my lips curl into a light smile. I didn't hear the car anymore and I assumed it had past until a wave of noise hit me... a camera shutter.

My eyes popped open and I saw the paparazzi in the van.
"Hello Mrs. Knowles!" He laughed before speeding off. I can't do anything without paps finding out. And now Nicki has to move... I thought this was a gated community??

I sighed before getting into the car and, making sure no one was following, drove towards the house. As much as Bey and I aren't on good terms I miss Ky and Z, my bed and my house.

When I pulled up to the gate I typed in my pin. As the gate opened I heard her voice.
"Julius? I told you to just use my pin, not Jaden's." She stifled a laugh.
"Uh... it is Jaden, Bey. I just wanted to come say hi." I said awkwardly into the intercom.
"Oh, um... yeah." She said before I drove to the garage.

I left my car in the driveway and unlocked the front door. Ky was sitting on the couch with a bowl of chopped fruit watching tv while Z took a nap on Ky's shoulder. I lightly chuckled, making Ky turn and look at me.

"MAMA!!" She yelled and soon she was running to me with tears down her cheeks. I wiped her tears and hugged her as she cried on my shoulder.

Look at how selfish you're being...

"Baby, please don't cry. Why are you crying anyway?" I asked as I rubbed small circles on her shivering back.
"Y-y-you weren't here... an-and Mommy w-was crying ev-very night." She hiccuped.
"Ky, you share too much." I heard Z's raspy voice from above us.

I know I don't show Z affection like the average mother/daughter or sister/sister would but I couldn't help it.

You know when you still hate your little sibling but they were away from you for awhile and you start to realize how much you love them?? That's how I felt in this very moment.

I let go of Ky and picked her up my her waist.
"AAAH! JADEN PUT ME DOWN!!" She laughed.
"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.
"PLEEEAASE!!" She laughed harder. I put her down and pecked her cheek. She smiled and hugged my neck, "I missed you."
"I missed you too." I whispered back at her.

We stood there for a few seconds before Ky broke us apart at our legs. We both looked down at her and she was pointing at the stairs.
"Don't point chile." I scolded her before looking up at what she was gesturing at.

Bey was wearing one of my softball jerseys and short volleyball shorts as she stood at the bottom of the steps. Her natural hair making her look like she had adorable bed head and her hazel eyes were red and swollen.

"Bey." I smiled, trying to be cordial.
"Ba-" She cleared her throat quickly and grabbed the bottom of the jersey.
"Jaden." She said, not looking up at me after her slip. She was playing with the bottom of the jersey which she only does when she's nervous or trying to hold back tears.

"I just wanted to see y'all. I've missed all of you." I said, looking at Z and Ky.
"All of us Mama!?" Ky asked.
"Yes baby." I giggled, looking down at her.
"Even Mommy!?" She asked.
"Kyr-" Bey tried to scold her but I didn't let her finish.

"Of course I missed Mommy." I said, taking a quick glance at a blushing Bey. It's not that I didn't miss her, of course I did but I definitely had time to reflect on me. And I hadn't done that since high school.

"Mommy, tell Mama how much you missed her. Mama, she missed you too! She was always wearing your clothes and would say your name in her sleep. She's been sleeping a lot lately." She said.

My baby girl is sweet but she sure as hell throws shade. Damn! I laughed under my breath a bit as Bey tried to hide.
"Ky, baby I-" GCO
My phone rang, it was Nicki.
"Hold up, its Nick." I said aloud.

"Aye Nick." I answered.
"Jaden, Wayne is having a family emergency. He needs you to cover the meeting at headquarters, it's about the popularity stats and then have everyone bring their ideas and stuff to the table... ya know." She said, gradually calming down.
"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm about to leave." I said before hanging up.

"I'm sorry babies but I have to leave. I need to help Wayne cover a meeting, he's having a family emergency." I elaborated, mostly to Bey.

I kissed Ky and Z's forehead before subconsciously pecking Bey's lips. When I pulled away she seemed shocked, and honestly, I was too. I didn't mean to, it was just reflex.
"I'm sorry, I-jus- reflex." I stuttered.

The only person who can make me stutter.

"It's okay. Don't be late and drive safe." She said, trying to play it off cool.

Bey's POV
"I will, I love you." She said before walking out the front door. I quickly turned and ran up the stairs with the stupidest grin on my face.

When I laid down on the bed I grabbed the pillow that still smells like her perfume and smiled to myself.
"I love you too." I smiled yet a tear fell from my eye.

This was demanded... like they yelled at me😂 OkwardWeirdo

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