By hannahnicolebooks

25.7K 892 183

COMPLETED BUT EDITING NOW :) stuck somewhere between the categories of teen fiction, humor, and mystery but i... More

Chapter 1 [EDITED]
Chapter Two [EDITED]
Chapter 3 [EDITED]
Chapter 3.5 [EDITED]
Chapter 4 [EDITED]
Chapter 5 [EDITED]
Chapter 6 [EDITED]
Chapter 7 [EDITED]
Chapter 8 [EDITED]
Chapter 9 [EDITED]
Chapter 10 [EDITED]
Chapter 11 [EDITED]
Chapter 12 [EDITED]
Chapter 13 [EDITED]
Chapter 14 [EDITED]
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note
Sequel :))
another authors note
New book! (surprise, surprise right)
NEW BOOK hahaha

Chapter 28

516 22 4
By hannahnicolebooks

I was taken aback once I finished telling Carson what Louis had said, and the plans we had made for the next day.

 I had expected, I don't know, maybe a scowl or a frown, maybe even a "No you're not going," but I was not expecting a grin. An excited grin, for godsakes.

"We get to play detectives again," He cheered, and I suddenly got it. Carson was just excited to be playing around.

 I groaned, "No, I get to play detective, and you get to sit at home, maybe even invite some friends over." I paused, because he looked like he was going to argue. "I wasn't even supposed to tell you, much less bring you. I'm sorry Carson, I would bring you if I could."

 We were sitting at the kitchen table, our homework spread out in front of us. I had done the majority of my homework while waiting for Car to finish his project, but I still had a little left. Carson had all of his to do though.

 "What? Mia, I should get to go. I'm your partner in all this Dad stuff remember?" He replied, setting his pencil down.

 I shook my head, "Louis said I had to be by myself, and I don't want to risk him not telling me anything, because I brought you."

 Carson crossed his arms and scrunched his nose, not saying anything, but unhappiness was clear on his face. I gave him a half smile, and the microwave dinged, alerting us our pizza rolls were done. After grabbing the pizza rolls, and returning to the table, I smiled, satisfied by the smell.

 Carson immediately reached out and grabbed seven or eight pizza rolls. I rolled my eyes at his behavior and he rolled his back at me, shoving his face. Seriously, does he think I was planning on eating all of them?

 "So what are you doing Saturday?" I asked him. It was homecoming, and I knew he had a date hat night, but the dance doesn't even start until 8 so we had pretty much all day beforehand.

"Well, I have to go buy a tie apparently. Other than that? I mean I'll probably just go over to someones house beforehand and chill for awhile." He replied softly, and I nodded. "What about you, sunshine?"

I shrug. "I'll proabably just go hang out with Emma or someone before hand. I already have my dress so I mean I don't have to go shopping."

"You bought that thing months ago right? Are you sure it still fits? I mean, you've put on a couple pounds, and you haven't been eating too well lately.." Carson said, a smirk on his face.

I threw a roll at his face, "Says the kid who just ate 10 pizza rolls in a span of two minutes. Seriously? Where did they go?"

Car gave me a toothy grin and patted his toned stomach. I groaned, and reached for another roll. These things were addictive, but honestly, I should eat healthier. We've ate out for almost more than a month. I need to learn how to cook, or I won't make it through college.

 After our extremely healthy pizza roll dinner, we continued to do our homework. After a little while, we had saved the homework we didn't understand and we helped each other. Carson explained some stuff in trig with some graphing stuff and I quizzed him for the science test we have tomorrow.

After a couple minutes, Carson threw his head down on the table harshly and I winced. "I'm telling you, Mia, we didn't even learn half of this stuff."

 I smiled at him and shook my head, "We've learned all of it, you just didn't pay attention for the first quarter, kid."

Carson scoffed and threw his head up, scowling at me. "Kid? I'm older than you. Don't call me kid."

I rolled my eyes once again. He calls me princess, he can get over kid. "You can borrow my notes, if you want."

 He grinned, and grabbed my science folder, brushing my hand as he reached for it. I stiffened slightly, and shocks of pleasure went through me. He was warm and it made me tingle everywhere.

Honestly, this kid just made my hormones explode by touching my hand, with his hand. On accident. Oh dear lord.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, watching Carson as he looked over my notes.

I've only know him for a little over two months, but he seems like he's changed so much in that short amount of time. His black hair seemed to contrast better against his olive skin, and his eyes, which were cold and distant, seemed to be a vibrant warm brown. His jawline seemingly more prominent and his cheekbones, higher. My favorite part was when he smiled, showing off a beautiful set of teeth, and adorable dimples.

 "Wade, you're doing it again," Carson exclaimed, not even bothering to look up from my notes, but his voice deeper than usual.

 My face heated up and I slid down farther into my chair. I fiddled with the edges of my papers to distract myself, but when I peeked a look up at him a few moments later, he had a small smile on his face, which caused me to full out grin, happiness shooting thorough me that I was the source of him being happy at this moment.

Seriously, he has no idea what kind of hold he has over me.


 Waking up the next morning, I decided to dress simply. Jeans with some tears in them, and a light pink hoodie. School dragged on, and I could not wait until five. Once the final bell had rang I started walking towards the restaurant. I figured I could wait there and do my homework or something until he got there. I didn't want to be complicated by asking for a ride from someone.

 After walking for several minutes though, a got a feeling someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder quickly, but no one was there. I tried to ignore the feeling, it only intensified as I heard an engine prowling quietly a few feet behind me.

 I walked faster and scooted more towards the grass, so I wasn't as close to the road, meaning they couldn't just grab me from inside their vehicle. I looked down, and sped up even more. I winced as the engine accelerated even more.

I swallowed, as I heard the window rolling down. Squaring my shoulders, I stopped walking, but didn't turn around.

 "Hey!" Someone yelled, and I felt a fierce lash of fear rip through me. "Stop walking away."

I began to shake a little bit and I put my foot out to run or walk.. I just needed to move. I was like frozen and my body wasn't responding.

But then, in a moment of utter relief and happiness, I heard the guy say one word, that almost made me weep right there and then; "Princess?"

I spun around and all but jumped onto Carson for scaring me like that. He awkwardly patted my back, and gave me a strange look. After the hug ended, I punched him in the stomach. My knuckles hit his hard stomach and I winced harder than he did.

"What the hell was that for Mia?" He asked, disbelief that I punched him in his voice.

I didn't say anything as I got into his vehicle, but I did roll my eyes at him. After a second, he climbed into the truck too and shook his head at me. No one said anything, as he drove me to the restaurant. Once we got there, he parked the car, but before I could jump out, he locked the doors.

I raised my eyebrows at him, and he frowned. "What's wrong? Are you upset I'm giving you a ride? I don't understand. It's freezing out, I thought you would be happy I was helping out."

I was a little mad that he snuck up on me, not going to lie, he knew that my Dad had been taken, and that the people who did it were most likely in this town, but at the same time I'm thankful he picked me up. It was pretty cold outside.

 I just wasn't talking, because I was still just a little shaken up about the whole scenario.

I just shook my head, and he sighed. I reached forward and I pulled the lock up, so I could manually get out. I shut the door lightly, and a second later Carson's door slammed shut. I winced, and looked over at him confused. Why was he getting out?

"Carson, why are you getting out?" I asked as I opened the door again, setting my bag inside.

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm going in with you, obviously."

"What?" I yelped. "No, you can't Car. Louis said I had to be alone."

Carson snorted and walked closer to me. "That dick can get over himself."

"Is this because I was rude to you earlier or whatever? If it is, I'm sorry jesus  but-"

 He shook his head cutting me off, and he stepped closer so we were only a couple inches apart. "You're so naïve sometimes, love. I'm going in there with you, because we don't know this guy, I don't know this guy, and you might get hurt."

 I tried to argue back, he just didn't understand. I'd be fine, I can't lose this opportunity of learning about what happened to my dad. He smiled at me and cupped my face, his thumb brushing against my cheek bone.

"If he doesn't tell you, I'll beat him up until he does. I hope he will understand. Mia, I'm making this as clear as I can. You are not going in there alone, I'm going to be with you the whole time, that prick isn't going to touch you."

Complete and utter warmth and happiness shot through me. I closed my eyes briefly, and after a moment, I opened them and nodded. Carson pulled his hand away and wrapped it around my shoulder instead, steering me towards the door.

My breathing was slightly off, as I walked in and saw Louis sitting in a booth. Carson reassured me by rubbing my shoulder softly. Louis' eyes met mine as I looked over the table at him. He gave me a small smile, and glared at Carson for a second.

 "Sorry, he insisted on coming. He knows everything, he was with me when I ran into Sally and Jeff."

Louis nodded, "Yeah, I figured he would be here." I raised an eyebrow and slid into the booth Carson following, silent but calculating. "Yesterday when we were talking, you might of told him off when he wanted me gone, but if looks could kill, I would've been dead three times over."

I laughed a little bit, "Yeah, he can be.. intense."

Carson bumped my knee under the table, and I smiled, and continued talking, "Louis this is Carson, Car this is Louis, as I told you."

Louis and my babysitter nodded at each other, and I shook my head. Boys will be boys. No need for conversation. Me nod, you nod, respect.

"Soo, where do we start?" I asked Louis, after the waiter took our drinks.

"How much do you know?"

"Well, obviously I know they have my dad. I don't know who it is, but I know it has something to of with this town. He grew up here, and Sally and Jeff are here, so. I know he isn't dead, and I know this is big. I don't know a lot, really."

 Louis nodded, "So," He sighed. "You're right about them having your dad. Don't know where, like I said yesterday, but I know they have him."

I shifted in my seat, "Who are they though?" My voice was kind of shaky.

Carson took a drink of his soda, and gave me a reassuring look. I bumped my knee against his, as a silent thanks.

"There are many of us. Too many to count, far too many for me to know the names of everyone. The head of the group, his name is Steven. There's Angie and then there is Samuel. Those are the.. leaders? I guess that title is appropriate." He swallowed. "The rest of the people are just the ones who do the dirty work. People like Sally and Jeff. They left a couple years back, but I remember them."

"Wait," Carson piped up, "A couple years ago? How long have you been with these people?"

 Louis looked at me, at Carson, then back at me. "Since I was 14."

 I blew out a hot breath, "What? That's insane. Why?"

Louis shook his head, "You don't need to know that." I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's a personal thing," He mended as he saw my confused face.

I nodded, "I understand. But you said that this was a group thing? Is there a name or..?"

Louis didn't reply. I leaned forward on the table. "Louis?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not sure if I should tell you, Mia, honestly."

I scoffed, "Why not? I know you're going out on a limb here for me, and you don't know how much I appreciate that, but I can't do anything if I don't have a name."

I sighed as he looked at Carson, "She's putting herself in danger."

I look at Carson as he thinks over what Louis said. The muscles in his jaw tightened for a second, and he looked at me for a second. I drew my eyebrows together, confused. Louis was obviously waiting for an answer from him, and he was just looking at me.

"I know, but the damn girl won't leave it alone." Carson finally replied. I smirked at the tone in his voice that indicated I was a lot of work. Good, glad to know I wasn't the only one with a burden in this relationship. "So, honestly man, I would just tell her. I know she's in danger, and this will make it worse, but in the end we all know she's gonna get you to tell her. We're gonna be here all day if you don't."

I nodded along happily. Good job, Car.

Louis chuckled for a second, and muttered something. "Okay, Mia," Louis turned to face me. "This isn't to be taken lightly. And I have to make you swear first."

"Swear?" I asked, wondering if he meant like cussing or saying an oath.

"Yeah, that if you get caught up in all of this, which I pray you won't, you won't tell anyone that your source was me. This little meeting doesn't need to be shared with anyone besides us three."

 I nodded, "Of course, I was already planning on not telling anyone."

"Okay, don't tell anyone either, boyfriend." Louis said to Carson.

 I groaned, and I already knew Carson had his award winning smirk on.

"We're just friends,"


So basically, here's how it broke down.

My parents, way back in 1996 were in with these people. They were Steven's right hand men. Apparently, they were best friends even before Steven formed the Callinford Agency. The agency who no one really knew what they did, for the company they owned had a building resembling a beat down old building, which was their office, and their homes.

 Mom and Dad lived there with him, and all the others, but when I had come along, they decided that wasn't the life they wanted for me.. so they packed up one night, while Steven was away tending to some "business".

When Steven had returned, he had been hurt, and angered. Those were his best friends, and they had just left. Once he had collected his thoughts that night, the next morning he came out of his room looking like a different man.

 Before, he had been chilly, and had a slight temper, but after, that next morning, he was a pit of lava that was frozen over on top. Everything had changed, there was no more music, no more festivals, people weren't allowed to come and go.

 Louis thinks he made that rule because he was just scared of everyone leaving his miserable ass.

The first thing he said after changing the rules, the first mission in his new and reformed empire, was to find my parents, and do away with the reason they abandoned him, aka me.

Obviously, they didn't find me. Although, there were a few close calls. They hadn't found us for years, but when they did, they had only found Dad. He refused to disclose my location, so they had taken him.

They'd only questioned him for a little while, not caring as much about ending my life, as I wasn't as young, and it wasn't as fresh of a wound. They still wouldn't let my Dad go. Well, I shouldn't say them, really it was Steven.

Steven who keeps my dad, there, at that old building no one even thinks anything of. He goes and sees my dad every single day, and just talks to him.

Dad's healthy, he is well fed, and rested, but unable to leave. Louis did tell me my dad was trying to leave, that he had attempted to many times, but Steven stopped him everytime.

I finally understood what was happening, but I knew when I got home I would eventually become upset.

Mom has known, this entire time. She tried to convince me he was dead. Steven had him, he was alive, Mom probably knew where they were, she could talk to Steve, but instead? She goes on a work trip and leaves her kid here, fending for herself with the help of her hot bad boy neighbor.

As we were leaving the café, Carson didn't say anything. Nor did he say anything as we got home.

I sat down on the couch, sighing as he sat next to me.

"You okay kid?"

I briefly closed my eyes, before nodding. "I'm relived that I finally get what's going on."

"What about.. "

"Mom?" I asked, sighing again. "I don't know. I kind of get she was possibly trying to keep me safe and all that, but I'm going to be seventeen next month, I think I kind of deserve to know my dad isn't dead."

Carson looked me in the eyes. I saw something shift in his eyes. If it was pity I didn't want it. One of the reasons I like him so much is that when your pitying yourself, he knows just what to say to get you over it. Carson didn't feel bad for people easily, and this wasn't one of those moments.

"I understand, but honestly? Mia, I would've done the same."

"No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't lie to me Carson." I said, a little heat slipping into my voice.

Carson laid back against the couch, "I would, to protect you, I would. You wormed your way into my life Wade, these are the repercussions."

I shook my head at him lovingly, in amusement, "Don't go soft on me now,"

Feeling a sense of deja vu, I leaned against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and brought me closer to him. "I'm serious though, Mia. These people sound super dangerous, and of course I'm going to be there.. but I don't know how strong they are, and even though I have killer muscles," I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't mean I'll be able to protect you."

I nodded, "I don't need protecting, but thanks."

It was Carson's turn to roll his eyes. He started playing with a strand of my hair and I closed my eyes briefly at the sensation. I opened them when I felt Car's thumb brushing my cheekbone.

 He was staring at me, and the butterflies shot through me. I looked down at his lips, and his eyebrows drifted together. "You're so goddamn beautiful Mia."

I blushed, but we continued to stare at each other. He kept looking at my lips.

I wanted to attack his face, but I need restraint.

I bit my lip as he leaned in a little bit, and moved his hand a little lower to cup my face. I was shaking with nerves, which worsened as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"What are you doing to me?" Carson murmured, before jumping off the couch and walking upstairs.

My jaw dropped, and I scoffed. "Gonna leave me all flustered?" I stood up, and went to my bedroom. "Well, two can play that game."


aghh guys I loved this chapter sm. It was a lot of information, but I really needed to get that out so the plot could further, and I'm so excited to be writing these next 20 chapters, because that's when it really gets interesting.

I've been writing this book for 8 months, and its been a great 8 months, I hope that these next couple of months are even better.

As always thanks for reading

xox han

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