Songs in our Hearts

By xxxheartgirlxxx

361 21 2

Would someone dare to listen to the Songs in our Hearts? One shot compilation Copyright © 2013 by Gabriella (... More

Songs in our Hearts
Song 2- Peter Pan
Song 3- Angel
Song 4- Don't Go
Song 5- Machine
Song 6- Baby don't cry
Author's Note

Song 1- Miracles in December

67 3 0
By xxxheartgirlxxx

Miracles in December

Written by: xxxheartgirlxxx (Gab)


Where is he? Why is he so long? He told me he'll be here in just a few minutes but it's almost an hour now.

I'm gonna try to call him.

Calling Chanyeol...

Why isn't he picking up?

"Come on C.Y., pick up the phone." I said. I'm freezing here to death but still... I'm waiting for him.

*Toot* *Toot*

I can't believe it... I thought while looking at the red image at screen of my phone.

He didn't pick up. Oh God, I really can't belive that he's not showing up. He ditched me again. AGAIN.

Are you asking me why I concluded that he won't go here? I'll give you my answer. Because He had done it a million times before. He's always bothering me. He's taking me for GRANTED. 

I know that he's doing it. But I can't get myself on breaking up with him. Why? Because I love him... so much that I'd risk anything, I'd do everything, even if it's stupidity, I would do it. If he would just ask me. That's how I love him.

Though... now... I'm tired. But still... I can't... I can't do it.

I can't even afford of thinking about it. No...


I got shocked when I realized that a tear already fell from my eye. I was already crying.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I am looking at his picture now. It is my wallpaper. A picture of him eating Ramen.

I decided to go home. Even if I wait there, I know that he won't come, so why bother waiting another hour.

When I arrived at my condo, the door was open.

Don't tell me that...

I opened it and saw him eating in front of the TV.

"Oh, you're here. Where did you go? It's already 9:00 in the evening. Why did you go home so late?" he stood up and went infront of me.

Is he kidding me? After he ditch me on our DATE he still has the nerve of scolding me why I go home at this hour. I'm so freakin' pissed with him right now. I wanna punch him in the face. But...

"Sorry, I was... I was waiting at the fountain. I was waiting... waiting for... for... for you to come." I looked down and bitted my lower lip. Trying hard to stop my tears from falling.

"Oh... Gella I... I'm sorry. I forgot about it." he cupped my face. Now I'm looking at him in the eye. "Don't worry I'll make it up to you."

"Promise?" I said, my tone almost the same as the voice of a begging child.

He smiled before answering my question. "Promise"

A month has passed and he did his promise. Though actually he just did it for about two to three times. Now, it's all back to normal. He's ditching me again.

Today is the 24th of december. It's our anniversary. He PROMISED me that we would go to our favorite place. He called earlier that he will be a bit late and if I can wait for him. And because I still believe I said the word 'Yes'.

Now I'm here at the fountain. Waiting for that guy. Still beleiving that he will do his promise.

"I believe in you C.Y. Please come."

*An Hour Later*

An hour already passed but still he's not here. I looked at my wristwatch for the nth time. It's 6:00 pm, I came here at 5:00 pm.

"No, I won't leave. He promised that he will come. I beleive him... he will come." I said convincing no one but myself. I sat down at the edge of the fountain, looking at different directions and hoping that a Guy wearing a bright smile will come, running, closer to me.

Again, an hour passed. But there was no one coming. I am alone here. No smiling guy came. And again... 

... He broke his promise.

I stood up and faked a smile.

"It's okay. I knew from the start that he won't come. It's okay... everything will... wi... will... be... fa... fine" I lied. Nothing is fine. He AGAIN broke his promise. He AGAIN ditched me on our date. I can't let this pass. Today isn't the same as the other days. Today was special. Today was our ANNIVERSARY.

But what?! He didn't come.

I ran... ran as fast as I could. I don't care about the people that I'm passing. Even if I hit them. I don't care.

My eyes are already getting blurry because of my tears. I don't know where I'm going. All I know is that I have to get out of here. 


"Gellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" I heard someone shouted and the next thing I knew... everything went black.

*Chanyeol's Point of View*

Sh*t... it's already 6:00 pm. My boss is really getting on my nerves. He won't let me go out.

"Come on Boss, I really have to leave. My girlfriend's waiting for an hour now." I pleaded to the ugly fat bald guy.

"No, you have to finish all the paperwokrs before you can leave." he said strictly while pointing at the table with the paperworks.

"But it's not my job to do those things!! Isn't it your job?!" I bursted out. 

"I SAID THAT YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL. NOW, DO IT!!!!" his voice echoed around the office.

I turned around and quickly sat down at the table and started doing those freakin' works.

I finished it all after more than thirthy minutes. 

I ran out of the office, ignoring what that old man is saying. I have to hurry.

A car stopped infront of me.

"Hey!!!! Watch it dumbass!!!!" I said angrily.

The car door opened and a familiar voice told me "Hop in Chanyeol." It was Baekhyun.


"I know your in a hurry. Hop in." 

I smiled "Thanks."

As soon as I got in the car, Baekhyun did his thing.

After a few minutes we got stuck in a traffic.

"Sh*t... sorry Chanyeol." he told me with a sad face.

"It's okay." I started to go out of his car. "I'll just run from here."

I got out of his car and ran quickly.

When I was almost there someone bumped me so I stopped. I was about to shout at who knows his/her name. When I realized that that someone was Gella.

"Gella..." I followed her. She was running really fast. When...


"Gellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" I shouted but...


I froze at my postion. No... Gella... No...

I ran towards her. When I arrived there... No way...

She was covered in blood, she was unconcious.

I knelt beside her, I held her white face, now covered in blood. 

"Gella... wake up. I'm here... we still have to watch the falling snow at the fountain Gella. Wake up now... Please?" my tears started to fall down from my eyes. Is she... is she going to leave me? No... please no... don't take her away from me. 

"Gella... please wake up."

I felt something... it was... it was...

It was... her hand.

"C.Y.... you... you... ce... came." I looked at her face. She was smiling. Her eyes looked really sleepy.

"Ge... Gella. Your awake."

"Mmmm... C.Y. I want to... to tell... to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I... I... I love you."

"I love you too Gella. Get up now. We still have to watch it."

She smiled at me then nodded. Then...

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