But You Already Know That (Bi...

By DeathToLurkers

81K 2.7K 1.6K

I never really published one of my billdip stories... Idk why I just didn't. So here. Take it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chatper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Or what would have been)

Chapter 11

2.7K 94 85
By DeathToLurkers

My Journal, Bill Update

Bill has been living with me the past week, and honestly it hasn't been that bad. He laughs at all my jokes and is smart enough to play the board games I like and listen to my fan theories. Sometimes I forget who he is, but as I have met axolotl before I know they are a creature of power and had to have some reason go let him be alive again.

Ford has been updating me via phone calls, Mabel isn't quite herself and is even crazier at Gravity Falls then here. I worry for her, Bill hasn't told me anything about her, he avoids the conversation when I try to ask about her. And what he knows.... Might scare me.

My first summer at gravity falls I remember defeating Bill and the relief was the greatest feeling ever. But.... Now I don't know what to feel, I'm scared to sleep, but also happy when he does anything.

People are predictable but he isn't, the change is nice.


"PineTree! We're out of milk!" Bill calls from across the hall, I shut my personal journal and hide it under my bed.

"I'll pick some up!" I yell back.

"Can I come?" He asks, I freeze for a moment.

What can I trip to the store do?

"Sure! I just need to pick a couple of things up, also we need to get you some more clothes! You got money?" I reply. He pops his head into my room shaking some notes in front of him.

"Ya." He smirks, I roll my eyes with a sloppy smile.

"I'm glad I'M on money, makes it worth something ya know? Ahaha!" I pull out a dollar bill in confusion.

"Uh you're not- oh my god you literally are illuminati why did that take me this long to figure out." I whisper.

"I guess that's why they call it a... Eheh... Dollar, BILL!" Bill chuckles. I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

With that we head out.


Bill's POV

"So this is a convince store in the city, bigger then I expected." I say, staring at the large market.

PineTree rolls his eyes chuckling "It's a super market, it has a food section over there, and a clothing section over there." He explains pointing to the corresponding areas. He pulls a cart out of a line and we enter the shop, I bounce with excitement.

"Alright, here Bill. You can hold the list! Now see those signs? Which aisle do we go down first?" He asks me, putting on a mocking tone.

"Don't treat me like a child PineTree! We need to go down... Um... We need to go down." I check the list in my hand. Wholewheat bread. Um... Okay, I look up and study the signs.

Cereal and chips and- nope. Fruits and vegetables- nope. PineTree grabs my chin and angles it towards a large sign directly next to us. Bakery

"I KNEW THAT!" I shout, he covers my mouth quickly, giving bystanders a sheepish smile. "When in public, Bill, shouting is frowned upon..." He whispers through gritted teeth.

I jump in the trolley and point towards the sign. "Onward!" I say proudly.

".... Okay." He chuckles, he pushes me forward happily we giggly as we wiz around the store grabbing the ingredients we need.

When reach for a soup can a gruff man passes by and glares at me. "Hi." I say, staring back.

"Aren't you a little to old for that?" He growls.

"Technically, since I live forever I am never too old. I mean, I can be any age I want right now so I don't think so no." I answer, smirking all the while.

"Argh, emo kids with their stupid beliefs..." PineTree finally turns around from texting on his phone with a glare on his face.

"Bill is this guy bothering you?" He asks, I hear the satisfying crack of his knuckles. I look at him and notice him rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. "Cause if you want... I could take care of him for you."

My face feels hot, I touch it in confusion. Why is my face warm? Could I be...? No. Not at all.

"Oh is this guy your boyfriend? Can't handle yourself huh?" The gruff man spits. I slowly step out of my trolley with a mad smile.

"PineTree. Is it against the rules of society so kill someone?" I ask tilting my head.

"You already know it is Bill..." He answers stepping back, I feel my eyes growing red.

"I can't wait to contort your body in unimaginable ways till death itself seems like praise." I speak quietly, the man backs away.

"The fu- you guys are insane!" He shouts.

"Well I'm not, he is though." PineTree explains. The man runs off before he can go into detail.

"Well. That was fun." I step back into the cart happily. "Let's buy me some clothes!"


The day started with a visit from security.

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