Ohio Isn't Forever

By r0cknr0llchick

1K 95 74

Ohio isn't forever. That's what seventeen year old Heather Whimes keeps telling herself, but she's really not... More

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t h i r t e e n
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e i g h t

67 6 5
By r0cknr0llchick

Mrs. Celeste, who had the most typical Italian last name I knew of around here, was the first person in quite a while whose child I watched. I hadn't really watched anyone's kid for about two weeks simply because I didn't have the energy to deal with a child, plus all the drama that was happening around me. Mrs. Celeste lived up the road from us, and as typical as it sounded, she made the best pizza, and always rewarded me with it, and a good amount of money for watching her daughter Kelee.

Kelee was no more than 3 years old, and unlike most children, she was a total sweetheart. She was probably my favorite child to babysit, because she was quiet. All she did was eat cookies and watch Spongebob Squarepants all the time. Kelee was extremely shy, and I think that's why she never talked to many people. Her mother had tried everything to get Kelee to start saying words, but she only said a few if any at all.

The only person Kelee ever felt comfortable around besides her mother, father, and older sister, was me, according to Mrs. Celeste, so she definitely trusted me with her daughter.

Kelee came over a few days after everything happened at around 3, and we had done nothing but sit on my couch watching Spongebob. It was hot here, still, and I constantly worried that Kelee wouldn't be able to take it. I had given her so much water, I was sure to regret it later when she peed every 5 seconds.

There was a knock on the door, and Kelee's head snapped up. Her eyes widened. I rubbed her back. "It's okay. I'm sure it's just Rob." I told her, even though I knew she'd have no clue who that even was. I picked her up and carried her on my hip to the front door. When I opened it, my assumption was proved correct.

"Heather, you're babysitting?" Rob asked, looking from Kelee to me. Kelee stared at Rob, her eyes never leaving his face. I worried what her little mind was thinking.

"Yeah, this is Kelee. She doesn't talk very much. She's shy."

Rob smiled at Kelee. "Well I'm glad I have these on me." he said, pulling out a bag of Twizzlers candy. I didn't particularly like the things, but I figured Kelee might.

Suddenly, at the sight of them, she clapped her little hands together and said, "Twizzies!"

I grinned. "I think she likes those." Rob unwrapped one and handed it to me. I placed it in her hand, guiding it to her mouth to make sure she only bit off a little at a time.

"So what have you two been up to?" Rob asked, staring at the two of us.

"Nothing, just watching Spongebob." I said.

"You know, she can have the rest of these. I don't really need them." he said, handing me the rest of the bag. I nodded, and took it.

"You can come inside if you want. My parents are up in their room asleep. Nothing wakes them up easily."

Rob smirked and came inside. "This is different. For once, I'm at your place instead of you being at mine."

I rolled my eyes. Kelee had a huge grin on her face. She had finished the candy and was watching us intensely. "Please watch your language around Kelee too."

"Will do."

We went into the living room where the TV still showed Spongebob. "So you gonna watch this with us, or does it completely ruin your bad boy act?" I asked Rob.

He scoffed. "Hey, this stays between us if I do."

For some reason Kelee laughed.

I think she liked Rob.

So we did just that. Sat and watched Spongebob, before Rob broke the silence by saying, "So about that conversation we had,"

This was something I had been hoping to avoid. After that talk, I was still a little on edge about trusting Rob. Sarah had went home that day too, but before she left, I made sure to make up with her for being a total bitch about everything.

"It's nothing." I said, trying to wave the matter away. I had to be focused on babysitting, not my love life.

Which was pretty pathetic at that moment by the way.

"It's something, and I just want to say for not explaining sooner, that I'm sorry."

"You've already said this Rob."

"I know but-"

"Are you gonna be his girlfriend?" a tiny voice asked. Me and Rob turned towards it.

It was Kelee. I had completely forgotten she was listening to everything we said.

I reddened, but Rob just laughed. "Well, not gonna lie, I do want her to be."

"Oh." was Kelee's response. She was still grinning at us.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, this is super awkward to do in front of Kelee. Why don't we discuss this another time?" I asked Rob.

He chuckled. "We can discuss it another time, but I'm not leaving."

I blushed. It wasn't like I wanted him to or anything."Okay." I said. Everything was still kind of complicated between us, and in the past few days, I had ended up talking to Calvin again. I told him not to ever get his hopes up that the two of us could be something again. I felt bad that I had hurt his feelings, but I wasn't going to sit there and lie to him, or myself anymore. Besides, me and Calvin had a good friendship/association-ship before this whole thing happened anyways.

So that was one issue taken care of, and I hoped things started to go back to normal, even though nothing ever stayed that way forever in Cleveland.

On another bright note, I had saw no sign of Abigail or Maddie in these past few days. They had completely went ghost. I had, however, saw Samantha and Emilee Wilson walking on my street one day, but I didn't think much of it. They weren't any better than Maddie and Abigail, but they were better in a way. If that made any sense. I doubted the two of them were as evil and conniving as Maddie and Abigail.

Kelee had eaten almost the whole bag of Twizzlers, and I was sure her mother would not appreciate her daughter's sugar rush. By 4, she was practically bouncing off the walls, but still not talking much.

"Good job Heather. A hyper kid is totally gonna get you that money. Isn't she gonna be pissed?" Rob asked.

I felt irritated. Rob was making it seem like I was only watching Kelee for money, which I was, but I also enjoyed babysitting in general. I felt attached to every child I got to watch. The good and the bad ones.

"Hey, don't critique what I do. I know what I'm doing." I snapped. Rob's eyes widened at my tone, and even Kelee stopped running around.

"Jeez, sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"Whatever, why don't you just go home."

"Fine." Rob said. "If that's what you want."

I didn't respond. It wasn't at all what I wanted, but I needed to focus on Kelee.

"I guess I'll stay then." Rob said.

My mother chose this moment to walk in. "What's wrong with that child. Good lord, I couldn't sleep at all because of all that running around." I was surprised something that small even woke her up, and wondered if it had done the same for my father. "Oh Rob! You're here? I didn't even notice you."

Rob waved at my mom. "Yeah, I was just stopping by to say hey to Heather."

"How sweet." my mother gushed.

I groaned and picked up Kelee who asked for more "Twizzies". When I shook my head, her face automatically fell.

"Is that why she's acting like that?" my mother asked me. "Because you fed her Twizzlers?"

"Actually, Rob brought them over."

"Actually, you fed them to her." Rob pointed out.

I glared at him, and he shut his mouth. My mother sighed. "Try to calm her down. Maybe she'll wear out by the time her mother gets here."

I nodded, and waited for the sound of my parents bedroom to close. When it did, I turned to Rob. "What the hell? You could've helped me out."

He put a finger to his lips. "Hey, hey, language. There's a small child present."

"What the hell!" Kelee's little voice shrieked.

Oh no.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. Not only would Mrs. Celeste probably be pissed that her daughter had ate half a bag of Twizzlers, she would also be pissed that Kelee picked up on our language.

"That doesn't help the situation." Rob said.

I clasped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I said. I wouldn't have cursed if it hadn't been for stupid Rob Miller anyways. "Go home." I told him. "You're a distraction."

"Am I now?" he asked, his voice slightly playful.

"Yes! Go!"

"Fine, but there's one thing that I need before I do leave. It's kind of important."

I didn't listen to him, just pushed him towards the door.

"Hey!" he said.


"If I tell Kelee what I need and let her tell you, will you give it to me?" he asked.

I stopped, not really in the mood to deal with all of Rob's childishness at the moment. But I decided to see what he wanted.

"It depends on what it is, but fine. Kelee, is it okay for Rob to talk to you?"

She looked at him for a moment, then nodded. I rolled my eyes, then passed the small girl into Rob's arms. He whispered something to her, to which she continuously nodded about.

"Well?" I asked.

"Kiss!" Kelee said.

I blushed. No, she had obviously heard him all wrong. "What?"

"Kiss him!" Kelee said.

I swallowed hard. My heart was racing. Did Rob Miller really tell her that he wanted a kiss from me.

This had to be a joke, but I searched Rob's face, and it looked serious.

"Rob," I whispered. "You can't be serious."

"I am." was his only response. He set Kelee down, who ran to me and grabbed my hand.

We walked closer towards him, and Rob wrapped his arms around my waist. I used my free arm to wrap mine around his.

And we kissed.

I was in another world for those few moments. One where everything was so much better, and I was filled with joy and happiness. His lips were soft and warm, and I didn't want to stop, but I had to. Kelee was still watching us. She clapped her little hands together when we pulled apart, and Rob grinned at me.

"Are you okay?"

I felted dazed, but a small hand tugged at mine, and I was broken out of my trance. Kelee was telling me to lean down so that she could tell me something. I squatted down until I was level with her, and she cupped her hand around my ear:

"I think he likes you." she whispered.

I found myself smiling, then I turned towards her.

"I think so too."

A/N: Well I find this chapter to be pretty cute! What about you guys?

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