First meetings (teenlock)

By lotspot

106K 5.6K 5.1K

Sherlock gets expelled from school and is sent to a boarding school. However when he meets John Watson, it se... More

A study in teenlock
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

7.4K 426 264
By lotspot

Chappy two!! 

Enjoy xx

John had been in a bad mood all day. Ever since he had received the news that he was getting a roommate. He didn’t want a roommate. John had never been great at making friends and loved to be alone in his room in the dark in silence but this new kid would almost certainly want to talk and be his friend and go places and John was not up for that. He approached his dorm and saw the light was on inside. John groaned but pushed open the door.

“John I presume.”

There was a boy lying on the previously unoccupied bed. He was tall and lean with very pale skin and raven black curls that fell messily over his eyes.

“Yes Hello.”

The boy jumped up suddenly and held out his hand. John shook his hand.

“Training to be a doctor?”


“Oh it’s obvious. John Watson. 17 years old. Training to be a doctor but somehow you disappointed your parents as they sent you here with nothing. The photo of them is your own as you can see it has been folded numerous times from being carried in a pocket, presumably yours and the photo frame is cheap and not very good quality so you most likely bought that yourself as well. You have a sister who you don’t care much for and yet she cares deeply for you as she bothered to give you something before you left, however, you have not had the heart to open it because you probably think it will remind you of home. You have something important you should be doing on your laptop that you keep putting off, maybe an email home.” Sherlock had to stop himself from enquiring about the hair products and looked at John.

John was staring at him with his mouth open. Sherlock took a good look at the boy in front of him.

Short blond hair, short, nothing special. Introvert, bad history.

Sherlock judged by the silence that maybe this wasn’t the best way to greet your new roommate. He took a step back and looked at the ground.

“Sorry. It’s a problem. I can’t turn it off. I’m Sherlock by the way.”

John said nothing. He closed the door of the dorm before turning back to Sherlock.

“How did you know-“

“I don’t know, John, I notice.”

“Well it’s fantastic”

“Sorry again it’s- wait what did you say?”

“It’s amazing. You knew all of that without even seeing me?”

“I- yes?”

“I presume not many people take a liking to you do they?”

“Are we on the topic of ‘friends’ now?”

“Yes. Friends. People who like you.” John chuckled at Sherlock’s confusion.

“Never had one.”

“I know the feeling.”

“Hm” Sherlock carefully brushed off the subject and went back to his violin.

“So why’d you get sent to this hell hole?”

“I was expelled from my 3 previous schools so my parents decided boarding school was the only option.”

“Wow. 3 schools? What did you do?”

“Burned a hole in a table in the first one. In the second one I hacked the PA system and played violin music into it for an entire day because they confiscated my cigarettes and the third one... I think they just ran out of warnings to give me to be honest.”

“Oh my god. You’re a psychopath.” John laughed.

“Not a psychopath, John.”

“Ok sorry. Touchy subject.”

Sherlock leaned his violin against the wall and pulled out one of the files he had taken with him.

“What’s that?” John peered over his shoulder.

“Oh nothing.”

“Is that a crime scene?” John pointed to the picture paperclipped to the inside of the file.

“Yes. It’s all the information I could get on a crime. I’m trying to solve it. Just something for when I get bored.”

“I thought that’s why you brought a violin.”

“Also. I get bored a lot. It’s all I can do to stop myself from smoking.”

“Why are you stopping?” Sherlock sighed impatiently and placed down the file.

“You ask too many questions but if you must know, my older brother hates it and he’s probably right.”

“You have a brother?”

Sherlock sent John a glare and John took the hint. He went to sit behind his laptop but, as usual, he couldn’t bring himself to open it.

“So what is it that you need to do on that thing anyway?” Sherlock enquired, not taking his eyes of the file in his hands.

“It’s a blog I’m supposed to start according to my therapist.”


“Yeah... My parents put me under a lot of stress, as you know, and it broke me. I was crumbling and I had a complete melt down but instead of apologising, my parents sent me here and got me a therapist. I guess in their eyes they’re doing the right thing. I just wish they could understand that I’m only human.

“Hmm. Could you have a look at this?”

It was clear to John that Sherlock had probably not heard a word he had just said but he found he didn’t mind that much. He walked over to Sherlock and looked at the file.

“Medical stuff. Not my strong point but I figure you can probably help me.”

“Is that a corpse?”


“Huh.” John smiled, amused as Sherlock brushed off this fact with ease. He turned his attention back to the picture.

“Well he was stabbed in the back but the blood on his shirt shows that he was probably coughing up blood. This blood looks older than what is pooled around the stab wound so presumably he was poisoned before and then stabbed for good measure?”

Sherlock snatched the picture back from John.

“Yes. That would make sense. Thank you.”

Sherlock waved his hand signalling that John could leave. John went over to his own bed. He stared at the ceiling and tried to process this weird first meeting. At least he was sure this boy would not be wanting to go places with people which suited John just fine and he got the feeling it was going to be an interesting year nonetheless.

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