Dolan Twins Imagines

By dolanzthough

444K 5.8K 333

Requests are always open <3 More

1)Stole the covers/ Grayson
2) You're on your period / Ethan
3)A nightmare / Grayson
4)Pregnancy test. / Grayson
5) New Years/ ethan
7)The Library / Grayson
8) New house / Ethan
9) Amnesia / Grayson
10) Boyfriend / Ethan
11) He makes you happy / Both
11) Exposed / Grayson
12) Unwanted pregnancy / Ethan
13) Skinny dip/ Grayson
14) Christams presents he gives you
15) Christmas presents you give him
16) Unwanted Pregnancy p.2/ Ethan
17) Going the distance/ Grayson
18) Marks/ Ethan
19) Bet/ Grayson
20) Fight me/ Ethan
21) Scared/ Grayson
22) Meet And Greet/ Both
23) The Future/ Ethan
25) Grieve/ Ethan
26) Who is She?/ Grayson
27) Ethan/ Ice Cream
28) Dare/ Grayson *requested*
29) Ethan/ Anxiety
30) Grayson/ Basket ball
31) Spa Day/ Ethan
32) Senior Prank/ Grayson
33) Beach/ Ethan
34) Basketball part 2/ Grayson
35) Night Terror/ Ethan
36) First Time/ Grayson
37) Baby/ Ethan
I'm back!
38) Exchange Student/ Grayson
39) Guests/ Ethan
40) Who is She? -part 2/ Grayson
41) He's back/ Ethan ~request~
43) Traveling/ Grayson

24) Suprise/ Grayson

6.9K 100 4
By dolanzthough

  My mom blindfolded me and guided me outside. It was Christmas, and there was a surprise. I already have a car, but I'm assuming it's a nicer one. Why else would I have to go out in to the cold.
  "Open in 3....2....1!" She said. I peeled it off, and saw Grayson. Standing there in his army uniform. I haven't seen him in months and he finally here with a big red bow on his head.
  He opens his arms with a huge smile, and I jump onto him and wrap my legs around his torso. Happy tears streamed down my face, and I could feel him whimpering.
  "I love you baby." He cried. I kissed him, not even caring that my mom was there. She probably understands.
  I haven't felt like this for six months. He left I May and hadn't been back since. We had never been away from each other for so long.
  We stayed home the rest of the day, just cuddling and catching up. We had a week together, and spent every second of it expressing every ounce of our love.
This is so short meh

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