Lucky Charm (Ally/You)

By DessieSun

119K 2.7K 1.1K

Ally Brooke Hernandez, the mother to the girls of Fifth Harmony and the little ball of sunshine to everyone a... More

Shocking Diagnosis
Ball of Sunshine
Safe and Sound
Fifth Harmony
Finale With Syco
A New Couple
Lost Girl
We Meet Again
Sticking Together
New Story!
The Welcome Back
Reclaiming A Voice
Surprise's Awaiting
Deep Love
A Gift For You
My Lucky Charm
Going Back
Safe and Sound Pt.II
Leaving Time
Shock and Pleasure
1 Month
Young and Beautiful
Shocking Return
Haunting Past
Meeting the Sister
The Ex
Our Hero
For: Norminah, From: Will
Sister Danger
The Unexpected Hero
A New Development And A New Journey

The 5H Show

7K 192 62
By DessieSun


Oh my goodness! I couldn't wait for tonight. If you didn't already figure it out, I'm a big harmonizer and before you ask if I have a favourite, it's Ally. Once I had calmed down in Steve's office, he congratulated me once again before sending me home to take a break and prepare for the concert. I quickly drove home and took a nap to save my energy. I woke up to my alarm playing Work From Home by Fifth Harmony. While twirling my hips to the music, I began dressing up and applying makeup. Finishing after about half an hour, I shifted my vision to the clock on the table, 6:30. I sigh, another hour and fifteen minutes to go. With nothing to do, I plop down on the living room couch and pull out my phone. I noticed that I had a missed call from Andrea. Shrugging. I decide to call her back.

"What's up An?"

"Nothing, my replacement came early, so I left. You want some dinner?"-

"Uh, sure. Just grab whatever. We can eat at my place."

"Ok, I'll get pizza them."

"Cool. By the way, you want to accompany me to the 5H concert tonight?"

"FINALLY! Thought you'd never ask."

"I'll take that as a yes then."

"You dumbo, I'll see you in about twenty minutes."

"Ok jerk." I say, before ending the call. I hear knock on my door twenty minutes later and I see An holding two boxes of pizza. We quickly chow down and An goes up to fix her makeup as well as change in to some of my clothes for the show.

"You ready yet?" I yell up the stairs.

"Almost!" I hear a reply from up stairs. Sighing, I start pacing around the kitchen before I hear her footsteps coming down the stairs. I grab the keys from the counter and drag her from the bottom of the stairs to the garage. She chuckles as we enter the car and drive to the venue. After arriving and parking, An and I head to gate where our tickets were checked. We made our way to our spot and started to cheer with the rest of the fans. Suddenly, the lights dim, and Wannabe starts playing. I watch in awe as Fifth Harmony covers that song beautifully. They're more jaw-dropping in person. Once that songs concludes, the girls proceed with Brave, Honest, Beautiful. Oh my goodness, Ally's absolutely gorgeous tonight! I admire her movements for the first part of the song before turning to see An drooling over Lauren.

Chuckling, I turn my head just in time to momentarily see a body tumbling off the edge of the stage and on to me, bringing me to the ground.

Dinah's POV

(The picture above is actually Ally accidentally falling on stage! Still, she slayed the show!)

OH MY GOD! We were preforming Brave Honest Beautiful when Ally went down, falling off the stage and on to a fan. I, along with the other girls, rush over to where I last saw her only to see the fan preforming CPR on an unconscious Ally. Security comes from both sides of the stage, holding the fans back and calling for paramedics while the one fan continues to perform CPR. The four of us, myself, Lauren, Camila and Normani surround Ally, all of us paralyzed at what we witnessed. Not long after, I see the paramedics rush in, holding a first aid kit. They ask the fan to continue CPR while they prepare a stretcher for Ally. Once Ally is safely on the back of the ambulance, the fan stops and steps off, allowing the ambulance to drive off. We quickly head over In her direction.

"Thank you so much for helping Ally, it means a lot to us." Camila says.

"Of course, there's no need to thank me. I just did what I felt was right. Ally needed help and I sprung in to action." The fan says.

"Why don't you come with us to see Ally?" I offer, the girls' look at me in agreement. The fan looks uncertain.

"I don't know............. I mean, she probably wants to see you guys, not some unfamiliar stranger." The fan says.

"Nonsense, she'll love to meet you, uh...." Lauren replies. I nod in agreement.

"Y/N and are you sure?" Y/N asks.

"Of course!" I quickly answer. Y/N nods and we begin to head over to our security guard Big Rob to get a lift to the hospital. As we approach Big Rob, I notice his facial expression change to one of sympathy.

"Hey, uh, Rob, can you drive us to the hospital to see Ally?" Normani asks. Rob looks at us worriedly.

"You might want to see this first." He says, showing us his phone.

Don't let the rest of the girls leave. Once they leave, they will be dropped from Syco and Epic Records. I trust you with this task Rob.

~Simon Cowell

We all look at the message in anger and hatred, even Y/N.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" I ask. The girls are devasted, judging by the looks on their faces.

"Girls, I think it's time to say goodbye to Simon, if he can't show any basic courtesy." Rob says. I gulp and shoot a glance at my bandmates.

"Your right, let's go." I say. He nods and leads us to his car. Getting through traffic, it takes about twenty minutes to get to the hospital Ally is staying at.

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!u


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