Accidentally fallen for you...

By thevelvetrose

181K 1.5K 242

*Going to edit* Lily is a girl with, let's face it, horrible luck. She has the strangest things happen to her... More

Accidentally fallen for you. oops. [Completed]
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (2)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (3)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (4)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (6)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (7)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (8)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (9)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (10)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (11)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (12)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (13)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (14)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (15)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (16)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (17)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (18)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (19)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (20)
Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (21)
Epilogue: Lily and Ben
Accidentally fallen for you. EXTRAS!
Accidentally fallen for you. EXTRAS! (2)

Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (5)

7.3K 71 5
By thevelvetrose

-----Lily's POV-----

I woke up from the best night of sleep. (other then getting hit in the head with a rock) I dreamed of Ben.

My hair smelled awful. I decided a nice long shower would be nice. Till I saw it was 6am. The bus got here at 6:15am. I had to hurry. (Ben lives 15 minutes away. But Lily doesn't know that) I felt like I was in a car wash. I washed my hair quickly, then my body. I wrapped a towel around me and scrubbed my teeth in ten seconds. I grabbed the first the my hands touch in my closet and put it on. (Knee length shorts with a red shirt)

Then rushed downstairs to grab some juice for the bus. No time for breakfast.

I had five minutes to get ready and be at the bus stop.

My backpack was still in the living room. Next to the table. When I helped Ben in. I threw it over my shoulder and ran to the bus stop. With a minute to spare!

"Hey Lily" Bri called.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. Jogging under the street light. Waiting for the bus.

"Ten minutes. My mom woke me up at 4:30am. To eat breakfast. I swear. Since she quit her job, I haven't slept more then four hours" She sighed. "How are you? You didn't answer my text last night"

"Grounded" I sighed.

"For what? Your never in trouble"

"Almost kissing a criminal"

"What?! Who!?" She gasped.


"Ben? Ben who?"

"I don't know his last name"

"You don't know his last name. and you kiss him?"




The bus arrived and we got on and sat in the middle. Bri sat by Haley. I sat by myself. I wasn't used to riding the bus.

-----Ben's POV-----

I woke up from the sound of the garage opening. My parents didn't know I was in the back yard. Sleeping behind a bush. I glanced at the clock on my cell phone.

6:31am. Holy crap! I missed the bus! I took off running

I was just in time to see the tail lights of the bus disappearing from me. I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran with all of my might to catch that bus.

I was behind the bus now. If I ran a little faster. I will be beside. So I did. I reached the doors and banged on them. The bus stop and the doors opened. To a mad bus driver. She gave me a dirty look for hitting her bus.

I panted and walked in, wondering if it was worth it. hoping so much that she didn't decide to go with her brother to school.

There she was. Talking to her friend. Whatever her name was with fake blond hair and freckles.

She turned and saw me. A smile wide on her face. And she said hi.

Yup. It was definitely worth it.

-----Lily's POV-----

He walked over to me and plopped down. Out of breath.

"You took the bus?" I asked. Surprised.

"Yeah. I decided the bus wasn't all that bad" He smiled brightly. Which made me smile too.

"You smell like grass" I noted. Inhaling the scent of outdoors.

"Huh. That's odd" He muttered. There was something weird about his look.

"You better not get into any fights" I warned him.

"Get into a fight? After being hurt this bad? I normally wait a week" He winked at me.

I winced. I wasn't going to through myself in the middle of his nonsense.

I could feel his body heat. He was so close to me. He wore a tight button down shirt with khaki cargo shorts. My eyes were drawn to his chest.


__________________________One week later________________________________

I decided to show how Ben is treated at home. enjoy.


-----Ben's POV-----

I haven't driven my truck in a long while. I waited at the bus stop every morning and rode it with Lily.

Her face would light up when I entered the bus. Or maybe I was just imagining it.

I decided I needed to wash my clothes. And get to my room. I headed to the door of my parent's house. And knocked.

My sister opened the door. Eyes judging. And worried.

"Yes?" She asked. Blonde hair swinging in a ponytail.

"May I come in?" I asked. Watching her reaction.

"Yeah. Mom and dad will be home soon" She frowned.

Being around my sister was bitter sweet. She hated the family separation. She knew she was treated better. Her being the oldest. My parents always brag on her. Whitney goes to Harvard. Whitney is going to be a doctor. Whitney has a steady relationship. I never had any of those things.

"Why wont you just talk to them Ben?" She whimpered.

"What? So they can tell me how the golden child can show me the light. And turn me good?" I mouthed off.

Her face fell. Hurt.

"Its. Its not like that Benjamin"

I felt bad. But didn't say anything. I headed upstairs to grab everything I needed.

"I haven't seen you in over a week. I don't know you have been. I miss you!" She called.

I headed downstairs with a load of clothes in my arms. Ready to wash"

"Where have you been?" She questioned.

I ignored her. Throwing my stuff in the washer.

"Benjamin Ace Surrey. Speak to me!" She shouted. Using my full name. I rolled my eyes and turned to face her.

She had her hands on her hip. Her eye brows pushed together in aggravation.

"I was with some friends" I muttered. Not mentioning Lily.


"Alex, Lily, Peter, Jimmy...." I muttered. Mentioning the last two. Who I talked to once.

"Lily?" She asked. She noticed I spoke faster when I said that name.

"Yes. Alex's sis"

The door opened before she could say anything more. My parents were home.

I turned around slowly. Facing my dumbfounded parents.

"Ben" My mom gasped. "About time" Her eyes grew angry.

"Mom. Dad" I nodded to them.

"Where have you been Benjamin?" My dad said. A little too loud.

"Here, there, and everywhere"

"We thought you ran away. Till we called the school. They said you actually have showed up for class" He acted shocked from the news.

"And? Disappointed?" I mouthed.

"Why cant you be more like Whitney?" He has asked me this over a hundred times.

"Because I'm not a girl?" I asked. Acting stupid.

"We called the military school today. Your going Monday"

"What?" My heart stopped. Military school?

"Yeah. Maybe they will straighten you out!" He shouted. My mom on his side.

"We are pulling you out of school. Penelope our newest maid has been packing your bags. Maybe you'll get a descent haircut" His face was disgusted when he looked at my spiky blonde hair.

"What. Is. this?" My mother pulled an envelope out of her purse and waved it in front of me.

"You've been going through my stuff?!" I shouted. Appalled.

"Where did you get this money? What were you going to use it for?" She asked.

"I got it for mowing lawns..." I muttered truthfully. "I was just saving money"

"Sure you did" My father muttered.

"You should be lucky your not in jail!" Mom cried.

I stood there. Feeling every jab they did. I had to get out of here. I had to get away from here. Far away.

"You better have everything ready to go by tomorrow" Dad muttered.

Today was Saturday. They must really want me gone. I toughened up. And took the last jab. I wasn't going. I'm not going! Never!

They left me there. My sister patted me on the back. Although I know she was thinking I definitely deserve it.

This is why I ran away so many times. This is why I should leave now. They would only notice I ran when the school calls and says they haven't seen me in days. They would either call the cops and have me stay in jail for a couple of nights. (Like last time) or they would wait for me to come home. And find some way of punishment.

I sauntered upstairs and started packing. For my long trip tomorrow....

-----Lily's POV-----

I dressed nicely today. I couldn't wait to see him! I was obsessed yeah. I ran downstairs. Slipping on the last step and hitting my tail bone.

"EEK!!" I screeched. My bag flew and hit the mirror. Crap. More bad luck! I really needed a four leafed clover.

My bum hurt so much. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. Eating the first bite fast.

I quickly spit it out.

"Gross!" I muttered. Just now noticing lumps in the milk. Went bad last week. My luck was off to a really early bad start!

I'm not really superstitious. I just notice I'm really, really, really clumsy. I guess. I threw salt over my shoulder.

"Oww!" My brother groaned. Salt hitting him in the eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry. I thought I was alone"

"What's with the salt... oh" He understood. And chuckled. "Wont work for you"

"I broke a mirror" I looked down. Ashamed.

"Seven years of bad luck? You already had that one coming"


I headed to the bus. Waiting for the one thing that made my day worth it. Ben.

We pulled to Ben's stop. I waited eagerly as the doors opened. I waited. And waited. The doors closed and the bus kept driving.

Where is Ben? I frowned. And started worrying. What if he got into a fight and was seriously hurt? What if he didn't want to spend another minute with me?

We got to school then when my thoughts were turning sadder. Stupid luck. I headed out of the bus.

____________________after school______________________

Ben hadn't shown up for any classes. I started to worry.

I headed back to the bus and awaited the painful trip home. Then I saw it. His truck was there. He was leaning against the door. Face serious, and pained.

Something was very wrong....


What will he say to her?

What will she do if he does tell the truth?

Will Alex forgive Lily for salt in the eye?

Comment. Vote.

----velvet rose----

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