Revulsion [zm au]

By ace100

622K 29.5K 7.3K

❖1950's❖ It was wrong, so very wrong. I knew that I shouldn't have felt the way I did towards him, but I did... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five


16.7K 762 336
By ace100

!!!!*I realized I made a huge error in this story. I said she lived in the Upper East Side of NYC yet here I have her meeting Zayn at a lake. LOL. Yeah there's no private lake like this in the city so I'm sorry for this stupid error. Anyways, it's too late to fix it so just pretend okay! Thanks*!!!!

"Oh Jesus this was a stupid, stupid idea!" I rambled nervously, holding my towel close to my chest as I stopped walking down the dirt pathway.

"No it wasn't. Calm down would you?" Aria convinced, grabbing my forearms and squeezing them gently.

"Listen, it'll all be okay. You did this for a reason remember?" she continued, staring me down with wide eyes.

"Uh," I didn't even know the reason as to why I invited him to accompany me today.

"Don't act like you don't know." she stated with narrowed eyes.

I shook my head and shrugged at the same time, my eyes wide and my mouth agape. I must have looked like such a fool.

"Let's just go back. Maybe he isn't even there!" I suggested, motioning my arm towards the direction of the lake. Only a few more yards and we'd be at the dock, where Zayn might possibly be waiting for me. 

I shifted, about to turn and run away, but instead was halted to a stop when her strong hands grabbed me and pulled me back.

I went to protest but before I could comprehend what was happening, she lifted her hand and made contact with my cheek.

"Ah!" I gasped, my face turned in the opposite direction. "What was that for!?" I hissed in irritation as I caressed my reddening cheek.

She pointed her red polished finger at me, "You are going, do you understand?" she spoke as though she were my mother.

I frowned slightly, the pounding of my heart picking up again. I didn't know why I had suggested we meet at the lake. It sort of just spilled out of my mouth. Like those moments where you're speaking before your brain can even process the words. Now that it was Saturday and it was after 3, I found myself shaking like a leaf with anixtey and worry. 

Too many questions were pounding my already sore brain.

What if he doesn't show?

What if it gets awkward?

Why did you invite him in the first place?

What were you two supposed to converse about?

Was he there already!? Waiting??

"Look, Elizabeth, I'm used to the sneaking around thing. It's not as terrifying as you think it is. I used to do this all the time with Harry remember?" Aria asked, face falling a bit at the mention of her love.

I rolled my eyes, "Aria, you and Harry were....," I paused, attempting to come up with the appropraite word. "L-Lovers." I stuttered awkwardly.

She raised an eyebrow, smiling in amusement when she noticed the red cheeks.

"And Zayn and I, are..a-are like...aquaintances." I finished, my eyes nervously flickering around as if the raven haired boy would step out at any given moment.

"That's true I guess...," she sighed, "But don't deny the fact that you're attracted to him." she said quietly, eyes holding some other emotion.

I nodded, noting that I wasn't as nervous as I had been.

"Call me later, okay?" she asked, already beginning to walk away.

I took a deep breath, nodding and waving her off.

With a few words of encouragment to myself, I made my way towards the opening of the pathway where the dock was located.

I unconciously fixed my blue polka dotted bathing suit, making sure that the bottoms were properly pulled up to the bottom of my belly button and that my top was secured tightly. 

Oh my, why in God's name was I doing this!? 

I tried to stall by making my strides smaller, but it all seemed  pointless because if anything I got  there quicker than i should have. 

 I tensed up when I noticed his tan figure sitting casually on the dock, oblivious to my presence.

 My eyes trailed over his exposed back, down each crevice and grove in utter fascination. The view causing my cheeks to turn hot.

"Hi," I breathed shyly as I clutched my towel closer to me.

He jumped up in surprise, whipping around quickly.

"Oh, um-hi," he said swiftly, as he moved his hands around awkwardly trying to find something to do with them. He finally decided on running both hands through his hair, causing his muscles in his torso to become more prominent.

I swallowed, glancing down for just a second. 

My eyes immediatley found the dark hairs below his belly button that led down to the waist band of his black swimming trunks.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked tightly, a knot forming in my stomach as I noticed just how awkward and tense the air between us was.

"U-Uh not long." he stuttered slightly, again moving his hands anxiously.

I felt a bit better when I noticed he was just as nervous as me. But then again, what was there to be nervous about?

I nodded, both of silent for a few seconds.

"Come on. Let's go swimming!" I said, proud of the confidence laced in my tone.

He nodded, motioning for me to go first.

I began walking on the wooden dock, ignoring the fact that he might possibly be staring at my behind.

Taking a deep breath, I threw my towel down nothing in front of me any longer. I pushed my hair out of my face so that it all hung down my back and turned to look at him.

His eyes immediatley sprung up, his cheeks turning dark as he realized he got caught.

I bit my tongue, unsure of how I felt about his obvious ogling.

"I warn you not to jump in over here....not only is it shallow, but there are rocks." I said softly, squinting from the sun.

He blinked, his black eyes lashes enhancing the beauty of his eye color.

"Don't worry, I won't." he said, smiling slightly.

It took all my might not to gaze down at his exposed lean torso. I didn't want to give the wrong impression...even though I already have by inviting him here.

I quickly turned around, walking to the edge of the dock where I slowly put one leg in the cold water before dunking my other in. Slowly letting go of the dock, I swam away, keeping my knees bent so my feet wouldn't touch the sharp rocks on the bottom.

The water felt wonderful in contrast to the  hot and humid air around me. 

Once far enough out, I went under allowing the water to engulf me fully. I stayed under for a few moments before pulling up and using my hands to wipe my face.

I opened them to  Zayn still standing at the edge, watching me carefully.

I looked away, feeling myself blush.

"You coming in?" I asked, pretending to look around the lake casually.

"Uh yeah.." he mumbled, copying my movements from before. He gasped slightly when fully in the water, one hand still gripping the dock.

If I wasn't mistaken, I swear his knuckles were white as snow.

"Jesus it's cold," he commented, eyes wide in shock.

I laughed, "What? It feels great!"

He turned his head to me, still hanging on to the dock, "Are you serious?" he spoke through his teeth.

How was he cold? It feels refreshing in here.

"Well you have to move around to warm up," I said with an amused smile.

 He didn't reply, instead he quickly looked away from me and eyed his surroundings, seeming hesitant about something.

"Come out here," I said motioning for him to come towards me.

His face looked so innocent at the moment. Maybe it was the obvious hesistancy or look of uncertainty on his face, I'm not sure.

"Um..." he mumbled, cheeks darkening immensly.

I swam closer, frowning in concern.

"What is it?" 

He visibly swallowed, "I uh, I cannot s-swim so well..." he trailed in embarassment.

My mouth parted slightly as I stared at him in disbelief.

How does one grow up without learning how to swim? I remember as a yound child my mother would bring me to swimming lessons telling me that it was important to know how to just in case.

A sudden feeling of guilt spread throughout me as I realized that I had invited him to do something with me that he couldn't do at all.

"Oh," I breathed, moving closer to him. Again, I bent my knees trying to keep myself from injuring my feet against the jagged rocks at the bottom.

He didn't make eye contact, instead he glared at the water almost as if he were angry at himself.

"I know, a 20 year old who can't swim how pathetic is that?" he muttered through his teeth.

A wave of sympathy hit me, "No stop, it's not pathetic." I spoke softly as I stopped so I was an arms length away from him.

The close proximity allowed me to capture every one of his handsome features perfectly. His eyes always seeming to catch my attention first; the beautifully curled eyelashes surrounding the caramel colored iris'. Then there were his high cheek bones that looked even more prominent (if possible) with the angle that the sun was hitting him.  His face was cleanly shaven, allowing me to get a perfect view on his pouty lips. Lips that looked so ki-

"Yeah, it kind of is." he retorted sighing as he did so.

I bit my lip in contemplation, noticing his eyes flick to them as I did so.

"We can get out-"

"No, I'll get out. You wanted to come swim, and i'm just ruining that for you." he said apologetically.

But I don't want you to get out and leave.

"You can hold on to me," I blurted suddenly.

His eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting such a suggestion.

"W-What?" he stammered, both of us beginning to blush at the same time.

Jesus, I felt like a twelve year old girl again.

"Uh," I tried to backtrack but thought better of it, "I said, you can hold on to me....if you want." I murmured softly.

He continued to stare at me before a tiny smirk grew on his face.

"Okay," his tone suddenly a bit more confident than before.

"Okay..." I repeated, unsure of what to do now.

We both stayed still, looking at each other rather nervously.

The tense atmosphere was really starting to bother me. Both of needed to relax and try to feel comfortable around each other. Why was it so uncomfortable right now anyways?

I slowly brought my arm out of the water and held my hand out to him. HIs eyes darting down to my palm before he settled his ontop of it. 

I bit the inside of my cheek when I felt his callouses rub roughly against my soft skin.

"Well come on," I egged playfully as I tugged him slightly.

He gasped when he almost lost his grip on the dock, "Jesus!"

I felt a bit more relaxed and giggled at his sudden anxiety.

"Here," I said holding my other hand out to the his which was moments away from cracking the wood on the dock.

Fear flashed across his features when he realized he'd have to let go.

"It's okay, I'll grab you." I assured as I beckoned him to let go.

He stared at me, contemplating whether or not to let go of his only safety. Taking a deep breath, he let go and immediatley grasped my other hand. The water splashed at his speed, and suddenly his whole body was touching mine.

I gasped when majority of his weight leaned on me.

"Woah," I breathed, pulling him with me as I swam away from the shallow end. The moment we were far enough out, I stopped.

I was panting, having to have used more muscle than necessary.

"Oh God," he muttered, clearly terrified at being so far out.

I clenched my jaw, trying not to overthink our close proximity;His breath was fanning my face, nose almost brushing against my own.

He was too distracted with being in the water to notice.

"Here," I spoke while placing his arm over my shoulders and wrapping my one arm around his narrow waist. In the end we were treading water while standing side by side. 

I panted slightly because of the extra weight being exerted on my shoulders.

"You good?" I asked, turning to look at him. He looked much calmer than he did before.

He looked at me, his expression changing when he blinked finally noticing our proximity. 

For a good few seconds we simply stared at each other, and once it grew uncomfortable I looked away quickly.

"Yeah, I'm good now." he answered finally.

I continued to stare out at the water, shifting my arm slightly so I could feel even more of the smooth skin on his waist line.

"So, why'd you agree to even come swimming if you didn't know how to in the first place?" I asked as I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

"Ha," he paused, lifting his head up to the sky before cocking it to the side so he could look at me, "to be honest I agreed so that I could spend time...with you." he spoke softly, almost cautiously.

The moment I fully turned my head to him he looked away, as if afraid of eye contact.The closeness of our faces allowed me to see the dark blush forming. 

I stayed quiet for a moment, a bit confused.

"You agreed because...because you wanted to spend time with me?" I recited slowly, as if trying to process the words myself.

Zayn came here, knowing he couldn't swim, just so that he could be around me? 

That annoying yet wonderful feeling in my stomach came back, making me buzz with slight excitment. This boy was making me feel things I shouldn't and I knew that I was quickly falling into a trap that I soon wouldn't be able to escape.


"Oh, okay..." I muttered, grazing my free hand over the surface of the water.

"Anyways, how are you?" he said suddenly, his hand squeezing my shoulder a bit as he leaned a bit more on me.

"I'm are you?" I replied, surprised at the sudden topic change.

"Well my hand is healing and my father got us a raise in our paycheck, so I'm good to say the least." he answered with a smile. 

The mention of 'paycheck' caused a lump to form in my throat. 

My father was the one who paid them, which caused me to realize that I'm holding onto a servant half naked. This was so wrong, yet I didn't get the urge to push him away like I should have.

Without responding to him I began swimming back towards the dock. He gasped in surprise, immediatley clinging to me desperatley.

I chuckled, but it sounded like a dying animal because his weight was putting a strain on me.

I was still a bit shocked about how well I was handling the whole 'skin on skin' contact going on right now. You'd think I'd cringe and shy away, instead I found myself enjoying his calloused touches.

The moment we got to the dock I pulled myself up, using the little muscle I have in my arms. Once I was standing I turned to look down at Zayn to see him staring up at me with wide eyes.

"Staring are we?" I teased, knowing full well that he had been watching my behind when I had gotten out of the water.

He smirked, suddenly looking confident.

"One can't help but stare at such a beautiful specimen." he said smoothly, his whole demeanor changing.

Within seconds he pulled himself up and out of the water, standing in front of me with water dripping from him everywhere.

I glanced at the droplets dripping down his long torso before quickly looking away and out at the water. Meanwhile my cheeks burned at the compliment that just left his perfectly plump lips.

"U-Uh-" I stopped speaking, not wanting to make a fool of myself. 

He smirked again, this time taking a few steps towards me.

"How was your day?" he asked softly, staring at my face intensly. 

This boy seems to gain so much confidence sometimes, while other times he's shy and reserved. His changing attitudes are causing whiplash to be honest.

"It w-was good." I answered, my brow furrowing at the random question.

He nodded, "Good, good."

"Yeah..." I trailed, grabbing my hair and ringing it out as I leaned my head to the side. Zayn didn't even bother shying away and shamelessly stared at me as I did so.

"How is Payne?" he asked with obvious strain in his tone.

I stopped squeezing my hair, slowly putting my hands to my sides.

"He's uh...he's well." I said simply, not exactly wanting to talk about the boy I was meant to be engaged to.

His jaw visibly clenched, "That's good to hear." 

The sarcasm was obvious and I could tell Zayn didn't particularly like Liam; For what reason? I'm not sure.

"Why don't you like him?" I asked, sounding like a curious child.

He sighed before sitting down on the wooden dock, bending his legs and placing his elbows on his knee caps.

"Never said that," he commented, staring out at the water again.

I quickly sat beside him, sitting indian style.

"You act like it," I muttered, staring at his side profile. 

He was such an attractive man. It was ridiculous really.

He turned his head towards me, "Maybe you're just overanaylzing my actions." he retorted with a smug smirk.

I smiled slightly, "Right, okay." the sarcasm obvious in my tone. "But seriously, why don't you like him? You don't even know him."

He stared at me for a second, as if trying to decipher whether or not I was being serious or not.

"Well for one," he paused as if contemplating if it were a good idea to speak about this.

"Go on," I urged, growing desperate to understand why.

"He's a pompous, arrogant, momma's boy with little to no respect for people who aren't as fortunate as him." he seethed, cheeks red from the flush of anger that hit him.

I stayed quiet, mulling over his words.

Before I could stop myself I began laughing hysterically.



Momma's Boy

The perfect words to describe Liam. I couldn't help but quietly agree with Zayn. No matter how much I liked Liam, these were just facts about his personality and nothing would change that.

Zayn looked at me with a raised brow, his anger slowly washing away as he watched me laugh, "What's so funny?" 

I took a few deep breaths, calming myself.

"Nothing. Nothing is funny." my words were contradicted when I giggled rather childishly while uttering the word 'funny'.

I noticed him smile slightly at my immature actions.

"Right, okay." he mocked my previous words.

I rolled my eyes, bringing my hand up and pushing his biscep playfully.

"Weakling." he taunted with a small smirk. I ignored his remark, simply sighing and turning my attention to the calm water in front of us.

I smiled in content, realizing that I had been at ease for the last few minutes.

"Do you have any siblings Zayn?" I asked, unsure of why I said his name.

He nodded, looking over at me, "Three sisters,"

"Oh wow," I commented, surprised at the statement. I had imagined him coming either from a family of all boys or possibly being an only child like me. Guess not.

"That must be fun," I teased, knowing full well how us girls are. I couldn't picture being the only boy with three girls. That must have been tough for him.

"Oh yes, tons." he answered sarcastically. " isn't that bad considering two of them are younger than me. It's the older one who likes to test my patience." he explained softly.

I smiled faintly at his explanation, suddenly wishing I had a sibling.

"Where do you live?" I asked curiously.

"Uh, the West side." he muttered as he picked at his nails rather aggressivley.

I stayed silent. The West side was known for being where majority of poor people lived. It was an area that was rather dumpy and run down. Every single one of my friends would never once spare a glance at anyone from the West because they always thought that the people from there were criminals or women who sold their bodies for money.  I never voiced my opinion on the subject, staying neutral as I usually do.Yes, my friends were ignorant but I had a reputation, and they were needed for me to keep that reputation.

"What are your dreams Elizabeth?" his mellow voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Um," I wasn't expecting such a deep question, "I'm not really sure yet."

"Okay...what about  your plans....for life?" he continued.

"Ha..I don't think you can call them my plans. If anything they're my parents plans." I muttered in distaste.

I ignored his stare, and picked at the wooden dock with my finger.

"You know what my grandfather always used to say to me?" he asked retorically.

"No, i don't Zayn." I answered playfully, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes before continuing, " He used to say, 'If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.'" he quoted.

I raised an eyebrow before chuckling slightly, "How is that supposed to help me again?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, I thought wise words would help you a bit."

I smiled, nudging his shoulder with my own. "Well they didn't."

"It was worth a try," he sighed in mock defeat. "Oh by the way, those words weren't even my grandfather's...they actually came from some guy with a name I can't seem to remember." he added casually.

I laughed, my mouth parted. 

"You put words into your grandfather's mouth?"

He looked at me with a look of ease, "Yeah...something wrong?"

I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement.

"Do you read Elizabeth?" he asked, voice turning serious again.

I don't know what it was, but whenever he asked my name with the question it just reassured me that he was actually interested and that he'd actually listen to my answer.

"Of course, I love reading." I responded immediatley.

It's true, I had a strong obsession with reading. If anything I'd much rather sit in my room and read all day than go to all those pointless galas and parties my parents force me to go to.

"Favorite author?" he asked shifting his body so that he was staring straight at me, obviously interested in my answer.

The words came out out of pure instinct, "Charlotte Bronte, Harper Lee,  John Steinbeck....and uh Edgar Allan Poe." I muttered the last one softly, a bit worried at the judgmental look I was about to receive.

Because seriously, how many 18 year old girls read dark and morbid thrillers like the ones written by Poe? Not many. Which is why I never usually tell anyone that I enjoy his works.

"Edgar Allan Poe?" he asked with wide eyes.

I swallowed, my cheeks burning slightly.

"Yes," I answered, feeling a bit defensive.

My own eyes widened when he smile brightly at me, a reaction I was definitely not expecting.

"He's a least in writing messed up stories." he said with a chuckle.

A wave of relief came over me when I realized he was also a fan of the dark author.

I smiled unconciously, "Glad to know someone understands," 

We stared at each other for a moment, my smile slowing disappearing as the gaze lasted longer than it should have to be called 'appropriate'.

"You're beautiful miss," he blurted suddenly, expression gentle and eyes soft.

I blushed profusely, stunned by his words.

"Uh thanks..." I muttered growing self concious under his intense gaze.

Suddenly he leaned forward, coming much closer to my face. I held my breath, not backing away whatsoever.

I stared wide eyed as he glanced at my eyes to my lips, his intentions clear as day. 

"W-What are you doing?" I breathed out, even though I knew exactly what he was doing. 

His palm cupped my cheek, pulling me closer to him. We were now so close that our noses brushed.

The blood in my body was pumping through me quickly as my heart pounded in anticipation. This was so so so so wrong-

My thoughts were cut short when his lips suddenly brushed against mine before fully pressing against them.

I was still for a moment, as was he. But within moments I had my hands cupping his cheeks, pulling him closer to me. His one hand stayed cupping my cheek while the other gripped my hip tightly. 

All thoughts were fuzzy, the only thing I could focus on was kissing the beautiful boy in front of me.

The kiss became intense, almost like the tension that had been created the last few weeks was now finally being broken.

His plump lips were just what I expected: soft and warm.

Pulling away from each other to collect oxygen, my grip on his face stayed as did his own on my body.

I wasn't even thinking at the moment, nor did I care what I was doing. This was my life and I'd do as I want. And what I wanted was to be able to kiss him. To kiss Zayn.

He smiled widely, panting slightly.

"I've been waiting to do that for awhile." he murmured softly, squeezing my hip with his hand.

(A/N) Holy damn, that was the longest chapter I've ever written. 

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