Teenage Trouble (on hold)

By AshtonIrwinWonders

3M 32.3K 6.5K

Katelyn known as the school slut likes to have fun with boys. Her ideal night of fun is going on a website po... More

Teenage Trouble (Sex with Styles)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Friendly note
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Please Read

Chapter Twenty Six

24.3K 594 158
By AshtonIrwinWonders

Thank you for 2 million reads, that's unbelievable! Literally so happy, I'm surprised all of you are still reading this, I feel so bad that I don't read over to edit because I'm busy but I'll try and do better. For the 2 million reads, I give you a longer chapter than usual :)


"Finally" Harry said grabbing the condom from the storage compartment. Harry took the package between his teeth and tarred it open. It was kind of hot in a strange way. I've never had sex in a car so I'm curious how this will work, there isn't much space in the backseats.

I didn't want to waist time just because if those girls come back and bring friends to meet Harry. I pulled my wet crop top over my head and watch Harry pull down his swim shorts. I watched harry slowly roll the condom on his length, the way Harry makes me feel is insane.

Every little action he does turns me on, he's just so hot I want to fuck him."what do you think we are going to do?" Harry chuckled, I looked up at him giving him a look. "What?" I questioned.

"You called me hot and said you wanted to fuck me" Harry laughed, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Did I say that out loud?" I bit my bottom lip, I felt completely embarrassed. "It's okay baby, I feel the same" Harry whispered in my ear while talking my earlobe between his teeth.

I felt his hand unbutton my shorts and pull them down my legs. I was left in my bikini, and just a pull of the string and my top would be off; same with my bottoms. Harry pulled the string of my bottom slowly, I watched as he undid the knot on both sides.

Harry threw my bottoms of my swimsuit to the side and lowered his head between my legs. "Spread your legs more" Harry said with his tone demanding. I obeyed his demand by legs being spread even more. His hands grabbed my hips and I felt his warm tongue stir inside of me. I dug my nails into the seat and let Harry take control.

Harry moved his hands between my thighs, and slid his finger into me also. I arched my back in surprise and pleasure. "You're so soaked" Harry said pulling away.

A gasped escaped my lips once Harry thrust into me, I forgot he had the condom on already it completely took me off guard. "Harry" I said barely coming out as a whisper. "Yes baby" Harry's lips hovered over mine. I shut my eyes enjoying Harry's slow movement of his pelvis coming in contact with my clit.

His lips touched mine, I felt my heart racing even more. His tongue moved perfectly with mine, exchanging saliva so smoothly. His body rocked against me, I let moans escape my mouth often. His hands griped the back of my hair tugging at it slightly.

His thrust became more powerful, harry pulled back and thrust back into me harder. I felt Harry's hand let go of my hair and cupped my breasts. I felt the tight string that held my swimsuit up was now loose. His grip on my beasts were a little hard but I couldn't complain the pleasure he gave me.

Harry pulled away from my lips and kissed my neck. I reached my high and so did Harry, his muscular arms tensed as I gripped them.

I panted and Harry just collapsed his body weight onto me. Our breathing was slowing down but still had a heavy pace. Our bodies were wet, not only from the water but the intense moment in Harry's car brought sweat. I was quite okay with it.

"Do you think anyone saw?" I asked. I was a little nervous if someone saw me doing it in a car but I also didn't care at the same time. "Who cares" Harry smirked giving me another kiss.

Harry sat up and grabbed our clothes from the front seat. As he gathered the clothes I just stared at Harry's length while tracing his abs with my fingertips. "What?" Harry laughed while putting a shirt on.

"I was just thinking" I said taking my eyes off his penis and to his eyes. "Of?" Harry put on a pair of boxers and shorts while I'm still nude in his backseat. "Nothing" I tired to push my thoughts away. "Tell me Katie, nothing to be embarrassed about. You can tell me anything" Harry pinned my arms down and lowered himself down to kiss my lips. "Well I was thinking.... You always finger me and such so.. I thought I could do the same" I regret saying that, I shouldn't have to ask him. I should of just done it when timing was right. Great this is embarrassing.

"You want to finger me?" Harry laughed. "What? No!" I playfully slapped Harry in the arm. "Well I was thinking tonight there's this party. I know for a fact you can rent cabanas on the beach. So just me, you, and those lips wrapped around my dick alone." Harry smiled biting his lip. "You're embarrassing me" I laughed.

"Hey you brought it up!" Harry put his arms up in defence. "Now I suggest you put some clothes on. As much as I want a sexy girl like you to keep your clothes off, I'm taking you home and I don't need other people to see you naked" Harry kissed my lips and handed me my clothes.


"I'll see you tonight?" I nodded and pecked Harry on the lips before exiting the car. I wave goodbye as Harry backed out of my driveway.

I opened the door and saw wine glasses on the coffee table to my right, I heard laughing of my mothers voice. I followed the laughter into the kitchen, "mom!" My mouth dropped, her legs were spread open wearing a skirt. Not the most pleasant sight for your daughter to witness. The worse part was a man in only his boxers stood between her legs, resting his hands on her thighs.

"Katelyn!" My mom pushed this man back and closed her legs, thank god.

"Where have you been! I've been worried sick, and I don't need you to be sluting around again." Ironic she's saying this, isn't it? "Robert you see this is my daughter, she's a little bit of a well.. Slut" my mom whispered the last part.

"You can't be serious!" This was ridiculous, she's calling me a slut but here she is fooling around in the kitchen. The smirk plastered on her face disgusted me. "And I see you clearly were worried about me. I can't believe you're drinking again" I shook my head and stormed upstairs.

I slammed my door shut and heard giggling again, unbelievable. I wanted to get out of this house, but I had two hours to kill before the party. "Katelyn since you're being such a brat to Robert and I. You're grounded! Learn to respect your mother for once!" My mother screamed from downstairs.

I'm sick of my mom and Robert, I just met this Robert guy and and I hate his guts. To take away this stress I logged onto sexyphotochat, everything is always better when I went online. I looked at the missed messages from sass, I'm not sure if This would upset me more but it's worth a shot anyways.

Message from @sass:

You really think I know nothing? All I'm trying to do is warn you, I know Harry more than you do. Trust me

I was furious with this message, warn me? He doesn't know Harry, he just wants sex like every other guy on here. I saw sass was online so I opened a chat to continue this conversation.

KittyKatKate: Trust you? You can be serious! I'm laughing at your stupidity, you really think I would trust a stranger like you?

Sass: you trusted Styles didn't you?

KittyKatKate:yes, but that's a different story

Sass: really? If I recall he was just another guy on this site and you offered to send him nudes. You let him into your life

Kittykatekate: okay seriously stop. This isn't tell you my life story time. Why are you so interested on Harry and I anyways?

Sass: because I don't want him to hurt you

Kittykatkate: he's never going to hurt me!

Sass: didn't he already? He slapped you

Kittykatkate: who the hell told you that!?

Sass: no one had to tell me that.

What the fuck is this sass kid a stalker? I'm getting furious, who does he think he is.

Sass: I was there.

KittyKatKate: Liam? I swear if this is you please stop

Sass: Harry is one of my best friends but you don't deserve to get hurt... Or cheated on.

Kittykatkate: what are you talking about? Harry never cheated on me and you're avoiding my question. Is this Liam?

Sass: where did Harry go after he slapped you? He sure wasn't with you, I was. Why don't you ask Harry where he was yourself.

I quickly logged off, I had enough of this. Sass was there that night, was it Liam? Maybe it was someone else, one of the girls even. If Harry did cheat how would 'he' know where Harry went, it doesn't make sense to me.

I stripped from my clothing to take a shower, I felt like that was the only thing to get my mind off things. I turned to water to the satisfying warm temperature I liked. I blasted music in the bathroom to drown out all other noises, such as my mom and Robert.

I stepped out of the hot steamy shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I roughly brushed through my blonde hair before going back to my bedroom. "Katelyn" Robert nodded at me. I gave him a disgusted look and speed walked to my room, slamming the door behind me.. Creep.

I certainly didn't like him eyeing my body, that disgusting. I looked to see if I had any missed messages before I got dressed, of course I had a few from Kenzie.

Kenzie: Heey! Harry told Liam and I about the party. You're going right?

Me: yeah of course!

I wasn't going to let sass or Harry ruin my night. Even though I was grounded, my mom won't even realize I'm gone, she's too busy with Robert.

Kenzie: Thank god! Can I come over to get ready with you

Me: Yes! Text me when you're here, don't ring the door bell! Bring Gabby and Ash too

Kenzie: Alright! See ya in a hour x

It shouldn't be too hard to sneak them in, my mom is distracted and my music is always blasted she won't hear them.


"Hey Katelyn!" Kenzie practically screamed when walking the ought he front entrance.

"Shh!" I covered Kenzie's mouth while putting my index finger over my lips to signal silence. "Classic Katelyn. Grounded?" Ashley whispered, I nodded in return.

We all rushed upstairs to my room quietly, I slowly shut my door and left my music blasting. I stuffed pillows at the crack below the door, trying to make less noise for my mom to hear. "Did you bring outfits?" I asked looking at the one bag Gabriella had over her shoulder.

(A/n You can see all the outfits on my Instagram zaynlanex)

"I did!" Gabriella cheered pulling out a dark gray high waisted skirt followed by a bow looking top. "That's cute!" I said holding up the top against my chest, it was kind of like a bustier bra.

"I'm going like this" I looked at Kenzie wearing a pink cozy sweater and a pair of leggings. It was definitely cute but more like an outfit for a campfire, just a cozy cuddling outfit.

"Kenzie that's cute too but not for this party! Ashley what about you, what are you going to wear?" I questioned looking at Ashley's choice of clothes.

"Well I was hoping you could lead me clothes like old time sake" she smiled hugging my side. "Yes you can, and Kenzie so are you!" I walked over to my closet tossing clothes on the floor, looking for something the girls to wear.

"Perfect!" I held up a floral bustier top for Kenzie. "Hell no! Babe I love you but I'm not wearing that" I sighed rolling my eyes picking out something more comfortable but revealing at the same time.

"Love it!" Kenzie took the loose fitted t shirt that would show her chest a bit. I then handed Ashley a white crop top that would hang right above her belly button. I also gave both of them a pair of short shorts.

They all got changed while I tried to find something for myself. I wasn't feeling a hundred percent today after finding out about Harry, and my mom being a bitch to me. That made me loose a bit of confidence so I didn't want to wear something like Gabriella and Ashley, I wanted to be more reserved. I was hoping no one will try something with me, but it's also that girl from my school I doubt it will be drinking and such. I pulled a red and blue paid shirt off my hanger and took a pair of jeans.

"Well?" Kenzie walked in wearing the outfit I picked. The shirt like I said fit loose, and the shorts rested on her hips and just covered her butt. It was a basic outfit but flattered her. Gabby walked in from behind wearing the skirt and top, so cute I wanted to buy it myself. Finally Ashley walked in wearing high waisted shorts and the white crop showing off her fit stomach.

"You're all gorgeous" I smiled, truly meaning it.

"What the hell is this?" Ashley grabbed my clothes out of my hand. "Kittykatkate is not wearing this to a party"

"Kittykatkate?" Kenzie questioned, she still didn't know about the site.. Shit. "Nothing" Ashley mumbled saving my ass.

"I just want to feel comfortable, I'm not in the mood" I tried grabbing my clothes back but Ashley pulled them away. "Fine you can wear this shirt but no tank top! Lacy bra just in case you want to show it off and no jeans. Show off your legs at least." I sighed giving in to Ashley's demands.

I grabbed a pair of high waisted shorts that showed my tan legs, the shorts were a little too short showing off my butt a bit. "Perfect! Here" Gabriella handed me a bag, I looked in seeing all this alcohol.

"Trust me we are going to need it. Plus Charlie throws the best parties! Her dad buys so much alcohol for her" so that was her name, I just knew she was annoying. No wonder why I was so oblivious about her parties, I never went to one because I couldn't stand her talking about one direction in math. Some fan she is, she didn't even know we live in the same area.

"Let's go!" I looked at the clock, shit it was already nine. "I forgot to eat!"

"There is food there don't worry" Gabriella reassured me.


We all piled into Ashley's car, "where is it?" She asked starting the engine. "It's at the beach... Wait" I saw a message from Harry appear on my screen.

Harry: Hey beautiful, I headed over to the beach and was told the party got moved to this club? Her dad rented a club, that's insane.

Me: k thanks and yeah pretty insane

"It's moved to a club" I looked at Harry's next message sending me the address. Followed by another message...

Harry: is everything alright? Love you

I laughed, not like a humorous laugh but a pissed pity laugh. He tells me he loves me but cheats on me, maybe I'm over reacting but Liam... I mean sass wouldn't go through making an account to make up lies about Harry. Would he?

"What's up?" All the girls looked at me, I shook my head "nothing.... Nothing at all"


"Here we are bitches!" Gabriella yelled out the window. Gabriella never fails to make me laugh. I looked out the window to see people lined up around the corner, was she really this popular? I saw people from my old school and my new school, I think everyone is here. "There's the boys!" Kenzie pointed out the window,probably locking eyes with Liam. We parked down the street a bit and walked our way to the entrance.

Our best bet is to walk in with Harry being that he was invited, otherwise I might not get in. "Hey babe" Harry swung his right arm over my shoulders, kissing my forehead.

"Hi" I responded harshly shrugging his arm off me. Everyone's eyes turned toward us, Harry faked smiled to draw away attention. "Everything okay?" Harry whispered in my ear still pulling off that smile for everyone but me.

"Harry!oh my god Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis too. Come in!" Charlie practically fangirled right in front of them.

"Better see your girlfriend" I snapped walking ahead of him behind everyone else. We all walked in following Charlie and it was huge, the club was divided into different sections. When you walked in the front entrance the dance floor was the first thing you spotted, tons of bodies swaying to the music. If you looked up you saw a balcony wrapped around the whole inside of the building. There were two bars that I saw, but who knows there are probably more. Half of these kids are underage yet still drinking and getting served. I can't believe Charlie gets this for her birthday. Everyone chatted with Charlie, giving her hugs and friendly smiles. Me on the other hand, I slipped away to a section full of black couches on the first floor close to the dance floor and a bar. I had a feeling I was going to have a terrible night.

I watched couples grind against each other, were they couples? Or just horny teenagers. I wanted to distract myself from this scene so I pulled out my phone to see if sass messaged me again. Nothing.

I took a deep sigh and rested my head back into the couch, just hoping I could fall asleep. I think it's impossible with this music blaring, how do you have a conversation. Oh my god, listen to me. I sound like I'm getting old and boring, what happened to me. I closed my eyes trying to drain my thoughts.....

A cold hand touched my thigh as I jumped out of place. "Liam holy shit you scared me" I sighed in relief it wasn't some pervert. "Sorry, was just checking on you." at least someone cared of what I was actually doing. "Are you okay? You seem a little off today" Liam smiled to ease the tension of me freaking out at him, of course I wouldn't, not to Liam maybe Harry.

"I'm just really tired, that's all" I hope he will believe that lie, well not completely a lie. I was tired, I was tired of worrying and drama between Harry and I. "Hey Liam. Would you tell me the truth or confront me about something even if you knew it would hurt me?" I thought now was my chance to find out if Liam was sass. He was alone with me and I just hoped if he was sass he would confess being that no one else is around.

"Of course. I would never want to hurt you Katelyn but if something isn't right in my eyes I would defiantly tell you" Liam spoke ever so sweetly.

"Thanks" Liam nodded. It's great to have someone like Liam, he's always here with me. He's like my personal protector, and I love him for that. I scanned the room for a second and instantly locked eyes with Harry, he was dancing with Charlie. I quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't come near me, although I was reviled to see that he wasn't dirty dancing with her.

"Looks like trouble is coming your way" Liam smiled getting up to leave. Trouble, what's that suppose to mean. I looked up and saw Harry making his way towards me, shit, shit, shit. What am I going to say? Wait why am I so nervous..

"Hi" Harry sat next to me, not even bothering to touch me.

"Hi" I responded turning my head in the opposite direction.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Harry spoke. Are you going to tell me what's going on? Are you going to confess that you cheated on me, that I'm nothing to you. You don't even love me, I'm just a joke to you. Are you going to tell me that?

I stayed silent, I don't have the guts to say that. One being that maybe sass is lying, two I deeply don't want to loose Harry and if I tell him this maybe that's it for us. He will think I don't trust him and I accused him for something he didn't do, that's why I can't say anything.

"Seriously babe talk to me" Harry's hand touched my knee and slowly moved his hand up my thigh. His body leaned closer and I felt his warm breath coming closer to my neck. "Please baby" Harry whispered against my neck before kissing it so softly. Gees Harry why do you have to be so hot, you're making things difficult for me.

"Stop touching me" I pushed his hand off my thigh, I could see the hurt in his eyes as he pulled his body away. I stared at him from the corner of my eye, I couldn't make full eye contact with him.

"What the fuck Katelyn. What did I do? I don't understand you were fine having sex with me earlier now you won't even talk to me." I didn't have time to deal with him, I left him sitting on the couch in silence. I walked to the bathroom, only place I could think to go to without being bothered.

I pushed past the line up of girls waiting to use the restroom. I got cursed at and called names but I didn't care, they are all nothing to me. All the sinks were taking by girls line up in a row. I looked over one girls shoulder and saw a white like powdered, cocaine. "Want to try some? First times free" some girl about the same height as me with jet black hair asked. I shook my head at her and back away fast, no way am I taking that tonight.

I ran out of the bathroom to the dance floor in hope of someone other than Harry. "Can I get you a beer" I turned around to see a boy about my age with dark brown hair, kind of like Harry's.

"I'd love one" I smiled following him to the bar. I don't know if this is the right idea to hang out with this guy but why not. "Here" he handed me a cold bud light beer, water dripping down the side.

"Dean" He held out his hand for me to shake. "Katelyn" I shook his hand awkwardly. I'm terrible at shaking peoples hands, I always feel uncomfortable. "So Katelyn what is a pretty girl like you doing all by herself" I could tell he was smooth with the ladies, I smiled at his flirtatious words.


Harry's POV

"Lighten up Harry" Louis slapped my shoulder. "Why should I" I was pissed, Katelyn is mad at me for some reason I don't know of and it makes me mad at myself for what I did.

"Do you know anything about this?" I looked at Louis, taking a sip of my gin. I know I beat Louis up but it's no hard feelings. We forgive each other quickly, we are best friends, more like brothers most days. I have this trust with Louis, I literally talk to him about everything. Especially my troubles with Katelyn, he seems to give me the right advice so I'm hoping he can find a way for her to forgive me.

"Maybe she found out about Celeste, she does have a big mouth and didn't you say Katelyn to her?" Louis' right, I have to make it up to her. She has to know I didn't do anything with Celeste, well I was going to but Katelyn kept coming up in my mind.

"I hate Celeste. Remind me why I ever got involved with her"

"Well she practically blackmailed you. Who knows she could still have the evidence and maybe show Katelyn." Wow this makes me feel so much better, I can't get rid of my past. Not when it involves Celeste and her twisted mind, she will always ruin my life some way.

"Let's not talk about it. I'm going to find Katelyn, thanks for listening Louis." I left Louis in a search for Kate, she has to be around here somewhere. I know deep down even is she's mad at me she wouldn't leave.

I noticed a blonde at the bar right across the room, her blonde hair always stood out to me. It was long and perfect, am I really having these thoughts?

I pushed past bodies to get to Kate, "Kate!" I tried yelling over the music. It worked!!! Kate turned her head, but not to me? A guy with chesnut brown hair colour slowly leaned closer to Katelyn. She wouldn't cheat on me, would she?

"Harry I didn't know you were here" Celeste came out of no where standing in front of me. "Yeah yeah one excuse me"I shoved her aside to see Kate but she was gone.

"Spend some time with me. I'm surprised you're not being dragged away by the fans that didn't know you lived here." Celeste wrapped her arms around my neck. I know I should back away but Katelyn was literally just with another guy.

Katelyns POV

"I can't, I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry" I feel completely embarrassed, I pretty much led him on and now I rejected his kiss. "Oh okay. You're just not hot enough for me anyways" He laughed slightly, and getting up to leave. Ouch.

I need to find Harry, maybe if we have a talk we can work things out.

I searched high and low in this club I really don't know where he is, there is just too many people to spot out his face. Me being a little tipsy isn't helping either, I shouldn't of taken so many drinks from that guy. "Katelyn!" I turned my head around to see Ashley, Zayn, Kenzie, and Liam all sitting down.

"Hey have you seen Harry?" I asked, they probably will know. I watched Kenzie's eyes look behind me and her happy expression dropped as she made eye contact with me again. "What" I know she is hiding something.

"Nothing, let's have a drink!" Kenzie grabbed my arm to sit down but I turned around to see Harry and Celeste. "Harry" I whispered to myself, heartbroken.

Harry was holding Celeste up practically sucking her face off. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her hands in Harry's Hair. I guess sass wasn't lying... Harry probably cheated before too, and I know just who it was with. "Katelyn we should head home, I was getting a little tired anyways" Ashley said trying to change the fact I just saw Harry and Celeste... Together.

I said nothing and stormed to the bathroom to cry my eyes out. The bathroom was filled with more people than before, it was a little intimidating. I pushed a girl out of my way to get the only empty stall, she's probably pissed off now.

I sat on the tank of the toilet I can only imagine all the germs on the seat. I pulled out my phone to take away my mind off things. First message I noticed was from Sass... Great, he's probably going to tell me I told you so.


What happened, where did you go?


Don't be stupid Liam, you saw what happened. I'm crying in the bathroom. You saw Harry make out with Celeste! You saw me witness it, so go ahead. Tell me I told you so!

I threw my phone against the ground, like that would help me at all. I quickly wiped away the tears on my cheek, and walked out of the stall. I needed to check my makeup, but everyone is blocking. "Excuse me!" I pushed through.

"Woah watch it!" Some girl yelled back at me. I looked at what she was doing.. Cocaine. Is that what everyone does in the bathroom. "You interested?" The girl looked at me with a crook smile. I looked around the room, everyone around me seemed happy and that's all I really wanted right now. "Yeah"


Day early hope you liked it :) what do you think is going to happen? Shocking news in next chapter, I wonder if you can guess it x



For next chapter :)x

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