Binding Worlds

By AlMELQ990

246 11 5

Demons have fled their world and are out for revenge by stealing human souls, but the angels are coming down... More

Binding Worlds
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

27 2 0
By AlMELQ990

After Dija and Aylin got to know each other they started liking each other's company, and Dija started inviting Aylin into more outings together, and so on a Monday morning they went shopping together to buy new dresses because Aylin wore the same outfit every time which is her white dress that is knitted by moon fairies, made out of pure silk, and diamond strands (but of course Dija  couldn't know that) so when they arrived at the shopping mall Dija started picking out dresses for Aylin and not just any dresses, but really sexy ones that show a lot of skin. 

While trying the dresses on it was Aylin's turn to try on some dresses, and she tried on this black dress that was above her knee, strapless, and showing a lot of cleavage. Dija couldn't help but notice how Aylin was glowing especially her head it was like she had an aura surrounding her, but of course, she wouldn't understand that it's her angelic halo. Human minds could only perceive what's in their surrounding, so she just said "Guuurll , you look glowing in thatt De-resss , your date next Friday is gonna want to rip it off of youu" with sass.

Aylin: "My what?" 

Dija: "You heard me, girl. My boyfriend just fixed you up with one of his new friends. I've met him a couple of times. Gurl he is HAWT"

Aylin: "Seriously?? Wow, I can't wait to see him!"

Dija: "Yeah, I thought you'd say that, so I invited him tomorrow to go to the beach with us, just as a casual get together."

Aylin: "Woahh, but I don't have a swimsuit!"

Dija: "Your IQ level is starting to amaze me...LOOK AROUND YOU WE'RE IN A FUCKIN' SHOPPING MALL"

Aylin: "haha, sorryy I'm just excited about tomorrow I can't think straight"

Dija: "The only straight you're getting is a straight shaft in you soon" and she laughed while Aylin blushed.

So they went to the swimsuit store, and Dija laid eyes on the sexiest black bikini ever, so she ran to it, got Aylin's size, and gave it to her to try it on. Well, all I could say is she didn't know whether the bikini complemented her body or vise verse. It showed all her curves and her flawless body. Yes, as an angel she doesn't have any flaws, scars, or anything. They bought the dress and the bikini and went home.

Aylin: "Do you think he'll like me?"

Dija: "One look at you, and he'll be drooling." , Aylin giggled, and they went to bed.

The next morning Aylin and Dija went to the beach waiting for the boys to arrive, so they took their clothes off and laid in their bikinis on the sand to enjoy the sun and some iced smoothies. And of course, Aylin was turning heads at the beach.

15 minutes later the boys arrived, and they were just entering the beach when Dija's boyfriend texted her that they've arrived and are coming towards them. 

Dija to Aylin: "Look girl, there they are"

Aylin glanced up and saw the most perfect man she could ever see. He was shirtless, so she saw his details from afar, he was very well built with a six pack, benches, and v-line, his hair was as black as the darkest night with sharp green eyes, structured jaw line, and tanned skin tone. She was completely overwhelmed and almost drooled. But she felt something strange at the same time.

Dija: "Woah Woahh there girl. You don't want to seem as a beginner! Calm your vagina and keep your head straight"

As the boys came near, Dija kissed her boyfriend and said "Aylin, Andrae. Andrae, Aylin" 

Aylin understood the weird feeling she's got that she's sensed a demonic presence, yes, Andrae 'her date' was the king's son..the first time she saw him was from across a street and his eyes were red because demon's eyes turn red when they're angry, so she didn't actually get to notice him very well.

Aylin: "Nice to meet you...Andrae."

Andrae: "Nice to meet you too..Aylin" and he smirked.

Dija pulled Aylin to a side and said "I'm gonna leave you two love birds to hit it off together, and I'm taking my boyfriend to swim a bit. bye bye" and she left. Aylin didn't hold her back because it was game time with the demon...

Aylin: "So you befriended her predictable" and she crossed her arms and gave him a wicked look.

Andrae: "And what are you gonna do about it princess? sprinkle me with rainbows and puppies?" and he laughed "just stay out of my way, guardian angel or not. Her soul is mine! don't even think I might fall for your perfect look, I've fucked demons that look better than you" and he smirked and walked away

Aylin was frustrated, but she didn't let it get into her head and just laid there enjoying the sun.

A boy started approaching Aylin, he was hot too. He introduced himself, they talked for a bit and started laughing, so Andrae heard their laughter and came fast, and he scared the boy away by his demon powers. The boy started running and screaming of horror while Andrae laughed his ass off. 

Aylin: "What the heck was that!!"

Andrae: "Don't flatter yourself. You're my date in front of the precious humans. I won't let them see you with another guy, so you're stuck with me now since humans are dumb enough to approach you"

Aylin: "yeah, yeahh...You're so full of lies. Do you realize angels can sense lies too right? I know you scared him away cuz you're attracted to me..but don't even think about it. I'd never lower my standards to you."

Andrae got mad, so he pulled Aylin close to him by the arm, got so close to her that their bodies were rubbing against each other with his hand in her hair, he leaned in to reach her lips, their lips began to touch, Aylin's breath began to rise ,she closed her eyes, and then he pulled himself away and said "Yeah, just as I thought. You would never lower your standards to me." he smiled and let her go of his grip. Aylin just stood there speechless, meanwhile, Dija and her boyfriend were out of the sea and they waved at them, but then she got upset, took her cloth, left in a hurry to the car with her eyes watery, and left. Andrae saw her eyes and just turned his head around. Dija went after her, and as she arrived home she saw Aylin crying, so she hugged her and asked what happened. Aylin in a moment of weakness revealed herself to Dija and told her everything...Dija was speechless for a second but then she was like "OH MY GOODD. YOU ARE AN ANGEL!! AND YOU'RE MY GUARDIAN ANGELL!! THIS IS SO COOOL!! but wait Andrae is a demon??!!" Aylin nodded and Dija with worry said "I just left him with boyfriend!! I have to call and warn him!!" but Aylin grabbed her and said "NO. you can't!" Dija asked why so Aylin said "First of all he would never believe you! and second, you'll put him in danger if he even reacted in any sort of way towards Andrae then he could kill him! Just act as if you don't know anything!" 

Dija: "such a shame tho. He's one hot demon don't you think?" and she giggled

Aylin: "Are you kidding me right now? What's wrong with humans for real! But yeah he is too hot I must admit"

Dija: "NOT hotter than you. But I actually thought you guys were about to kiss today. haha silly me! of course, you were a demon and an angel having an argument about my soul on the beach in the middle of hundreds of people! just the regular everyday life." and she giggled

Aylin:"haha real funny girl"

Then the door bell rang, Dija went to open the door and it was her boyfriend and Andrae with flowers...A demon holding flowers...

Andrae went into Aylin, and Dija couldn't react because she knew it would put all their lives in danger.

Andrae pulled Aylin and took her to another room, gave her the flowers, and said "I saw you were crying while you were leaving, and just take these I look silly.." he kissed her on the forehead gently and left. Aylin stood there in silence and was in shock. Did a demon just kiss me? she thought to herself...

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