Letting Go

By -betterdays

14.1K 647 257

"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Jeremy Michael Lewis and Kirstin Taylor Maldonado." LISTEN this... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

748 41 23
By -betterdays

Kirstie didn't know why she put herself through the pain; the pain of making someone else happy while she was miserable on the inside. But here she was anyway, walking down the aisle to meet her soon-to-be husband who she no longer had romantic feelings for, while the one she truly loved was flying to another city, miles and miles away from her.

The tune of a wedding anthem was thumping in her ears while she looked around and gave everyone a nervous smile. As she approached the alter she saw her three best friends and one empty seat. They gave her reassuring looks but it wasn't enough to prevent her heart from shattering for the second time that day.

She soon joined Jeremy and passed her bouquet of flowers to her maid of honour, Esther. Esther had no clue about the drama happening between her little brother and her best friend, so she gave Kirstie a huge grin which Kirstie failed to return. 

"We are gathered here today..." Kirstie didn't even bother to listen what the priest had to say, she really didn't care. She allowed her mind to drift off in wonder of what could've happened if she chose Avi.

"Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife, and becoming Kirstin Taylor Kaplan?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Avi, I have some news for you, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it..."

"As long as you didn't murder anyone or cheat on me I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I'm pregnant!"

"Welcome to the world, Lily Rose Kaplan."

"Kirstie?" She snapped out of her thoughts and realised that the priest, Jeremy and all the guests in the room were staring at her. "Do you take Jeremy to be your beloved husband?" Jeremy gave her a concerned look and she could feel her palms starting to sweat. 


I'll always be your dragon.

"I'm so sorry Jeremy," was the last thing Kirstie said before running out of the room. Gasps filled the entire hall while Mitch, Scott and Kevin cheered for her. She was finally listening to her heart. 

The hall was filled with murmurs from the guests while Jeremy just stood there speechless. His parents ran up to comfort him while he broke down. "Should we go after her?" Scott whispered while Mitch and Kevin nodded in agreement. The beatboxer and the two singers ran out of the hall and hopped into their cars, knowing that the smaller girl would probably be at home now.

Just as they thought, Kirstie was there in her pyjamas, packing her stuff in boxes. "Hey guys, could you help me pack? I don't want to still be here when Jeremy gets back," Kirstie sniffled. The boys nodded understandingly and helped their fellow band member who was in need. Between the four of them, they were finished in no time, all of Kirstie's items packed in labelled boxes.

"What about Olaf and Pascal?" Kevin asked and Kirstie smiled sadly.

"I decided that he can keep them. I already hurt him enough, I want him to have some source of happiness left." She bent over to the sleeping dogs and scratched them behind their ears lovingly. 

The awkwardness in the air was thick, nobody knew what to say or do. "So, are you going to go after Avi?" Mitch asked warily, scared to say something that would trigger Kirstie. 

Kirstie groaned, "What's the point? He hates me."  

"Kirstie, he does not hate you. And the point is that you need to get your ass over to the airport so you can stop him from going to New York and you two can finally be together! This situation is worse than an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians," Mitch exclaimed.

Mitch was right, if Kirstie really wanted Avi she would fight for him.

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