I am the one

By 1990carey

38.1K 349 92

My Names Destiany Amelia Parkinson, and im running for my life. They killed my parents when I was 6, Then on... More

I am the one
Chapter 1: Turning 18.
Chapter 2: Questions.
Chapter 3: Untold Secrets
Chapter 4: Getting to know you
Chapter 5: Dreams
chapter 6: Cheesy chat up lines.
chapter 7: Danger
Chapter 8: Blood line.
Chapter 10: An old face...
Chapter 11: A hidden past...
Chapter 12: my best friend.
Chapter 13: Game On
Chapter 14:Jeliously
Chapter 15: I'm not afraid of you!
chapter 16: Blood tears
Chapter 17: Betrayal.
Chapter 18: Sunset

Chapter 9: Mixed emotions

1.8K 16 2
By 1990carey

I stared at Alex in complete shock, and horror. I was completely lost for words. Apparently according to Alex I was the last living relative of the first ever vampires. The idea made me want to laugh, cry, throw up and scream all at the same time. Was there anything freaking normal in my life? 

"So....let me get this straight...Agathangelus was a vampire....Angelia was a angel....they had children with amazing powers...and Im there relative...Im part of the blood line to the first ever vampires...talk about a mind fuck.....what the hell...I cant...I don't even know where to begin with that one..." I told Alex. I felt tones of emotions suddenly overcome me. Alex stared deep into my eyes again. "Wow...your eyes...there going a sort of silver colour...what are you feeling right now..." Alex asked me as he leaned in closer. I let out a laugh. "SO many different things I don't know where to begin...but hang on how comes this is all happening to me all of a sudden...why has'nt it shown up before now?" I asked Alex confused. He shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't a clue....I can only imagine it has something with you coming of age...most blue bloods gain all their special abilities when they turn 18...which is why 18th birthdays are such a big event...it means there ready to become a vampire...but I told you there is no evidence of your family's existence....there was but it was all burned in the great fire of London in 1666, the true story behind the fires I might add...the humans say it was just a silly baker who forgot to put out his oven...whats really said to have happened is a vampire broke into a near by bakery to where the documents were kept and started the fire hoping it would spread beyond control....evidently it did...well that's what vampires say anyways...apparently there is only a limited amount of vampires who know about all this...others don't know weather to believe it, and some have never even heard it before. as you can imagine its only council members who know the true story...which is how I know...my mentor was a council member....I didn't know weather to believe him or not...but now that I have seen living proof I believe...." Alex told me as he stared deep into my eyes. "Oh my god...Ive just realised what this means...." Alex said suddenly as he stood up. I stood up with him as he looked concerned. "Alex?" I asked confused but he was in a trance like state. I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him a little bit. He looked up at me deep into my eyes. "What does it mean..." I asked him concerned. He sighed. "Ive pieced it all together Destiny...why your so important...why they need you so much...why Lewie wants you so much.... It means your more precious than anything in this world now....it explains why Lewie is so desperate to get hold of you....if the word gets out that you are the last living hair he'll have no chance of power anymore...because you are the true leader or ruler of the Vampires...he'll also want to try and drain your blood dry so that he can gain your ability to control peoples emotions and behaviours....he knows we can use you against him which is why he wants you so badly..." Alex told me sadly. I looked at him horrified. "WHAT!" I all but shouted. Alex just nodded his head silently. "Im sorry destiny...but any hope you had of ever leading a normal life has all but been thrown out the window....the council are going to be wanting you to prove to the vampires that don't believe that you are real and that mixing vampires and blue bloods is a good thing...that with out you half of us wouldn't be here today...you cant go back to your old life..." Alex told me sadly. 

I looked at him with all the hatred I could. I couldn't go back to my old life. I was stuck in this...with these people...everything I worked hard for...all my friends...everyone I loved...I would never get to see them again. I felt like punching Alex in the stomach, but instead I turned and ran as fast as I could. Pain and tears were swelling up inside me and I needed to try and escape it all. I ran and ran and ran. Knowing that Alex was probably right behind me, and that I wouldn't be able to escape him, but just needing to try for a moment. Tears poured out of my eyes and down my cheeks in what seemed like was going to be a never ending stream of pain and sadness. I was crying so much it completely blocked my view. I came to a stop when I walked into something hard, a tree maybe, and just stood there covering my face with my hands as the tears kept on falling. I felt arms wrap around my body in comfort, and realised it wasn't a tree I had bumped into, it was Alex. I stood there crying wrapped in his arms for a very long time. 

A little while later we sat in a late night cafe in a little town we managed to find not too far away from where we had been. There was no-one else in the cafe apart from a skanky looking waitress who had her feet up on the counter where the till was as she sat back and read a book. Alex was sitting opposite me stuffing his face full of food. He hadn't said a thing to me since we were in the woods, he seemed to be giving me some space to think, which was kind of sweet of him. I looked down at the plate that was in-front of my, full of greasy looking eggs and bacon. I pushed it forward slightly signaling that I wasn't interested in it. I couldn't eat right now, I had too much on my mind. Alex looked up at me. "You should eat something...its been a really long day...you need to keep your energy levels up..." He warned me. I shook my head at him and he sighed and put down his knife and fork. "Destiny...im sorry...but there's nothing I can do...I just pieced together a puzzle...I wish I could help you but I cant...I have to escort you to the hotel and protect you..." Alex told me. I nodded my head as his words hurt me more. 

"You could let me go..." I began to say but Alex shook his head. "If I do that you know too well that within hours you'll be killed....besides you should be proud to know that your helping a huge community in their desperate hour of need....I know its difficult to know your never going back to that life..." Alex began to tell me. "Don't you think I already realised that...don't you think I already realised I probably didn't have a chance...but the fact that there was an option...a very small slim option....it helped me to believe I might be back to normal soon...it helped me to cope with everything....especially my grandfathers death...Now that small piece of hope has been snatched away from me and All I can feel is fear and hopelessness..." I told Alex. He gave me a sympathetic smile. "I haven't got anyone left in this world...Its just me...and now im being told Im one of the most important being on this world and that Im going to change everything...that im going to be a saviour....but honestly all i have ever wanted in my life is a normal family...who love me..." I said as a tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly. Alex placed his hand on-top of mine which was laying on the table. "So maybe this is all a good thing...you can have that normal life you crave for with someone who thinks the world of you...and tells you your beautiful every day like they should, and tells you your amazing...and makes you feel like the most important person in the world...and sends shivers down your spine every time you touch hands...who feels like the luckiest man in the world just getting to look at you..." Alex all but whispered to me as he stared deeply into my eyes. As he was telling me all this he entwined our fingers and made every nerve in my body tingle with a sensation I had never felt before. Did he mean all that for me...was he saying all that for me....If he was...wow...I wanted all that...maybe with someone like him too...I felt a slight pain in my forehead as all these new emotions got mixed up with the ones I was already feeling, but I ignored it. Alex opened his mouth to say something else but we were interrupted by the waitress. "Ummm I know you and your...girlfriend...are having a moment or what ever but I sort of need you to pay and go..." The waitress told us. I looked at the clock on the wall and noted that it was only half 7. "Umm you still have half a hour open, it says on the door your open until 8..." I told her angrily. She rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah but I wanna go home early, I get a guy coming round to setting some payments I owe him if you get what i mean, and I cant be late for it, so shut up, pay and go.." She told me. I felt like pulling all her hair out, but I resisted the urge. Alex had let go of my hand to retrieve his wallet and that made me kinda sad. I missed the touch of his skin on mine already. My head felt like it was going to explode due to emotion overload. The waitress held out her hand and tapped her foot impatiently, making me more angry by the second. "Here give me your wallet..." I told Alex. He looked confused but I beckoned for him to give it to me and he did as I asked without any questions asked. "How much..." I all but spat at the girl. She just rolled her eyes again. "16 pounds, but don't for get my tip and that either..." She told me. I felt like slapping her, the cheek of it. Alex and I stood up at the same time as I fumbled through his walled getting the change I could. I placed 16 pounds on the table and turned to walk away with Alex. ! "OI!! wait, what about my tip..." The waitress asked. I turned and gave her a fake smile. "Oh yeah...silly me nearly forgetting...This is for being such a fantastic, well spoken, kind waitress..." I told her as I placed a single penny coin in her hand. She looked down at it and up again at me in disgust. "You deserve every single penny..." I told her sarcastically. I turned and walked out the door after Alex before she had a chance to call me back again. 

Alex had sorted a hotel not too far away in the little village, so we went straight there. I let out a long sigh of relief as Alex shut the door behind us. "I bet your exhausted..." Alex told me. I had my back to him and I nodded my head as I looked over at the double bed that lay in the middle of the room. "Well you can go straight to sleep if you want..." Alex told me. I felt his hands on my shoulders, causing shivers to be sent down my spine. "Amelia..." Alex said bring my attention back to him. I wasn't feeling as tired anymore. I turned to face him and he dropped his arms back down to his side. "Alex..." I all but whispered. He stared deep into my eyes. "Have they changed colour again?" I asked him. "Ummm..what..." Alex asked coming out of a trance like state. "My eyes...have they changed colour again..." I asked him. He nodded his head. "Yeah...were going to need to figure out how to control your emotions, and soon otherwise they'll give you away too easily, and the humans will start thinking your weired..." Alex said jokingly. I laughed slightly. But some of his words stuck with me. The humans...the humans....in reference to actual humans....something I was defiantly not now. I felt a sad and confused all over again and a pain ached in my head as the new emotions joined the huge long list of what I was already feeling. "Im never going to be normal...Im not even the slightest bit normal anymore am i...I cant even call myself human..." I Asked Alex. His smile faded. "No...but your something amazing now...I mean come on how many other people can say there great grandparents were an angel and the first ever Vampire...The way I see it Normal is boring...your special...and I know you didn't want to be and I know you wanted to go back to your life but we gotta deal with the cards were dealt in life...only the big guy has control over them" Alex told me. I nodded my head slowly in agreement. "You believe in god.." I asked slightly shocked. He laughed."Well I am standing in-front of a half vampire half human...so yeah...I suppose I believe in pretty much anything right now" Alex said with a smile. I smiled back and felt another pang of pain go through my head. "Ugh....This is ridicules...how can one person feel so many emotions in suck a short space of time...." I moaned as I placed a hand to my head and massaged it slightly. "Remember you can feel everything other people close by can feel...you've got to learn to block it out" Alex told me. "How on earth do I do that..." I asked him as I dropped my hand back down to my side. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bed. "Come on Ill show you..." He told me. He sat me down next to him on the bed and smiled. "Ok close your eyes..." Alex told me. I was a bit confused but I was willing to give anything a go right now. I closed my eyes and listened to Alex. "Ok...I don't know if this is going to work but im going to give it a try....Go to you happy place in your head...what ever it is don't tell me, but go there and feel happy...feel relaxed...when your there block out everything you can hear, or smell or feel and just listen to my voice....block it out as much as you can and focus all your energy on keeping those emotions away from you, and only feel what you your self is feeling right now..." Alex told me in a soft and soothing voice. 

I pictured myself in the place I had my dreams, where I saw my mother. I Was sat in the tall grass looking up at the deep blue sky. At first I felt a lot of emotions, but I did what Alex said and soon the emotions disappeared, all but one. Happiness. The only place I seemed to find happiness was in this place, in my head. I let out a soft sigh and opened my eyes again when I realised All the emotions but mine where gone. It didn't scare me when I opened my eyes and realised Alex face was very close to mine. He had a smile on his face, causing me to smile too. "Did that work.." He asked even though he already knew the answer. I shook my head. "Good..." He all but whispered. "Do you realised how beautiful you are destiny..." He asked me. I blushed. "You shouldn't say things like that..." I told him quietly. He just smiled and leaned in closer. "And the fact that your eyes keep changing colour just gives away your true feelings..." Alex told me. "Like right now I know you don't want me to move away...I know you want me to stay even closer..." Alex whispered as he moved slightly closer to me. I felt like I could'nt breath, he was only inches away from me...his lips inches away from mine, and after the other night, of the slight small tasted I got of him I had secretly wanted more, so I wished more than anything that he would move closer. "...How do you know..." I whispered, barley breathing still. "...Because I've worked out the colours already...You go a dark blue when your upset...Red when your angry...light blue when your happy...and black I assume can only mean one thing..." Alex all but whispered. 

I let out a shaky breath as Alex moved in closer. I wanted him, and I wanted him badly right now. I wasn't quite sure what exactly it was I felt for him but I new every single part of me wanted him to be closer to me and touch me. I knew that if he didn't kiss me again I was probably going to go crazy. "...Amelia...you should stop looking at me like that...its doing bad things to me.." he whispered. I gulped down the nerves that were trying to take over and kept looking deep into his eyes feeling the want and need still. He sighed. "Your giving me no choice..." He whispered as he move the last few inches towards me so that our lips locked. 

The sparks that flew were out of this world. I knew I had nothing to compare them to, but I still knew this was an amazing kiss. His lips were soft and surprisingly warm, and he took control of the kiss instantly, causing so much passion I thought my heart might stop right then and there. Every thing that had happened the last few days flew completely out of my head and I just enjoyed the kiss. Alex's hand found my cheek and he caressed it as my hand made its way around Alex's neck and into his hair, pushing us even closer together. A small moan escaped from my lips as Alex's hand traveled down my back and rested on the base of it. 

I never wanted this kiss to end, I wanted to feel this close to Alex forever, and I knew when Alex placed his other hand into my hair that he didn't want to stop anytime soon either. But like all other good things, it had to come to an end. "...don't...I don't wanna stop..." I whispered to Alex, smiling and feeling like I was floating on a cloud. "I know...but I better get that..." Alex whispered as he leaned his head on mine and used one of his hands to push back the random strands of hair that had come loose from my face. "Get what..." I asked confused. Alex laughed. "There door silly..." He told me. I blinked and realised what he was talking about when the door knocked again. "Room service.." Someone from behind the door called. I looked at Alex confused. "I didn't order room service..." I whispered to him. 

His face turned serious and he pulled his face away from mine and dropped his hand. "Neither did I..." He whispered. That could only mean one thing. Alex moved quickly to the table and chairs that were in the corner of the room by the window. I stood up and walked towards him. He picked up a chair and snapped two of the legs off easily. He turned to me. "Take this...i think there's more than one...if one comes at you stab them in the heart..." Alex whispered to me. I nodded nervously as I took the chair leg in my hand shakily. Alex pulled me forward to him and our lips locked again, very quickly. "Don't worry I wont let anything happen to you..." Alex whispered to me. I nodded my head nervously. "Im going to open the door, go and wait in the corner over there...remember in the heart..." Alex informed me. I nodded again and walked over to the middle of the room. Alex walked over to the door and gave me a quick smile before turning and opening the door quickly. "Can I help you..." Alex asked putting on a calm voice. "Yes actually...were here for that blue blood you've got..." I heard a voice on the other side of the door say. All of a sudden the door was blown off his hinges and Alex was obviously in a fight with who ever it was...there was obviously a few of them and I feared that Alex would get badly hurt. I backed up against the wall and sunk to the floor, hoping like hell that no-one would notice me and that Alex would win.

I noticed another person walk into the room then. A very tall man with long black curly hair. He looked over at the vampires fighting and rolled his eyes. He then looked directly towards me and smiled. He used his super speed to zoom over towards me. "Hi...my names Francisco...I do believe your Destiny...Im here to help you..." Francisco told me as he held out a hand for me to shake. I didn't move I just gave him an evil stair. "By 'help' you mean take me to that son of a bitch and have me killed..." I shouted at him. He chuckled and nodded his head. "well I suppose so...just my way sounded so much better don't you think..." He asked. I looked at him like he was crazy. Was he being serious? "you know...you are very beautiful...how about you give me a quick kiss before we leave...I haven't had any female attention for a very long time, and it wouldn't harm..." Francisco told me as he leaned in towards me. I brought my hand back as far as I could and slapped him around the face. "Don't touch me you idiot.." I shouted at him. He blinked and touched the side of his face in slight shock. "Wow...i must be losing my touch, I never usually have any problems with the ladies..." He said slightly joking. "Oh well...if you wont let me kiss you...how about a quick taste of your blood...I heard its the best thing since sex..." He said with hungry eyes and leaned in towards me again. This time I brought my leg back as far as I could and kicked him in the stomach. He flinched and dug his nails into my arm as hard as he could as revenge, causing me to bleed. He stopped still. "Oh wow...that...that smells truly amazing..." Francisco said as he sniffed the air. His eyes suddenly went black and he was staring at me deeply.  "You know...I think your blood may be too good to give up...I might get a hard time from the other boys but at least they get the satisfaction of killing a protector..." Francisco told me as he moved forward quickly. I let out a scream but he placed his hand firmly over my mouth to shut me up. 

"and now my lady..." francisco told me as his fangs popes out "...it's time for you to die..." he said again. As quick as a flash Francisco had one of his hands around my neck, lifting  me into the air. I paniced as I realised this could be my last moments...a tear ran down my cheek as I struggled to breath.

Francisco's face suddenly changed. He wasn't smiling or laughing, he looked like he was in pure pain. "SILVER!" he shouted. He threw me across the room, and I hit the wall with a thud. I heard a snap and was sure my arm was broken due to the abnormal way it was bent. "SILVER!!!" Francisco shouted again, as he clutched his left hand. I realised what he was talking about, the necklace...the silver necklace my grandfather gave me.

I laughed, but winced in pain when I moved my left arm. Francisco looked really angry now. He got to his feet and started running towards me. I remembered the wooden stake Alex gave me, which was still in my hand. I  held it out in-front of me causing Francisco to plunge himself into it. He stopped and looked at me shocked for a moment.

I laughed at him. "what? Not expecting that? I've read a vampire book before, I know how these things work...goodbye fucker...." I told him. I pushed him away from me and stood up. My arm ached with the pain Alex walked over to me. "are you ok? I'm so sorry, I would have been here sooner but three against one, even with my strength is a hard task....looks like you took care of your self though...Alex said nodding to the vampire body lying in the floor behind me. "umm..uh huh...can we go now...find somewhere new...I need a bath after that" I told him exhausted.

But then everything went black.


Hello my lovley amazing fans! 

Im sorry I didnt get this up sooner but its up now yay! I was going to put two chapters up today but I got asked to baby sit for a good friend and couldnt say no lol. 

Anyways thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much for all the support! Again im getting tones of reads and a few comments as well! and tones of people fanning me and adding their story to their reading lists! so thank you so much! 

my weekend was fab btw, we had a good drink for st paddys day and my baby brother really enjoyed his first birthday, and we spent lots of quilty time with my mum for mothers day! but next weekend Ill be back to normal and ill be uploding as per =] 

Sooo what did you think??? Destiny got a bit brave and killed a vamp woop...and that kiss ehhh...=] sooo much going on =] 

anyways I wanted to let you all know I am in the next few days going to go back and spell check every chapter because I have had a few comments saying about spelling and Ive decided to be good and check it all and keep on top of it all =] 

anyways PLEASE vote and PLEASEEEE comment, it makes me smile reading all your comments and also i may be mean and say I wont uplode unless u all vote and comment...lol

so anyways please keep voting, please keep reading and thank you all so much for the support. 

untill next time =]

happy readin <3<3<3 

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