Wolf Talker II

By RevyRogue

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After being marked by Matias, Luna is now faced with even more tasks. She has to plan a wedding, move her who... More



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By RevyRogue

I looked over at Matias who had found a bench and was watching me. I made my way to him sitting down.
    “Sam coming?” I nodded.
    “He sounded really excited.” A few seconds later Sam and Marlene came walking around the corner holding hands. Sam bear hugged me and man hugged Matias, Marlene gave me a hug and was about to burst with excitement.
    “Hey can I steal her from you” She asked looking at Matias. He looked concerned, but Sam spoke up.

    “Come on man, lets go do something while they shop.” tapping his arm.
    “I’ll be alright” kissing his cheek, and getting a whistle out of Sam. “Are you sure?” He was worried, and didn’t look like he wanted to leave me.
    “She’ll be fine, well go do some girl shopping. Guy need not come.” wrapping around my arm.
“Alright, hear take this” Handing me a credit card. I looked at it like it was for another world.
    “I’m not spending your money.” frowning at him.
    “Luna, tae the card.” Pushing it towards me. That look that says ‘use it or else’ flashed across his face.

    “Auhhgg fine” Taking it and putting it in my wallet. He smiled happily he had won. Cocky son of a.
Dragging me away from him and Sam, Marlene pulled me into a girly store till they walked away.
    “What was that for?” Turning to her.
    “Cause I need your help” That took me off guard.
    “What for?” She stuck her head out showing off the stunning diamond and turquoise ring Sam gave her.

    “Holy Shit he asked you?” Partially yelling in the store. She nodded with a huge smile on her face. We hugged each other and jumped up and down. Marlene was perfect for Sam, I was so happy for them. We caused a scene and for once I didn’t care yelling.
    “She got engaged.” Everyone clapped and awed at her, making her turn a pretty shade of pink.
    “I couldn’t believe it Luna” Looking at the ring.
    “When, how” I asked not knowing where to start.
    “He did it that night after he picked Jane up. It was so sweet. I was asleep on the couch by the time he got home.” Se took a deep breath cause she was about to cry.
    “He tied a string to my finger and weaved it threw the house. When I got up I was a little confused, you know with a string tied to my finger.” making a face like I knew what she was talking about.
    “Yea I bet” Smiling.

    “Well I followed the string and found him in the bed room with roses all over the place and candles filled ever square inch of the place. He was on one knee hold a dark blue box.” She started to cry and fan her face.
    “He had the string tied to the ring and asked me.” I couldn’t contain myself I started crying with her.

    “Aww I’m so happy for you two.” Hugging her again.
    “How could I not say yes, that poor man, I wonder how long he was like that.” Chuckling. We wiped are tears away and hugged again, while she showed me one more time.
    “Okay so what do you need my help with?” calming down.
    “Luna I don’t know the first thing about planning a wedding.” She was turning pale.
    “Really, well I know some. Well do it together okay” taking her hand.
    “Luna” Pulling me to stop.
    “Would you be…my maid of honor?” Flashing her a bright smile.
    “Of course I will.”

    “Really, oh thank you Luna. I’ll try not to turn into a bitch.” We laughed.
    “No worries, vent all you want. I’ll make your wedding perfect. When are you having it?”
    “We decided on summer this year.” Looking panic stricken.
    “Relax, you have plenty of time.” She signed and smiled.
    “Okay do you know where you want it?”
    “Yea we like are place near the river.”   
    “Well that makes things easy, lets get a few things okay.” nodding to her. Walking out of the store and heading to a dollar store.
    “What are we getting hear?” She sounded worried.
    “A note book and a pen.” She relaxed.
    “What you thought I would do your wedding around a dollar store.” Laughing. “No way Marlene nothing but the best for you and Sam” She smiled at me as I bought a note book and pen…with my money.
    We headed to a coffee shop and grabbed a drink. The I started on a list.

After wear J  putting a smiley face, which made her blush.
Guest list
The pen started tapping as I thought of more.

    “Wow that’s a lot” putting her head in her hands.
    “Don’t worry you just need to relax, I can help you with all of this. Ohh” Thinking of another one.
I couldn’t think of anything else so we worked on what I had.

    “Okay what colors did you want to go with?”
    “Well its in the summer so something light.”
    “Alright, there’s yellow, light blue, light green, orange, light purple….”
    “I like Orange.”
    “Anything else?”
    “Umm what about a blue?”
    “That would work, you could do something between a royal and a turquoise.” She smiled liking the idea.
    “Okay next” Looking at the list.

We got threw pretty much everything, going with White chairs white an orange bow on the backs, white tables with an orange runner. Her Uncle was going to do the ceremony so that was good, she knew of a local band and was already calling them to book. We headed to a printing shop to look over invitations and she found a really cute one, with a deep orange color and white scrolling design. A diamond in the middle for show. It worked for her.
    Next we headed to the bridal store. She looked around and couldn’t find anything that she really loved.

    “Don’t worry, this is just a wall bridal store, well go to the big one downtown.” She nodded and took a breath. Keeping her calm was going to be the hardest thing. But she wasn’t that hard to please.
    “What about flowers?” She turned pale. Making me laugh.
    “I haven’t a clue Luna”
    “Do you have a favorite flower?”
    “Yes, but it’s the sweet pea” I understood there normally only in white and purple.
    “Ummm give me a sec” Picking up my cell and making a call.
    She watched me ask a few questions on the phone before hanging up.
    “All good” Smiling.
    “What do you mean?”

    “I called the florist at my old job, she knows a florist in town how can get you a really pretty orange sweet pea.” I thought she was going to kill me when she hugged me so tightly.
    “Oh thank you Luna”
    “No problem, but your killing my air supply.” She gasps letting go.
We laughed and checked that off the list. Walking around some more we past a tailor shop and I grabbed her pointing to it. She looked confused.
    “For the guys”
“Oh” Walking in with me.
    “See anything you like?” She walked threw the rows of suits. Finally shaking her head.
    “Dark blue or Black is to hot for summer. I kinda wanted something light.”
    “How about this one?” Pointing to a suit in the back. She ran over to me and stood quiet.

It was a light grey suit almost more white then grey. She stared till I walked away and grabbed an orange hanky and folded it placing inside the little pocket and taking one of the fake orange boutonniere’s pinning it to the side of the collar. Her eyes light up like a child at Christmas time.
    “Yes” nodding and clapping her hands. I had to laugh. We talked to the store clerk and told him how many she would need.
    “Four” She replied
    “Four?” Turning to look at her.
    “Yea, Sam has three buddies from work and Matias” Smiling at me. I must of thought she wouldn’t have Matias in her wedding.

    “You didn’t really think I was going to let you be escorted by someone else, Matias would through a fit.” Grinning, she was so right. He would of gone mad, at the sight of someone else walking me done an isle. I could only smile, she really was perfect for Sam. Leaving I stretched outward.
    “Wanna take a break and get some clothes?” Grinning.

“Sure, we took care of a lot so you shouldn’t have to worry for a while.” Shopping with her was running around with my head cut off, I have never tried on so many dresses or shoes and anything for that matter. By the time we were done, I felt like I needed a nap for a year. I had twelve bags, she had ten. Taking a seat at another café and getting a cold drink, felt so good.
    “So…” She started with an evil grin, oh lordy what is she up to. “Are you and Matias mates now” I practically spit my drink out. Making her laugh.

    “Well….” Moving my hair to the side so she could see the mark.
    “Holy shit, you did it?” Pulling me to her.
    “Geez not so loud people are starting to stair.” Turning pink.
    “Ohh who cares, you got a mate….” Looking at the mark. “Is that a?”
    “Yea” holding my drink with both hands.
    “Oh my god that’s so sweet.” you know that moment when you feel like you just stepped into girlyville, yea I just entered.    
    “Yea” I hadn’t a clue what to say.
    “When are you getting married?” I went pale.
    “Married?” Stuttering the words.

    “Oh my god Luna, you haven’t even talked about it yet?” She seemed more pissed then mad.
    “Well no, I didn’t think that was necessary”
    “What!” Making more people look are way. I covered my face and felt sick.
    “Every woman should have the right to get married, and have a wedding of her own. Don’t jip yourself out of one.” Pointing her index finger at me.
    “Okay, okay stop shouting.” It was a little funny, she never gets mad. She signed and glared at me.
    “Honestly Luna.” Sipping her coffee. We hit a few more store after that, and when I wasn’t looking she grabbed me and dragged me into a jewelry store.

“See anything you like?” folding her arms. I looked where I was and went pale again.
    “Why’d you bring me in hear?” Whispering like I was in dangerous territory.
    “Because your gunna need a ring, and if you never thought about it, then you have no idea what kind of ring you like. Do you have any idea how long it took me to drop hits to Sam about this baby?” Raising her hand showing the ring off. She had a point Sam was a little clueless, and I’m sure Matias wasn’t much better.
    “I know what I want” looking away.
    “You do?” getting excited.
    “Yea, I’ve known for a while now” Know one knew about my secret not even Sam.
    “Tell me, tell me, tell me”
    “Its in my book” Walking out of the store, she ran to my side.
    “You have a book?”

    “Yea, its where….”
    “You have a wedding book of everything you want don’t you?” Grinning cause she was right.
    “Yes, but you can’t tell Sam” Pointing my finger at her.
    “What Sam doesn’t even know about this? Wow you really are keeping secrets.”
    “It stays between us, got it” Glaring at her.
“No worries I wont spill your hidden secret.” Smiling all proud like.
    “Don’t say it like that” Covering my face.
    “So what else do it have in it?”
    “Everything” as if it wasn’t a big deal.
    “Everything, like the whole wedding planned out?”
    “Yea, why?”
    “Holy crap Luna, I am so glad I picked you. Geez you already have the whole thing planned.” Laughing.

    “Not the whole thing.”
    “Okay what don’t you have in there?”
    “Place” She stopped.
    “Really? Huh, when did you want it?”
    “Spring” continuing on.
    “We are so getting that book” Giggling. I rolled my eyes. Another six bags each and I was so done.

    “Wanna call for the men?” Flipping her phone open.
    “Yea, sound good” Sitting down and breathing, she told Sam where we were and then hung up sitting next to me.
    “You should tell him you wanna get married” She said without a care in the world.
    “Hell no” leaning away from her.
    “Why not?”
    “Because that’s…just to forward.” shaking my head.
    “To forward for you, wow you really are nervous”
    “I’m not nervous, just a little….intimidated.” That didn’t sound any better.
    “Don’t worry you’ll tell him, somehow” That’s when the guys showed up.
“Tell me what?” Matias asked smiling.
    “That she has all these new sexy clothes to wear for you.” Grinning and straight lying to an Alpha. He looked at me then down at my feet. There were a ton of bags, I mouthed the words “sorry” and looked pale.

    “Did you buy all of this with the card I gave you?” Frowning. Oh crap.
    “Yea, sorry” I felt horrible I really hadn’t planned on buying anything.
    “Good” Picking up the bags.
    “Wait what?” Standing up.
    “I told you to use it, I’m glad you lessoned. I just don’t know how I’m going to fit them all in my car.” Looking stumped.
    “Hey why don’t you two come over for dinner to night?” Sam asked wrapping his arm around Marlene.

    “Sounds good.” Matias said without any hesitation.
    “Umm, Sam what about the females?” He laughed.
    “Oh didn’t I tell you, they joined a new pack. So the house is empty.” Explains why he purposed to Marlene so soon. I agreed and we let to put are things at the house. Somehow Matias figured out to fit all the bags in the car.
    “Did you have fun?” Turning do the road that leads to his place.
    “Yea” grinning cause Marlene was so full of energy.
“Good” Pulling into the gated area. We managed to carry everything in one trip and both sat on the couch tired.

    “I need to change” Getting up and going threw a few bags for things I wanted.
    “So what did you girls do anyways?” Kicking his shoes off.
    “I was helping her with the wedding.” Pulling out a pair of boots.
    “Yea didn’t Sam tell you? He purposed to Marlene, there getting married in the summer.” He grinned.
    “I no”  That caught my attention and I looked behind me, still bent over looking threw bags.
    “So then you know your Sam’s best man?” Standing up straight. His face went blank, guess not.

    “Yea you” Pointing back at him. “You didn’t think they were gunna let someone else walk me down the isle did you?” Grinning back, he growled at the thought.
    “Never!” Getting up. I laughed when he pulled me to him.
    “Never huh?” Smirking.
    “No one gets to walk you anywhere but me” kissing my cheeks.
    “Not even Sam?”
    “Sam’s different” Rolling his eyes.
    “What about my father.”
    “You know what I mean, don’t play stupid.” Poking my sides, making me laugh.
    “Okay, Lemme go get ready.” Pushing off his chest.
    “Hey I’m coming with you.” Following me into the bedroom.
    “You really think I’m going to miss watching you undress?” Raising an eye.
    “Oh my god, your horrible” Smirking cause I was a little pleased.

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