Business Is Business {Editing}

By Sango55

11.7K 409 9

The Akatsuki are in the future and have created a business, but other businesses are in their way including t... More

Business Is Business (Akatsuki love story)
Chapter 1 - Akatsuki Open for Business?
Chapter 2 - From Hatred to Secretary
Chapter 4 - Following A Dog
Chapter 5 - MOVING IN?!
Chapter 6 - Babies Breath
Chapter 7 - Miss Perfect
Chapter 8 - The Truth
Chapter 9 - Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 10 - Jewelry means nothing
Chapter 11 - Sickness is the Best Love Medicine
Chapter 12 - Triple Date of Family
Chapter 13 - Surprises, Surprises, and more Surprises
Chapter 14 - New Roommates
Chapter 15 - Evil Business leads to Tears
Chapter 16 - A Powerful Mother
Chapter 17 - The Future, Interviews, and an Uke?
Chapter 18 - A Tale for Mom
Chapter 19 - Girl's Week
Chapter 20 - An Embarrassing Outdoor Spring Event
Chapter 21 - Interruptions
Chapter 22 - Feeling Better
Chapter 23 - Wrong Name?
Chapter 24 - Blessing
Chapter 25 - Death to Life
Chapter 26 - Starting to Plan
Chapter 27 - Distracted
Chapter 28 - Uchiha Corporations
Chapter 29 - A Diamond The Size of A Rock
Chapter 30 - A Wedding and A Drunk Teenanger
Chapter 31 - Sasuke's Punishment
Chapter 32 - A Weasel Christmas
Chapter 33 - Half Sisters?
Chapter 34 - Bloodline
Chapter 35 - FINALLY
Chapter 36 - Complications in Hawaii
Chapter 37 - 30% Chance
Chapter 38 - Marshmellows with Hot Sauce?
Chapter 39 - Life without Business

Chapter 3 - Black Mailing

314 16 1
By Sango55

I made my way back to the secretary desk and sat down. I paused as the man with slick hair growled. "It's about fucking time, let me in there now" he shouted, as I paused closing my eyes. "Name?" I asked, as he paused and blinked a few times. "Hidan" he said, as I pressed the button on the intercom. "Mr. Hidan here to see you" I said and then took my finger off the button. "Go ahead" I said typing on the computer. He smirked walking inside and then I paused waiting a few moments. Hidan came back out growling and then my father came out as well. "Scarlet" he said, as I glanced at him. He paused looking at other members of the Akatsuki and then turned to me. "You remember the file I gave you? Why aren't you following it?" he asked churning his teeth. I smirked closing my eyes and turned my head a bit. "I found it discriminating so I avoided it" I said, as he growled. "Why the hell would you do that?" he asked, as I glared at him crossing my arms and legs. "Because "Daddy" I found out your little secret" I said, as the Akatsuki stopped and their eyes widened. "Daddy?" they said looking at each other. "What are you talking about?" asked my father, as I turned my screen and showed him the photo of him with another woman. "You have been seeing another woman behind mine and Lilith's back" I said, as his eyes widened and the Akatsuki smirked. "Scarlet" he said, as I took out a USB and waved it in front of him. "One wrong move father and this goes out to the press" I said, as he growled. "Now... I'll be taking two months' vacation" I said standing up. "Two months" he shouted, as I narrowed my eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry... did you want to make it forever because once this gets out the company will be in ruins" I said, as my father growled. "Scarlet" he said, as I grabbed my stuff including the USB and glared at him. "You should know by now I hate your guts... today I just actually did something about it" I said walking away and went down the stairs.

Itachi's POV

I watched as Scarlet, Charles D. Makuna's daughter walk away. I turned to Charles seeing him sighing. I narrowed my eyes and then paused looking at Hidan drooling. "Man, that was weird" said Sasori "She was weird" said Kakuzu "I'm in love" said Hidan, as we all sighed and ignored Hidan. I walked towards Charles and handed him my resume. "Mr. Makuna" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "Uchiha Itachi right?" asked Makuna without looking at the resume. I paused and nodded. He took out a blank check holding it out to me and I looked at him. "If you can change my daughter to the happy little girl she once was... I will give you whatever amount you want plus the Makuna support... and that goes double for Lilith" he said, as my eyes widened. "Your bribing me to go out and change your daughter?" I questioned, as he smirked. "I know what you and what Deidara have done... and I know about your other members as well... change them for the better and I'll reward you greatly" he said, as I narrowed my eyes and the others smirked. "We'll do it" shouted Hidan, as I sighed and closed my eyes. This was not going to be easy.

Scarlet's POV

I started walking and I paused seeing Lilith flirting again. I smirked and walked over towards her. "Lilith I have some news" I said, as she paused and looked at me smiling. "Oh hey... one sec" she said turning back to her guy and lightly touched his arm. "I'm sorry, but my sister needs me... you understand don't you?" she asked twirling her hair with her other hand and licking her lips. I sighed and turned my head. I waited until the guy left and she smiled walking over to me. "So what's the news?" she asked, as I smirked looking at her. I showed her the USB and she paused looking at me. "This is father and his new someone. Since I had a "Discussion" with him, I have two months' vacation" I said, as Lilith giggled. "Now that's impressive" she said, as I smirked. "Hey Bi-Scarlet" said an annoying voice, as we turned our heads and I saw Hidan smiling. "What lost your dick and want to know how to be a woman?" I asked, as Lilith laughed and he growled. "Why you" he was about to say, as I narrowed my eyes. He was about to punch me, but I ducked and I threw him over my shoulder. "Don't mess with a woman from the Makuna family" I said spitting on him. Lilith and I walked home and we opened the doors. I looked around seeing no butlers or maids anywhere. "Come on, let's go to the hideout" I said, as Lilith nodded. We walked over to the hallway. I looked right and Lilith looked left. I pulled out a book that read. 'Millions in Sorrow' Once the book was half way out of the shelf there was a click sound and the hallway wall swirled around catching Lilith and I in it as it swirled. Lilith then turned on the light switch and we could see a private room. Lilith and I had found this when we were younger and every time we wanted to get away from it all we would come here. I walked over to the laptop and once it was on I put the USB stick in. I showed Lilith the photos and she growled in anger. "That disgusting pig, cheating on mother" said Lilith, as I paused. "Do you think he was cheating on mother while she was sick?" I asked, as Lilith stopped and looked at me. "Scarlet calm down, we don't know how long they've been seeing each other. We can't assume the worst" she said, as I growled. "Why the hell can't we?" I asked, as she sighed. "Come on, let's watch some T.V." she said grabbing the remote and turning the T.V. on. I sighed sitting on the couch and paused hearing shouting. "GIRLS COME HERE NOW" shouted our father's voice, as we paused and looked at each other. "You still have the photos right?" asked Lilith, as I nodded. She turned off the T.V. and I pulled the same book again and we ended up back in the hallway. We walked down the hallway and to the front door. We stopped and our eyes widened seeing our father with two guys from the Akatsuki. "Girl's this is Itachi Uchiha and Deidara" said our father, as I narrowed my eyes and Lilith crossed her arms. "I talked it over with the Akatsuki organization and we have come to an agreement" said my father, as we stopped and looked at him. "I will personally give some business information to the Akatsuki if Deidara is betrothed to Lilith and Itachi is betrothed to Scarlet" he said, as our eyes widened. "WHAT?!" we shouted, as we looked at each other and then at our so called father... this time he has gone too far.

To Be Continued...

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