Chapter 35 - FINALLY

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A few more months passed and it was finally the big day. I was in the girl's changing rooms breathing heavily. "Scarlet" said Lilith, as I turned and looked at her. She smiled at me. "You look great" she said, as I smiled. "I just need something blue" I said, as Konan came up and placed a lock of her hair with a clip on it. "Konan" I said, as she smiled. She took it and clipped it in my hair. She then placed the vail over my head. I looked at Lilith and Konan wearing the dark purple bridesmaid dresses. "Ready?" asked Lilith, as I nodded. We walked outside towards the beach seeing everyone there. The music started playing and Tyler was with Naruto holding the rings walking down the aisle. Sasuke walked after him and then Lilith was smiling hooked with Deidara's arm and then Konan was walking down hooking her arm with Kisame. The music then changed and I looked to my left seeing my grandfather hooking his arm for me to connect with him. I smiled at him hooking my arm with his. "You look beautiful" he whispered, as I smiled more. We started slowly walking and I just looked up ahead at Itachi thanking the skies that he was there. "It's not too late to run" whispered Kisame chuckling, as Itachi ignored him and walked towards me once the aisles ended. My grandfather let me go and I kissed his forehead. "Thank you for not giving up on me" I whispered, as he kissed my hand. I walked over to Itachi, he hooked his arm, and I clinged to it. We walked up to the priest and turned to each other. "This is it" said Itachi, as I nodded. The priest started the ceremony and I smiled at Itachi the whole time. "Do you Itachi take this woman to be your wife to have and to hold as long as you both shall live?" asked the priest, as Itachi smiled "I do" he said. "Scarlet do you take this man to be your husband to have and to hold as long as you both shall live?" asked the priest, as I held onto Itachi's hands and thought of every moment we spent together. "I do" I said, as the priest smiled. "The rings please" said the priest, as I grabbed one from the pillow Tyler was holding and placed it on Itachi's finger. Itachi then took the other ring and my eyes widened a bit seeing the ring had diamonds all over it and a bigger one on top. "If there is anyone here who thinks these two should not be wed let them speak now or forever hold their peace" he said, as I paused closing my eyes. Praying no one would say anything. "Then, by the power given to me. I now pronounce you husband and wife" said the priest, as I smiled. "You may now kiss the bride" said the priest, as Itachi lifted my vail and he paused seeing the blue clip in my hair. He smirked closing his eyes and then cupped my face. "Once I do this. I'm not going to let you go" he whispered, as I smiled tilted my chin up at him. "After this I don't think I want you to let me go" I whispered, as he leaned forward and kissed my lips and I kissed him back. When we broke the kiss everyone was smiling and clapping. We walked down the aisle, waved to everyone, and started having conversations. "Alright people we're having the photos set up. Those of you who aren't apart of the bridesmaids and best mans are going to have to head to the reception" said Lilith, as people started leaving. We took pictures and I was actually happy more so than I have ever been.

Once picture taking was over we made our way to the reception, everyone was giving us toasts, and celebrations. I then paused as a song started playing and Lilith stood up. "It's now time for the bride and groom to dance their first dance as husband and wife" said Lilith, as Itachi stood up holding out his hand towards me. I gladly took his hand and he led me to the dance floor and we danced a slow dance. "I have been waiting a very long time to do this with you" he said, as I smiled and cuddled my face to his chest. When the song was over Itachi kissed me and then we walked back to the table. Everything was perfect, we then my grandfather stood up. "Now, I know Scarlet and her sister have been through some rough patches and now they are both finally happy, but I know as soon as she gets back from her honeymoon she'll have to worry about all sorts of things. However, I hope this is one thing she can cross off her list" said my grandfather placing an envelope in front of us. I looked at it and then at my grandfather. Itachi picked it up and opened the envelope. His eyes widened and he looked at me. "He's giving us a mansion" said Itachi, as my eyes widened and tears crawled down my face. I got up and hugged him. "Thank you grandfather" I said, as he smiled and patted my back. "You take good care of those boys. They really respect you" he said, as I smiled and nodded. After the reception Itachi and I walked out and saw a limo waiting for us. I waved good-bye to everyone and looked at Lilith. "We'll have everything cleaned up and have your things moved into your new house by the time you get back" she said, as I walked up to her and hugged her. "Thank you" I said, as she smiled and nodded. "And don't worry the boys are in good hands" she said, as I smiled. "Scarlet" said Naruto, as I looked seeing Naruto and Sasuke looking at me. I hugged them and smiled at them. "Listen to Lilith and no fighting. You can choose any room you want for your bedrooms" I said, as they smiled and nodded. Itachi then grabbed my hand and we got into the limo. I opened the window and waved to everyone as we drove off. Once we were far enough, I rolled the window back up, looked at Itachi leaning back, and closing his eyes. "Tired?" I asked, as he smiled and opened an eye. "Aren't you?" he asked, as I smiled and hugged him. Itachi looked at me a bit shocked, but held me closer. "So where are we going for our honeymoon?" I asked, as he smiled. We soon stopped at an airport and I looked at him. "Hawaii alright with you?" he asked, as I smiled and kissed him. His eyes widened a bit, but he kissed me back. We lined up and then went on a private plane. I sat next to Itachi seeing him laying back and closing his eyes. "It'll be a couple days before we get there" he said, as I chuckled a bit. He then glanced at me. "What's so funny?" he asked, as I looked at him. "I'm surprised you haven't tried anything yet since we're alone and all" I said, as he smirked tilting my chin and started kissing my lips. I kissed him back and when we broke he smirked more. "All in time my wife. I have everything planned out" he said, as I smiled and cuddled next to him. "That sounds really perverted" I said, as he placed his arm around me. "Too late now you married me" he said, as I chuckled and slowly closed my eyes falling asleep.

To Be Continued...

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