Chapter 4 - Following A Dog

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The next day I shot up and I breathed heavily looking around my room. I sighed in relief and held my head. The door opened and I looked seeing Lilith. "I had the worst dream of my life, that father actually betrothed us to members of the Akatsuki" I said, as Lilith paused and showed me a document. My eyes widened seeing a betrothed document for me and Itachi to get married. "Shit" I shouted and laid back on my bed. "Mother please take me with you" I shouted, as Lilith paused and sat on my bed. I paused and looked at her eyes saddening. "Scarlet... I'm scared... I don't know what to do" she said, as I put my hand on her head while sitting up. "Don't worry we'll get out of this... I'm sure there's a catch to it” I said, as she nodded having tears in her eyes. "I miss mom and how she would sing to us" she said, as I narrowed my eyes and nodded. It seems the only happy times Lilith and I had was when mother was still with us. Sure we seem happy some days but we only put up a brave front to not show weakness 'to the enemy' as father would put it. "Come on let’s get changed" I said, as she nodded getting up and walked to her room. I got changed into jeans and a tank top with socks and running shoes on. I walked out of my room seeing Lilith in a green sun dress with her hair in a ponytail and wearing green flats and a green purse for accessories. We walked downstairs and towards the kitchen; but we stopped seeing Deidara and Itachi wearing suits waiting for us. "There is my lovely future wife" said Deidara, as he walked up to Lilith and kissed her hand. She growled and took her hand away. "Hate to disappoint you... but I have other things to do than hang around a blonde idiot" said Lilith, as I smirked closing my eyes. "I have a date want me to get you anything?" asked Lilith turning to me. "Well if your milking it today I could use that new transfer computer wire" I said, as she smiled. "No problem... later" she said waving good-bye. "Eh" said Deidara, as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some juice. I poured it in a glass and paused as Itachi was looking at me. "Got a problem?" I asked, as he closed his eyes. "Your father wants you to come with me since your on your two month vacation" he said, as I narrowed my eyes. "How about you go fuck yourself" I said walking away but paused as father stood before me. "Scarlet that's no way to talk to your future husband... now go" he said pointing. I growled following Itachi and we made our way to a medium size building.

He walked inside and I followed him along with Deidara. They entered the elevator and I walked in as well. "So Scarlet... what do you know about your father's business" said Deidara, as Itachi slapped his forehead. "You are all predictable... if you want to know more about my father's company than find out on your own I do have my own life" I said closing my eyes and crossing my arms. "Way to go idiot" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. The elevator stopped on the 25th floor. Once the doors opened Itachi and Deidara walked out and I followed. Itachi opened the doors and my eyes widened seeing a woman with blue hair making out with a guy with orange hair and piercings. "Pein" said Itachi, as the guy with orange hair growled but then stopped looking at me. The woman stood next to him and the guy with orange hair and piercings smirked towards me. "Meet Scarlet Makuna" said Itachi "Scarlet L. Makuna" I said crossing my arms. Pein put his arms on his desk and then closed his eyes. "Nice work Itachi as to be expected” he said, as I paused and narrowed my eyes. "To be expected? What you his dog?" I asked, as Deidara covered my mouth and smiled nervously towards Pein. "She didn't mean that" said Deidara, as I gutted him in the stomach and flipped him over my shoulder. "Don't touch me" I said turning around and I glanced at Pein with the corner of my eyes. "For someone who’s supposed to be in charge... you are a complete moron" I said walking out and made my way to the elevator. I paused as an arm went through the doors as they were about to close. I paused seeing Itachi walk in and I closed my eyes turning my head. The doors closed and it was really quiet. "I don't want to be a dog" he finally said, as I paused and glanced at him. "We were given a promise and until this company has been accomplished and number one we have to do whatever it takes" said Itachi, as I crossed my arms and leaned my back against the wall of the elevator. "Your still a dog" I said, as he paused and looked at me. He closed his eyes and I paused. "But... I guess your not so bad" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "I still don't trust you" I said, as he smirked and nodded. I then paused as my cell rang when we got off the elevator. "Hello? Lilith? What's wrong? What? Where? Hold on I'm on my way" I said hanging up my phone. "Later dog" I said waving good-bye and he just looked at me. I ran and ran making my way to the park and then paused seeing Lilith being punched in the face. "LILITH" I shouted, as I dashed and punched the guy who hit her. I then flipped the guy over my shoulder and then I kicked him in the stomach. "I'm going to kill you" I shouted, as Lilith grabbed my arm. "I'm ok" she said, as I paused and hugged her. "Come on let's go" I said, as she nodded. We made our way back home and paused seeing Deidara and Itachi there again. "Welcome home future wife" said Deidara, as I growled. "One more wrong thing today and I throw you out the window" I shouted, as he took a step back. I walked Lilith into the hallway and we went into out hideout. We sat down and I paused as she smiled turning on the T.V. "What did you say?" I asked, as she paused. "I told him I was in love with someone else and he got pissed" she said, as I sighed and sat on the chair. "This just gets worse and worse doesn't it?" I asked, as she sighed and nodded.

To Be Continued...

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