The Chaperone

By LieselRidges

137K 6.5K 162

Callie Summers has recently applied to the prestige arts school in California and hoping to get a scholarshi... More

Chapter 1: Callie's Job
Chapter 02: The beginning of the Tour
Chapter 03: A Chance
Chapter 04: The Radio Station
Chapter 05: Untitled
Chapter 06: Sorted
Chapter 07: From where we left off
Chapter 08: The signing session
Chapter 09: The tabloids
Chapter 10: The calm before the storm
Chapter 11: Sorry, but you are fired.
Chapter 12: The start of something new
Chapter 13: Patrick's nightmare
Chapter 14: The first time
Chapter 15: Dinner with Jasmine
Chapter 17: Los Angeles Pt 2
Chapter 18: Cracks
Chapter 19: A different place, a different time
Chapter 20: High School Reunion
Chapter 21: 2 years on...
Chapter 22: His new girl, her new life
Chapter 23: Lunch with Mrs Kensington
Chapter 24: Goodbye
Chapter 25: Pillar of support
Chapter 26: If lost, please return to...
New Year's Resolution
Spin off short: The album shoot

Chapter 16: Los Angeles

4.1K 230 5
By LieselRidges


Dear silent readers,

this story needs lots of love from you to grow and be read and love by others. It only takes a click or a tap to make the heart shape whole.

Please help my story to grow.


Dear active voters,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your votes boosts my morale and keeps me going. Every time I get a notification of a new vote, my heart just soars.

I do hope you can take some time to give me comments. After all, publishing free materials is usually because we all want to practice and be better. I hope you just give me more comments so I can improve.

Thank you to all readers.

Without your eyeballs scanning my words, my story would have just died long time ago.



Chapter 16: Los Angeles

"I'm sorry. We don't have your application." The voice from the other end replied.

"What do you mean you don't have my application? I had sent it via registered post and it was signed and received a week before the application closed!" Callie was bewildered.

"I'm sorry but we really don't have your application." The lady said before hanging up the line. I was shocked.

How could they hang up on me?!?!?!

"Are you alright?" Colin asked. Callie froze.

"Callie? Callie! " Colin shook her out of her daze.

Callie burst into tears. It was entirely her fault. She should have called earlier!

"Calm down Callie." Colin tried consoling her.

"We still have to finish the project at hand. Trish is ill and we need you. Focus. We'll help you sort this once the project is completed, hmm?" He said.


Callie's POV

Colin was right. I have my priorities. Calmly, I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

The rest of the week zoom by in a blink and we finally wrapped up the project.

Andre and Colin got me seated in their office while they made a few calls to help me with my situation.

My energy was totally drained by the project and my mind was in a mess with this problem cropping up.

I knew I had been able to handle all sorts of problems since my parents divorce but somehow, this one; I was at a total loss.

"Okay, seems thay they have misplaced your application." Colin said, after a lengthy call with the faculty dean of the university.

Andre was on another call to whom I have no idea what.

"But the application had closed a month ago so it's kinda late to submit your application now." Colin added. Tears were brimming in my eyes and I tried hard to hold them back.

Andre finally ended his call. He gave Colin a nod.

"Callie, do you trust us?" He asked.


Patrick's POV

The Sloan team wrapped up their Vegas promo and heading towards their next stop in Los Angeles.

This is one major stop in their circuit before the circuit wrap up in New York.

It's been a week and he haven't heard from Callie. After that one call on a tuesday, the rest of the week had been silent. Patrick wondered what was happening at home. However, Callie is safe with Colin and Andre.

He trust that couple completely.

As I thought of them both, my mobile rang.

It was Colin.

"Wassup sistar~~?" I replied.

"Patrick..." He cooed. Patrick listened attentively.


Callie's POV

"Wassup girl?" The other end answered.

"Jasmine." I answered.

"Whoa. That sounds serious. Now, what's going on?" She asked.

I took a deep breath to draw some courage.

"I'm going to Los Angeles." I said.

"What?" Jasmine was totally confused.

I went on to explain what happened to my school application and the invitation from Andre and Colin.

"So the gay couple invited you to continue working for them in LA?" Jasmine thought aloud.

"Hey, they are nice people." Callie defended.

"They both too hot to be gay!" Jasmine commented. I hissed.

"Okay, fine. How long will you be gone?" She asked.

"A month. They had got me a project to photograph and said they will help me solve my school woes with that." I replied.

"How?" Jasmine asked curiously.

"No sure." I shrugged.

"Probably fresh work pieces to convince the Dean of the school to accept me under exceptional consideration? I don't know. I had asked about what genre of pictures I would be taking and they wouldn't tell me anything!" I said.

"I can tell, you must be anxious." She replied.

"Duh!" I said.

"So when are you leaving?" She asked again.

"Two days later." I answered.

"What! That fast!" She shouted over the phone.

I sighed.

"I know right..." I replied, my thumb unconciously rubbed against the cool heart shape silver pendant on my neck.


Patrick's POV

Colin had mentioned about Callie's documents. Apparently someone had received her documents in LA but her documents did not reached office.

I am pissed. Seriously pissed. The entire team noticed the change in my mood but no one dared asked until Ett asked in the tour bus.

I related everything Colin said to Ett.

"Apparently Colin was able to track the document trail to University's mail room, then it disappeared from there." I finished.

"What in the world?!?!" Matt exclaimed. The team genuinely concerned about Callie.

"And what's happening to your gal now?" Eric asked, concerned.

"Colin and Andre had got her to travel with them on their next project in Los Angeles. Colin has asked me to drop by the school to check it out first since we will be arriving earlier." I replied, rubbing my face with my palms, annoyed.

"Hey, I'll go with you. I'm an alumni there. I know who we can talk to." Eric replied. The rest nodded.

Looking at the team, I felt a sudden rush of warmth. It's a similar feeling when I hug Callie.

I guess this is the feeling of brotherhood and family.

Warmth, fuzzy, safe.

But with Callie, it was something more than this.

Our bus soon arrived in the heart of the city and the team had made Amanda shift a magazine interview so the team could accompany me to the school to check out Callie's application.

It was very rare that the Sloan team turned up at a place unannounced. No one seemed to noticed at first but when Eric turned up at the admissions office asking to see the vice dean, the young receptionist screamed.

Eric tried to shush her but it didn't really help. The next thing we knew we were all hurried into a conference room, not before the school found out that Sloan was in campus.

The vice dean and the director came into the office and Eric gave them both a friendly handshake and a hug.

"Prof Roff!" Eric greeted.

"Troublemaker Eric!" He smiled.

"I have been watching you!! I hope you have not gotten into any trouble lately!" Prof Roff smiled and pointed his finger at Eric, like a teacher to a student.

"Haven't I always?" Eric replied cheekily.

"What brings you here? And you brought the whole gang with you!" He asked, surprised at the presence of the whole team.

"Prof Roff, we have a favour to ask." Eric said in a serious tone.


Callie's POV

"Please fasten your seatbelts." The air stewardess said as she ran her checks along the aisle.

The plane whirred to lifr and the cabin was filled with seatbelts clicking away. Colin Andre and I were in the business class section and again it was my first time, flying in business class.

The seats were bigger and there were a lot more legroom and head room. Andre has arranged my seat to be by the window so I could see the lights of Los Angeles when the plane approaches.

The commercial plane was bigger than the private plane and although so, I could still feel every swing and vibrations from the plane.

"A drink for you, mam?" A stewardess came around with a tray offering us drinks. I took the fruit juice while the guys took wine.

The evening sun greeted us when we took off and the the sky was a majestic blend of orange and red hues.

While enjoying the scenery outside the window, I wonder what is going to happen when we reach Los Angeles. My heart is with finding out what is going on with my application.


Patrick's POV

"I'm sorry Eric." Prof Roff replied as he completed the phone call.

" The admissions office did not receive a courier package for the application for Ms. Summers at all." He added.

"Did you all came down for this sole reason?" He asked, curioused. Eric nodded.

"She must be an extraordinary girl if she had garner such attention from you guys." Prof Roff commented.

Pfft. Of course. That's Callie we are talking about!

Irritated, I pull out my phone and retrieved Callie's photography works I had snapped from her house and slide it to Eric.

Eric threw me a glance and took my phone.

"Here are her works. Surely you can make an exception? " He asked.

I watched enthusiastically as Prof Roff scrolled through the gallery.

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all." He commented. I smirked. He continued scrolling.

"did she took this too?" He pushed the phone screen towards me, enquiring about the fairie photo portraying younger self of me. I nodded.

"Everything in there was shot for a project during her high school days." I replied.

"Really?" He said, expressing interest.

He finally returned my phone and paused.

"I'm still apologetic that I can't accept her application for this semester. It's too late now..." He said.

My heart sank.

"BUT I can allow her immediate entry plus scholarship for next semester." He added.

My heart skipped a beat. Did I hear wrongly?

"That sounds very good!" Eric helped to reply.

"Give me your contact and I'll send the admission details to you." Prof Roff said to Eric.

"You know, Eric, you guys could have just give me a call or send me an email instead of this entourage. " Prof Roff added. Eric dished out his cell out and pass it to him.

"Prof, I think it'll only work if I had your contact number." Eric winked. Prof Roff waved his finger at him.

"Well said Eric, well said."He replied, punching his number into Eric's phone.

The Sloan entourage has created quite a commotion that had to resort getting in security in order to get them out. Obviously, Amanda wasn't happy at all.


Callie's POV

The fading sunlight and the twinkling lights of LA city welcomed Callie, Colin and Andre as they touched down in LAX. At the baggage carousel, a team was awaiting our arrival.

"Welcome Mr. Colin and Andre and Miss...?" A man in a proper suit greeted us.

"Callie. Call me Callie will do fine." Callie replied.

"Ah, Miss Callie. Nice to meet you." He replied and held out his hand. I returned his greeting with a firm handshake.

"Gerald, at your service." He added. Colin chuckled.

"Gerald, cut the pranks. She's Patrick's girl." Colin said.

"Oh my! I would love to know how to tame that fiesty man!" Gerald's eye glistened.

"Gerald is one of our stylist," Colin introduced.

"And a famous one too." Andre added as he walked toeards us with a trolley full of luggage.

"Okay, baggage claimed. Let's go." Andre said. I saw Andre even helped got mine too.

Soon, we were shuffled to Gerald's luxourious minivan for the drive to our hotel.

The atmosphere in the van during the ride was fun and lots of celebrity gossip chatter. Gerald updated them with what's happening of late in LA and of course, the latest celebrity gossips.

I could only hear their conversation in amazement on the different dark and untold stories, even my favourite idols.

"You mean Josh Baggs* is actually married?!?!" I exclaimed, in shock as he was my favourite actor for a long time, who had won himself numerous acting awards.

*Don't think I could use a real name... so yeah

"Yeah, he is one of those who could really keep a secret well." Gerald replied casually while keeping his eye on the road.

"Wow!" I said in awe. Colin chuckled.

"Welcome to Hollywood!" Gerald said as he turned into the Sunset Boulevard.

The sights outside of the window intrigues me. I never had thought someone like me could have travelled this far.

If it wasn't because I started out being a chaperone.

And that reminds me... I wonder how is Patrick right now.


Patrick's POV

After drinking some beers and liquors with the guys in an after party of their successful concert, Patrick retreated back to his room.

He was pretty drunk, but he still managed to stay sober. He quickly went to grab a quick shower before getting to bed.

Patrick roughly towel himself dry and plonked on his bed but notice someone in the bed.

"Callie?" He called out. She did not reply him but he felt his hands winding around him. He reached out to her and felt bare skin. He laughed cheekily.

"You naughty girl!" He spanked her. His hands travelled up he back as he felt her lips on his. He was kissed her back on her lips and she let out a moan. That voice was deep and rough.

He took a deep breath and smelt her skin.

A thick waft of perfume engulfed her nostrils.

Callie don't wear such perfumes. He continue to explore her body and she deepened her kiss. She groaned again. Patrick wanted to see her enjoyment so he tried hard to open his eyes wide; but a huge shock to see Amanda on top of him! All in her naked glory, burning with desire.

"F**k off Amanda!" He shouted.

"Get off me right now!!" Patrick yelled at her. For the upteenth time she had tried to move in onto him, he had politely rejected. This time round she thought she had hit the jackpot.

She dropped a packet of questionable powder into Patrick's drink and got him drunk quickly. Then she quickly got back to change while Patrick slowly made his way back to his room.

Clothed only in a bathrobe, Amanda sneaked into Patrick's room and lay naked on his bed, waiting for him to come out of the shower.

Not only she accepted the humiliation, she continued to advance towards him. To Patrick's frustration, he picked up the phone to call securities.

"Get out of my room right now!" Patrick shouted.

Amanda decided to retreat from his room.


Callie, Andre, Colin and Gerald finally arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel. After picking up the keys, Gerald bade goodbye.

"I'll see you guys for breakfast tomorrow!" He said before the elevator door close.

"So Callie, we will start work the day after tomorrow, so we can head to that school to check things out." Andre said. Callie was touched by that gesture.

"Thank you so much!" Callie replied with heartfelt gratitude.

"No worries, kiddo." He ruffled Callie's hair.

The lift reach the room floor and we exited, walking towards our room.

While happily chatting, I spotted a familiar figure in the distance. It was Amanda. She was walking with a slight awkwardness as if she was totally sore. The look on her face just speaks volumes, like she had sex the entire afternoon. I wonder which band member has she got laid with.

Then a door opened further in the distance. A head popped out.

It was Patrick. OMG.


Amanda's POV

"Pfft! What a humiliation!" Amanda cursed under her bated breath.

She began walking back to her room. However, from a distance away, Amanda saw a familiar figure. Callie.

What the heck was she doing here in LA?

She had decided. If she can't have Patrick, so does Callie.

Amanda walked a couple of steps back outside Patrick's room, she ruffled her hair to a slight mess, made her lipstick already stained but she made it more obvious, the bathrobe a little revealing on one side of the shoulder then waited.

When she heard Callie's group footstep getting louder, she rang the doorbell of Patrick's room and started to walk down the hallway, with legs slightly apart and face full of satisfaction.

She walked towards me and I smirked, and quickly turned to the two guys behind her, only to realised she had two gorgeous hunks.

Are they the reason why she left?

Damn! She's always a step ahead!

Bringing herself to a composure, she continued her strut and threw a wink at Andre. Then she heard a gasp.

She knew from behind her, Callie had seen Patrick.


Patrick's POV

Wtf does she wants?

Looking through the peephole in the door, However, I see no one. I immediately open the door to see who is or what is outside.

Turning my face towards the left, I see Callie, Andre and Colin walking towards her and a disheveled Amanda walking towards them.

No way.

"Callie!" I shouted, and went forward to hug her.


Callie's POV

I froze. The smell of Patrick filled my entire senses yet, something wasn't right. Why do I loathe it now?

I quickly pushed him away. He gave me a confused look.

"Hey Pat. Not greeting us?" Andre asked. Patrick composed himself and gave the two guys a friendly hug.

Amanda's glowing face replayed in my mind. I wanted so much to cry.

Was Patrick cheating on me? I know he wouldn't. They why did Amanda behaved that way?

My instincts told me to walk away. My feet took over and I took a step forward. I knew Colin followed behind me because I heard him coughed.

"Callie!" I heard Patrick calling me. I did not turn my head. I don't want to.


Patrick's POV

"What did you just do?" Andre held me back. Callie and Colin were already further down the hallway.

"What I do now?" I asked him.

"Did you just had sex with Amanda?" He spoke forcefully, pulling the collar of my robe harder.

"What?!" I was bewildered by Andre's accusation.

"Have a nice life." Andre pushed me away angrily.

"I did not sleep with Amanda." I yelled in defense.

"Then why was that girl walking down the hall in dishevelled bed hair like she just had the best sex in her life?" Andre spoke with fire, pointing to the direction where Amanda left.

Silence. The scene that just happened in my room came rushing back to me.

"She... she has been throwing herself at me since the day she took us up. I never was once interested." I explained.

"Are you very sure about yourself? Were you never once been tempted by her? " He asked, poking my chest.

Again, I was speechless. I can't deny I wasn't tempted just.

"You are not the same Patrick I used to know." Andre said.

"Stay the heck away from Callie, understood?" He warned.

I never saw Andre this upset; but everyone knows that Andre and Colin were together the longest. He is a believer of trust and loyalty.

"If you can't let Callie trust you, then let her go. You don't deserve her. " Andre said his piece and went onwards without him.


Callie's POV

"Here is it, 1602." Colin said, insert the room card into the slot and push open.

"Your room." Colin said as he ushered me in.

The room was majestic. It is decorated with luxury and opulence in mind. I thought I just walked into Buckingham Palace.

"Wow!" I exclaimed in awe.

Colin smiled.

"We will be next door, 1601. Intercom us if you need us ok?" Colin said in a concern tone.

I nodded. He was so sweet.

Gently closing the door behind him, I plonked into a chair nearby and shut my eyes.

The sun shone brightly early next morning and I quickly prepare to make my way down to the school.

I had thought to skip breakfast to avoid the whole band group.

Sighz, unfortunately our paths still crossed.... at the lift lobby.

"Callie!" Eric shouted. He ran towards me and gave me a big bear hug. This guy is like a total puppy.

"Why are you here in LA?" He asked.

"Oh, am here for a photoshoot." I replied simply.

"Wow!" Eric exclaimed.

"Ssup!" Matt gave me his usual greeting. I smiled.

"Where are you heading today?" Another asked.

"Oh, erm... out." I said simply, not wanting anyone else to know about my University application.

"So, you are not joining us for breakfast?" Matt asked.

I shook my head.

"Sorry guys. I had some errands to run." I replied.


Andre's POV

"Morning. Langford please." Andre said after the dial tone went through.

"Bonjour! " A voice at the other end replied.


Callie's POV

"Callie Summers?" The adminstration office lady said.

"Yes." I anxiously replied.

"Summers?" It seems it rang her bell with her.

"Ah! Callie Summers! So it's you!" She exclaimed.

I'm confused. What happened?

The lady explained what happened in campus the other day.

"Patrick and the guys came here... for me?" I'm dumbfounded.

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