Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avenge...

Da yourmybeautifulsoul

353K 11.8K 4.5K

Within twenty-four hours, thirteen year old Thea Fossil's life has been turned upside down. She arrives home... Altro

Blue Moon
Prologue *
1- They Are Very Different
2- Do You Believe Me Now?
3- The Surprise and The Sneakster
4- I'm a Human Timer, Loki!
5- Panic (*)(/)
6- Beginning to Trust
7- Temper (/)
8- Searing Hot and Red (*)(/)
9- When Can I Go Home? (*)
10- Thea's Rage (*)
11- They're Tracking Us
12- Loki's Threat
13- What is Her Greatest Fear? (*)(/)
14- I Don't Know How You Do It (*)
15- Sacrifices
17- Tempers and Regrets
18- I Wanted It to be Over
19- In the Middle of the Jungle, In the Middle of Nowhere
20- A Blue Moon (*)
21- Think (*)(/)(+)
22- Will You Help Me? (*)
23- Escape
24- Learning to Listen
25- Reunited (*)(+)
26- Protectors (/)(*)(+)
27- The Trickster in Training
28- Plus One
29- Max and Kyle
30- Duplicity, Aster, and Chains (*)
31- Caught (*)
32- Inferno (*)
33- Let Me Kill Them (*)(/)
34- Spy-der Makes Her Move (/)(+)
35- Smiling Through Tears (/)(+)
36- For the Love of a Child (*)
37- An Alliance and a Phone Call (/)
38- Chains (*)(/)
39- Rage (*)(/)
41- Until the End (*)
42- Endless Night (*)
43- Blurs (*)
44- Moonlight Shadows (*)
45- Thor's Advice
46- Keajaiban (*)
47- Revival (/)
48- The Other Thea (*)
49- You Did What You Had To Do (*)(/)(+)
50- The Child on the Asgardian Throne (*)(/)
51- It's Bloody Freezing (*)
52- Yes, But I Won (*)
53- The Tigress of Keajaiban
54- Never Smile at a Crocodile (*)
55- Rest for the Weary
56- A Thorny Race (*)
57- It Hurts
58- A Change in Gait (*)(/)
60- There's a Traitor? (*)(/)
61- "Her" Last Fight (*)
62- Loki's Kitten
63- Angela's Necklace (*)(/)
64- The Parting of the Ways (*)

16- Dangerous Plans

6.4K 206 97
Da yourmybeautifulsoul

Enjoy! :) 

Dedicated to marvelously_crazed, who made a lovely cover for me, which I will be putting up sometime this week! Thanks lovely and continue to write great things!

Chapter Sixteen

~Nobody's POV~

"Did the Imeldi actually think Thea knew where this source...whatever that is... is?" asks Fury.

It has been two days since the attack. There had been twelve losses, but very little damage to the ship. Thea had woken up yesterday afternoon, no worse for wear, except very shaken and with a sore arm where Kafrandi had struck her. Leah, too, was very frightened, but otherwise safe. Finally, Fury had decided to assemble the Avengers together- plus Loki and Jane, knowing that the future needed to be decided.

"Yes, perhaps," says Thor. "But I do not think she does, nor do I think the Imeldi truly believe she does. They simply used her and Leah as agents to discover the locations of the vessel. I believe their true target was S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Thea said she heard voices," says Natasha quietly. "I don't think the effects of the Nitri- the Imeldi poison- have completely worn off."

"What did these voices say?" Fury asks.

Natasha seems a little annoyed that Fury cares more for the information than the girl's safety. However, she keeps her face relatively passive as she answers, "She said Lahyri had been speaking to that snake thing. And that they wanted to talk to her."

"More like torture," says Banner.

"Which is why I ordered Thea to stay in the shelter with you," says Loki, speaking up finally. "And, unsurprisingly, she didn't listen."

"Why did she not?" asks Thor. "By all means, why would a girl her age wish to delve into a battle scene."

Unexpectedly, it is Natasha who answers. "She said that Lahyri would use Leah. I think she was trying to get to the Imeldi before they found Leah."

"You know," comments Tony, "Even though she's a pain in the neck, you have to admit that she really cares about her sister."

"She almost got killed for it," says Loki angrily. "If she had listened, then-"

"It's called love," snaps Natasha. "Try some of it on, why don't you?"

Loki says nothing.

"The point," says Fury, interrupting Natasha and Loki's glowering match, "Is that we must decide not only what to do with these girls, but also about the Imeldi in general."

"They will return," says Thor ominously. "That, I do not doubt. Perhaps they would have killed more had it not been for their leader being killed."

Fury sits back in his chair and folds his hands in a steeple. "When do you except they will return?"

"Quickly," says Thor. "They will seek revenge."

"We need to move the girls," says Steve. "The Imeldi think they have something of theirs."

"But moving them will be dangerous," argues Jane. "What if the Imeldi are expecting them?"

"Not only that," says Thor, "All great powers come from worlds beyond this. Why would the Imeldi put such emphasis on two mortal girls, neither of them Asgardian? The only tie they have to this phenomenon is that their parents were astrophysicists, like Jane."

"The bigger question," says Steve, "Is what steps are S.H.I.E.L.D. going to take? We have two things to worry about: the girls and the Imeldi."

"Onboard," says Fury, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to take every precaution possible to track these creatures. Additionally, we are going to make three stops within three days. The first is to take Leah off of the craft, and the second is to take Thea away."

"What?!" exclaims Jane. "What, you can't take the girls somewhere and just dump them off the side of the craft! The Imeldi are probably still looking for them! What are they going to do, fend for themselves? What-"

"They will not be alone," says Fury, causing Jane's mouth to clamp shut. "Those with knowledge of the Imeldi will be-"

"But why are you separating them? Why can't they-"

"Because it will be safer for both of them," says Fury, clearly getting annoyed by Jane's continuous questions.

"Right, safer off board of a craft containing agents that fight crime," says Jane sarcastically. "Who are they going to be with anyway?"

Fury looks up at the ceiling. "We haven't figured that out. But absolutely Thor and Loki."

"What?" Jane and Loki ask simoultaneously. Bewildered, Jane glances at Loki and sputters, "You can't trust Loki with one of the girls! That's ridi-"

"And we will not be trusting him," says Fury, his steely gaze now on Loki, whose face remains blank. "We will be splitting the Avengers three fold."

"Three?" asks Steve with a frown. "But, sir, we play off of each other's strengths. Is separating us really-"

"We already know that Thor must leave, as he and Loki are the only ones with at least some knowledge on the Imeldi. Furthermore, as Ms. Foster so clearly pointed out, we are not going to trust Loki with the responsibility of one of the girls. Therefore, we will already have to send another. Finally, it makes sense, as the helicarrier's final stop will be headquarters, for at least some of us to remain."

There is silence.

"If the need should arise," says Fury. "Then, yes, we will bring all to headquarters to enable the safest route."

"Director," Natasha leans forward, "If the Nitri is gone from both girls, why do either Thor or Loki have to accompany them?" Clearly, Jane is not the only one to loathe the girls leaving the safety of S.H.I.E.L.D. premises.

"Because if I am not mistaken, perhaps not all of the Nitri, or at least perhaps not all of its effects, have completely vanished." He again turns to Loki, who raises his eyebrows as eight pairs of eyes rest on him.

Loki shrugs his shoulders ever so slightly. "I do not think whatever is left in Thea's body will kill her. But clearly, it is affecting her."

"Not mentally anymore," says Thor, ignoring Tony, who rolls his eyes. "But obviously her skills in combat, while still amateur, far outweigh a normal girl her age."

"So," says Fury, looking at Jane. "That's why. Because if the Nitri turns and begins to negatively affect them, which I rather doubt, an Asgardian, someone from another world and therefore someone with knowledge on the Imeldi must be with them."

"Fine." Jane slouches in her seat. "So who goes with who, and where the heck are we going anyway?"

Thor speaks first, drowning out Fury. "My first instinct and desire is to accompany Leah. However, due to recent events," he glances at Loki, "It may not be prudent."

"But hasn't Leah bonded with you more?" asks Steve.

"Yes," says Thor, then smiles slightly. "But there is the slight problem of Thea trying to kill Loki every other minute."

"You fear for my safety by the hands of a mortal girl?" asks Loki with a smirk. "How very touching."

"Actually, I do," says Thor, now a bit more solemn. "Thea may have been bluffing and not as intent lately, but I know she seeks vengeance on the death of her brother."

Loki doesn't say anything, so Jane speaks up, with an edge in her voice, "So maybe this means that you shouldn't try locking her up in a dark room."

Loki smirks at her, but otherwise does not reply.

"Alrighty," says Tony, stretching. "Here's what I think is going to be best. With Leah is Thor, because quite frankly, it makes sense. And Jane should go with them, because that makes even more sense. Their happy little family, sans the one who doesn't want to be there." He glances at Thor, whose face remains passive. "I'll go with you. I'm more of a mountain guy then a jungle explorer anyway, you know what I mean?"

"Jungle?" asks Steve curiously.

"The locations are classified," says Fury, shooting Tony a look, which Tony's ignores, "But Thea will be in a tropical jungle somewhere. And Leah will be in the mountains. As for S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, you all should know where that is."

"So here it is," says Tony, "Leah can go with Thor, Jane, and me. Obviously, Thea and Loki go, and I think Natasha should too, because she and Thea are pretty close. Add in Barton, and I think that set is good."

"Which leaves Fury, Dr. Banner, and me with S.H.I.E.L.D." says Steve, nodding.

Fury nods. "Does anyone have any problems with this arrangement?" Although his statement is interrogative, his tone clearly is that of a man who does not want an argument.

Nobody speaks.

"Good," Fury rises from the table. "Leah, Thor, Jane, and Tony leave tomorrow night."

~Thea's POV~

That night finds me in an abandoned room overlooking the dark sky, with just a single light coming from the glow stick I had brought with me. I am wearing a thin set of cotton pants and a t-shirt, so I tremble slightly in the cold. I'm crying quietly, as I do not want anybody to find me.

I know something is happening- I can tell by Jane's harried tone of voice, Banner's uncharacteristic urgency, and Tony's rash conversations. But, unusually, no matter how hard I try, I cannot weasel it out of anybody. As for Loki, I've been avoiding him for the past two days- I know that he is still furious at me for venturing out of the shelter and I am in no desire to face is wrath.

It is half past midnight, and I cannot sleep. I had left Leah on the small bed next to mine, dreaming peacefully, her breathing calm. I'm not so worried about her anymore. I am, however, worried about us.

I'm not sure why I'm crying. Frankly, I don't think there is a reason: my emotions are all just pent up and I have too many things on my mind. Honestly, I haven't reflected on my encounter with the Imeldi, but when I do, I cringe as the images of being tortured by that snake flow through my mind.

Maybe I'm being whiney, but I don't think I should be having to go through this sort of thing, all these sort of things when I am this young. Because even though I like to talk a big game, I'm scared. My parents have never taught me how to deal with extraterrestrial terrors, constant taunts from a god, government spies, and the constant fear of danger.

My eyes are beginning to get sore from the crying. That's when I hear movement from behind me. I whirl around, and my glow stick catches Loki in a hazy faze of yellow light. A pang of fear hits me.

"What is it?" I ask, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

Loki looks at me for a few seconds. "Your visit to the Imeldi taught you something, did it not?"

"Yeah," I scoff, wiping my face. "Don't have parents for astrophysicists,"

"Well clearly you don't have that problem anymore," says Loki snarkily.

"You're right," I snap. "Now, thanks to you, three fifths of my family is dead."

"Three fifths? I only recall being responsible for one per-"

"Indirectly, it's three fifths. If it hadn't been because of your alliance with the Chiutari, then the Imeldi may not have attacked."

Loki doesn't have a response for that. Instead, he walks closer to me- I back up instinctively. "Get away from me," I snarl.

"Do you not recall what I said would happen if you ventured from that shelter?" Loki says in an eerily calm voice, marred with anger.

My back runs up against a wall, and swallowing hard, I force myself to look up into Loki's green eyes. I will not betray the fear I am feeling. "Please," I whisper. "Please, I only did it for Leah!"

"I do not make loop holes in my bargains," he says, but stops a foot or so in front of me.

"You killed my brother," I say quietly. "And you want to punish me- as if you have that right- for trying to save my sister's life. The only family I have left."

"I believed I saved your life twice," says Loki with an air of quiet arrogance, as if he is trying to keep his temper and is slowly failing to do so. "I think that debt has been settled."

I laugh shortly. "Good, you saved my life twice. Now you just have to make up for about  nine hundred ninety eight more lives."

"Knowing you, by the time I am through with you, I probably will have made up that number and more." He snaps.

"Well then let's keep this straight," I say angrily. "Don't try to save my life again then!"

"Maybe I shouldn't have," he growls. "Then I wouldn't have this idiotic, insignificant, temperamental little human girl to concern myself with."

"I hate you," I snarl.

He laughs. "'I hate you'?" he says mockingly. "That is the best you can come up with?"

"Oh, I had a few things I wanted to say," I hiss. "But, being the more mature one standing here, I decided against it."

"Mature?" he scoffs. "Who, darling Thea, continues to make rash decisions for herself and her sister, placed herself in mortal danger more than once for little reason, has a temper even the devil himself could not dream of matching, and who turns to violence whenever she feels it is necessary?"

"Well," I snap back, "Who is it, Loki, who nearly killed an entire race just to prove he is equal to his brother, who allowed himself to be in the command of a force he couldn't hope to control, who demolished an entire portion of a city, all for the tiniest hope of a chance that he will gain some glory?"

Loki, his eyes wild, growls, "You know nothing about my past."

"And you don't know anything about mine."

"On the contrary," Loki smiles, but smiles mockingly and angrily, "I-"

"Why is it that every time I come across the two of you, you are fighting?"

Loki turns around, and I look beyond him to see Thor standing in the doorway, letting light flow into the darkened room.

"Oh," says Loki quietly to me, "And did I mention that you and I will be taking a little road trip?"

"What?" I gasp, and Loki smirks.

"It's true," says Thor, walking forward. He must have heard Loki. "You and Leah are no longer safe together on board. We are separating the two of you, and Loki, along with Natasha and Clint, will be accompanying you."

It takes a few seconds for this to sink in, partially because Loki is smiling broadly, and I find it hard to concentrate.

"What?" I whisper in disbelief, now ignoring and looking at Thor. "You're separating us? You can't do that!"

"Actually," says Loki, "We can."

I ignore him and look imploringly at Thor. "Please! You can't! She needs me, I'm all she has."

"Or is she the only thing you have?" smirks Loki.

I whirl on him furiously. "Shut up! Shut up right now!"

Loki falls silent, wearing an expression of amusement. Glancing at his brother, Thor sighs. "Thea, listen to me. We-"

But, completely losing it, I exclaim, choking back more tears. "You can't! You can't! None of you have the authority to do this to us. None of you- close your mouth Loki, or I will kill you here and now."

Loki smiles at me, but at least doesn't say anything else to provoke me.

Gaining strength, I cry, "Please, don't separate us. I don't care if the Imeldi find us, we cannot be separated."

"You're speaking selfishly," says Loki, no longer mocking me. "You only seek what will make you happy."

"No I'm not!" I shriek. "I need to stay with her, and she needs to stay with me! I won't let you do this! I have-"

"Enough!" bellows Thor, and the intensity of his voice causes me to fall silent. Now more calm, he says gently, "Thea, I fear Loki is right. You are speaking for only your needs and not the good of the both of you and Leah. Please, hear me out."

I cross my arms tightly, willing the tears to stop flowing out. I look down so I do not have to see Thor's caring expression or Loki's scornful one.

Thor takes a deep breath. "You and Leah are being moved to secret locations- even I do not know where at present. But because of the impending threat of the Imeldi, one with Asgardian knowledge must be with one of you. And, Thea, even you must admit that it makes sense that Leah should be with me."

"Yes," Loki cuts in smoothly. "You wouldn't want to place your darling sister in my hands, now would you?"

 "Additionally," says Thor. "Natasha and Clint will be accompanying you and my brother. Even I see that it is ridiculous to leave the two of you alone."

This fact, although slightly calming, does not do much to help.

"Think about it," smirks Loki at me. "You will have plenty of time to try to kill me. Now imagine that- perhaps before I can settle my 'debt' you are so fond of labeling me with, you can claim you have vengeance for your precious mortal brother's dead body."

I am so shocked that I stumble backwards, once again running into the wall. Something stabs my heart and I feel like something is buzzing in my ears. I cannot bear this anymore. With a choked sob, I run from the room, slamming the door behind me.

~Nobody's POV~

Thor and his brother watch as Thea flees, closing the door with a terrific bang behind her that echoes in her wake.

Thor is silent for a few minutes, but then says in a low voice. "Continuing to antagonize her is wrong You know this."

"But you know as well as I do that the more passionate she is to see me dead, the more she will be willing to go along with whatever it takes to defeat the Imeldi," says Loki quietly.

"Then find some other outlet, brother!" Thor says. "But do not pummel her any more with these emotional blows that you are so fond of giving her. She does not need any more."

"Nor will I coddle her as you do," says Loki. "Her strength right now is not mentally, but from the anger she feels. She seeks passion in anger and only then will she be able to make it through the darkness in her heart."

"Compassion," says Thor. "Will do the same. And perhaps ensure your safety even more, Loki."

"I do not fear her. She will not kill me any more than she would kill you."

"Then you are mistaken. She is furious at you, and I do not know what will become of this anger. So let her alone for a while. Both of you will need to get along if you, Loki, truly wish for the safety of Thea and her sister." 

With this, Thor leaves Loki standing in the darkness of the room closing the door behind him. 

Thanks for reading!! Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! Thanks, lovelies!

BM Fact #5:

Thea has green eyes. Leah has blue eyes. Loki has green eyes. Thor has blue eyes. Coincidence? I think not...

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