two can play at this game | cg

By issybelleh

341K 6.4K 1.9K

carl gallagher is chicago's biggest fuck boy. he's every girls dream and worst nightmare. he'll swoop you up... More



11.2K 216 43
By issybelleh

[vanessa's pov]

It was the morning after the school dance and I was a mess. My makeup had smudged, especially under my eyes where some mascara had run after my crying session, and my hair stuck up in the most awkward places. Clothes were sprawled across the floor and my phone had become lost under the comforter.


I threw the covers off me and searched for my phone, exploring every corner of the mattress. It poked out from under one of my pillows and I checked the new text, rolling my eyes at the sender.

gallagher 🙄: hey, can you come over? i think we need to talk..

I decided to ignore it but Carl messaged me again, making me groan in annoyance.

gallagher 🙄: why are you ignoring me? ik you saw that text

A sigh escaped my lips as I replied.

me: i'm nitm

The typing speech bubble appeared at the bottom of the chat and I waited for him to respond but no new message came through.

I was still confused as to what we needed to talk about, especially after our brief conversation last night. He knew that I was done playing his games so what more would we have to say? The curiosity ate away at me throughout the morning and, once it hit lunchtime, I'd had enough. I pulled on a hoodie over my pyjamas and washed my face to get rid of last nights makeup before strolling to the Gallaghers, wanting to get whatever he had to tell me over with.

As usual, Debbie answered the door and immediately shouted for Carl, knowing that I only ever called for him. We made small talk until footsteps were heard by the stairs. "Who the fuck is-" He cut himself off once he saw me and took Debbie's place by the door, a small smirk plastered on his face. "What was the super important thing you needed to tell me this morning?" I crossed my arms impatiently before he led me upstairs and into his room. I  watched him take a seat on the bed, patting the space next to him but I took refuge on the floor, sitting with my legs crossed. "Carl, I really don't have all day.."

"I want to apologise," He started and I sighed, not wanting to hear any of it. "Look V, please just hear me out." Desperation was clear in his voice so I stayed put, hoping it would be quick. "The reason I got so mad at you for talking to that senior was because I was jealous. You two were scarily close and it looked like he had cornered you against the lockers. I know I massively over-reacted but I've been chasing after you for years and to see you acting like that with other guys right after we kissed made me mad." He tried to take my hand in his but I cautiously moved it away, resting it behind me. "Also, how could you say that kiss didn't mean anything? I know you enjoyed it V, you were practically eating me."

I shrugged, "Okay, I guess the kiss was nice but unless we've made it official then I'm still single and I can do whatever the fuck I want. When I came over whilst you were fucking Dom, I was going to apologise so we could've forgotten the argument in the hallway but there you were, halfway between that girls fucking legs." I tried to stay calm but it was becoming harder as I spoke. Carl looked down guiltily and swallowed before opening his mouth to speak, "I called Dom over because I knew you'd swing by.. I knew-"

"You knew I'd walk in, see you two fucking and get jealous." I finished his sentence for him, anger starting to bubble inside of me. "Well, at least you've given me an answer." I started to get up but Carl grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. "Wait! I know I fucked up big time and you don't understand how guilty I feel about everything. I'm so fucking sorry V.." Hot tears started streaming down my face and I lightly punched his chest. "What the fuck was going through your head? Did you think I'd come running back to you or something?" I looked up and watched him nod, causing me to laugh and start backing away from him. "Fuck Gallagher, you're so ignorant! Of course I'm not going to jump back into your arms if I walk in on you fucking one of your girls!"

"I know, alright? I get that now!" Carl snapped, his loud voice shaking me. I collapsed by the door and tucked my knees into my chest, listening to the deafening silence that now filled the room. "I wish we could just start over.." He muttered and I looked over at him, wiping my eyes. "It's not as easy as it sounds, I haven't even forgiven you yet."

[end of chapter]

hola bitches, i got rid of the old chapter 15 because it didn't make the plot progress at all so here's the new and improved chapter,, enjoy x

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