My Luna Used To Be A Human

By camiiiiiiiiiiiilla

21.6K 1.3K 87

✔️ Hi guys, so I will slowly be editing this and fixing things that I'm not a huge fan of in here, so if you'... More

Werewolves are real!
Hi dad, bye dad
Explain yourself
The talk
My dad knows about werewolves?!
Lost One
Moving in
The run
I love you
I'm back
Harry Potter
A/N Thank You!!!!
midnight nightmares
Official Business?
Why Him
Wolf Again
Under the water
Safe haven
The End

Second moon

420 27 0
By camiiiiiiiiiiiilla


"Now seems like a great time to tell us how you know about Sara's power," Jason mentioned well we were eating dinner. She stiffened and looked down at her feet.

"Maybe some other time," she said and left.

"So," he said turning to me as if that never happened, "What are we going to do today?" he asked.

"Jason, its a full moon," I told him, because he had clearly forgotten.

"Shit!" he said and looked around, "What are we still doing here?! Go pack! I'll pack mine after I clean up!" he said as he grabbed my unfinished breakfast and ran off to the kitchen.

I guess he hadn't given up on going to the mountains after all. I walked up to our room and decided to try something new.

I opened my suitcase and closed my eyes. I focused on my sweatpants, leggings, sweatshirt and t-shirts. I waited for a while imagining me folding the clothes and putting them neatly in my bag. Then I focused on all my accessories and

I opened my eyes and a wide smile spread against my face. My bag had been nicely packed and was ready to go.

I decided to pack Jason's bag to save time and got him some jeans and tight shirts that would show all his abs and muscles. Just the way I like it.

Jason came into the room, "I packed your bad," I told him and he smiled.

"Thank you," he mumbled and kissed my forehead as he made his way over to me and the bags.

I giggled and focused on Jason as he started floating. He screamed like a girl and I couldn't focus once I burst out in laughter and he fell on the floor with a big thud. I fell to the ground laughing and looked at Jason as I wiped a real tear out of my eye. "Who knew the big bad Alpha screamed like a girl," I said after gasping for air.

"Haha. Very funny!" he mumbled and grabbed his bag. I looked at him in shock.

"Aren't you going to take my bag to?" I asked him and he turned around facing me.

"I think you're capable of bringing it yourself since you can make things, and people, float," he said and a wide smile made it's way onto his face.

"What?" I asked as his smile was turning evil. I grabbed a pillow and put it up in front of my chest as I walked backwards looking where I walked.

He started walking towards me, and I panicked. I held out my hand towards him as I hit the wall with my back.

I gasped as Jason's lips hit mine and he pressed me towards the wall even harder. I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

I pulled back for air after a few minutes and looked into his eyes. They were turning black, but there was still a little Jason left before it was only his wolf. He continued kissing my jaw and made his way down to my mark as Grey stormed in the door.

"Giant? Sara?" he asked looking at us confused. I pulled away from Jason and stood on my own feet.

"Yes?" I asked Grey as I was bending my knees to get down to his eyesight. He came running and gave me a big hug.

"Do you have to go?" he asked after a while. I smiled and nodded my head as I looked at him.

"Yes, and we actually have to get going now," I told him and smiled. He smiled a sad smile and nodded his head in understand-ment.

"Don't worry kiddo, we will be back in a few days," Jason told him. Grey nodded and smiled at me.

"Se ya!" he said and walked out. He was so weird, one minute he would almost be crying and the next it would be the best day of his life.

"We will continue this later," Jason said and grabbed our bags. I laughed as we walked out to my car.

"Why are we taking the tesla?" I asked him as we got in and he started the engine, or should I say batteries.

"Because it is nicer, smother and doesn't kill the environment," he said and drove.

"Is that the only reason? 'Cause last I checked there is a pretty big backseat in it to," I told him suspiciously.

He smirked, "Did you read my mind or do you just know me to well?"

"I know you to well," I said and laughed.

"Are we soon there?" I whined for the millionth time in the last hour. We had been driving for nearly five hours.

"As I have told you forty-seven times now, we will be there in an hour," he said. I whimpered and changed my position in the passenger seat, again.

"Ugh, fine. Can I sleep?" I asked him. He put his hand on my thigh and nodded. He made small circles with his thumb as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I jolted up not long after as we stopped in a parking spot in front of a simple but huge cabin. I gasped at how big it was and Jason laughed.

"It is ours you know," he told me. I looked at him in confusion and he sighed. "Since we are the Alpha and Luna we are privileged," he started. No kidding. "We have houses and cabins all over the world. We have a private het and a big boat."

"Seriously?!" I asked him in surprise.

"Yes, princess. Now lets go inside!" he declared and drew a set of keys out of his pocket. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Wow!" I said as we walked in through the huge french doors. The floor was marble and the living room was on our left with a beautiful white carpet that covered the entire floor, just like a normal American house. The kitchen at our right and two stairs that meet at the top that went upstairs. I ran up the stairs and saw long hallways of rooms. This place is so beautiful!

"Come," Jason said as he put his hands on my hips and rested his head on my shoulder, "It's almost time." My heart skipped a beat at what he said; It is almost time. I knew exactly what that meant. I would soon turn for my second time. After this I would be able to shift whenever I wanted.

We walked outside and sat on the porch. I gazed out over the horizon and looked at the moon. I got up and walked out a little. I knew there was a cliff with a beautiful waterfall here, Jason had told me everything about this place.

When I found it I sat down and watched the moon rise to it's apex. I smiled as I felt Jason's hand pull a strand of hair out of my face. "It's not going to hurt as much this time," he said and held his hand against my cheek.

I turned to face him, "It's not?"

"No, the first time is always the worst. It will hurt but not as much," he said and kissed my forehead as I gave him a hug.

"When is it?" I asked him.

"Any minute now," he said and I gasped and pulled away. He looked at me in confusion and then realized we were shifting.

After a minute of discomfort I looked at a white wolf right in front of me. I looked down and saw I had turned too.

I love you, Jason, I said over the mind link that didn't work.

He looked up at me with wide eyes, Sara? Can you hear me?



So, I'm starting a new book and just wanted to let you know. I will be publishing it soon. I have been thinking about the book a lot  and I'm pretty excited... It's going to be called Alpha Xavier.

The mind link finally worked!

*unedited as usual*

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