I should have kissed you (1D...

By Seeledwithakiss

115K 644 89

"He was a couple of inches taller than me with blonde hair and bright crystal blue eyes. They were like large... More

CHAPTER 21 (last chapter)


4.5K 21 1
By Seeledwithakiss



The carriage jolted to a start and she gasped grabbing onto me.

"It's ok." I reassured her.

The carriage rose higher to the peak and she grabbed my hand and held on tight. I slipped my hand around her waist.

"I'm here, it's alright." I said and she seemed to relax a lot more.

We finished the round and hopped out. I shook hands with the staff and he said to her, "You got a good lad there."

She smiled and just said, "I know."

She came over and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for everything."

I walked over to the bus stop. We seemed to be right on time for the last one.

* * * * *

We decided to have dinner at Nandos. It didn't seem right to bring her back home on an empty stomach.

"Hmmm you ever tried chicken ribs?" she asked.

I laughed, "I've tried everything."

"Wouldn't it be like.... minuscule?"

We had a 'thoughtful' conversation over chicken ribs until a waiter came over to take our order.

She didn't seem too surprised by the amount I ate which I was glad about.


"Yeah?" I looked at her.

"Could you maybe..... Give me a piggyback home?"

I laughed. "Sure."

She hopped on my back and rested her head on my shoulder. Slowly she drifted off to sleep and I could hear her breathing softly.

I pushed open the little white gate leading to their house and found Lucy standing in the doorway.

She laughed when she saw her little sister asleep.

"She fell asleep on you didn't she?"

I grinned, "Yeah."

"Come on in and just pop her in her room. You know which one it is."

I lay her down gently on her bed and covered her in the sheets.

When I came back out I heard the shower tap turn and assumed Lucy was taking a shower. I would Never forget this day.....

I flopped onto the couch and flicked the TV on. Lucy came out in her sweats pants and shirt and sat on the other end of the couch.

We laughed all through the Allan Carr show.

"Hot chocolate?" she asked during the break.


"So what time are you guys leaving?" I asked as she put the milk into the microwave.

"Umm well Mum and Dad will meet us at the airport... And I think our flight is at...10pm so we'll probably leave the house at around 6pm?? Something like that." she laughed.

I nodded as I took the hot chocolate from her, I would make sure I made the best of tomorrow.

* * * * *


I was woken up but a rough hand shaking me.

I groaned and squinted.

"Daddy!!" I laughed. I jumped up and hugged him.

"Alright, your mum and I are going to Jenna's place ad we'll meet you at the airport ok?"

"Yup." I nodded.

"Bye mum." I waved at them as they walked out.

I took out my leggings and my oversized jumper again. I put on my little white beanie and walked to Lucy's room.

"Hey what time are we leaving for the airport?"

"Well the taxi comes at 6 to 6:30pm??" she popped her head out from the closest. "Why?"

"Umm I just wanna go out, that's all."

She laughed and said, "Yeah just keep your phone on."

As I saw her leaving I saw her pull out her phone and text someone...

"Heyy where are you going exactly?" she came up behind me with her phone in her hand.

"Umm well probably the shops or something."

"Ok." she said simply.

I wasn't sure if I should text him or not. Maybe a day by myself would be good. I took out my Blackberry to find the background screen of my phone to be him and Lucy pulling faces. I smiled as I looked at him. As I reached for the bread in the cupboard I scraped the top of my thumb across the shelf. My eyes widen as I saw it had taken a fair bit of skin and was bleeding.

I bit my lip as the cold water rushed onto my thumb. The band aid did the job but I couldn't get that I was so clumsy.

Sometimes thinking of him made me get butterflies inside. I smiled as I looked through the photos, and that's when I found a photo of just him. Maybe I would just keep this photo....

"Bye Lucy!!" I yelled, I didn't wait for a reply and walked out to enjoy my last day in Mullingar.

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