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As the door clicked open I took a quick breath.

She breathed a hi and beamed a gorgeous smile. Her emerald eyes locked mine, they were just beautiful.

"Hey ahhh...." I started but she interrupted me,

"Um look my sister didn't mean any of that. She just exaggerates a bit sometimes."

My heart sank a little. I guess this wasn't a date then, but oh well I would be spending the afternoon with her.

I decided where we would have lunch because she didn't mind where we ate so I decided to take her to my all time favourite place. I hope she didn't find it too casual.

We talked a little here and a little there. Whenever we both fell silent though it never felt awkward. I snuck glances at her sometimes. She looked perfect in her outfit. Then I noticed her shirt said something.

"Hey what does your shirt say?"

"Ahhh..." she spread out her arms so I could read her shirt.

I laughed. 'Shut up and KISS ME!!"

"So were did you get it?" I asked with a happy grin on my face.

She blushed, "My sister dragged me to the shops when you left and she hid all my jumpers so I only had this one." she laughed as she spoke. Her laugh was melodic.

It sparked a topic for another conversation. I told her all the crazy things my older brother had got me.

"Ahhh where are we going exactly?" she pipped.

"You don't have any eat and die food allergies do you?" It was my main concerned, what if she could never eat the mouth watering meal I had chose?

She laughed again. "No no I don't have any allergies. Don't worry I can eat anything." she winked. I had told her the one major thing you needed to know about me. I loved food.


"Well I'm not going to tell you because it's going to be a surprise." he said cheekily.

"Awwww come on." I nagged him, I hated the 'suspense'. Well I wasn't sure you could call this suspense but if I didn't know something I need to.

"Okay then, NO."

I punched him playfully on arm.

"Well I'm not talking to you then." I poked my tongue and him and did a dramatic hair flick, crossed my arms and looked the other way.

He looked down at his feet.

Oh no I hurt him. "Hey.." I quietly said touching his shoulder.

He looked up and cheekily grinned and suddenly picked me up and spun me around.

When he put me down he looked at me and my eyes were locked on his piecing sky blue eyes.

"I could never get mad at you." he whispered. I smiled.

I knew if I stayed like this any longer I would be pulled into a kiss, I just gave him a huge bear hug. Firmly friends I reminded myself. I could feel his body heat and his strong arms wrapping around me keeping me warm. I wanted to stay there forever.

I sighed as I pulled away, "Okay let's go I'm hungry." I smiled at him.

Then I restarted telling him the insane things my sister had gotten me from our previous topic. I told him everything including the fluro pink push up bra with the words "HIT ME" on the cups.

He laughed really loud at that one. I loved his laugh. It was so cute and unique. Maybe that was a way I could remember him....

I had relaxed a lot more but my heart was still pounding.


She laughed out loud as I spun her around.

I put her down and whispered to her while gazing into sparkling emerald eyes.

I was about to lean forward and kiss her when she gave me a big hug instead. I hugged her tightly, it felt good, but I was confused.

She sighed a pulled away and hinted again she was hungry.

We resumed out conversation and my cheeks ended hurting from laughing when we arrived at the shops.

"So where are we eating?" she was hungry and she reminded me a lot on the way.

"Well close your eyes first." I wanted it to be a surprise even though she had probably eaten there before.

I put my hand on her back to guide her through the crowd and took her hand. They were soft and smooth and felt delicate.

"Oooohh I smell chicken." We were at least 50 meters away. And I was surprised by her good sense of smell.

I signalled to the waiter for two seats. I lead her over to our seats and sat opposite to her.

"Alright open your eyes." I chewed on my lower lip, what was her reaction going to be? Would she be impressed or disappointed? Was this place too casual?

I should have kissed you (1D Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now