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I breathed in the cold air of Mullingara. It was good to be back.

I loved getting up early in the morning to watch the sunrise on the nearby beach. I walked the kilometre to the beach taking in everything around me.

I was going to miss Mulligara. Even though I was born here I never got an accent but I did love them. I left when I was one. With my sister, Mum and Dad we traveled the world. Mum and Dad had always wanted to travel when they were young but never got a chance to so they ended up taking us with them. At some places we settled down for a bit but then we would fly to somewhere else and settle down again. We stopped travelling we arrived un Australia. We had been living there first least a year now. to down the long wooden steps to the sand. I turned off to the left and sat on one of the big rock boulders.

All I could hear was the waves creeping up onto the sand and then retreating back. It was peacefully silent.

I looked around and noticed another person on the boulders. From all the mornings I sat here I never saw anyone.

'Oh well as long as I'm left alone that person can stay there.' I was oddly shy from my loud family, and generally didn't become friends quickly with strangers.

The sun rose and the heat from the suns rays peeked up over the horizon. Eventually the heat began shinning on my face. That was usually when I leave but I felt relaxed and calm there. I stayed for a while and let the sunshine warm me up.

I quickly left and briskly walked back to our cottage that was placed a little way off the beach.

I could hear someone jogging up behind me, "Probably just a runner."

He never ran past me. The person ran and placed himself at my pace.

This was going to be awkward.

"Hi, I couldn't help to notice you were also on the rocks watching the sunrise?" it was a thick dreamy Irish accent.

Without thinking I judged what he looked like from his accent and I thought he could probably look like a short fat leprechaun with a top had and a big round belly. Maybe he was holding a pot of gold?

I just had to giggle at that.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm sorry I..." I had turned and looked at the person that was walking beside me. And I was lost for words.

I should have kissed you (1D Niall Horan fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें