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I closed the door and I smiled. I really liked him. He was funny and sweet and I just fell I love with his eyes.

I knew I was going to leave soon and I didn't want a relationship. We were going to stay firmly friends. The thing was if we did get to become more than friends I didn't want to know his name. Maybe that would protect me from another heartache.

I wasn't sure he knew I was sad when I looked into his eyes. I wasn't sure if he could tell. I was sad because I really liked him, I did and I was sure.... But after I leave would I ever see him again?

I sighed and looked at my watch, it was 8:30am and I had plenty of time to be prepared.

"Hey you. Who was your friend?" my older sister Lucy bounced in.

"Ahhh no one."

"Yeah come one spill."

I loved talking to Lucy. Like sisters do she annoys me so much but she understood me, she gives me advise and encourages me and comforts me when I'm down.

I told her everything and every little detail. By the time I had finish talking it was 9:30am and the sun was definitely up and shining.

"Well then, let's go into town and get some clothes for your little lunch date." She winked. I sighed. Lucy adored shopping and could never get enough of it and most of the time she dragged me into it.

"But I already have heaps of clothes!" I protest.

"Yeah but they don't fit you well anymore." she replied.

"Ok just let me get some money and we'll go." I wasn't going to bother arguing because I wasn't going to win.

We left a note for Mum and Dad to let them know we didn't disappear, and walked out to the bus stop. There was a bus stop 100 meters away but we could also walk to town which was 1 kilometre away or so. Lucy always took the bus trip.

I should have kissed you (1D Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now