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The day went by too quickly. We had many laughs and I didn't bother to count how many times I blushed whenever he told me I was beautiful.

The day was drawing to an end and the sky was a light shade of pink with and orange tinge and we sat on a high grassy hill eating our sundaes.

I sat inbetween his legs with his arms wrapped around my waist. I laid my head back on his chest.

"It's not every day I see such a beautiful sunset." I smiled.

"And it's not everyday I see it with a beautiful girl."

I could feel my cheeks turning pink again. He gave me another kiss on the cheek. Even though this was about the hundredth kiss I still got a tingling sensation on my cheek from where his lips were.

The sun set and we just sat there in each others arms. I looked up at the sky and realised that in less than 24 hours I would be on a plane flying to Australia. I wanted to cry again. The more I thought of it the more my tears came dangerously close to falling down my face.

I blinked and I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" he whispered.

He got up and kneeled in front me taking my hand in his. I looked away and tried wiping away any signs that I had been crying. I tried tell myself that everything would be ok, but it didn't work. My tears were falling fast and nothing I told myself would stop them.

He pulled me up but I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." I choked and turned to leave, but he pulled me back to him.

He lifted my chin so our eyes met. He wiped a tear away from my cheek and asked me, "Want a hug?" but without waiting for a reply he pulled me into one.

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. I sobbed quietly into his jumper.

"What's the matter??"

"I don't wanna leave you... I don't want to go...."

"Hey it's going to be alright." he kissed me softly on the cheek.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Come on the fireworks will be starting soon, and I know just where to watch them." he slid his arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek again. I blushed.

We walked to the big ferris wheel thy dazzled with lights.

"Let's go." he whispered.

Before we boarded the carriage he told me to stay here. I was puzzled. Around 20 minutes he came back and said a something to the staff member at the ferris wheel. The man laughed and nodded. He ran back over here.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"You'll see. It'll be a surprise. " he grinned cheekily.

We snuggled up on the seat and I wrapped my arms around him.

The carriage slowly climbed higher and stopped every now and then to allow people on.

I gasped as I looked out the window. The city was filled with dazzling lights of all different colours against the black charcoal backdrop. The sun's rays peeped over the horizon leaving yellow streaks across the sky.

"It's beautiful!!" I took my phone out to take a quick picture.

"I'll never forget this." I smiled at him and he pulled me close so our foreheads were touching..."Never." he whispered back.

We heard the loud bang of the fireworks signalling the beginning of the show.


The carriage stopped as the fireworks began and she looked a little puzzled.

"Wow what a great view of the fireworks." I smiled.

She gave me a suspicious look.

"Hmmm I don't know."

She looked down at the staff. "No ones getting on?" she asked. "How

come we've stopped?"

"I did tell you I knew the best place to watch the fireworks didn't I?"

"Awww thanks." she smiled.

"And you're the first one to come here with me." I reassured her.

As the show ended I looked down at these and nodded. She stood to the far side taking photos.

"Make sure you watch this part." I whispered into her ears as I came up behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What am I looking for?" she asked.

I kissed her on the cheeks instead of answering her. Puzzled she just looked up at the sky. The last firework lit up in the sky and the smoke slowly faded until a bright pink love heart lit up the sky.

"Surprise." I laughed.

"For me?!" she was surprised and I was glad.

"Only for you." I said as I looked into her bright green eyes.

I should have kissed you (1D Niall Horan fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz