OC Reviews (Slow updates)

By ocrreviews

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#178 in random highest rank There are way too many Mary Sue's on Wattpad, so we've taken it upon ourselves to... More

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Libra (B)

439 15 38
By ocrreviews

Before we start, can I say that this is way too long. It's already 2000 words without me typing anything. This is great too have for yourself but most people will be turned off by the length when you're submitting it to people
Age // 19

Sexuality // Biromantic asexual
That's unique, I've never met someone biromantic and asexual.

Species // Human

Birthday // September 30th, 1997

The year is kinda redundant since I already know his age
Fandom // n/a

Appearance //

Libra's appearance is fallible, although he has learned to deal with it over the years
What is Libra's full name
Libra's appearance is fallible, although he has learned to deal with it over the years. His hair, jet-black and nothing else, is long and wild and inevitably curly. It is similar to the hair of most high-maintenance supermodels or fashionistas-- glossy like magazine-covers, smelling like a mixture of Amoxicillin and fine, clean bedsheets. His eyes are the same beetle-esque black color, large and round and piercing like the nighttime.
You don't have to tell me what his hair smells like. Also he sounds really liam hot
Most of his family have dark skin, or at least some kind of tan, and at one time so did Libra. However, he was diagnosed with a skin condition called Vitiligo at a young age; quickly, his skin cells stopped producing melanin, and his skin has been lightened almost to white in rather large patches. Libra is disheartened by the loss of color to his skin, and his only reassurance are the darker splotches of skin on his elbows, ankles, knees and stomach.
Aw that's sad.

His clothing style is not extravagant. His wardrobe consists of either a simple white shirt and black plants, or a formal suit and tie. There is nothing in between.

(a) height // He's very short for his age, standing at 5'4", and barely at that. (around 163cm)

Wow that's very short

(b) weight // 110 lbs (around 50kg)

That's a very unhealthy weight for a nineteen year old man.

(c) other //

+ He has the scar "I must not tell lies" on the back of his right hand from a dare with his friends. This scar occurred when he was fifteen. He does not talk to those people anymore.
Harry Potter reference
+ Despite being borderline underweight, Libra carries out an intense diet and exercise regimen daily.
Eek, he sounds anorexic
+ He generally does not drink a lot of water. This dehydration often causes excess bloating. He dislikes this because he feels like it makes him look "heavy." Still, he is too far into habit in order to cease the problem.
Wow I've never heard anyone in the habit of not drinking water

Libra is an insouciant and unusually distanced creature. Although unable to sympathize or empathize properly with people due to Asperger Syndrome,
Woah woah woah hold up. If you are going to do a mental illness, you have to do it very well to represent it and not romanticize it. this man is intellectual in the sense of intuitiveness, common sense, and the inability to forget. He is socially challenged, but does not have problems with language or intellectual disability. Libra specializes in mathematics, logic and law. He knows all prime numbers up to 7,501, wow I thought I was good at math but he sounds really good and could defeat one in a game of chess within twelve-and-a-half minutes. His way of life is extremely specific, although he does not understand figurative literature or emotions.
This whole bio is very specific. Do I really need to know how fast he can beat me in chess to understand his personality?

Naturally, his brain retains all added information, whether it be the contents of a Monday five years ago or what he ate for breakfast that morning. Libra can remember every event of his life since his fourth birthday. Photographic memory? I thought that was a myth. Most people with this ability would feel immense guilt for every sinful action they have committed. Libra, however, does not have the sense of morals in order to feel such a way. He has no qualms whatsoever about lying, cheating or stealing in nearly any arena or situation. Isn't that the textbook definition of a sociopathHe deceives and takes advantage of friends and family. Yep sociopathLibra does objectively see this as a problem but he can't bring himself to care. He shoplifts with alarming frequency and skill. He uses people horridly; most "friends" are people he has a use for and he disposes of them when finished. Oh my lord. Did you intend him to be a sociopath?
"The most stark example of this was his first girlfriend. This was not very difficult because despite inner instability he is quite capable of dressing and presenting himself somewhat attractively. He in general is not attracted to males (or females) at all, but this was an exception. The girl was an extremely gorgeous and coveted young woman, and Libra was glad to have obtained her. His mom, in her sneaky snoopiness, read his journalistic day-to-day accounts and was, in her words "extremely unnerved and disconcerted" by the way he "objectified her inhumanely" and spoke of her as a Thing. I would be too The girl dumped Libra soon enough when she came to see that he was not at all how he seemed to be. Libra proceeded to destroy her life, getting her fired, spreading vicious rumors, physically attacking her, etc. He planned in detail several ways in which he could murder her. OH SWEET LORD. His plans were so well-thought-out that he's nearly certain he could have gotten away with them if he had carried them out. The thought of it gives him no discomfort or shame. However, rather than jeopardize his future, Libra contented himself with planting substances in her car and making an anonymous tip to her college, thus getting her expelled, breaking into her house in the middle of the night after purchasing a $15 tarantula and scorpion from the pet store and placing them on her bed (where she slept) with a note reading "Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd," ruining her car discreetly, and killing her three shih tzu puppies by feeding them grapes. This sounds like some whacked up Edgar Allan Poe.
"Yet, most of this is masked under a simplistic and rather pleasant attitude during the daylight hours. Although somewhat irritable and definitely exceptionally friendly with revenge, Libra is careful not to defy his act and is actually rather confident in his abilities. He is obsessive, often planning out every step in his life and thinking years ahead as to how his actions could affect him in the future. Being mostly self-centered, as such, Libra does not contemplate how what he says and does could do to the minds of those around him. Insensitive, contemplative, blunt and inquisitive, this man is life-thoughtful and almost compassionately robotic during a day-to-day basis.

He's scaring me. He's the textbook definition of a sociopath

(a) weaknesses //

+ He is insensitive to emotions and does not understand the concept of such.

+ He could be considered two-faced due to his sweet personality, soon-to-be followed by a cutthroat attitude full of revenge and irritable persistence.
Bipolar? It's all just piling up
Or is the nice just a mask to his sociopathic tendencies.
+ His inability to not hold a grudge or moreover forgive and forget altogether has turned him into a one-track-minded and socially challenged individual.

+ Libra cannot stand tightly-fit and crowded areas. He is a loner and prefers to stay as such, often working alone on school projects
"Yet, most of this is masked under a simplistic and rather pleasant attitude during the daylight hours. Although somewhat irritable and definitely exceptionally friendly with revenge, Libra is careful not to defy his act and is actually rather confident in his abilities. He is obsessive, often planning out every step in his life and thinking years ahead as to how his actions could affect him in the future. I do that too Being mostly self-centered, as such, Libra does not contemplate how what he says and does could do to the minds of those around him. Insensitive, contemplative, blunt and inquisitive, this man is life-thoughtful and almost compassionately robotic during a day-to-day

+ He does not feel much fear, but if he could, he would dislike animals very much. They leave a mess everywhere and jump at him like he's some sort of poltergeist.
They can sense it
+ Libra does not favor heights.

+ He is prone to panicking whenever he is touched, especially around his neck. He also breaks down during situations that would be simple to other people, but are very confusing and stressful to himself.
I do that too

(c) strengths //

+ Although socially impaired, Libra is logical and could probably think his way out of a metal box. When he eventually graduates and becomes a lawyer, he believes that he will be able to make a person's will so airtight that no criminal could break it.
I heard rumors that lawyers are non-thinking machines with no concepts of morals
+ He is more sly than a fox and most likely could break into one's home without them knowing.
This is redudant
+ His great intelligence gives him determination and the ability to think outside of normal capabilities. Although he has common sense, Libra does lack imagination/creative thinking, and the ability to think outside of the box.
"(d) likes //

+ fragrant teas

+ sharp objects

+ shiny objects

+ clean, black and white organization

+ chess

+ a challenge (although he rarely receives one)

(e) dislikes //

+ boredom

+ condescendence toward him from others
I wouldn't want to piss of this guy
+ too many questions all at once
This bio is too many details all at once
+ figurative language

+ animals in general, especially dogs and cats because of how much fur they shed

Backstory //

Libra was raised in a fairly normal family. His brother, Jeremiah, is eight years his senior. At age eighteen, Libra's mother Rebecca and his father Timothy filed a divorce. This divorce was not for a particularly violent reason, but moreover due to the fact that Timothy was not supporting his family. He did not have a proper job, and that of which he did have was not paying enough to provide for the family. He could be considered lazy due to the fact that he scarcely attended work; Timothy's wife simply did not know what had happened to the man she'd fallen in love with. Rebecca had to take on two jobs, day and night, in order to tend to their children. His two sons were tended to mostly by Rebecca, who had essentially become both the mother and father to the family. Timothy was pleasantly dry in his methods of affection, although he favored Libra more than Jeremiah, and was not exactly a terrible person toward his children. He simply did not do what a father was meant to do; feed his family, put a roof over their heads, and the like. This man was more of a pushover than anything else, and as such, when Rebecca desired to file a divorce, Timothy made a feeble attempt to stop her, only to give in days later. Rebecca took their sons and moved into her old home after the separation
"Powers // n/a

Friends // There are many who consider Libra their friend, but he himself does not understand the relationship itself. Here are a few people that Libra feels particularly attached to, per say:

- Suva Harrison // female // 20
Suva, in short, helps Libra understand other people. She has drawn herself a sheet of paper full of expressional "smiley-faces." Underneath these faces are labels depicting the emotion that the face represents. Libra has used this paper ever since the sixth, when he first met Suva, who resided in the seventh.
With how he treated his girlfriend, his friends need to watch out
- Jeremiah Gleic // male // 27
This is Libra's older brother. They are distanced, Jeremiah having moved to another state to start a new life. However, Libra often calls him when he is in a situation that not even Suva can comprehend. Otherwise, the two do not talk much-- with Libra initiating the conversation, anyway.

- Rebecca Gleic // female // 44
An older woman, Libra's mother, and most likely the most morally active person in the family. She is extremely religious, however, and does not often accept the opinions of others. Nonetheless, she lives with Libra and essentially takes care of him on a daily basis, as there are many things that Libra might have a fit about often. They have a very close mother-and-son relationship, although Libra's father (Rebecca's ex-husband) had left recently
"Enemies // As such, Libra does dislike a lot of people. Some of these persons are generalized, of course, but there nonetheless.

- Policemen/women
Libra had always loved the neat uniforms of policemen and women. He still does, except for the fact that the people in said uniforms are now not his most cherished individuals. Due to his inability to understand certain questions, and answers many inquiries in quick succession, Libra was often rough-handled by policemen whenever he was taken into custody for some crime he had committed. In reality, Libra could be considered a mass-kidnapper, and has "experimented" upon many people in his basement, but the authorities don't need to know that. HOLY SHI-("Experimented," meant in a sense that he tries to humiliate them in as many ways as possible. He does this in order to "learn more about the human form and mind." It has not worked yet, although not a single soul has died. Many have told, however, hence the reason why Libra has been to jail a few more times than most his age.)
I can smell it. The sociopath. He's scary. He's a danger to society. I feel like he's watching me right now

- Journalists
Nearly for the same reason as policemen, Libra does not like being interviewed by journalists on what has made him "The Boy who Can't Forget." It's sickening to him, and, not to mention, irritating. He has lashed out on said reporters more than once.
When you say lashed out, I get nervous...
- Dogs/Cats/Animals in General
Animals do not like Libra, and he treats them often with the same amount of courtesy. The little pets and other creatures seem to naturally be able to tell that something is a little off within Libra. Thus, animals like dogs have attacked the man more than thrice. Libra would never threaten to hurt a four-legged animal; the only creatures that he somewhat enjoys are turtles, birds, and some insects. Lizards disgust Libra to no extent.
You told me.
Overall, this OC is great. He could be the next Hannibal Lecter. I'm not sure if you intended him to be a sociopath but that's what he is. Seriously though, shorten the bio. It is way too long. Also, I'd recommend writing in third person, since you can never exactly know what happens in a bipolar sociopath's mind. Unless you are one. If you are, *slowly backs away*
Mary Sue Rating: 10%
Originality Grade: 80%
Interest Grade: 80%
Statement: Why do you write like you're running out of time
Admin: Angelica
"Angelica why do you know so much about sociopaths"

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